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IRC log for #javaee, 2014-02-24

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Time S Nick Message
00:00 charlay joined ##javaee
00:05 charlay left ##javaee
00:47 VB2 joined ##javaee
00:50 firebird1 joined ##javaee
00:50 wicketn01b joined ##javaee
03:10 cem__ joined ##javaee
03:10 cem__ k today something different i encountered
03:10 cem__ on captcha
03:11 cem__ the captcha was 37271 redigji
03:11 cem__ i entered 37271 redigjo
03:11 cem__ it accepted
03:17 pdurbin cool story
03:20 cem__ story ?
03:24 cem__ its real very real
03:28 pdurbin cem__: is the captcha part of a java ee app you're working on?
04:21 cem__ joined ##javaee
05:54 VB1 joined ##javaee
06:01 AndroidLoverInSF joined ##javaee
06:38 Bombe joined ##javaee
07:19 neuro_sys joined ##javaee
08:34 sess anyone knows of a practical way of applying an EJB interceptor only to call from outside the EJB layer?
08:35 sess I want to translate a certain type of exceptions thrown, but only if it was called from the web layer..
09:00 TxRx127 joined ##javaee
09:00 TxRx127 left ##javaee
09:34 Voyage joined ##javaee
10:57 SEx2 joined ##javaee
11:03 huhlig_ joined ##javaee
11:15 TxRx127 joined ##javaee
11:18 cem__ joined ##javaee
11:19 cem__ hellllllllllo
12:07 Voyage joined ##javaee
12:26 Voyage joined ##javaee
12:53 CJ_ joined ##javaee
13:34 rektide_ joined ##javaee
13:41 Sircle joined ##javaee
13:47 Bombe joined ##javaee
13:49 mikee joined ##javaee
14:00 AlexCzar joined ##javaee
14:02 AlexCzar I'm searching for a flexible, fast, well-documented open-source json-to-json mapper/transformer for use with mongodb JSON output. Any ideas besides jolt?
14:18 * pdurbin looks at
14:19 pdurbin AlexCzar: jolt doesn't meet your needs?
14:23 AlexCzar pdurbin, documentation-wise it doesn't, it is scarse as it is and even their basic example didn't work for me when I used their demo webpage.
14:24 TxRx127 joined ##javaee
14:26 AlexCzar I'm cloning it right now though, to try out locally as I don't see any alternatives
14:26 pdurbin bummer
14:34 pdurbin AlexCzar: maybe ask on stackoverflow
14:34 pdurbin of course, it might get closed as a "shopping" question
14:35 AlexCzar pdurbin, yeah, I will, if I can't make jolt work in the next 20 minutes or so :)
14:36 pdurbin sounds good
14:43 AlexCzar apparently the thing works, but I just can't figure out their logic 0_O
14:45 Naros joined ##javaee
15:00 CJ_ What does everyone use for interface naming conventions?  I've seen IClass and Class along with Class anc ClassImpl but both of those seem to be out of favor.
15:02 neuro_sys IClass for the intarface, ClassImpl for the implementation
15:02 neuro_sys :P
15:22 Naros left ##javaee
15:35 tjsnell hate i stuff
15:35 firebird1 joined ##javaee
15:36 tjsnell look at collections for a nice way :)
15:36 drspockbr joined ##javaee
15:36 AlexCzar CJ_, I tend to program against interfaces, so no 'I'garbage in the names. I also don't like Impl somehow, Impl basically means that this is the only implementation possible, which almost never can be true. It is better to be more descriptive, e.g. `public interface UserDao`, `public class JdbcUserDao`
15:37 CJ_ AlexCzar, Agreed.  What I ended up doing for the time being is interface Class and class BasicClass
15:37 CJ_ Right now just trying to decide how I want to handle IOC.
15:38 tjsnell ~guice++
15:38 AlexCzar CJ_, quite reasonable
15:40 CJ_ I'd prefer not to be dependent on google projects.  They tend to be undependable in my experience.
15:40 CJ_ I've also not been too thrilled with spring.
15:41 CJ_ It looks like I'm stuck with EE if I don't use guice or spring.
15:54 firebird1 Portals and Portlets ?
15:59 acuzio CJ_: Guice is rock solid and so are most Google Java projects -
16:00 acuzio Even GWT which is posisbly the weakest is actually really good
16:01 CJ_ acuzio, GWT was used in the previous version of this project.  It was a huge mess.
16:01 acuzio Hmm - was that problems with the framework or the people using the framework
16:01 CJ_ acuzio, It would end up not recompiling things.  No error messages were provided as to why.  You would just make a change to the code and nothing would happen.
