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IRC log for #sourcefu, 2013-02-26

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
01:47 ironcamel java IS fun, in a masochistic sort of way
01:48 ironcamel i do enjoy its unparalled api documenation
01:57 pdurbin lol
01:58 pdurbin i dunno. i was just working on this thing today. silent error. took out a try/catch and added a throws to the method. and the same thows to the method that was calling it. and the exception shows up in the web interface. no more silent failure. it was pretty slick
02:00 pdurbin here's the try/catch i took out:
02:00 pdurbin maybe it's netbeans that i liked... that it made these code changes very easy
03:43 ironcamel yeah, that has nothing to do with java
03:43 ironcamel perl Dancer does the exact same thing for example, when run in development mode
03:43 pdurbin perl has exceptions?!? ;)
03:47 pdurbin ironcamel: Try::Tiny, right? :)
03:49 ironcamel of course perl has exceptions, and it doesn't require a special library
03:49 ironcamel die SomeException->new('blah');
03:49 ironcamel or die "some string";
03:49 ironcamel die is equivalent of throw
03:50 ironcamel it can throw strings or any kind of object
03:50 ironcamel but my point was about Dancer showing nice information in the browser for uncaught exceptions
03:50 ironcamel that is a pretty standard thing i would think, for web frameworks
03:51 pdurbin yeah, i assumed so
03:51 pdurbin this is my first time really working a lot in a web framework
03:51 pdurbin java ee
03:52 pdurbin jsf
03:52 pdurbin (java server faces)
03:53 pdurbin i guess i've only used die with "some string" ...
03:53 ironcamel i worked 4 years straight on a java web app, for govt employees to do their time clock stuff, it was not the greatest
03:53 ironcamel it was a homegrown web framework
03:54 pdurbin jsf seems fine. i'm not picky :)
03:54 ironcamel but it supported most of the govt employees
03:54 pdurbin someday i'll try dancer and swoon :)
03:54 ironcamel millions of users
03:57 ironcamel that might be an exageration, our biggest costumer was DHS, which had over 100,000 employees
03:57 ironcamel but the whole thing was 500,000 lines of code
03:57 ironcamel counting the java and backend pl/sql code
03:57 ironcamel which is kind of ridiculous
03:58 ironcamel especially nowadays, with all the nice frameworks available
03:59 pdurbin our java app is 100,000 lines of code:
03:59 pdurbin (assuming i'm using cloc right)
04:00 ironcamel sounds like a monster
04:00 pdurbin heh, #directorfu:
04:00 pdurbin man do i love reading from top to bottom
04:08 * pdurbin makes the "blogs are backwards" argument again, this time in my feeback about
04:08 pdurbin ironcamel: patches welcome! you can decide if it's a monster: :)
04:09 ironcamel last commit was a month ago?
04:10 ironcamel something fishy is going on
04:12 ironcamel i do like the idea behind
04:13 pdurbin is where the latest commits are
04:14 pdurbin we're trying to follow per
04:14 ironcamel makes sense
04:14 ironcamel we do a similar (same) thing
04:15 ironcamel based on that same article i think
04:15 pdurbin i was just going to have the latest commits in master
04:15 pdurbin but i was talked into this way
04:15 pdurbin and it's fine
04:16 pdurbin i'm just glad there's a nice write up of it with pretty pictures :)
04:17 ironcamel we skip the "release branch"
04:17 pdurbin yeah, we probably will too
04:17 pdurbin i'm the only one doing a feature branch
04:17 pdurbin everyone else is pushing to the integration branch ("develop")
06:22 ironcamel we do feature branches. and we have to get code reviews as a blocker to pushing to "develop"
06:22 ironcamel *before pushing to
11:03 pdurbin ironcamel: code reviews with ?
12:31 larsks|phone joined #sourcefu
13:03 larsks|phone joined #sourcefu
14:03 pdurbin ironcamel: I pushed the commmit I was talking about: prevent silent failure when Solr is down · 70576f4 · IQSS/dvn · GitHub -
14:13 larsks joined #sourcefu
18:10 astorer joined #sourcefu
18:24 pdurbin astorer: free book but is it any good? Elements of Statistical Learning: data mining, inference, and prediction. 2nd Edition. -
18:24 astorer pdurbin: it's a great book.  I have a hard copy at my desk. :)
18:25 pdurbin cool. spotted it at
18:27 astorer it covers a lot of material, and there's a lot of math, but it's really helpful.
18:29 pdurbin good to know
19:47 ironcamel pdurbin: no, not gerrit. someone just types +1 in the comments for the pull request in github
19:48 pdurbin :)
19:49 pdurbin that'll work
20:00 ironcamel i had to use gerrit (on top of github) at my last job. man, i hated gerrit.
20:02 pdurbin hmm, i've only heard about it
20:02 pdurbin crimsonfubot`: lucky gerrit floss weekly
20:02 crimsonfubot` pdurbin:
20:02 pdurbin ^^
20:03 semiosis pdurbin: the glusterfs project uses gerrit, as does AOSP (who built it iirc)
20:03 pdurbin sounded good anyway
20:03 semiosis i have some familiarity with it bwo glusterfs
20:04 semiosis it's not as friendly as the github workflow imho but if you have a complex project with lots of devs and you dont want to drink the github cool aid it's probably the best choice
20:04 pdurbin is there any data liberation of github comments?
20:05 pdurbin maybe you can download them through github's api
20:06 ironcamel good question, i don't know
22:08 pdurbin helpful:

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