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IRC log for #javaee, 2014-02-25

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Time S Nick Message
01:15 tjsnell haha
01:39 VB1 joined ##javaee
01:45 pdurbin CPAN was launched in 1997 according to . When was Maven Central launched? This suggests 2007:
02:23 sfisque sounds about right.  i do remember using cpan back in the 90's
02:28 pdurbin sfisque: so 2007 for Maven Central?
02:34 sfisque dunno.  i still use ant :P
02:36 pdurbin sfisque: you never download jars from maven central?
02:37 sfisque not personally, i'm sure some of the projects i've worked on have
02:38 pdurbin I guess the pattern is that a language comes out and around 10 years later the system comes out that lets you download shared libraries
02:40 sfisque javaeebot lucky perl timeline
02:40 javaeebot sfisque:
02:43 sfisque wow i never woudl have guessed that awk was invetned in 77.  it would have totally put its pedigree in the 60's
02:58 pdurbin Douglas Crockford says programmers don't have enough appreciation of programming history:
03:00 sfisque that would require developers to stop reinventing the square wheel and actually read/learn something
03:00 pdurbin "we have no sense of history, really, in software" --
03:00 sfisque crazy talk
03:02 pdurbin "the first course of physics is a history course where we look at Archimedes and Galileo and Newton and everybody"
03:02 sfisque who needs algorithms when you can just throw more hardware at the problem :P
03:04 * sfisque nods
03:05 * pdurbin starts to nod off
03:44 ilhami joined ##javaee
03:46 ilhami anybody here?
04:07 Naros joined ##javaee
04:10 ilhami Naros
04:10 Naros yes?
04:10 ilhami how are you?
04:10 Naros good, but tired.  about to crash for the night.  you?
04:15 ilhami I am so sick. I think I am about to die.
04:18 ilhami need some rest
04:18 ilhami bbl
04:18 ilhami left ##javaee
04:42 rektide joined ##javaee
04:59 cem__ joined ##javaee
04:59 cem__ Hello World
05:10 cem__ log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (com.helper.zz.HelloWorld1). log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly. log4j:WARN See for more info.
06:13 VB1 joined ##javaee
06:31 VB2 joined ##javaee
07:06 neuro_sys joined ##javaee
07:16 AlexCzar joined ##javaee
08:32 kotten joined ##javaee
08:50 sess the wonders of looking after a NPE on an unknown line
08:50 sess in a 4000 row jsp
09:24 idrofer joined ##javaee
09:37 TxRx127 left ##javaee
10:12 cem__ joined ##javaee
10:13 cem__ anyone uses logback
10:14 acuzio everyone does
11:10 TxRx127 joined ##javaee
11:10 TxRx127 left ##javaee
11:58 cem__ acuzio: i use log4j with logback
12:08 neuro_sys
12:15 ilhami joined ##javaee
12:15 ilhami Hey
12:15 ilhami anybody here?
12:16 Fubar^ sure
12:16 ilhami I am trying to write a webservice
12:16 ilhami is this example good enough?
12:17 ilhami what I want is to create a dynamic json object?
12:17 ilhami
12:17 ilhami is this example fine?
12:17 ilhami brb
12:18 Fubar^ try it out, see if it works for you
12:24 ilhami I will indeed.
12:26 drspockbr joined ##javaee
12:32 pdurbin neuro_sys: hilarious
12:39 sajjadg joined ##javaee
12:57 ilhami I need help :D
13:02 CJ_ Don't we all?
13:02 ilhami Hahah
13:07 sajjadg joined ##javaee
13:12 liecno joined ##javaee
13:22 Bombe I would love to help but I’m probably too gay.
13:23 ilhami Bombe are you gay?
13:24 Bombe ilhami, I don’t see how that is a) relevant or b) any of your business.
13:24 ilhami <Bombe>I would love to help but I’m probably too gay.
13:24 ilhami why did you write this then?
13:24 pdurbin stay on target
13:25 Bombe Rhetorical masterpiece, I’d say.
13:26 ilhami Bombe: if you would like to help you can tell me if I am on right track with my webservice.
13:26 Bombe ilhami, I’m pretty sure you’re not.
13:26 ilhami how can you say without even looking at my code?