16:02 CJ_ acuzio, Both, I think.
16:02 acuzio After GWT 1.6 its actually quite solid
16:02 acuzio I dont like Serverside web apps but other than that GWT is quite good
16:03 CJ_ acuzio, The front end is being rewritten in JS.  The server side is now just REST servlets.
16:03 CJ_ I think I'm going to end up using Spring because there's already a lot there that uses it.
16:04 acuzio We use DropWizard on the backend with Angular on the Frontend
16:04 CJ_ If I go with anything else I'd need to rip all of that out as well.
16:04 acuzio Spring is pretty good - very widely used ,  which is always a plus point
16:04 CJ_ The rest servlets are all being done by hand.  They're not that complicated.
16:05 acuzio Thats a bit - verbose - for my tastes
16:05 CJ_ I just don't want to drag a massive amount of dependencies into the project.
16:05 CJ_ Can you elaborate on what you mean about the verboseness?
16:06 acuzio Why re-invent things which you will require anyway
16:07 acuzio JAX-RS /Jersey do all of the heavy lifting anyway
16:14 CJ_ Interesting.
16:15 CJ_ I've just been trying to avoid things that are "magic" after the giant mess that the previous version was.
16:15 CJ_ Lots of slapping things together that made it unmaintainable.
16:16 acuzio JAX-RS is a well-known and dare i say one of teh better specs - its most definitely not magic
16:30 AlexCzar joined ##javaee
16:41 sfisque joined ##javaee
17:04 wicketn01b joined ##javaee
17:04 semiosis joined ##javaee
17:05 TxRx127 joined ##javaee
17:05 Sircle joined ##javaee
17:05 CJ_ joined ##javaee
17:05 whartung joined ##javaee
17:06 TinkerTyper joined ##javaee
17:14 ilhami joined ##javaee
17:14 ilhami Hey
17:14 ilhami anybody here?
17:14 ilhami left ##javaee
17:15 mikee joined ##javaee
17:33 CJ_ acuzio, I'll look at using it once I finish setting up spring.
17:38 VB1 joined ##javaee
17:43 AlexCzar joined ##javaee
17:43 pdave_ joined ##javaee
17:56 ilhami joined ##javaee
17:56 ilhami left ##javaee
17:59 neuro_sys joined ##javaee
17:59 neuro_sys joined ##javaee
18:03 AndroidLoverInSF joined ##javaee
18:06 mikee joined ##javaee
18:09 AndroidLoverInSF joined ##javaee
18:38 tjsnell it's our favorite gay hatemonger!
18:39 whartung wut?
18:40 tjsnell oh ilhami has this thing about wanting to kill gays
18:40 whartung o
18:40 tjsnell got him banned from ##java
18:40 whartung nice
18:40 whartung yea, that's the forum for that...
18:41 tjsnell heh
18:44 mikee joined ##javaee
18:45 Bombe joined ##javaee
18:45 Bombe joined ##javaee
19:00 VB1 joined ##javaee
19:06 Noodep joined ##javaee
19:06 Noodep o/ everyone
19:07 Noodep Anyone familiar with javafx ?
19:07 semiosis Noodep: dont ask to ask, just ask
19:08 Noodep alright: import statements of custom classes in fxml files only work with wildcards and not static imports. Does anyone knows why ?
19:30 acuzio left ##javaee
19:30 acuzio joined ##javaee
19:49 Noodep joined ##javaee
20:00 Noodep Can anyone point me to a good resource on classpath resolution in fxml files.
20:06 VB1 joined ##javaee
20:41 VB1 joined ##javaee
20:58 whartung why would fxml files have any different class path handling than anything else Noodep ?
20:59 Noodep it seems like static import statements in fxml files don't work for custom classes
21:00 Noodep The only reason I can think of is that they use a different classpath resolution
21:01 whartung I'm not familiar with fxml file at all, but I see no reason why they would have some different class path management than anything else. Perhaps they don't; support static imports at all
21:02 Noodep They do in two cases : when the class is in the very top package, or for non custom classes (i.e already in a jar file)
21:03 whartung so fxml is some kind of JavaFX markup that creates a java class?
21:04 Noodep It doesn't create the class but the layout (like android)
21:04 Noodep For example I can do <?import javafx.scene.control.Label?> or <?import topmostpackage.customcontrol?>
21:05 whartung and it can import other fxml files? that's what you mean by "very top package"?
