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IRC log for #javaee, 2014-02-10

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Time S Nick Message
00:58 sfisque well, arguably, most tools that nb exposes have standalone capabilities wrap around with an nb wrapper (ant, maven, pmd, etc.)
01:49 pdurbin sfisque: sure, but when I hit "Source -> Format" is that calling a wrapper around a tool with standalone capabilities?
01:53 pdurbin hmm, this is kinda what I want:
01:54 pdurbin via
01:54 pdurbin via
02:09 pdurbin CJ_: you seemed somewhat interested in this area of formatting code consistently across a team:
02:31 cem joined ##javaee
02:33 Guest20562 :(
02:59 Guest20562 net send doesnt work
02:59 Guest20562 in window 7
03:53 sfisque pdurbin not sure, but i would not be surprised.  NB is generally pretty good about not re-inventing the wheel
05:00 pronab joined ##javaee
05:28 ramsrib joined ##javaee
07:24 whartung_ joined ##javaee
08:25 fabioportieri joined ##javaee
08:27 weyer joined ##javaee
10:28 sajjadg joined ##javaee
10:57 knoppix joined ##javaee
11:19 neuro_sys joined ##javaee
11:19 neuro_sys joined ##javaee
12:17 sajjadg
12:58 CJ_ pdurbin, Interesting.  I still need to find the maven plugin that won't let you build unless it's formatted correctly.
13:09 pdurbin CJ_: "outputs violations or a count of violations to the console, potentially failing the build" --
13:10 pdurbin personally, I don't want to fail the build (yet) ... I just want some reporting and to get people thinking about consistency and reducing distractions
13:14 CJ_ pdurbin, Understood.  I'm not sure I'm ready to take that step either.  Hard to get people to agree that coding style is important.
13:14 pdurbin suprisingly hard
13:14 CJ_ Agreed.
13:26 pdurbin CJ_: let's knock together a proof of concept on github and travis ci
13:27 CJ_ Eh?
13:27 pdurbin CJ_: make a maven project, add mongo's checkstyle config (as a starting point):
13:28 pdurbin CJ_: then have travis ci run a build on every commit
13:28 CJ_ Ah, interesting.
13:28 CJ_ Now if I only had time for side projects. :)
13:28 pdurbin show, don't tell
13:28 CJ_ Still haven't gotten around to writing my plex plugin.
13:29 Artamerh joined ##javaee
13:29 pdurbin maybe we should start a freenodejavaee github organization or something
13:31 CJ_ Maybe.  My goal is to do more open source and side projects.  Just have to find the time.
13:31 pdurbin CJ_: well, think about it
13:31 pdurbin and everyone here is welcome, of course
13:32 CJ_ pdurbin, I have.  As I mentioned, the problem is time. :)
13:33 pdurbin CJ_: you think fast. like malcolm gladwell in Blink
13:33 CJ_ No.  It's just somethink I've been contemplating for a while.  I want to do more but haven't figured out where to put it in my schedule.
13:51 sajjadg joined ##javaee
14:21 knoppix joined ##javaee
14:22 balo left ##javaee
14:28 jamesmcveity joined ##javaee
14:30 jieryn joined ##javaee
14:30 jieryn joined ##javaee
14:32 ramsrib joined ##javaee
15:00 knoppix joined ##javaee
15:05 Naros joined ##javaee
15:09 sajjadg You can configure the behavior of your application using annotations only or a combination between annotations and deployment descriptors.
15:40 TxRx127 left ##javaee
15:57 sajjadg joined ##javaee
16:50 Naros joined ##javaee
16:50 Naros left ##javaee
16:54 TinkerTyper joined ##javaee
16:58 Voyage__ joined ##javaee
17:20 fabioportieri joined ##javaee
17:25 sajjadg I hate when netbeans starts transfering index to maven repository. I hate it. and I cannot stop it!
17:27 sajjadg even when I close it and stop it it continues in the background!
17:32 kobain joined ##javaee
17:46 sajjadg openjdk process is downloading some file!
17:46 sajjadg maybe javadoc documentation. maybe something else
17:47 sajjadg how can I know!
