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IRC log for #javaee, 2014-03-17

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
01:41 SEx2 joined ##javaee
06:20 ramsrib joined ##javaee
06:25 ramsrib_ joined ##javaee
06:57 libamo joined ##javaee
07:00 libamo left ##javaee
07:25 neuro_sys joined ##javaee
07:42 ramsrib_ joined ##javaee
07:43 ramsrib_ joined ##javaee
07:45 ramsrib_ joined ##javaee
07:46 ramsrib joined ##javaee
08:23 AlexCzar joined ##javaee
09:06 acuzio left ##javaee
09:07 fabioportieri joined ##javaee
09:07 fabioportieri o/
09:37 neuro_sys joined ##javaee
10:00 acuzio joined ##javaee
12:11 pdurbin fabioportieri: mornin'. what's new?
12:11 pdurbin top o' the mornin' I should say
12:40 fabioportieri hello pdurbin, dark souls 2 is out! :>
12:40 pdurbin javaeebot: lucky dark souls 2
12:40 javaeebot pdurbin:
12:40 pdurbin ah. xbox game
12:41 fabioportieri yep. (ps3)
12:41 fabioportieri it's more like a work of art than a game ;)
12:56 pdurbin fabioportieri: what's new with java for you?
13:07 fabioportieri nothing much, doing some updates to a site i've been assigned.. huge forms with cobol backend :|
13:07 fabioportieri and they use old ie. argh.
13:08 fabioportieri internet explorer
13:10 fabioportieri ibm guys here are pissing me off
13:30 Naros joined ##javaee
13:50 acuzio Cobol + Webservices for the latest and greatest in technology
13:52 fabioportieri you like cobol, acuzio?
13:52 acuzio who doesnt .
13:52 fabioportieri eheh
13:52 Naros lol those are two words not to be used in the same sentence for sure :P
13:53 acuzio On a serious note - like is too strong a word - i have worked in Cobol as part of attempting to understand a project where we were interfacing with a Retail Bank
13:53 Naros yah banks still work in the dark ages :P
13:53 Naros AS400 mainframes still alive and kickin'
13:54 acuzio Actually some bank systems are much too expensive to actually replace
13:55 fabioportieri but, they sure don't lack moneys!
13:56 acuzio Plus Cobol is a proven tech as is AS/400  - I know of mainframe systems that have uptimes measured in years with hot swappable "everything"
13:57 fabioportieri yea i guess cobol strong point is its stabilty?
13:57 Naros Yep, not knockin' them.  Just saying they're very old tech compared to what we have today.
13:59 * pdurbin remembers AS/400's
14:00 acuzio There is a move in many financial orgs to put a thin layer over the underlying COBOL engine to extract data out and do all enhancements that way - .,  I don;t know of many places doing "new" cobol development
14:01 fabioportieri yes my project is using that layer indeed
14:02 fabioportieri using reflecion to extract stuff and map in classes
14:03 acuzio From what i know , the main reason for doing this is lack of Technical Resources -  not because of any inherent fault in the technology
14:05 acuzio i.e. its not that the banks are doing something new that COBOL cannot handle , just that its really hard to find qualified people in Cobol.
14:46 ramsrib joined ##javaee
14:48 fabioportieri joined ##javaee
15:03 sfisque joined ##javaee
15:11 drspockbr joined ##javaee
15:58 drspockbr joined ##javaee
16:24 Naros joined ##javaee
17:28 pdurbin quick! do you prefer the git-flow model ( ) or the github-flow model ( )?
17:30 * whartung uses svn
17:31 * pdurbin throws his hands up ;)
17:32 whartung I like the github flow
17:33 whartung there's no reason you can't have the github flow as a part of the git-flow
17:33 whartung where you have a "golden/release" branch working along side the master branch
17:33 whartung because there's a difference between deployable, especially internally, and what's released to a client
17:34 whartung but i know here, we send "stable trunks" to clients all the time to get new fixes, even though we have releases
17:35 neuro_sys joined ##javaee
17:35 neuro_sys joined ##javaee
17:39 firebird1 joined ##javaee
17:39 firebird1 hi
17:42 pdurbin whartung: you mean we can't all just develop on trunk? ;)
17:42 sfisque branches are for the weak
17:42 whartung heh -- actually WE do here :)
17:42 sfisque :P
17:42 whartung be bold, commit! and make your commits matter!
17:43 sfisque i don't always commit, but when i do.. i do it in trunk....
17:43 whartung we seem to hate merging more than broken builds.
17:43 firebird1 custom generator for hibernate
17:43 sfisque i see that alot, which is sad nowadays.  it's not like merging is tough with modern tools
17:45 whartung for small changes, merging is fine. Large changes, not so much. If your code is REALLY fine grained, merging is MUCH easier. Merging in XML sucks…that's just fact, XML files seem to give more conflicts than anything else.
17:46 semiosis pdurbin: github flow usually, some projects we have a modified github flow with a "production" branch.  master gets automatically deployed to the staging server, production gets automatically deployed to production. only project admins can merge into production.
17:47 semiosis the only way to get into production is by merging master into it.  gitlab helps us enforce this
17:57 ilhami joined ##javaee
17:57 ilhami Hey
17:57 ilhami anyone who uses Jersey here?
18:09 firebird1 i want to generate custom id like aa,ab,ac....
18:19 pdurbin ok, I'll come back to you github-flow users with questions. thanks
19:31 AlexCzar joined ##javaee
19:49 Naros joined ##javaee
20:01 pdurbin interesting:
20:26 kobain joined ##javaee
20:31 AndroidLoverInSF joined ##javaee
21:25 ilhami joined ##javaee
21:38 ilhami left ##javaee
22:20 kotten joined ##javaee
23:33 aspire joined ##javaee

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