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IRC log for #javaee, 2014-02-09

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
01:19 SEx2 joined ##javaee
01:59 TinkerTyper joined ##javaee
03:03 Guest16298 joined ##javaee
03:39 Voyage__ joined ##javaee
06:18 Guest362 joined ##javaee
06:18 Guest362 howdy!!!!!!!!
08:47 neuro_sys joined ##javaee
10:56 acuzio Is that you Quest ?
11:54 weyer joined ##javaee
12:19 neuro_sys joined ##javaee
14:50 weyer joined ##javaee
15:00 cem joined ##javaee
15:00 Guest51630 hiiiii
15:06 Guest51630 double ## for the channel is a problem , i usually end up in namespace :'(
16:05 acuzio yeah  ; it happens
16:57 sfisque joined ##javaee
16:57 Guest51630 switch is better then if else
17:16 acuzio no
17:26 TinkerTyper joined ##javaee
17:27 neuro_sys switch is terrible
17:27 neuro_sys speaking from my experience
17:27 acuzio yup
17:46 Milla joined ##javaee
18:42 weyer joined ##javaee
18:44 sfisque depends on implementation.  in some cases a switch will generate better code, other cases if-then is better
19:00 Voyage__ joined ##javaee
19:20 neuro_sys what about nested turnary operator
19:20 neuro_sys it looks pretty
19:20 neuro_sys either ways, missing a break in switch-case is disastrous
19:25 sfisque if you mean ()?:  i hate when people nest that shiz.  heroically unreadable and fraught with lots of "i spent 7 hours last night debugging that one line you did"
19:25 sfisque unless you're writing code for an "obfuscated [lang]
19:26 sfisque " contest, don't nest that crap
19:26 neuro_sys the heck
19:26 neuro_sys it reads beautiful
19:26 neuro_sys
19:28 sfisque 1) not a real world example.  2) it is unclear what it is trying to achieve outside of just code (the business rule is not easily elucidated and ultimately would need to be commented because the code is not self-commenting)
19:29 sfisque very few nested ?: operations i've seen are "scalar" driven, but instead contain method calls, operations, and other stuff that in the end just turns it into spaghetti code in the real world, no matter how elegant it looks "in the lab"
19:30 neuro_sys ?: operations that have method calls sounds disturbing
19:30 * neuro_sys twitchs
19:31 neuro_sys I avoid it always at work lest my coworkers are like the fuck.
19:31 sfisque you are not alone in that sentiment :-D
19:31 neuro_sys but there's been a few cases when switch-case's were missing a crucial break
19:32 sfisque aye, i wish they would treat it like a block.  if you have a case enclosed in {} it should be considered "scoped" and break at the end, otherwise treat it inline with no break
19:33 sfisque or something similar
19:33 sfisque though that could make cascading (when you want that feature) more difficult to maintain
19:33 neuro_sys yeah a curly braces block would be neat
19:33 sfisque there are times where i've made use of cascading in switches with very nice
19:33 sfisque code optimization results
19:34 neuro_sys yes cascading switches are useful, adds to readability as opposed to an equivalent if-else ladder I guess.
19:35 sfisque or segmetned cases where you repeat tons of code over and over again
19:35 sfisque blech
19:36 pdurbin neuro_sys: your co-workers are like
19:36 neuro_sys haha I know that one
19:36 sfisque lolz
19:36 neuro_sys it's so true
19:37 sfisque or "why's per hour"….
19:39 neuro_sys it's awful if the colleague whose code you're reading is across in the same room
19:40 neuro_sys and that moment when you're like in the most polite tone, "hey, mister Foobar could you look over here for a bit, I don't quite get what this block means."
19:40 neuro_sys it's even more hilarious if they say "I don't remember either"
19:42 neuro_sys
19:42 pdurbin sfisque: have you ever used perltidy?
19:43 sfisque negative
19:43 pdurbin :(
19:44 sfisque neuro_sys it's not strange to not remember what a block of code does.  there was a study back in the day  by bell labs.  they found that optimally, a developer of decent calibre could "actively maintain" 5k lines of code (as in they knew what every line was doing and understood all of the side effects)
19:45 pdurbin does checkstyle actually format your code for you (according to the rules you've specified) or does it only complain about where you broke your own rules?
19:45 sfisque i believe PMD, CS and BF only complain and do not do formatting
19:45 pdurbin (you can use perltidy either way)
19:45 pdurbin hmm. I want a tool that goes ahead and does the formatting, like perltidy does
19:46 sfisque i believe there is/was a NB plugin that did tidying for java and maybe C.  not sure about perl/php
19:47 pdurbin oh sure, netbeans will do it. but what if someone is using a different IDE? at least a command line tool (like perltidy) is IDE-independent
19:49 neuro_sys
19:50 pdurbin nothin' huh? oh well
20:16 abeym joined ##javaee
20:25 abeym left ##javaee
21:51 chris64 joined ##javaee

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