13:27 AlexCzar Hi. I'm trying to convert a DBObject to POJO, DBObject's interface resembles a map e.g. `dbo.get("p")` will return a value of property `p`. Problem: target pojo has String property email value of which should be set to value of `dbo.get("email").get("addr"). How do I do this with Jackson?
13:27 Bombe ilhami, experience.
13:28 ilhami Bombe: LOL vil du ikke lige kigge på min kode?
13:29 Bombe ilhami, da hab ich nun echt keinen Bock drauf.
13:29 ilhami haha I thought you were Danish :D
13:29 ilhami sorry
13:31 CJ_ AlexCzar, You don't need Jackson to convert from DBObject to POJO.  It's just straight java and casting.
13:31 tjsnell Bombe:  if you're gay not only does he not want you to help him he thinks you should be put to death
13:32 Bombe tjsnell, I know.
13:32 ilhami I am so happy that I ignored tjsnell.
13:32 ilhami left ##javaee
13:33 tjsnell it was a monumental achievement to get him to stop pming me non stop
13:35 AlexCzar CJ_, I do. I just omitted the full situation description for the sake of brevity.
13:36 CJ_ AlexCzar, What exactly is your question, then?
13:39 AlexCzar CJ_, how to get behaviour I described while using `ObjectMapper.convertValue(dbo, User.class)`? where User.class is `public class User { String email; }` (irrelevant code omitted)
13:41 CJ_ AlexCzar, I still don't understand why you need jackson.  There's no JSON involved once you have a DBObject.  Just write a mongo converter that returns your User class.
13:48 ilhami joined ##javaee
13:48 Naros left ##javaee
13:48 ilhami how can I deploy a webservice to a server with all the lib jars?
13:49 tjsnell use a war
13:50 tjsnell after you wish death on my relatives and friends
13:50 AlexCzar CJ_, I'm evaluating mongojack
13:56 CJ_ AlexCzar, Now I understand.  So you're not using DBObject.  You're attempting to go from BSON to POJO.  That makes sense to use Jackson.
13:56 CJ_ I've only used the base mongo java driver, so I'm not sure what you need to do in order to fix your issue.
13:59 AlexCzar CJ_, the funny thing is that full pipeline looks like this: BSON → POJO → JSON, this is a JSON-over-HTTP service which reads info from mongodb. Unfortunately the formats are not 1-1 and as I haven't found any way to go directly from BSON to different-format JSON, I'm dancing with pojo mappings here :(
14:02 CJ_ AlexCzar, Understood.
14:05 AlexCzar solved it with @JsonSetter and extracting "addr" path from json node as suggested in ##java
14:06 pdurbin AlexCzar: this thing?
14:07 pdurbin (via )
14:14 TxRx127 joined ##javaee
14:14 TxRx127 left ##javaee
14:27 Naros joined ##javaee
14:33 ilhami left ##javaee
14:35 kobain joined ##javaee
14:52 ilhami joined ##javaee
15:03 cbgx74 joined ##javaee
15:27 acuzio May be its time to kick ilhami out
15:27 ilhami why?
15:29 acuzio on principle - arent you the gay-hater ?
15:29 ilhami and what has that to do with anything? I hate homosexualism yes
15:30 acuzio We try and be civil here -  thats not being civil
15:32 ilhami all you try to do is kicking me out. Why do you have to bring up this subject anyway?
15:32 ilhami Nobody was discussing this and there is no need to
15:32 ilhami I am not here to talk about homosexualism with you
15:32 ilhami I am only here to learn Java
15:33 acuzio hence why you are still here and i am not kicking you - i was just scrolling past the history ., looks like you tangled with tjsnell
15:33 tjsnell he asked bombe if he was gay, I wasn't involved until then :)
15:33 tjsnell I don't think he wanted someone gay helping him
15:34 tjsnell contagious issues and all
15:34 acuzio heh heh
15:34 acuzio He doesnt want to be of the gay
15:43 ilhami He is an idiot. Thats my opinion on him.
15:43 tjsnell haha
15:43 tjsnell pot meet kettle
15:44 Bombe :)
15:50 ilhami can I ask a question?