17:55 pdurbin I cannot stop it! :)
17:58 fabioportieri boss keep doing errors while refactoring and i'm here at late hours ]:<
17:58 fabioportieri pissed...
17:58 pdurbin fabioportieri: you cannot stop it!
17:58 fabioportieri should i tell her?
17:59 pdurbin heh
18:02 AndroidLoverInSF joined ##javaee
18:21 AndroidLoverInSF joined ##javaee
18:36 sajjadg pdurbin: what?
18:39 AndroidLoverInSF joined ##javaee
18:44 pdurbin sajjadg: no one can stop the bad things that are happening to them today :(
18:45 pdurbin does anyone know anything about ?
18:45 pdurbin (JSR-283)
18:45 sfisque joined ##javaee
18:46 CJ_ pdurbin, A little.  Why?
18:46 sajjadg pdurbin: to whom?
18:47 pdurbin CJ_: is it a spec worth studying?
18:47 CJ_ I don't know.  I know some people currently trying to figure it out, but I've not seen it used otherwise.
18:48 pdurbin CJ_: ok, well, maybe you can tell me later if they like it
18:49 CJ_ I don't get that impression, but it could be due to the other problems they're having.
18:50 sajjadg pdurbin: you meant netbeans guys?
18:53 sajjadg XMLHttpRequest cannot load http://localhost:8080/version. Origin http://localhost:8383 is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin. (13:53:54:340 | error, javascript)
18:53 sajjadg >
18:53 sajjadg I'm getting this in browser terminal :-/
18:54 CJ_ Anyone using OpenJDK?
18:55 kobain joined ##javaee
18:56 sajjadg yes
18:59 pdurbin at home I am
18:59 semiosis pdurbin: i looked into JCR a bit but could never figure out the point.  seemed like just another abstraction on top of a database
18:59 pdurbin (on fedora)
19:00 CJ_ pdurbin, How do you like it compared to Oracle?
19:00 pdurbin semiosis: "Any problem in computer science can be solved with another layer of indirection. But that usually will create another problem" --
19:00 semiosis right
19:01 sajjadg openJDK is the reference implementation since 7 IIRC
19:01 pdurbin CJ_: openjdk (as of 7) works fine for me
19:01 CJ_ I heard that, but I wasn't sure what that meant.  So Oracle and OpenJDK are the same now?
19:02 sajjadg the only problem I had was that for android dev. you need oracle jdk and I think it's gone now
19:02 sfisque that cannot be, because oracle is still producing jdk7 for macintosh and openjdk still has issues on macosx
19:02 pdurbin CJ_: oracle guy said this: "We build our JDK by taking the open source OpenJDK code base and replace/add certain proprietary (non-OSS) components to it." -- Henrik Stahl at
19:02 semiosis CJ_: not the same
19:02 semiosis there is hotspot jvm from oracle & icedtea jvm from openjdk
19:03 semiosis while openjdk may be declared mainline, that doesnt magically make evrything work with it that was written for hotspot
19:03 sajjadg CJ_: they are so much alike. little differences.
19:04 sajjadg oracle is open sourcing its JDK slowly.
19:05 sajjadg how can I get http header in the browser?
19:05 sajjadg curl -i gives me http header. but it would be nice to have it in chrome/firefox
19:06 CJ_ I just downloaded the oracle jdk.  It's still around.
19:07 sajjadg I still have that CORS problem with jersey+glassfish. I'm not lucky with it :-/
19:10 CJ_ sajjadg, What was your problem?  Did you not get the headers set correctly?
19:11 sajjadg CJ_: that's seems to be my problem. I tried to change the response header but failed multiple times
19:12 sajjadg I tried this:
19:12 sajjadg this:
19:12 CJ_ Which HTTP methods are you using?
19:12 sajjadg this:
19:12 sajjadg CJ_: GET
19:12 CJ_ Hmm.  That shouldn't require an OPTIONS call.
19:12 CJ_ You should be able to set the header right in your servlet.
19:13 CJ_ Unfortunately, I've not used jersey so I can't help you there.
