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IRC log for #javaee, 2013-11-25

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
01:16 cem_ joined ##javaee
01:16 cem_ konichi wa
01:18 pdurbin cem_: what's new?
01:19 cem_ ? pdurbin
01:22 cem_ should i need to know xml to work on servlet ?
01:24 pdurbin not really
01:26 cem_ ?
01:30 cem_ my frnds say xml is very important and you say not ? confused
01:31 pdurbin xml is important
01:33 pdurbin cem_: you probably know a little about xml already
02:12 * cem_ bit busy brb
02:31 cem_ currently writing addition of 2 no program
02:35 * cem_ fails consistenly to write addition of 2 no :(
03:58 sfisque as far as xml is concerned, other than namespaces, schemas and dtds, xml is trivial, unless you're doing xslt stuff
04:07 n448 sfisque: +++++++[>++++++++++<-]>++.+.
04:07 sfisque brain fuck?
04:07 n448 yea
04:07 sfisque lolz
04:07 n448 learning
04:08 sfisque you would be better served learning basic over that language
04:10 n448 k 'll learn xml
05:10 sajjadg joined ##javaee
05:39 dangertools joined ##javaee
05:39 dangertools joined ##javaee
05:48 n448 brb
05:51 cem_ joined ##javaee
08:09 mite_mitreski joined ##javaee
08:41 weyer joined ##javaee
09:51 sajjadg joined ##javaee
09:54 neuro|sys joined ##javaee
10:04 SoniEx joined ##javaee
12:07 sajjadg_ joined ##javaee
12:26 MegaMatt joined ##javaee
12:34 weyer joined ##javaee
12:35 SoniEx2 joined ##javaee
12:39 drspockbr joined ##javaee
13:37 sajjadg_ joined ##javaee
13:37 slassh joined ##javaee
13:52 waal70 joined ##javaee
14:18 MiteMitreski joined ##javaee
14:53 Naros joined ##javaee
15:23 jieryn joined ##javaee
15:23 jieryn joined ##javaee
16:07 bluemd joined ##javaee
16:10 SoniEx2 sometimes I wish Java had "import package java.lang;" and then you do "lang.Class" and stuff...
16:10 SoniEx2 would be useful when types conflict
16:14 sajjadg_ yeah. why not
16:14 sajjadg_ suggest a JSR ;)
17:29 weyer joined ##javaee
17:37 bluemd left ##javaee
18:05 Naros SoniEx2: I don't necessarily see the benefit of that.
18:06 Naros Objects in java.lang are pretty straight forward generic things, specific to java.  Either name your classes something more descriptive or perhaps you're trying to roll something that the language already provides you :P
18:08 Naros if you have some class named "Class", perhaps just a variant name might make more sense such as "Course" if referring to something at a uni or school or if pertinent to scripting, ScriptClass or ScriptType, etc.
18:09 sfisque i can see for cases where you're building a tool or deep framework, having "namespacing" would be handy, but i mostly agree with naros
18:09 Naros Aye, that's definitely one thing i adore with C++ is the entire namespace concept.
18:09 Naros reuse the same class names :)
18:10 Naros but even in that environment, I've rarely seen use for it, its generally a sign that perhaps you might need to refactor that stuff into a common place if its the same similar stuffs
18:11 Naros hehe, reminds me of my love-hate relationship with not having effective runtime type systems in C++
18:12 sfisque nature of the beast.  native metal doesnt enable "introspection".  you only get it because the jvm is instrumented to give it to us
18:13 Naros precisely and many often argue if you need it in native languages, your implementation is flawed ;)
18:14 sfisque well, there is a reason no one has produced a container like the EE container for native languages.  no instrospection == too much "binder magic"
18:15 Naros Yep.  IIRC, the property management subsystem I wrote to allow designers to get metadata information on entity components in the entity framework we designed in-house, it was more code than the entire entity framework :P
18:16 Naros Those darn deesigners and their point-n-click interfaces :/
18:16 Naros Just remember it was tons and tons of preprocessor definitions :(
18:55 SoniEx2 back
18:55 Naros wb!