21:05 whartung and what do you mean by "non custom classes", that didn't make any sense to me either
21:05 Noodep but for some reason <?import org.myorganisation.control.customcontrol?> doesn't work
21:05 whartung do you get a syntax error at build?
21:05 Noodep A runtime error
21:06 Noodep
21:06 whartung a runtime error during parsing of the fxml or during rendering? (assuming those are separate phases)
21:07 whartung so, during load
21:07 Noodep Yes
21:07 Noodep during load
21:07 whartung so, this
21:07 whartung us.ihmc.commonRunningModules​.SplineEditor$SplineDisplay
21:07 whartung where are you using the inner class?
21:09 Noodep in the fxml file (
21:09 Noodep But it is not an inner class (the $ is bothering me)
21:09 whartung yea, it thinks it's an inner class
21:11 Noodep Well, I am sure that it is not defined as an inner class.
21:12 whartung is it in ""?
21:12 whartung *Spline
21:12 Noodep So this might be the problem then, but I can't see why.
21:12 Noodep Yes
21:13 Noodep I triple checked the spelling
21:13 whartung so, it's "package us.ihmc.commonRunningModules.SplineEditor; public class SplineDisplay { … }" ?
21:13 Noodep Yes
21:14 whartung ok, so it's odd that it seems to think that it's an inner class
21:14 whartung is this the only one failing or are their others?
21:15 Noodep No I have the exact same issue for another class
21:15 whartung do you have any classes that work?
21:15 Noodep Toolbar (commented on the fxml file abova)
21:15 whartung Toolbar works? or fails?
21:16 Noodep Well they work if I import them in the fxml like this : <?import us.ihmc.commonRunningModules.SplineEditor.*?>
21:16 Noodep Toolbar fails
21:17 whartung I dunno, tat wouldn't make any sense either
21:17 whartung the issue, to me, isn't the import statement, it's the forms usage of the class name
21:17 whartung why does it think it want an inner class
21:17 whartung do you get the same error if you don't have the import statement?
21:17 Noodep I know that's weird
21:18 Noodep No
21:18 whartung what error do you get without the import statement?
21:18 Noodep I can't even compile without the import statement
21:18 whartung comple what?
21:19 Noodep Actually I am wrrong
21:19 Noodep I can compile the project
21:19 Noodep I have a different runtime error though
21:19 Noodep "SplineDisplay is not a valid type."
21:20 whartung huh
21:21 sfisque is SplineDisplay declared as public class or just class?
21:22 Noodep public class
21:23 semiosis Noodep: i dont see anywhere in the fxml tutorial suggesting static import of java methods in fxml
21:24 Noodep I know, and it works well with wildcard import. It's just bothering me that it works in some cases.
21:24 Noodep And I can't figure out how it works exactly.
21:25 CJ_ Anyone know what I need to do to get a bean when I don't have a servlet context?
21:25 CJ_
21:28 semiosis Noodep: have you looked at controlsfx or other 3rd party packages that provide custom controls?  to see how they do it?
21:28 Noodep The doc state otherwise...
21:29 Noodep Good call semiosis I'll look into it
21:31 semiosis Noodep: also, splinedisplay sounds pretty cool... is this going to be open sourced? ;)
21:33 Noodep probably not, it's not worth it, it's just going to be a custom trajectory generator for robots my team is working on
21:33 semiosis oh yeah sure that doesnt sound awesome at all....
21:34 Noodep Lol ! It's gonna be very specific to our tools. ;)
21:35 semiosis Noodep: looking up your org... and i see you're associated with ufl?  i'm a gator :)
21:36 Noodep Hey me too !
21:57 Noodep Bummer, controlsfx doesn't use fxml at all :(
22:00 semiosis Noodep: the question is do they use anything besides top level public classes?
22:00 Noodep They do
22:00 semiosis hmm
22:05 VB1 joined ##javaee
22:42 Noodep FOUND IT !!!!!!
22:44 trex joined ##javaee
22:45 trex How can I replace \u0027 to ' ? I need that because I send this string to database as query.
22:45 semiosis well???
22:45 semiosis Noodep: ^^
22:45 Noodep Such a small thing !
22:46 Noodep In fxml everything that start with an uppercase is considered an instance
22:46 semiosis trex: is \u0027 appearing in JSON?  you should be using a json decoder library
22:46 ilhami joined ##javaee
22:46 Noodep My package name was SplineEditor
22:46 semiosis hahaha even I thought that was a class name
22:46 ilhami hey
22:46 semiosis yep, that's pretty standard convention in java
22:46 ilhami I have a question
22:47 ilhami can I ask?
