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IRC log for #javaee, 2014-03-26

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:15 aspire hello pdurbin : )
00:16 tjsnell dude!
00:18 pdurbin tjsnell: is aspire the dude guy? good memory
00:18 pdurbin aspire: hi
00:19 tjsnell no
00:19 whartung JEFF BRIDGES!?!??? HERE!!!?!???
00:19 tjsnell that's ilhami, the evil bastard
00:19 whartung aspire:  you were AWESOME in Starman!
00:19 pdurbin you people are all the same to me
00:20 aspire mhm : )
00:20 aspire this is so confusing
00:20 pdurbin it's a "community"
00:21 whartung "Red means stop. Green mean go. Yellow means go very fast." ROFLMAOBBQ
00:22 pdurbin aspire: what can we do for you?
00:22 aspire pdurbin its related to the android dev
00:22 aspire and i have a feeling its going to throw me off each time i use it
00:22 tjsnell he needs us to google for him
00:22 aspire nah
00:23 pdurbin that's what javaeebot is for
00:23 aspire its just how things are named but i think i understand it
00:23 aspire RectF(float left, float top, float right, float bottom)
00:23 aspire im assuming those parameters are like x, y, width, height
00:24 pdurbin no docs?
00:25 whartung doesn't look like widt and height to me
00:25 whartung looks like absoulte coords
00:25 whartung right - left = width
00:25 aspire there are docs but here are the explanations for each parameter
00:26 aspire whartung that cant be right because im treating the right as width and bottom as height and it appears to be working fine
00:26 whartung then the args are badly named
00:40 aspire whartung ahhh
00:40 aspire it appears you are correct
00:40 aspire it is right - left
00:40 aspire the only reason why it works for me is because left is 0
00:58 aspire_ joined ##javaee
00:59 aspire joined ##javaee
01:10 Guest85248 joined ##javaee
04:38 zernin joined ##javaee
06:44 kobain joined ##javaee
07:18 kotten joined ##javaee
08:11 sess joined ##javaee
09:33 cem__ joined ##javaee
09:35 elvisd joined ##javaee
09:38 cem__ i dont like windows
09:38 cem__ mac :/
09:42 kotten joined ##javaee
10:02 cem__ mac far far better then windowzzz
10:16 weyer joined ##javaee
10:18 ramsrib joined ##javaee
10:28 pdurbin and linux better still :)
11:03 tjsnell by what standard?
11:06 pdurbin around here there's a lot of oil heat. on the side of some of the trucks you see, "oil heat: it's just better" :)
11:08 elvisd joined ##javaee
12:03 CJ_ joined ##javaee
12:10 drspockbr joined ##javaee
12:21 neuro_sys I agree, here's the link.
12:21 neuro_sys what a nasty ad
13:07 Naros joined ##javaee
13:28 kobain joined ##javaee
13:55 elvisd joined ##javaee
14:07 firebird1 joined ##javaee
14:08 firebird1 hi all
14:15 pdurbin firebird1: what's on your mind?
14:19 firebird1 nothing :/
14:22 weyer joined ##javaee
14:26 neuro_sys this DataPower thingie seems amazing
14:26 neuro_sys a one box solution for all SOA integration needs
14:37 aspire joined ##javaee
15:03 sfisque lol windows/mac/linux debate.  just be happy sco died.  anything is better than sco
15:05 tjsnell trsdos?
15:06 tjsnell I had a team of 20 devs, with a broad mixture of windows, linux and osx
15:06 sfisque a real os.  dos, pre xp windows and classic macos are toys, not os's
15:06 tjsnell bought them all nice macs and said install the os of your choiice
15:06 tjsnell 3 months later? 100% osx
15:06 sfisque nice
15:06 sfisque solaris runs nicely on mac hardware
15:13 Naros why in the world would struts preparable interface call the specialized prepare first then the global prepare rather than the reverse, arrrrggghhh
15:13 Naros some of these decisions really don't have a single use in real world apps
15:17 sfisque are you passing null in any of the parameters?  null will confuse dispatch to polymorphic methods
15:17 weyer joined ##javaee
15:17 Naros nah; i wanted to avoid creating a plethora or actions for crud like simple operations for gathering input and such from users.
15:18 sfisque or are they explicitly doing that?
