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IRC log for #javaee, 2013-11-26

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:10 jieryn joined ##javaee
00:10 jieryn joined ##javaee
00:37 MegaMatt joined ##javaee
02:08 cem_ joined ##javaee
02:10 cem_ VV3 #4\/3 2| 5#4|2|D
02:12 cem_ 1 1=0|2937 7#47 (_)5(_)411'/
02:14 cem_ 93371[]\[]9 ?
02:17 cem_ 50|2|2'/ 480(_)7 7#47
02:19 cem_ 1 4/\/\ \/\/31|2|)
02:23 cem_ 907 17 ?
02:24 pdurbin cem_: please stop
02:25 cem_ 50|2|2'/  (sorry)
02:25 SoniEx2 joined ##javaee
02:26 cem_ i want  to learn forth too ")))
03:28 pdurbin everybody loves Forth:
03:29 pdurbin so I watched this and it's awesome: Hello JavaEE 7 With Maven 3, JAX-RS 2.0 and JSON ...In 3 Mins : Adam Bien's Weblog -
03:30 pdurbin so little code is needed to spit out some JSON with Java EE 7:
05:59 jenue joined ##javaee
06:53 dangertools joined ##javaee
07:57 pleroma joined ##javaee
08:11 mite_mitreski joined ##javaee
08:37 mite_mitreski joined ##javaee
08:37 MiteMitreski joined ##javaee
10:40 sajjadg joined ##javaee
11:17 drspockbr joined ##javaee
12:15 MegaMatt joined ##javaee
13:01 yu joined ##javaee
13:55 kobain joined ##javaee
13:57 sajjadg joined ##javaee
14:33 Naros joined ##javaee
15:00 mite_mitreski joined ##javaee
16:13 acuzio hey
16:14 acuzio is Quest here ?
16:27 semiosis acuzio: no.  can't you see the nick list?
16:34 acuzio I can but he hides in plain sight --- a lot
16:34 acuzio I miss him :-(
16:36 pdurbin joined ##javaee
16:43 sfisque joined ##javaee
16:51 Guest29472 joined ##javaee
17:00 Naros I suspect Guest29472 might be him acuzio :)
17:00 Naros He tends to be sneaky :P
17:04 Guest29472 its simple to get the info from /whois nick but his nicks even identified to services got hacked some times though
17:05 knoppix joined ##javaee
17:17 weyer joined ##javaee
17:19 acuzio Naros: :-)
17:19 acuzio Guest29472: hmm - is that the company for which Quest works for ?
17:25 Guest29472 joined ##javaee
17:25 Guest29472 yes
17:25 Guest29472 it what he worked for. in the past
17:29 cem_ joined ##javaee
17:30 Guest29472 any one uploaded multiple files in one to to spring based server?
17:30 Guest29472 multipart
17:32 * cem_ >.<
18:15 Matthijs joined ##javaee
18:15 Matthijs left ##javaee
18:15 tang^ joined ##javaee
18:16 John_John_ joined ##javaee
18:16 tang^ left ##javaee
18:52 Naros left ##javaee
18:54 knoppix joined ##javaee
19:03 mite_mitreski joined ##javaee
19:14 weyer joined ##javaee
19:45 Dev_ryanrr joined ##javaee
19:46 Venat joined ##javaee
19:52 Dev_ryanrr joined ##javaee
19:59 Old_dev joined ##javaee
20:26 Guest29472 can any one tell me how to make the user download a file via a normal web page while the file itself is read by the servlet from a remote location by a byte[] ?
20:27 sfisque send the stream directly to the outputstream of the httpconnection.  set the mime-type appropriately so the client knows how to handle it (otherwise it will assume text/plain and attempt to render it in situ)
20:28 Guest29472 send the byte[] into that stream?
20:28 sfisque yes
20:28 Guest29472 hm
20:28 Guest29472 understandable
20:28 sfisque instead of sending an html page, send the file stream
20:28 Guest29472 any shortcuts or prebuild ways in spring for that . i thought so <--
20:29 sfisque mom told me not to touch bad things
20:29 Guest29472 lol
20:29 sfisque :P
20:32 Sircle joined ##javaee
20:55 Guest29472 sfisque,  public @ResponseBody File downloadFile(){return}?
20:57 Guest29472 I guess http wont understand . what formate should it be in ? and what response hearders . any keyword to google?
21:00 Guest29472 the file is on the server hardisk  but not in the web dir path so i have to get the file via then send it for the user to download
21:00 sess Guest29472: you need to stream it via the response
21:04 Guest29472 byte[] then
21:04 Guest29472 but what headers or @responsebody I need to set up?
21:05 Guest29472 would want to see a working example. either in spring or servlet. spring preferred though.         and I assume that the download for the user would be just like any other file download from a website ?
21:10 neuro__ joined ##javaee
21:11 sess use google, there should be around 1000 examples of serving a binary file via spring mvc
21:11 neuro_sys joined ##javaee
21:11 sess either you set some response headers and stream the file, or possible spring mvc has some magic where you can just return a byte[] or stream via responsebody
21:11 sfisque javaeebot lucky spring mvc stream file to client
21:11 javaeebot sfisque:
21:12 sfisque Voila!
21:16 Guest29472 :)
21:16 Guest29472 how to make the type just as "file" rather image or something else. response.setContentType("image/jpeg");
21:17 Guest29472 oh. got it
21:17 sfisque javaeebot lucky mime type binary stream
21:17 javaeebot sfisque:
21:17 sfisque application/octet-stream
21:18 Guest29472 great
21:41 wicketn01b joined ##javaee
21:41 wicketn01b In this example, what is the @ColumnResult actually getting mapped to?  How can I access it from my entity?  Is this a viable way of adding a scalar to an entity?
21:58 Guest29472 sfisque,  it worked. thanks!
21:58 Guest29472 sess,  ^
21:58 sfisque :-)
21:59 Guest29472 response.setContentType("a​pplication/octet-stream");
21:59 Guest29472 response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=\"" + file.getName() + "\"");
21:59 sfisque for the love of java, either use StringBuilder or String.concat()
22:00 Guest29472 haha. lol yes
22:00 Guest29472 stringbuilder is what I use
22:00 sfisque either works fine
22:00 sfisque or a MessageFormat.format();
22:00 Guest29472 never used concate but might try
22:00 Guest29472 hm
22:00 Guest29472 or string.format
22:02 whartung oh please.
22:04 Guest29472 String.format("The format method is %s!", "oh please");
22:04 whartung msg.append("There ").append("nothing ").append("worse ").append("than ").append("needlessly ").append("complicating ").append(code).append(space).append("for one off strings").append("especially when ").append("the compiler ").append("  DOES THIS FOR YOU!!");
22:05 Guest29472 whartung,  but doing ""+"\"+ all the time is headache too
22:05 * Guest29472 needs to run
22:05 whartung bu thou have to do that no matter which way you do it
22:06 sess Guest29472:  cool
22:10 sess
22:10 sfisque sess :-D
22:28 * cem_ Guest is Quest san
23:04 guicara joined ##javaee
23:06 * cem_ go to study :/
23:11 semiosis sess: funny pic
23:21 DadaUmpa joined ##javaee
23:27 DadaUmpa left ##javaee
23:39 cem_ bot set  get text :)
23:45 cem_ lol almost i have the data of 7channels LOL
23:52 neuro_sys Does anyone know if I can turn off the logging level of a jar that uses sl4jlogger?
23:53 neuro_sys the jar contains a logback.xml but I don't want to modify the jar.
23:54 * ifelse ppl like .py
23:56 ifelse left ##javaee

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