15:52 sajjadg ilham :-)
15:54 ilhami what? LOL
16:15 tjsnell joined ##javaee
16:15 tjsnell joined ##javaee
16:40 neuro_sys joined ##javaee
16:40 neuro_sys joined ##javaee
17:24 TinkerTyper joined ##javaee
17:36 VB1 joined ##javaee
17:47 AlexCzar joined ##javaee
17:50 AndroidLoverInSF joined ##javaee
18:06 cbgx74 joined ##javaee
18:11 sfisque joined ##javaee
18:18 TxRx127 joined ##javaee
18:22 Bombe joined ##javaee
18:25 mikee joined ##javaee
18:51 tjsnell haha
18:51 idrofer joined ##javaee
18:56 ilhami joined ##javaee
19:00 ilhami anybody herE?
19:00 sfisque no one here
19:00 sfisque :P
19:00 ilhami dude
19:00 ilhami when I am sending some data via my servlet it is now shown in my html page.
19:00 ilhami I am so mad :D
19:01 ilhami I am trying to show some data from my servlet. Can you look at the code?
19:02 sfisque i cannot (in a meeting atm) but if you post up a pastebin or similar, i'm sure someone here may take a look
19:02 tjsnell I think you need to declare gay or not before answering him
19:02 ilhami sure.
19:02 sfisque tjsnell ???
19:03 tjsnell ilhami doesn't want help from gays
19:03 ilhami sfisque please ignore tjsnell. He is a moron
19:03 sfisque oh my.  its' going to be one of those days, eh?
19:03 ilhami He is always like this
19:03 ilhami he is cursing me and my religion all the time
19:03 tjsnell even wishes execution on gays
19:04 sfisque if that is true, that is unfortunate
19:04 tjsnell I am?
19:04 ilhami I have chosen to ignore him anyway.
19:04 tjsnell small victories :)
19:05 semiosis left ##javaee
19:07 ilhami this is my
19:08 ilhami in the html I am trying to show it this way: <p>Output: ${result}</p>
19:09 ilhami In my html it only shows "Output:"
19:10 VB1 joined ##javaee
19:15 magyar joined ##javaee
19:18 sfisque you might have to prefix your result reference with requestScope. or somethign similar.  it's been a very long time since i've touched raw servlet code
19:18 sfisque so try ${requestScoep.result}
19:18 sfisque ***scope
19:18 ilhami why requestScope? :D
19:18 idrofer joined ##javaee
19:19 sfisque because jsp has several scopes, where vars can hide
19:19 ilhami still the same output :s
19:19 sfisque also, put in a logger and dump the value of string to log, make sure you're not echoing an empty string
19:20 sfisque string might very well be ""
19:20 sfisque which would mean you have a deeper bug
19:20 ilhami nope. I tried a hardcoded value as well :)
19:20 ilhami so thats not the problem
19:20 sfisque javaeebot lucky servlet reference variable jsp page
19:20 javaeebot sfisque:
19:21 ilhami I did exactly this :D
19:22 sfisque dunno then
19:23 sfisque something environmental?  are you redirecting at any point?
19:23 ilhami index.jsp this is the file which is started by default
19:24 sajjadg joined ##javaee
19:25 ilhami that is very weird indeed.
19:27 VB1 joined ##javaee
19:37 AndroidLoverInSF joined ##javaee
19:44 sajjadg joined ##javaee
19:51 idrofer joined ##javaee
19:57 Naros_ joined ##javaee
19:57 Naros_ left ##javaee
20:08 idrofer joined ##javaee
20:11 Naros joined ##javaee
20:11 Naros left ##javaee
20:15 sajjadg joined ##javaee
20:27 idrofer joined ##javaee
20:33 Voyage joined ##javaee
20:36 Noodep joined ##javaee
20:47 ilhami joined ##javaee
20:49 ilhami so what is wrong with my code?
20:50 Voyage ilhami,  what code?
20:50 ilhami I posted it here 1 hour ago
20:50 ilhami or something.
20:51 idrofer joined ##javaee
20:51 Voyage ilhami,  post again?
20:51 ilhami ok wait 2 sec then. :)
20:53 ilhami here is my servlet. I am trying to output that in html by typing ${result}
20:53 ilhami but it doesnt work
20:53 Voyage is blocked here. use ?
20:54 ilhami
20:55 Noodep What do you think there is a problem ?
