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IRC log for #javaee, 2013-12-12

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:27 jenue joined ##javaee
02:14 mikeit joined ##javaee
03:18 whartung_ joined ##javaee
05:17 [[thufir]] joined ##javaee
06:31 dangertools joined ##javaee
06:31 dangertools joined ##javaee
06:34 AlexCzar joined ##javaee
07:19 weyer joined ##javaee
07:40 Quest joined ##javaee
07:49 Symbiosisz joined ##javaee
10:10 dangertools joined ##javaee
13:07 drspockbr joined ##javaee
14:14 Naros joined ##javaee
14:24 Naros joined ##javaee
14:29 jenue joined ##javaee
15:00 jenue2 joined ##javaee
15:04 [[thufir]] joined ##javaee
15:33 acuzio hey Naros
15:33 Naros Harro
15:33 acuzio Silly season is starting
15:34 Naros ?
15:34 acuzio Xmas is coming
15:35 acuzio You cant move anywhere without hearing the wrectched carols
15:35 acuzio wretched even
15:36 acuzio I hate them carols
15:37 Naros lol dont be a scrooge
16:10 acuzio Naros: Its everywhere
16:11 acuzio I dont mind the festivities as such but the music is terrible - terrible
16:12 Naros :P
16:12 acuzio And you cannot walk anywhere without hearing them all the time
16:20 Quest joined ##javaee
16:41 sfisque joined ##javaee
16:42 sfisque yeah, it's annoying how the christians have co-opted a perfectly good pagan holiday :P
16:57 SoniEx joined ##javaee
16:59 jenue joined ##javaee
17:10 jenue joined ##javaee
17:36 AlexCzar joined ##javaee
18:03 semiosis i would recommend against trying to submit a javafx app to the mac app store
18:04 semiosis don't believe all those articles from oracle saying you can do it
18:04 whartung were you rejected?
18:04 semiosis apple changed their requirements and I doubt it's possible right now for a javafx native app bundle to be approved
18:04 whartung what did they change?
18:05 semiosis whartung: the native app bundle includes a full jre, which includes compatibility with the quicktime api, which means (even if you dont use quicktime in your app) that apple will automatically & categorically reject your app for using quicktime apis
18:05 whartung apple is deprecating quicktime?
18:06 semiosis the javafx native build tools also don't support app sandboxing/entitlements, but that is easy enough to work around with a text editor & mac cli tools
18:06 semiosis so thats just an inconvenience, not a blocker, though it only took me half a day to figure out how to do it :/
18:06 whartung yea
18:06 semiosis Deprecated API Usage - Apple no longer accepts submissions of apps that use QuickTime APIs.
18:07 semiosis that is verbatim from the automated review email from apple
18:07 sfisque i'm guessing you have to touch QT through some new cocoa lib
18:07 whartung so by "quicktime api" you mean the C/C++ based API vs a Cocoa one
18:07 semiosis idk wtf they mean
18:08 whartung heh
18:08 semiosis as far as I know my app doesnt use QT at all
18:08 whartung yea
18:08 semiosis but somewhere in the jre there must be calls to QT
18:08 whartung I'd grouse about it, perhaps they'll allow an exception for Java apps
18:08 whartung apple tends to be pendant, but flexible sometimes
18:08 semiosis thats a good idea
18:09 semiosis thx
18:11 whartung
18:11 whartung so you're not alone
18:12 whartung how do you like java fx?
18:14 semiosis maybe if i remove the webcam lib for the mac build...
18:14 whartung :)
18:14 semiosis <3 javafx
18:14 whartung what kind of app is it?
18:15 sfisque i'm guessing it's probably bundled in with imageio libs
18:15 sfisque the qt bindings
18:15 whartung I would think so
18:15 semiosis uploader
18:15 semiosis sends photos/videos to our api
18:15 sfisque quicktime is used for image/video codec support and conversion
18:15 sfisque bingo
18:15 semiosis using imageio to show a thumb of the photo
18:16 whartung so you may actually be using QT, vs just suffering from having it bundled with the JRE
18:16 semiosis also using webcam-capture to read QR codes with a webcam, but that doesnt work on mac because of some other bugs in the jdk
18:16 semiosis something about awt & javafx being mutually exclusive on mac
18:16 semiosis maybe
18:16 mortezaadi joined ##javaee
18:18 semiosis thx for the ideas
18:18 whartung si
18:18 sfisque np.   in a past life, i wrote mac native apps, so i know a little bit about the underlying libs
18:20 whartung I love it when iChat (ICHAT!!!) beach
18:21 sfisque yeah.  it has contention with browser based chats.  i noticed that if i have FB or GM in a browser tab, it will do that
18:21 sfisque i'm guessing ichat and FF (other browsers?) are fighting over some lib that is not thread safe
18:21 sfisque or has a bad contention point
18:24 SoniEx2 joined ##javaee
18:26 whartung yea, sharing a network interface is Hard(™)
18:31 sheenobu joined ##javaee
18:31 sheenobu joined ##javaee
18:34 semiosis uploading with all webcam stuff removed.  then going to try disabling the imageio/thumbnail features.  finally going to upload a blank javafx app.  determined to get to the bottom of this
18:36 whartung *shakes fist*
18:36 whartung power to the people!
