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IRC log for #javaee, 2014-03-25

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
01:42 Guest85248 joined ##javaee
02:03 sess joined ##javaee
02:21 sess joined ##javaee
02:46 sess joined ##javaee
02:55 sess joined ##javaee
03:04 sess joined ##javaee
03:15 kobain_ joined ##javaee
03:24 sess joined ##javaee
03:45 sess joined ##javaee
04:16 sess joined ##javaee
04:41 sess joined ##javaee
06:36 ramsrib joined ##javaee
07:12 kotten joined ##javaee
07:18 cem__ joined ##javaee
07:18 cem__ 1 to many is not working Errr
07:18 cem__ the parent getting saved
07:18 cem__ but the childs arent
07:18 cem__ set CascadeType.MERGE
09:34 _boot joined ##javaee
09:34 _boot joined ##javaee
10:18 _boot joined ##javaee
10:29 cem__ joined ##javaee
10:37 pdurbin cem__: did you figure it out?
10:41 cem__ yep
10:42 cem__ although i dont know how to rollback
10:42 cem__ using spring @Transactional
11:22 SEx2 joined ##javaee
11:26 kotten joined ##javaee
11:29 SoniEx2 joined ##javaee
11:39 SEx2 joined ##javaee
11:49 fabioportieri joined ##javaee
11:57 SoniEx2 joined ##javaee
12:23 acuzio One of the reasons i dont like "magic" transactions , i prefer doing transactions via AspectJ but with explicit commit() and rollback().
12:25 pdurbin javaeebot: lucky aspectj
12:25 javaeebot pdurbin:
12:25 pdurbin hmm. "a seamless aspect-oriented extension to the Java programming language"
12:26 acuzio Its an implementation of the idea that Gregor Kiczales first introduced in LISP as CLOS - "The Art of the MetaObject Protocol"
12:27 fabioportieri fuck, i hate doing extra work at home
12:27 acuzio That book is out of print i think but its a really good book to read
12:27 * pdurbin looks at
12:28 * acuzio cautions pdurbin against going down the rabbit hole
12:28 pdurbin heh
12:28 pdurbin in other news, this was recommended in ##jsf: JSF Best Practices: Scope management for clean sessions -
12:29 acuzio Whats the synopsis ?
12:29 pdurbin haven't read it yet :)
12:30 acuzio I sort of have always had the thinking that if you are in "session scope" - you are doing it wrong.
12:31 fabioportieri nah
12:31 fabioportieri sessions are there for a reason..
12:31 acuzio Yes - they are and they are not evil. I understand that.
12:31 acuzio I prefer things to be in Request scope as it makes it easy for me to understand whats going on.
12:32 fabioportieri moreover i heard all kind of issues with viewscope
12:32 fabioportieri so i tend to use request/sessions
12:32 acuzio Request is where its at.
12:33 acuzio Its easier to reason with.
12:33 acuzio reboot time.
12:33 fabioportieri requests for the win
12:35 SoniEx2 joined ##javaee
12:39 drspockbr joined ##javaee
12:41 SEx2 joined ##javaee
13:02 SoniEx2 joined ##javaee
13:09 Naros joined ##javaee
13:17 SEx2 joined ##javaee
13:24 EnderMoney joined ##javaee
14:38 fabioportieri joined ##javaee
14:38 Guest85248 joined ##javaee
16:14 Voyage joined ##javaee
16:25 pdurbin shoot. where is AlexCzar when I need him to tell me about zookeeper: ;)
16:26 acuzio What do you want to know pdurbin ?
16:27 pdurbin acuzio: can you give me a sanity check on this thread I posted to the Solr mailing list?
16:28 pdurbin "creating shards on the fly in a single Solr instance ("shards" query parameter)"
16:28 acuzio
16:28 pdurbin yeah
16:28 acuzio You are an educated man Philip -
16:29 pdurbin i just work here
16:31 SoniEx2 hi
16:31 SoniEx2 I need something like Map<Key, int>
16:31 SoniEx2 I mean a map with real ints
16:31 acuzio Ok i dont know the answer to your Solr question primarily because i have used Solr as documented in the example , i.e. 2 shards on 2 different ports.
16:31 acuzio pdurbin: ^ Zookeeper i know a bit more
16:32 acuzio SoniEx2: Whats a real int?
16:32 SoniEx2 acuzio, a thing that's not an Integer
16:32 acuzio SoniEx2: Explain
16:32 SoniEx2 int != Integer
16:33 acuzio I know that , why cant you do Map<key,String>
16:33 SoniEx2 because I need it to return 0
16:33 SoniEx2 (instead of null)
16:35 acuzio And why is that?
16:35 pdurbin acuzio: different ports. ok. I guess I'll look at this zookeeper/solrcloud thing
16:35 acuzio pdurbin: This solr cloud thing is fairly new . ., we havent had a reason to use Solr in anger (i have played with it for Image Recognition.) - Zookeeper though i have played with quite a bit.
16:37 SoniEx2 because I'm trying to count stuff
16:37 SoniEx2 and "null + 1" throws a NPE
16:40 pdurbin acuzio: I'm not angry yet
16:40 pdurbin am I? hmm
16:43 acuzio pdurbin: Angry ?  hopefully not with me.
16:44 aspire joined ##javaee
16:44 pdurbin heh. never
16:45 acuzio SoniEx2: Have you considered an alternative career? flipping burgers might be hard , why not try be a door stop ? You can progress to a Doorman in no time.
16:45 SoniEx2 ...
16:46 sfisque acuzio - that was 1) uncalled for 2) inappropriate and 3) juvenile
16:47 acuzio sfisque: 1)It was called for 2)Appropriate and 3) Deserved.