20:55 Noodep Why*
20:55 ilhami dunno. I am trying with a hardcoded value now btw
20:56 ilhami thus the "ss"
20:56 Noodep Let me put it this way ? What's not working.
20:56 ilhami There is no output.
20:56 ilhami I dont get the passed value
20:57 ilhami
20:57 ilhami I looked at this
20:57 ilhami did almost the same
20:57 Voyage ilhami,  you need to have some out.println() method to output
20:58 Noodep I assume you output it in the jsp page like so ${result}
20:58 ilhami dude look at his example ^^ in the link I posted
20:58 ilhami yes
20:58 Voyage or its a .jsp
20:58 Voyage oh ok
20:58 ilhami I have a index.jsp
20:58 Voyage ${result} should work then and output "ss"
20:59 ilhami yes it doesnt. I suspect it could be the path...
20:59 ilhami request.getRequestDispatcher("/WebC​ontent/index.jsp").forward(request, response);
20:59 ilhami this
20:59 ilhami but I tried to change it several times
20:59 ilhami I almost tried all posibilities
21:00 Noodep Have you tried to output in java code to make sure you go through the doGet method ?
21:00 ilhami like System.out.println()?
21:00 Noodep yep
21:01 ilhami I dont remember if I tried that.
21:01 Noodep You should see the output being displayed server side in either a consol or servlet log
21:02 ilhami but what should I print out?
21:02 Noodep doesn't matter
21:02 Noodep "hello"
21:03 Noodep it's just to make sure you do go through the doGet method
21:03 ilhami ok :D
21:03 ilhami let me try
21:03 ilhami I see what you mean :)
21:03 Voyage ilhami,  and try using .redirect instead of forward ?
21:04 ilhami Noodep I don't see anything printed out in the console dude. That's weird.
21:05 Noodep Here is the source of your problem
21:05 ilhami thats really weird.
21:06 * Voyage is not sure about the redirect thing though
21:07 ilhami I tried to debug as well.
21:07 ilhami I think the get method is never caled
21:07 ilhami called
21:07 Noodep Maybe you are sending a post request instead of get
21:07 Voyage Noodep,  nice point.
21:08 Voyage ilhami,  do debugger thing? or put some system.outs?
21:08 ilhami Noodep hmm let me try to println something out in the POST method
21:09 ilhami no it's not that Noodep
21:09 Noodep hmmm
21:09 ilhami I will try to set some breakpoints
21:09 ilhami 2 sec
21:09 AndroidLoverInSF is it possible and ok to make an ebb timed object run 1 instance (the first) forever instead of at scheduled intervals like normal?
21:09 idrofer joined ##javaee
21:09 ilhami hey it works now I think
21:10 ilhami Noodep and Voyage
21:10 Noodep What did you change ?
21:11 ilhami ok doesnt work again.
21:11 ilhami It worked when I tried the debugger once.
21:11 Noodep :D:
21:12 ilhami hahah so weird.
21:13 Noodep do you run the servlet on a specific port ?
21:13 ilhami yes
21:13 ilhami 8080
21:14 ilhami its tomcat dude
21:14 Noodep you specify that in the url
21:14 ilhami yes
21:14 ilhami Eclipse does it
21:14 Noodep oh so you don't request form the browser ?
21:16 Noodep something like http://localhost:8080/WebContent/page.jsp
21:17 GayIsGood joined ##javaee
21:17 ilhami I know what the problem is
21:18 ilhami request.getRequestDispatcher("​/index.jsp").forward(request, response);
21:18 ilhami its this line.. when I step over this it goes to the catch block
21:18 GayIsGood what's the exception?
21:19 ilhami check my paste above dude
21:20 GayIsGood I just joined dude
21:20 ilhami oh
21:21 ilhami but it doesnt print out the stack trace. I think its me who is wrong.
21:21 ilhami it doesnt go into the block anyway
21:21 Noodep I bet your requestDispatcher returns null
21:21 ilhami it's weird because when I debug I see the print to console
21:22 ilhami but when I just run I dont see the print from that doGet method
21:22 ilhami isnt that weird?
21:22 Noodep print is probably logged
21:22 ilhami when I debug I see it in the console.