15:18 Naros so I have this action that has a prepare() method that looks up a common pojo from the db.
15:18 Naros i have another prepareRequest() method that does additional processing when the request mehod is called.
15:18 Naros I expected the API to call prepare() first, then prepareRequest()
15:18 Naros but instead it calls them in reverse which makes no sense to me
15:19 sfisque assuming it's a "chain of command" pattern, it's really by fiat of the designer
15:19 sfisque it's been quite some time since i played with struts, so i forget if that call path is CoC
15:19 Naros the only way to do what I need is either 1) bunch of conditional checks in both prepares to try and determine state or 2) create base class with prepare() global stuff and a subclass which overrides prepare, calls the super and then does it's necessary stuffs.
15:20 Naros 3) write my own interceptor that calls them in reverse.
15:20 sfisque is it a convention that can be overriden in the configuration?  i remember struts doing alot of that when it went from 1.x to 2.x
15:21 Naros You can override it by creating your own interceptor stack and replacing their interceptor with your own.
15:22 Naros I would just think that something where they clearly point out prepare() is for global init and prepare<Method>() is for specialized init that the global would come first.
15:22 firebird1 responsive website based on device is challenging
15:23 Naros One nasty solution is to forego validation framework and the preparable interface and dump everything into the execute handlers :S
15:23 Naros but ugh that defeats the purpose of these hooks they provide.
15:24 * Naros needs a drink.
15:24 tjsnell you're using struts, many drinks I'd guess
15:24 Naros Never stumbled onto this headache with separate actions before for each "step" in a workflow.
15:24 Naros just didn't want to have a ton of RequestItemStep1Action, RequestItemStep2Action, etc.
15:26 sfisque DynaAction?
15:26 sfisque or whatever they call it nowadays
15:27 Naros yah you just extend ActionSupport with all your various interfaces needed.
15:28 Naros but the framework has lots of built in predefined hooks like preparable, validationaware, etc.
15:29 Naros oh well, back to coding
15:30 firebird1 its struts2
15:30 Naros yah
15:31 firebird1 i like struts 2 next <prj> one i need find some client who go for tht :/<hard>
15:32 Naros I like the framework, I just disagree with some of their design approaches here and there.  For example, the XML validation feels archaic.
15:33 sfisque hopefully if it is a good fit.  struts fills a particular problem space, just like jsf, and other disparate frameworks
15:33 Naros No way to really apply field-hierarchy validations easily.
15:33 firebird1 there is annotation too :/
15:33 ramsrib joined ##javaee
15:33 sfisque struts2 doesnt leverage bean validation?
15:33 Naros if you use the convention plugin, you can use annotations, yes.
15:33 Naros but they're just as limiting as the XML
15:33 firebird1 wat
15:34 firebird1 struts 2 has annotation
15:34 Naros yes
15:34 Naros action mappings, validations, etc can all be done using annotations
15:34 firebird1
15:34 firebird1 i used 2.2
15:34 Naros the entire 2.x branch hasn't changed too much
15:35 firebird1 wats new in 2.3
15:35 sfisque javaeebot release notes struts 2.3
15:35 javaeebot sfisque: Error: "release" is not a valid command.
15:35 Naros don't remember, we've been on 2.3 for a long time now.
15:35 sfisque javaeebot lucky release notes struts 2.3
15:35 javaeebot sfisque:
15:35 sfisque ^^^ firebird1
15:36 firebird1 javaeebot sfisque
15:36 Naros But yah, where one field depends on another ot become required, etc.  The expression validator doesn't do well with hierarchies.
15:36 javaeebot firebird1: Error: "sfisque" is not a valid command.
15:36 firebird1 javaeebot lucky sfisque
15:36 javaeebot firebird1:
15:36 Naros lol
15:37 sfisque aye.  even jsf has that issue.  you have to inline validators and that gets messy if you need interfield validation (or you have to embed all sorts of logic in the client side, bleh)
15:37 firebird1 Google knows sfisque
15:37 * sfisque gasps
15:37 sfisque there goes my privacy
15:37 sfisque :P
15:38 firebird1 but u dont have p:datatable things are way more interesting :/
15:38 firebird1 have u built any generic thing Naros ?
15:39 sfisque ^^^^ what does that mean fb
15:39 Naros Depends on what you mean.