18:41 sfisque and people wonder why i have an android phone.  i love my macbook and every single mac i've had previously (probably well over 15 apple machines) but i won't commit to a closed ecosystem
18:41 semiosis java >>> obj-c
18:42 sfisque i'm sure o-c is a fine language, but i'm too invested in java, but either way, you can still write native apps for andoid in any language that will compile to binary via the NDK
18:43 sfisque without jailbreaking
18:43 whartung obj-c is pretty neat
18:57 mortezaadi joined ##javaee
19:06 pdurbin you guys are all having fun talking about programming and I'm stuck at home talking to plumbers >:(
19:12 whartung plumbers are looooow on the fun scale
19:32 semiosis blank app rejected for quicktime use
19:32 whartung sweet
19:32 whartung +1 on quick turn around! :)
19:33 semiosis i knew this would happen, i shouldn't have even wasted time submitting without webcam, then without imageio, then without title bar icon, ....
19:33 semiosis they couldn't have been executing the app
19:33 semiosis just doing static analysis
19:33 semiosis so they wouldn't even know if my code was calling QT from webcam or imageio
19:34 semiosis maybe down the road, but not at this state
19:34 semiosis stage
19:34 semiosis time to open a case with apple
19:35 whartung right
19:41 mortezaadi left ##javaee
19:51 kobain joined ##javaee
20:57 weyer joined ##javaee
21:23 kobain joined ##javaee
22:11 * semiosis wonders if recompiling the jre without QT would be feasible
22:13 pdurbin semiosis: bummer about your app. did you look into ?
22:14 semiosis i've played with cordova/phonegap, but this is a desktop app
22:15 semiosis we already have native android/ios apps that dont use cordova.  wanted to complement those with a desktop app, and javafx seemed like a good choice.  it still is, despite this hurdle with the mac app store.
22:16 kobain joined ##javaee
22:16 whartung it would be curious about rebuilding the JRE semiosis
22:17 kobain joined ##javaee
22:17 whartung how good is their build.
22:17 whartung for example
22:17 semiosis their?  whose?  i'm using oracle jdk7u45
22:17 sfisque yah apple doesnt provide a "mobile" jvm
22:17 sfisque ios == java GTFO
22:18 * sfisque gives the finger to ios
22:18 semiosis to be clear, this isn't a mobile app
22:18 sfisque oh, you're targeting macosx desktop?
22:18 semiosis yes
22:18 semiosis and the app is solid & awesome
22:18 sfisque screw the apple store then
22:18 semiosis right
22:18 sfisque F THEM
22:19 * sfisque flips the bird at the apple store
22:19 semiosis already spent the $100 to join the mac dev program, only to find out they categorically reject apps bundling the jre
22:19 semiosis well, javafx apps at least
22:27 whartung no, it's just for whatever reason, once a project reaches a certain size, I have less confidence in them if *I* build them.
22:27 whartung GF is one of them, the JRE would certainly be one of them
22:27 semiosis true
22:27 whartung but I bet it would not be super awful to try and build the JRE and remove the QT dependency (and see if your code still works of course :) )
22:28 sfisque i'm guessing he'd jsut need an OS version of imageio that does not use QT codecs on macosx
22:28 sfisque i can't think of whatelse QT would be doing
22:29 semiosis sfisque: apple rejected even a blank app which didnt do *anything*
22:29 sfisque aye
22:31 sfisque ok.  looks like imageio is still a javax.  i was thinking it might have been folded into 7, but apparently not.  i was assuming it was "IN" the jdk regardless of whether you're consuming it
22:31 sfisque but that theory is bunked
22:31 whartung well even more curious
22:31 whartung here's a question
22:31 sfisque awt
22:31 whartung is the JRE statically linking to QT?