21:23 GayIsGood lagged
21:23 Noodep because debug
21:23 Noodep That's what it's for (your ide probably change some params)
21:24 ilhami I wish you could see this.
21:24 Noodep Anyway your error means that there is nothing at the requested address
21:24 Noodep (assuming getRequestDispatcher returns null)
21:24 Noodep which is almost certain
21:24 GayIsGood bet if you flush the output stream it'll show when you run
21:25 ilhami how do I flush?
21:25 ilhami restart Eclipse? :D
21:25 Noodep Noooo
21:25 GayIsGood look at the javadocs
21:25 GayIsGood for printstream
21:25 Noodep out.flush()
21:26 Voyage ilhami,  out.flush()
21:26 GayIsGood or get spoon fed
21:26 ilhami I just cleaned my server
21:26 ilhami Tomcat
21:27 ilhami But what should I flush dude? I have no string to flush.
21:27 Noodep It's probably not that anyway GayIsGood, doGet runs on another thread so the output is not visible in the console.
21:28 GayIsGood multiple threads can write to the console
21:28 GayIsGood it's a one line test
21:29 GayIsGood System.out.println("Yay me!"); System.out.flush();
21:29 Noodep Yes they can, that doesn't mean they do. And we know the error is not here. (And we've already tried that, but you didn't know because you just joined)
21:29 GayIsGood I joined late so don't know the error :)
21:29 ilhami I think I know the problem
21:30 Noodep Yeah, getRequestDispatcher returns null
21:31 idrofer joined ##javaee
21:31 Noodep means, like you said previously, that there is an erro with your path.
21:31 Noodep Maybe a permission problem...
21:31 ilhami no I think it is in my web.xml file
21:32 ilhami the url mapping thing
21:32 Noodep what's your url-pattern ?
21:32 Noodep should be /*
21:32 sajjadg joined ##javaee
21:32 Noodep Just to make sure it works
21:33 ilhami I think get this.. I havent made this. Are they made by default?
21:33 ilhami Look
21:33 ilhami dont get this
21:33 ilhami *
21:34 VB1 joined ##javaee
21:35 Noodep So I am no expert in servlet but I think you should request /Servlet/index.jsp (replace index by whatever your page is)
21:36 Noodep request.getRequestDispatcher("/Ser​vlet/index.jsp").forward(request, response);
21:37 Noodep with or without the leading slash, I don't know about that
21:37 Noodep I'd say with intuitively
21:38 ilhami hmm
21:38 ilhami doesn't work.
21:38 ilhami :D
21:38 ilhami do you have teamviewer dude?
21:38 GayIsGood dude!
21:39 Noodep As long as I get your paycheck ^^
21:39 ilhami I need to fix this crap :S
21:39 ilhami I cant move on with my Android app
21:40 Noodep You don't seem to put much effort in it...
21:40 sfisque he has a strong future in management :P
21:41 Noodep For sure !
21:41 ilhami Hahaha
21:41 ilhami Noodep I have spent the whole day.
21:41 Noodep Is your file named index.jsp ?
21:41 ilhami yes
21:42 Noodep ok try to request just /Servlet then
21:42 Noodep request.getRequestDispatcher(​"/Servlet").forward(request, response);
21:42 ilhami why? what would that help?
21:42 GayIsGood it avoids file perm issues etc
21:43 GayIsGood and path issues
21:43 ilhami let me try
21:43 Noodep And index is usually considered default when no file is requested
21:44 Noodep GayIsGood: care to elaborate on perm issues ?
21:44 GayIsGood I'm just guessing really
21:44 ilhami didnt work
21:45 GayIsGood same results?
21:45 ilhami yep
21:45 Noodep Just to make sure (cause you didn't really answer) how do you visualize your page
21:46 ilhami :D
21:46 ilhami it works when I just run Servlet
21:46 ilhami LOOOOOOOOOOL
21:46 Noodep -_-'
21:47 ilhami its definitely Web.xml error I think
21:47 ilhami 2 sec
21:47 Noodep What else were you running ?
21:47 GayIsGood times up
21:48 idrofer joined ##javaee
21:49 ilhami I just ran the whole application on the server
21:50 ilhami if I run the it works
21:54 ilhami is that normal?
