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IRC log for #javaee, 2014-02-06

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:06 AndroidLoverInSF joined ##javaee
00:20 AndroidLoverInSF joined ##javaee
02:03 AndroidLoverInSF joined ##javaee
02:08 AndroidLoverInSF joined ##javaee
03:06 NationalCoder joined ##javaee
03:44 NationalCoder joined ##javaee
04:11 AndroidLoverInSF joined ##javaee
04:27 NationalCoder joined ##javaee
05:27 sajjadg joined ##javaee
05:56 Bombe joined ##javaee
06:22 TinkerTyper joined ##javaee
06:32 AndroidLoverInSF joined ##javaee
06:33 kotten joined ##javaee
06:42 AndroidLoverInSF joined ##javaee
06:42 NationalCoder joined ##javaee
06:47 AndroidLoverInSF joined ##javaee
06:49 AndroidLoverInSF joined ##javaee
06:51 AndroidLoverInSF joined ##javaee
06:58 AndroidLoverInSF joined ##javaee
07:04 Sircle joined ##javaee
07:08 AndroidLoverInSF joined ##javaee
07:10 kotten joined ##javaee
07:20 neuro_sys joined ##javaee
07:36 neuro_sys joined ##javaee
08:09 AlexCzar joined ##javaee
08:27 fabioportieri joined ##javaee
08:28 fabioportieri morning
08:45 neuro_sys morning
09:15 AlexCzar hola
09:27 NationalCoder joined ##javaee
09:37 sajjadg salaam
09:38 sajjadg sobh be.kheir
09:44 ramsrib joined ##javaee
09:44 acuzio hey its sajjadg .,  are you one of Quest's mate, colleague, alter-egos ?
09:46 sajjadg acuzio: :-) yes I am here. I'm what??!!
09:47 acuzio an alter-ego of Quest
09:49 sajjadg who's Quest?!
09:49 sajjadg :-/
09:49 acuzio sajjadg: dont be silly ., he is the master and domain controller of all
09:49 acuzio I suggest you ask that question in ##java
09:50 sajjadg !!!
09:51 sajjadg I don't get it.
09:51 sajjadg what's going on here!
09:52 acuzio Are you Quest?
09:52 sajjadg no
09:52 sajjadg and I don't know him/her/it
09:52 acuzio I dont believe this
09:52 acuzio But ok
10:20 fabioportieri fucking <f:convertNumber messes up my layout
10:22 fabioportieri type="currency" is to blame
10:24 fabioportieri currency sign displayed correctly but actual value is shown below the container
10:47 acuzio fabioportieri: JSF ?
10:48 fabioportieri obviously..
10:48 acuzio i dont understand people who _want_ to use JSF
10:48 fabioportieri as a workaround i had to manually put the dollar sign and remove type attr from convertNumber
10:49 fabioportieri people get stuck with the framework they learned
10:49 sajjadg html5 is more than enough :-)
10:49 fabioportieri yep
10:50 acuzio html5, css3, js - done
11:02 sajjadg :-) angularjs and/or backbone.js and you have everything you want :P
11:03 acuzio angular.js - writing that as we speak
11:03 acuzio with mustache templates
11:10 sajjadg I have a mustache :P
11:10 sajjadg :-{
12:25 kotten joined ##javaee
12:42 NationalCoder joined ##javaee
12:43 AndroidLoverInSF joined ##javaee
12:46 NationalCoder joined ##javaee
13:12 NationalCoder joined ##javaee
13:13 MasterProgram joined ##javaee
14:40 weyer joined ##javaee
14:52 tommmied joined ##javaee
15:50 TxRx127 joined ##javaee
16:01 weyer joined ##javaee
16:13 sajjadg joined ##javaee
17:08 fabioportieri bye
17:13 kobain joined ##javaee
18:17 Voyage joined ##javaee
18:18 AlexCzar joined ##javaee
18:37 Naros joined ##javaee
18:45 weyer joined ##javaee
18:53 neuro_sys joined ##javaee
18:53 neuro_sys joined ##javaee
19:21 pdurbin AlexCzar: ping
19:37 weyer joined ##javaee
19:59 neuro_sys pong
20:10 sfisque i know acuzio isn't in channel now, but to offer an answer to his conjecture about "why JSF":  why should i have to write raw javascript that can be brittle when i can just use a few tags and everything goes to plan.  the difference for me is, leverage what's already solved and jsf solves "a lot".  where it does not, i will twiddle some js to fill in the gaps.  also, i can assume how much horsepower i have on the server side.  i
20:10 pdurbin sfisque: I think you got cut off there
20:11 sfisque oh.  where did it truncate?