22:31 whartung if not, what if you just yanked out "" or whatever
22:31 sfisque i bet there are QT linkages in the native peering of awt
22:32 semiosis thought about trying to delete dylibs from the jre but that seems even more foolish than trying to build a jre without them
22:33 whartung yea, but it cheap to test
22:33 semiosis hmm
22:33 sfisque does your app use any awt concrete classes or just interfaces via swing/jfx
22:35 sfisque or maybe build openjdk and bundle that
22:35 semiosis no awt
22:35 sfisque or sue apple for crippling ios and not bundling java on it
22:35 sfisque :P
22:35 semiosis the webcam-capture lib uses awt, but there's a bug on mac which prevents awt & javafx from playing well together, hence no webcam support on mac
22:35 sfisque yeah mixing swing and awt is ….. interesting...
22:36 semiosis works fine on linux & windows tho
22:36 sfisque not surprised on linux because there are no "native peers".  everytyhing is provided by Xlibs
22:36 sfisque windows suprises me
22:37 semiosis i hope jdk8 clears up these issues :/
22:39 sfisque it's disheartening how apple is making the same mistakes m$ did.  dominate a market, and then screw it up with being proprietary
22:40 sfisque moving to bsd was a long overdue move, but now this whole ios crap is just freakishly annoying
22:42 whartung it's a double edged sword.
22:42 semiosis again, this isn't an ios issue...
22:42 whartung the apple stuff doesn't bother me. the iOS stuff.
22:42 semiosis but yeah they're doing to desktop mac os x what they've done to ios
22:43 whartung basically, people can't be trusted with computers :)
22:43 sfisque aye.  i bundle it in because it's "app store" related, rather than truly a problem with the desktop
22:44 sfisque because you wouldnt need to bundle the jvm if the target os had java pre-installed
22:44 whartung regarding the qt thing, who knows when apple actually deprecated it -- it could have been 2 years ago
22:44 sfisque qt itself isnt deprecated.  i'm guessing something IN the jvm is using methods that are deprecated
22:44 semiosis actually recently, i found a blog about it from last month
22:44 whartung no, the C/C++ interface to QT is deprecated
22:45 whartung and who knows when they did that
22:45 sfisque probably years ago
22:45 whartung but at least they DO deprecate stuff -- and now they're enforcing it.
22:45 sfisque when they went "OjbC" all the way, man
22:45 semiosis
22:45 whartung they're not Obj-C all the way -- they have a crap load of C++
22:46 sfisque ah, so they've introduced new libs.  man it's been a whle since dove into mac native dev.  my knowledge has become obsolete
22:47 whartung yea, it's not like apple said "sorry, no more video for you!"
22:47 whartung "write your own mpeg decoder!"
22:47 sfisque more like, download one of the 1003942342s of codecs available :P
22:47 whartung there is some serious high tech stuff in the apple runtime.
22:47 sfisque always has been
22:48 whartung the new OS powers off between mouse clicks :) or something lol
22:48 yue_ joined ##javaee
22:48 sfisque apple was bundling tcpip long before windows.  remember "trumpet windsock"
22:49 sfisque i guess quicktime is joining it's other "early tech" brethren (hypercard, opendoc, etc.) in the attic
22:49 whartung it's joing the "20 years ago QT was cool, now it's obsolete, so we're rewriting it"
22:52 sfisque aye
22:53 whartung To me, its simple. I'll use Mac OS until the day Apple decides to completely jump the shark and lock it down in to an obsidian colored slab. Then I'll just put linux on it and move on.
22:53 sfisque lolz
22:53 yue_ hi
22:53 sfisque you know you can install solaris on a macbook :PO
22:54 sfisque :P
22:54 whartung nice
22:54 whartung I have no idea the state of "solaris" nowadays.
22:54 sfisque 11 is pretty damn nice
22:54 sfisque way more bsd-like
22:54 sfisque less sysV like
22:55 sfisque more xml config vs. archaic flatfiles scattered through the system
22:55 yue_ what is going on ?
22:55 sfisque just jabbering about stuffs
22:57 whartung so we talking Oracle Solaris or OpenIndianaSolarisSauce or whatever it is
22:59 yue_ how to know how many request can server can process at a time ?
22:59 whartung throw requests at it. When it starts to boil stop and count them
22:59 semiosis jmeter?
23:06 sfisque when you say "server" what do you mean?  servlet container?  ejb container processing RMI/EJB requests?
23:06 sfisque depends on how many threads you have listening for requests to process
23:07 whartung depends on all sorts of things
23:07 whartung as my Mac JVM v Linux JVM anecdote revealed
23:07 yue_ Is server a container ?
23:07 sfisque can be
23:08 whartung the word "server" is heavily overloaded
23:08 whartung so you have to be specific
23:08 sfisque ^^^ exactly
23:08 book` joined ##javaee

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