18:55 SoniEx2 lets say you have an API with a class named <insert name here>
18:55 SoniEx2 then you have another API with a different class named <insert conflicting name here>
18:56 SoniEx2 then it would be useful to have package imports
18:57 Naros I presume you mean something like C++'s using namespace a; type concept
18:57 SoniEx2 idk
18:57 SoniEx2 does "namespace a;" require you to use a.<something> or something like that?
18:57 Naros for example in boost there is a class called bitset<> but in the c++ std library there is bitset<>
18:58 Naros so you can either 1) refer to them as boost::bitset<> and std::bitset<> or you can use the "using namespace" phrase to avoid denoting boost/std
18:58 Naros but if you try to use both in the same context, you'll get clashes too and one must be prefixed.
18:58 SoniEx2 oh no I want something like this
18:58 SoniEx2 I mean
18:58 SoniEx2 in C++ you don't have long package names
18:58 SoniEx2 anyway
18:58 SoniEx2 no
18:59 Naros depends on the API :)
18:59 SoniEx2 I want something like import package net.minecraft.block;
18:59 Naros lots of private hidden stuffs is often hidden in deep namespace hierarchies :)
18:59 SoniEx2 then you do block.Block or block.BlockFurnace etc
18:59 Naros Yep, that's the using namespace concept
19:00 SoniEx2 instead of net.minecraft.block.Block or net.minecraft.block.BlockFurnace or Block or BlockFurnace
19:00 sfisque i guess what naros is indicating that there is not a "pervasive" need for this "feature".  if you're constantly running up against this, you're probably doing something wrong, or reinventing an existing impl
19:00 Naros so if i had a namespace hierarchy of boost::mpl::internal I could type
19:00 Naros using boost;
19:00 Naros then mpl::internal::whatever
19:00 Naros er using namespace boost;
19:01 Naros but I think in java the equivalent exists, hm
19:01 Naros import net.minecraft.*;
19:01 Naros block.somethingelse.method - would that work?
19:01 sfisque right but you cannot import a package, you have to import a class or (glob of classes)
19:01 sfisque he wants to import a package and then use it as a namespace qualifier
19:02 SoniEx2 Naros: I don't think that work
19:02 Naros Yah I see now, much like C++'s using namespace cherry picking scenario.  But most IDEs in Java prefer import specific classes rather than a package.
19:02 sfisque but either way, i don't see this as a "pervasive need".  even the few times i've had "name collisions" it was only a scant couple of refs in the codebase adn using the FQN was trivial
19:03 SoniEx2 but FQNs are ugly
19:03 Naros Another JSR possibility would be to somehow introduce typedefs to Java
19:03 sfisque java is ugly
19:03 sfisque NO
19:03 Naros :P
19:03 sfisque typedefs are "t3h debil"
19:04 Naros typedef com.minecraft.package mySpecialNamespace;
19:04 Naros mySpecialNamespace.whatever.method() :P
19:04 Naros Just call it something like a package alias or w/e
19:04 sfisque though i had an epiphany the other day.  with closures and "function" as a top level object, i'm betting we'll see "operator overloading (a la C++) in j9 or j10
19:04 Naros Wouldn't surprise me.
19:05 SoniEx2 YAY!
19:05 SoniEx2 that'll fix str == str2
19:05 semiosis in php we can alias an import a la "use Zend\ModuleManager\Feature\ConfigProviderInterface as ZendConfigProvider;"
19:05 semiosis that struck me as odd since i'm so used to java
19:05 Naros lol str == str2 ;/
19:06 Naros I dislike that crap in C++ world
19:06 Naros Prefer my old school stricmp() functions :)
19:06 Naros str.equals(str2)
19:06 sfisque it seems like that would be the logical next step.  the one blocker from op overloading is the fact that functions (and hence operators) are embedded in the jvm and functions are not top level objects (thus you cannot overload)
19:07 sfisque remove the overloading blocker, and all you need to do is reimplement the operators as top level functions that can be then overloaded
21:48 pdurbin in Python you can use "as" to name the object whatever you want while you're importing: from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
22:21 sajjadg joined ##javaee
23:26 whartung just FYI, the GF connection pool seemed to recover cleanly for us after we failed over the DB beneath it.
23:26 whartung the code had kittens and it sput out errors
23:26 whartung but it eventually recovered
23:40 acuzio joined ##javaee
23:50 pdurbin +1

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