20:11 pdurbin after horsepower
20:11 sfisque ok.  re-doing in chunks :-D.  thx for heads up pd
20:11 sfisque i know acuzio isn't in channel now, but to offer an answer to his conjecture about "why JSF":  why should i have to write raw javascript that can be brittle when i can just use a few tags and everything goes to plan.  the difference for me is, leverage what's already solved and jsf solves "a lot".
20:11 sfisque where it does not, i will twiddle some js to fill in the gaps.  also, i can assume how much horsepower i have on the server side.  i do not have that advantage on the client side unless it's an "internal app".  additionally, pure js UI's tend to be brittle and harder to maintain than "tagged" templates.
20:27 AlexCzar pdurbin, pong
20:27 pdurbin AlexCzar: a Solr thing for you to look at
20:27 pdurbin sfisque: sorry, man. keep ranting :)
20:28 AlexCzar pdurbin, cool, thanks! Will come in handy when I get there :)
20:29 pdurbin AlexCzar: maybe :)
20:30 pdurbin maybe I'm completely off base
20:31 AlexCzar By the way I'm struggling with a strangest Spring problem. I have three classes: ApplicationConfig with @EnableScheduling annotation and some minimal configuration. One @Component with one method with @Scheduled annotation and applicationRunner, which instantiates AnnotationConfig
20:32 AlexCzar Everything works except @Scheduled annotation, the only think awry is INFO level line in the log: INFO  o.s.c.s.PostProcessorRegistration​Delegate$BeanPostProcessorChecker - Bean '​notation.SchedulingConfiguration' of type [class org.springframework.scheduling.annotation.Sched​ulingConfiguration$$EnhancerByCGLIB$$8b9d35ec] is not eligible for getting proc
20:33 AlexCzar any ideas what could this mean? The things I found through Google did not help
20:33 sfisque are you inside an EE container or tomcat?
20:34 AlexCzar sfisque, not inside container at all, the app runs via public static void main(String... args)
20:34 sfisque @Scheduled i believe is only available in an EE container
20:35 AlexCzar oh, I'll check that.
20:39 AlexCzar nope, docs does not mention that
20:39 AlexCzar s/does not/do not/
20:42 AlexCzar I'll add a dummy controller and try to run it with jetty, just to be sure…
20:44 sfisque nm,  @Schedule is EJB.  is @Scheduled a spring annotation?
21:04 AlexCzar sfisque, yes, @Scheduled is Spring annotation
21:04 sfisque i'd guess it's a configuration issue then
21:06 AlexCzar I want to sleep, so I'll just rewrite the app to use Spring xml based config, it almost always works :D
21:25 semiosis AlexCzar: fwiw, i'm using apache camel for a console app that runs jobs on a schedule
21:25 semiosis (it does other things too)
21:25 semiosis camel is pretty nice
21:26 semiosis actually uses camel & spring, but the scheduler is camel.  spring for DI & TX etc
21:49 semiosis that's my story and i'm sticking to it
21:59 AlexCzar semiosis, I used camel before - awesome integration framework, using it just for scheduling though seems… um… disrespectful :D
22:04 AlexCzar I had implemented an integration solution with JMS, Email, https, sftp, ftps endpoints, some of the endpoints also had custom transformers. All of this was needed for an electronic funds-transfer-system. The project is due to launch in Q2 2014 - they had ton of administrative problems which delayed launch of the project 18 month after completion of the IT infrastructure and software development.
22:05 AlexCzar I actually quit that job and now only provide support to them when they need to test something with a partner or make some tweak.
22:06 AlexCzar anyway, I'm writing too much stuff which is not interesting to anyone here :D blame it on my insomnia :)
22:07 AlexCzar I solved my scheduler problem by moving initialization to XML beans definition file. and using <task:annotation-driven>
22:08 AlexCzar @Scheduled annotations are detected properly and the strange INFO level warning also went away.
22:08 AlexCzar I can sleep now :) bye all
22:08 semiosis later AlexCzar
22:37 Voyage joined ##javaee
22:38 tommmied joined ##javaee
23:00 NationalCoder joined ##javaee
23:26 mocrunsthecity joined ##javaee
23:42 rathor1622 joined ##javaee
23:48 mocrunsthecity joined ##javaee

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