21:56 Noodep That's how it's defined in your web.xml
21:57 ilhami I want to change it. :D
21:59 Noodep Nobody is preventing you
22:06 idrofer joined ##javaee
22:07 ilhami But dude
22:07 ilhami request.getRequestDispatcher("​/index.jsp").forward(request, response); how come this is still index.jsp
22:07 ilhami ?
22:08 ilhami and it works like this
22:08 ilhami but only when I run the class
22:09 Noodep where is your index.jsp ?
22:09 Noodep In which folder ?
22:09 ilhami in WebContent
22:10 Noodep hmm
22:10 ilhami it doesnt work when I run the whole application
22:10 ilhami only when I run the
22:10 ilhami :D
22:10 GayIsGood what so you mean run
22:10 GayIsGood do
22:10 Noodep What do you mean by the all application ?
22:11 ilhami when I right click on the Project and "run as" -> Run on server
22:11 Noodep It might just be that you never instanciate your server in the "all application"
22:11 ilhami this way it wornt work
22:11 Noodep Lol
22:11 ilhami wont*
22:12 ilhami http://localhost:8080/Webservice/ when I do that I get this url
22:12 ilhami http://localhost:8080/Webservice/Servlet when I use this url it works
22:12 ilhami it only works with the second url
22:12 Noodep without seeing the Run on Server script it won't be easy to solve
22:13 Noodep it only works with the second url => when you run only
22:13 Noodep ?
22:13 ilhami yep
22:15 Noodep My guess is run on server run the servlet on an external server => then you have to request with the server address not with localhost
22:15 ilhami dude is it not because of this ?   <servlet-mapping>
22:15 ilhami <servlet-name>Servlet</servlet-name>
22:15 ilhami <url-pattern>/Servlet</url-pattern>
22:15 ilhami </servlet-mapping>
22:15 ilhami sorry for pasting so many lines here
22:15 Noodep yes
22:15 ilhami I tried to change url pattern.
22:16 Noodep if you change line 36 from <url-pattern>/Servlet</url-pattern> to <url-pattern>/</url-pattern>
22:16 Noodep it should work with just http://localhost:8080/Webservice/
22:16 sajjadg joined ##javaee
22:17 ilhami it didnt work with just "/"
22:17 ilhami I tried to change it to "Servlet1" just to try and that worked
22:17 ilhami but not just "/"
22:18 ilhami when I put index.jsp in there I get this
22:18 ilhami HTTP Status 404 -
22:18 ilhami but the url is this http://localhost:8080/Webservice/
22:18 ilhami it should work.
22:19 Noodep hmmm I don't know... to much possibilities, too little informations
22:21 ilhami 2 sec
22:21 ilhami I will fix it now
22:22 ilhami it works :D
22:23 ilhami :D finally
22:23 ilhami Noodep dude it works.
22:23 Noodep lol
22:23 Noodep so what changed
22:24 ilhami I moved my index.jsp into WEB-INF
22:24 ilhami I changed this line to: request.getRequestDispatcher("/WEB​-INF/index.jsp").forward(request, response);
22:24 ilhami <url-pattern>/index</url-pattern>
22:24 ilhami url pattern to this
22:24 Noodep ok
22:24 ilhami and removed all <welcome-file></welcome-file>
22:25 ilhami except one
22:25 Noodep glad it works
22:25 ilhami <welcome-file>index</welcome-file>
22:25 ilhami Noodep now I need to find out how I can get access to my database so I can get the correct JSON object? :D can you help me with that dude?
22:25 ilhami this was just to test haha
22:26 Noodep hmm I have actual work to go back to.
22:26 ilhami hahaha :D yeah right ofc you do.
22:30 idrofer joined ##javaee
22:35 GayPro joined ##javaee
22:48 idrofer joined ##javaee
23:20 idrofer joined ##javaee
23:42 idrofer joined ##javaee
23:44 GayPro vf
23:46 sfisque fv
23:47 pdurbin vvtf
23:51 ilhami sadkopsdop
23:52 ilhami What is best to use? GET OR POST????
23:53 ilhami Answer fast.
23:55 GayPro ez
23:55 GayPro u use the one that's best for your use case
23:56 GayPro if you are using REST than follow the conventions for it
23:58 GayPro that's like
23:58 GayPro which is best? if or while?

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