22:47 semiosis don't ask to ask, just ask
22:48 ilhami Ok I am writing a webservice in Java. I was wondering how I get the JSOn from my database also via Java.
22:48 ilhami and a dynamic json
22:48 Noodep switching it to splineEditor fixed it
22:48 Noodep I know, but it never was an issue to name packages with an uppercase before... :'(
22:48 Noodep Never again !
22:48 trex semiosis: Yes, it's about JSON. Thank you.
22:49 semiosis trex: jackson is a very popular json parser.  also moxy, and gson, and .... many more
22:49 ilhami my database is connected to my website now :D
22:49 ilhami I need to get data from it
22:50 whartung that makes sense Noodep
22:50 Noodep Yep now it does
22:50 Noodep I so glad I solved that...
22:50 trex semiosis: I'm using gson now. And I writing tomcat's web app. I found at in my debug output ))
22:51 Noodep Thank you for your input guys
22:51 ilhami can anyone answer my question?
22:51 Noodep @ilhami what is your question exactly ?
22:52 ilhami how to get json from my database in Java instead of writing some php code
22:52 ilhami is it possible?
22:52 semiosis what kind of database is it?
22:53 Noodep You can use JDBC to connect to a database in java
22:53 ilhami it's a MySQL
22:53 ilhami database
22:53 Noodep JDBC supports most popular db (mysql and postgres)
22:53 ilhami but using a database driver is horrible for Android applications
22:53 ilhami afaik
22:53 ilhami can you inform me on that?
22:54 whartung what's that got to do with anything?
22:55 Noodep If you know how to connect in php, it will be fairly easy to follow this
22:55 ilhami my real question is how I can generate json objects in Java instead of php and get that data to my application?
22:56 Noodep Java provides a built-in JSON api (
22:56 whartung You can print it directly, you can use templates, you can use a serialization package that converts Java beans to json, you can work with a Json library and work on the raw json objects…there's all sorts of ways
22:57 ilhami so whats the best practice? I just need an easy good way. :) no need to make things harder than they are
22:57 semiosis ilhami: then use php
22:57 Noodep @semiosis +1
22:57 semiosis ilhami: will be harder in java
22:57 ilhami no dude. I refuse to use php :D
22:57 semiosis haha
22:57 ilhami I want to learn it in Java
22:58 semiosis ilhami: you might want to look into dropwizard
22:58 whartung common practice is DB -> JPA Entities -> JSON Serializer (jackson, gson, etc.) -> output
22:58 semiosis i hear that's pretty good
22:58 ilhami dropwizard
22:58 ilhami I will google it now
22:58 ilhami oh its a framework
22:58 semiosis everything in java is a framework
22:59 semiosis pick which framework you like best
22:59 ilhami I hate all that production ready shit dude :D
22:59 ilhami I want to write it myself. :D
22:59 semiosis [17:58] <ilhami> so whats the best practice? I just need an easy good way. :) no need to make things harder than they are
22:59 semiosis [18:00] <ilhami> I want to write it myself. :D
22:59 semiosis contradictory
22:59 ilhami yeah ok. It can be semi hard.
23:00 ilhami A bit harder than a framework like that.
23:00 Noodep Use the tool java provides you then.
23:00 whartung simplest way is to just print it out straight, or manipulate a JSON object.
23:00 Noodep The JSON api is really easy to use.
23:00 whartung is the json api in java 7?
23:01 Noodep Good question
23:01 Noodep Yep
23:01 whartung then yea, use that
23:01 whartung fewer dependencies
23:01 whartung dependencies suck
23:02 ilhami I will brb and we will discuss it further. I have something to do now. :)
23:02 ilhami thanks for all your answers so far
23:03 semiosis dropwizard isnt really a framework, not like seam/grails/play/etc
23:03 semiosis dropwizard is a collection of libs, like jackson & jersey
23:03 semiosis afaik anywya
23:20 ilhami ok semiosis are you still there?
23:21 semiosis if i'm not i'll see your message later
23:21 ilhami ok dude :) I will show you the code I have so far.
23:23 ilhami - does it look fine so far?
23:25 semiosis ilhami: sorry i dont have time to review your code, have my own work to do
23:25 semiosis if you had a problem or question i might be able to offer some advice
23:25 ilhami oh ok. It's not really much code.
23:31 ilhami left ##javaee
23:37 pdurbin gators gonna gate
23:53 semiosis hahaha
23:55 pdurbin or something
23:56 semiosis closing time.  afk

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