15:40 Naros Sure, I have lots of generic code written using Java Generics :P
15:40 firebird1 sfisque, p:datatable is generic , does Naros similar one
15:41 pdurbin overheard: "ideally, we won't need any service beans (except for the engine)"
15:41 Naros Sure we use a custom port of the displaytag library.
15:41 Naros We also use Jquery UI heavily.
15:43 sfisque pdurbin - care to translate, because i have no idea what that could even mean
15:44 sfisque was that even english?
15:44 pdurbin heh. not right now
15:44 sfisque >.<'
15:44 sfisque i'm guessing that gem came from some other channel?
15:44 pdurbin nope. internal debate
15:44 pdurbin command pattern
15:45 sfisque how very 1983
15:46 Naros lol
15:46 pdurbin sfisque: you don't like the command pattern?
15:46 sfisque lets just say (it's fine in itself) i've seen it abused, in very, very, very, very bad ways
15:46 Naros likewise.
15:46 pdurbin sfisque: well, when we open source this thing I'll let you know :)
15:47 sfisque :-D
15:47 pdurbin patches welcome
15:47 sfisque i've already got 2 full time jobs, parenting, and hobbies, thank you :P
15:48 sfisque but i'll definitely take some time to point and laugh.
15:48 sfisque JK
15:48 sfisque i'm sure it will be fine
15:48 pdurbin probably will be fine. i have a brain crush on this guy
15:48 sfisque nice
15:48 sfisque i need one of thse
15:49 sfisque or several
15:49 sfisque a harem of smart people
15:49 sfisque wooooo
15:50 pdurbin i'm happy to learn from this guy
15:51 neuro_sys /quit
15:52 firebird1 i like strategy pattern
15:53 firebird1 i dont know why sfisque dont like command :/
15:55 sfisque it's not that i don't like it.  i just prefer other patterns if i can help it (command fits well in some situations [hence why its a pattern] but it's easily abused and can give rise to things like god-object and base-bean/call-super very quickly/easily
15:59 pdurbin sfisque: lemme see if he's willing to publish his slide deck from back when he proposed using the command pattern
16:02 sfisque anyone running win7 and experiencing any "sluggishness" since the last flurry of m$ patches?
16:03 pdurbin sfisque: are we back to the windows/mac/linux debate? ;)
16:03 sfisque lolz
16:04 sfisque just looking for a baseline.  i like to know if i fudged up my machine or if i can just blame it on m$
16:04 sfisque :P
16:04 * sfisque shakes a fist at pdurbin
16:04 pdurbin sfisque: take it to ##windows ;)
16:05 * sfisque sighs
16:05 sfisque another channel....
16:05 sfisque at some point, i'm going to have 2348324234 tabs up in adium
16:42 elvisd joined ##javaee
17:56 sfisque happy birthday, melissa virus!!
18:44 pdurbin man i love writing the rest api first so so much. then jsf
18:46 sfisque why so?
18:46 pdurbin i'm a command line guy. love me some curl
18:47 sfisque aye.  i'm just curious why the ordering matters?  two very different delivery types
18:47 sfisque and yes, using curl to debug rest is very nice
18:47 sfisque simple and right to the point
18:47 pdurbin diff /tmp/anon <(curl -s 'http://localhost:8080/api/search?q=*')
18:47 pdurbin with curl, that's one of my tests :)
18:48 pdurbin harder to automate a jsf integration test
18:48 sfisque ah, so it's preference, not ordering
18:48 sfisque ok.  i misunderstood
18:48 sfisque stupid english language :P
18:48 CJ_ pdurbin, I ended up using curl, awk and grep to clean out my solr.  Much nicer than doing it by hand.
18:50 pdurbin CJ_: i love awk and grep too. my website is :)
18:50 CJ_ pdurbin, Sounds familiar, but doesn't look familiar.
18:51 tjsnell
18:51 tjsnell ack++
18:51 pdurbin these days :)
18:52 tjsnell it redirects
19:05 Fubar^_ joined ##javaee
20:50 zernin joined ##javaee
21:09 aspire joined ##javaee
21:46 SoniEx2 joined ##javaee
21:46 SoniEx2 left ##javaee
22:50 pdurbin yeah
22:53 iajrz joined ##javaee

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