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IRC log for #javaee, 2014-03-16

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:13 SoniEx2 I need null checks for instanceof right?
00:15 sfisque yah because null has not type
00:15 sfisque **no type
00:16 SoniEx2 I thought it had all the types?
00:16 sfisque well it has Object type, which is basically anything other than a primitive
00:16 sfisque which means instanceof is useless for null
00:16 sfisque so yes, you need to null gate
00:17 sfisque or allow a NPE and require the user of the method to catch it
00:18 sfisque the same way .equals() generally blows up if you send in null
00:18 sfisque or most constructors
00:23 SoniEx2 can I access other instances' private fields from an instance?
00:27 sfisque 2 ways.   override the jvm security or via mutator method
00:29 sfisque i guess 3 ways
00:30 sfisque well no.  2 ways.  i was going to say a java.lang.relect.Proxy, but i believe Proxy obeys the private/protected rules.
00:30 sfisque *** .reflect.
00:30 SoniEx2 so I can't do like class MyClass { private int x = 0; public MyClass() {} public MyClass(MyClass c){print(c.x)} }?
00:30 SoniEx2 uhh I missed a ;
00:32 sfisque i believe a class can access another instances (of the same class) attributes.  most .equals methods work this way.  it's one of the loopholes of java
00:32 sfisque iirc
00:33 sfisque testing that theory now
00:33 sfisque well not theory, belief based on memory
00:33 SoniEx2 if that's the case then it makes things a lot simpler and I can throw away my getCratePile method
00:36 sfisque yah i'm looking at the boilerplate .equals() methods generated in JPA entity beans by NB, and they directly access the attributes of the "other" bean as well as "this"
00:36 sfisque so inside a class, you can access the attributes of "same class" instances
00:36 sfisque so there's a loophole
00:36 sfisque for you
00:36 sfisque afk for a bit
03:09 sess joined ##javaee
04:18 aspire SoniEx2 you can do that
04:19 aspire_ joined ##javaee
04:19 aspire joined ##javaee
07:40 huhlig__ joined ##javaee
08:13 lbevanda joined ##javaee
08:16 lbevanda hello, can anyone help me with basic maven JavaEE (EAR) and why I can't call @Named beans in JSF (WAR) from my EJB project?
09:52 AlexCzar joined ##javaee
10:38 neuro_sys joined ##javaee
14:50 aspire joined ##javaee
15:18 aspire joined ##javaee
18:23 sfisque for the logger if he comes back:   ibevanda that is an anti pattern.  your war packaged beans should be calling "into" the ejb layer, not the other way round.  if your ejb layer is calling "up" into the web layer, you need to redesign
18:24 pdurbin sfisque: can't I just add "@Named" to anything I want to autocomplete in Netbeans on the JSF side?
18:25 sfisque yes.  the only difference between cdi and jsf managed is jsf managed has viewscoped integraged and cdi you have to explicitly manage conversationscoped
18:26 sfisque but ibevanda was talkinga bout calling from the ejb layer up to the web layer.  which is, well… broken
18:27 sfisque if you're calling from an ejb to a @named bean, you need to refactor or leave this industry
18:27 pdurbin :)
21:03 neuro_sy1 joined ##javaee
21:21 aspire_ joined ##javaee
22:44 aspire_ joined ##javaee
23:36 aspire joined ##javaee

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