19:13 CJ_ I didn't bother with it when doing my rest servlets.
19:14 sajjadg @GET
19:14 sajjadg @Path("version")
19:14 sajjadg @Produces("application/json; charset=UTF-8")
19:14 sajjadg CJ_: what do you use?
19:14 sajjadg cfx, resteasy
19:14 sajjadg ?
19:14 CJ_ I just implemented them by hand.  They're not that complicated.
19:15 CJ_ I use jackson to parse my json, but that's it.
19:15 sajjadg :-/ you should know servlet api then. I'm not familiar with servlets and I suffer from it
19:16 CJ_ It's really not that hard.  Set up your server.xml and then extend HttpServlet
19:16 sajjadg CJ_: for creating my own servlet?
19:16 CJ_ Yes
19:16 sajjadg what's the pros and cons?
19:16 neuro_sys s/server/web/ innit?
19:17 neuro_sys even with annotation, xmls needed no more
19:17 CJ_ Yes, you're correct, I meant web.xml
19:17 sajjadg I like annotations. but I hate when I can't find much resource about them on the web
19:17 neuro_sys sajjadg: get the servlet 3.0 spec, and skim through it, it's quite very simple
19:17 CJ_ I tend not to use annotations.  Often too hard to find out what they do.
19:18 weyer joined ##javaee
19:19 sajjadg neuro_sys: yes sir :-)
19:19 sajjadg CJ_: true. sometimes they are like magic :-)
19:19 sajjadg but when you got the feeling you can enjoy harry potter world :P
19:19 neuro_sys
19:20 neuro_sys I'm checking Atmosphere framework right now, and it's got some heavily over use of Annotations all over.
19:20 CJ_ I find that annotations let you quickly hook things up.  However they also make it harder to troubleshoot and maintain.
19:20 neuro_sys It's even configured with annotations
19:20 CJ_ But that's just me.
19:20 neuro_sys so I'm hating them right now
19:20 semiosis CORS filter config:
19:21 semiosis had to add all of that to get CORS working for chrome, ffox, (and maybe IE iirc)
19:21 neuro_sys What's CORS?
19:21 semiosis that's from web.xml
19:21 neuro_sys some rest thingie?
19:21 neuro_sys oh
19:21 semiosis @lucky CORS
19:21 neuro_sys
19:22 neuro_sys I don't get why it's even possible. what's the point of same origin policy then
19:22 semiosis neuro_sys: dont even worry about it
19:22 CJ_ I use the CORSFilter included in Tomcat.
19:23 semiosis CJ_: pastie a config example?
19:23 CJ_ It's the same thing as what you posted.  It's just a different class.
19:23 semiosis oh never mind,
19:23 CJ_ org.apache.catalina.filters.CorsFilter
19:24 semiosis is that new?  never noticed that before
19:24 CJ_ It's only since 7.0.42 I believe.
19:24 semiosis ah ok
19:24 CJ_ I just stumbled across it last month.
19:24 CJ_ Was doing things by hand before that.
19:25 sajjadg semiosis: perfect. I'm using that jar file already but your config has init too. the site doesn't have init though
19:29 sajjadg <groupId>com.thetransactioncompany</groupId>
19:29 sajjadg <artifactId>cors-filter</artifactId>
19:29 sajjadg <version>1.9.2</version>
19:33 sajjadg semiosis: not working for me!
19:33 sajjadg CJ_: is it possible to use that in glassfish?
19:34 CJ_ I would assume so, but I've never tried it.
19:38 sajjadg semiosis: what AS do you use?
19:57 weyer joined ##javaee
20:00 semiosis sajjadg: none.  i use tomcat
20:02 whartung no reason you shouldn't be able to sajjadg but just be careful as to what other jars may be required for it
20:02 whartung but it's a simple enough filter I bet it can just be brought over
20:05 CJ_ WTF does Ant require alsa-lib and perl??  Makes no sense.
20:06 whartung welcome to linux
20:09 CJ_ The java dependencies on linux are fubared.
20:09 sajjadg CJ_: alsa??? perl is everywhere but alsa???