16:47 acuzio You can either have quality answers or cuddle people and give them rubbish -
16:48 acuzio I prefer the former. Some people should be left behind.
16:48 sfisque you did neither.  you attacked him
16:48 acuzio If he cant fucking know why null+1 gives him a NPE - he is in the wrong profession. I gave him an out and guided him to a safe, alternative career.
16:49 sfisque you're seriously going to defend this.  really?  really?
16:49 pdurbin acuzio: be nice. or at least nicer
16:49 acuzio sfisque: There is nothing to defend.
16:49 SoniEx2 I'm not sure if you know but having to do null checks on the damn hashmap values is a pain
16:49 SoniEx2 also I'm a they
16:49 acuzio SoniEx2: Refer to my earlier answer. You are in the wrong profession.
16:50 SoniEx2 ok uhh
16:50 SoniEx2 or something
16:50 sfisque use autoboxing
16:51 acuzio pdurbin: I am being nice, i am telling "them" to get a more suitable profession.
16:52 acuzio SOmething closer to their talent
16:52 SoniEx2 sfisque, int i = map.get("some null value"); -> NPE
16:52 acuzio sfisque: Autoboxing - but he wants use to write a DAMN HASHMAP WHICH MAPS TO INTS OR GTFO
16:53 acuzio sfisque: There -., how nice.
16:53 * acuzio walks away -
16:53 sfisque soniex2 you can subclass and override get() to return some sane value if it contains a null.  the answer is left as an exercise for the student
16:54 SoniEx2 sfisque, also making a new object every time is slow and stuff
16:54 sfisque and btw, acuzio, a generic GTFO is hella more polite than a personal attack against someone's character
16:55 acuzio sfisque: What the fuck are you talking about? I gave him a very polite very clear cut and very concise answer. He/They are in the wrong profession.
16:55 sfisque i realize this industry attracts a fair amount of "people on the spectrum" but we still have to get along and be socially functional
16:56 SoniEx2 left ##javaee
16:56 acuzio sfisque: No - People on the spectrum is a Get out Clause . Not knowing is not the problem, not "wanting " to know - is the problem and i have no reason to want to get along with those kind of morons.
16:57 acuzio And please dont highlight me for a while . you are a decent sort but lets just agree to disagree on this. I am not going to change my stand on this.
16:57 sfisque i see.  well since we don't gate the "morons" from this channel, i'm surprised you would put up with us
16:59 acuzio To each his own - I am on other channels where morons are dealt with as exactly as they are - morons. I like to talk to a few folks out here and hang around here now and then , sometimes contributing meaningfully. If you would like to ban me , please go right ahead.
17:00 sfisque oh please.  you'd love that.  a simple remand works for now.  i'm sure the opportunity for a kb will come up.  trends are fun to watch
17:02 tjsnell you've been remanded!
17:02 tjsnell why would he love a ban?
17:02 sfisque context
17:03 acuzio yeah i am quivering in my boots tjsnell
17:03 * sfisque walks over to the couch and gets ready for a meeting
17:08 tjsnell acuzio:  have you ever been in a channel you wanted to be kick banned from?
17:08 whartung why is this the only channel I'm on that has drama.
17:09 semiosis whartung: in my experience all the ##* channels have drama
17:09 tjsnell whartung:  you aren't on many channels?
17:09 whartung My other 6 don't
17:09 tjsnell #littlepony?
17:09 whartung well, that one -- but they banned me from there… :D
17:10 tjsnell drama levels here are fairly low for irc
17:13 sfisque maybe we need to change the channel name to ##eatingbabieswhileburningbookswelfar​emoochingbigbrotherchurgeingovernment
17:13 sfisque :P
17:13 sfisque if we need more drama :P
17:13 sfisque i'm sure i missed some other good buzzworthy hot button words
17:13 tjsnell nsa
17:14 * sfisque nods
17:14 tjsnell maybe obama care
17:14 sfisque oh yeah
17:14 sfisque lolz
17:15 whartung don't forget trail closures on public lands!!!!!
17:15 whartung 11
17:15 whartung !
17:15 sfisque !!!!!!111111onehundredeleventy
17:15 whartung maybe you don't read the same magazines I do...
17:15 sfisque i can
17:15 sfisque i can't, i'm busy burning them
17:15 sfisque :P
17:15 tjsnell you burn public lands?
17:16 sfisque ROFL
17:16 sfisque those too
17:16 tjsnell I've purposely started forest fires on private land, never public
17:18 whartung Wow -- that's a headline. This is REAL NEWS…"Pilots may have tried to save Malaysia 370". Really? They didn't just see a warning light and said "Well, that's that" and let the thing coast in to the sea 4hrs later??
17:19 tjsnell well vs the speculation of a suicide pilot
17:20 sfisque lol whartung
17:21 whartung I can just imagine…as the plane sucks it's last fumes, one of them goes…hey, you know…sitting here these past 4 hours, you know, playing flappy bird on the ipad -- something just occured to me…
17:25 sfisque playing "angry pilots", and then realized he was actually working the controls of the plane
17:25 whartung :)
17:25 sfisque craaaaaaaaaaaaappppppp
17:25 sfisque >DSLKFJLSKDFJ()EFWFJ<
17:25 whartung "WHeee!! We're going ballistic on this one boys! Today WE'RE the angry bird!"
18:51 weyer joined ##javaee
19:33 kotten joined ##javaee
20:34 neuro_sy1 joined ##javaee
21:40 whartung_ joined ##javaee
22:04 pdurbin yeah, too much drama. better behavior, please
22:06 * tjsnell scolds acuzio
22:08 pdurbin semiosis: maybe we can be the ## exception :)
22:13 tjsnell maybe
22:53 kotten joined ##javaee
23:05 zernin joined ##javaee

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