20:09 CJ_ It seems that any java package installed everything else java.  And a bunch of other things.
20:09 CJ_ sajjadg, Why does Ant need perl?
20:09 sajjadg CJ_: scripting langs are handy :P
20:10 sajjadg perl is so lovable amongs oldmans
20:11 sajjadg CJ_: if you are installing something from linux repo you see lots of dependencies. you can avoid them by installing oracle jdk ;)
20:13 CJ_ perl can be handy.  But I don't need it just for ant.
20:13 CJ_ Also, I have oracle jdk installed.
20:13 CJ_ ant still wants to install 50 some odd packages.
20:14 sajjadg :-/ right. so go for maven :P
20:14 CJ_ Can't.  What I'm doing requires ant.
20:15 sajjadg CJ_: why do you care about the dependencies?
20:15 sajjadg install them
20:16 CJ_ Because I don't want all of that installed on this machine.
20:16 CJ_ It's a VM and doesn't have a lot of space.
20:18 sajjadg semiosis: tomcat+spring. I'm not a spring guy.
20:19 CJ_ Eh?
20:21 AndroidLoverInSF joined ##javaee
20:24 sajjadg CJ_: why do you need ant there? build it on your machine and then put the output on the VM
20:25 CJ_ Because it's an automated deploy script.
20:26 sajjadg I don't follow!
20:26 sajjadg you can work with your VM remotely
20:26 sajjadg remote deploy is another good option
20:27 CJ_ I'm running a prebuilt install script.  It's what wants ant.
20:30 sajjadg I don't follow again! I can't understand why you need ant. what's your application? web app? do you have a Application Server/servlet container?
20:34 sajjadg for ant question you can find better answers at ##java channel CJ_
20:36 CJ_ I don't have any ant questions other than why it wants to pull in so many dependencies.
20:36 CJ_ It was mostly just me venting.
20:37 semiosis TherapIRC
20:37 sajjadg CJ_: aha :-)
20:37 sajjadg semiosis: what's that?
20:37 semiosis therapy + irc
20:37 semiosis never mind
20:40 sajjadg semiosis: IRCthraphy looks nicer :P
20:43 CJ_ Having trouble trying to get ducc up and running.  It won't start activemq for some reason and there's no log file.
20:43 Artamerh joined ##javaee
20:57 kobain joined ##javaee
21:01 kobain joined ##javaee
21:04 weyer joined ##javaee
21:17 AndroidLoverInSF joined ##javaee
21:20 AndroidLoverInSF joined ##javaee
21:39 sfisque cj_ ant doesnt do anything other than what your build.xml specifies.  if it's "pulling in" stuff, it's all in your build.xml.  ant is not like maven.  it doesnt do anything other than run a script(s) and provide hooks for plugins
21:40 CJ_ sfisque, I understand how ant works.  I was referring to the ant package in linux.  I was looking to install it that wasy instead of doing it manually.
22:06 SoniEx2 joined ##javaee
22:06 whartung it's just the packagers being lame and stupid.
22:06 whartung it's why java and the linux packagers don't work well with each other
22:06 whartung 99% of things like ant and maven are Just Jars(tm)
22:06 whartung they need Java -- and that's it.
22:06 whartung "Please don't add a Java dependency to the java products"
22:07 whartung "Oh, you want ant? Don't forget gcj!" NO! GO AWAY!
22:08 sajjadg sudo sysctl vm.swappiness=10
22:10 weyer joined ##javaee
22:10 TinkerTyper joined ##javaee
23:23 Jhosepth joined ##javaee
23:35 AndroidLoverInSF joined ##javaee
23:55 Jhosepth hello guys , I am trying to get the rgb color of a Cell of an excel book (.xlsx) the rgb color of the cell is (255,0,0)  according to the palette of colors in Excel 2007, but my code ,  throws the numbers 0 and  64,  any help about the cause of the problem is welcome .I am using POI(XSSF) to read the Excel book.
23:56 * whartung looks for Colors, Excel, and RGB in the JEE Specifications
23:57 Jhosepth I am using Apache POI (A third party library) to read the Excel Book.

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