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IRC log for #javaee, 2013-10-04

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:54 oO0Oo joined ##javaee
00:57 oO0Oo joined ##javaee
01:08 pdurbin google java ee
01:08 pdurbin hmm, well, I'm glad there was no money on the line:
01:10 semiosis joined ##javaee
01:10 semiosis javaeebot: version
01:10 javaeebot semiosis: An error has occurred and has been logged. Please contact this bot's administrator for more information.
01:11 pdurbin semiosis: you troublemaker
01:11 semiosis apparently i can't help myself
01:18 semiosis left ##javaee
02:03 jenue joined ##javaee
02:10 whartung joined ##javaee
03:12 sfisque joined ##javaee
03:25 sfisque1 joined ##javaee
04:45 dangertools joined ##javaee
04:45 dangertools joined ##javaee
08:16 jenue joined ##javaee
10:10 acuzio I want to do a certification in JavaEE , Quest which one is good for it
10:53 Fubar^ Why do you want a certification? Are there companies that actually care about that?
11:16 tjsnell cause he's a clueless twit
11:16 tjsnell just like all my other friends!
12:38 Quest joined ##javaee
13:05 pdurbin Last week in "Coding Java EE 7: Making Easy Even Easier [CON4456]" at JavaOne ( ) Adam Bien ( ) argued that JSF is great for "enterprise" internal applications that don't need to be pretty, that don't need to be pixel perfect. For consumer apps, he likes the idea of exposing everything via an API and using
13:05 pdurbin something like to build the front end.
13:05 pdurbin any thoughts on this?
13:16 tjsnell the latter is dead don
13:16 pdurbin heh. dead don?
13:16 tjsnell my default these days is angularjs on the front end
13:16 tjsnell s/don/on/
13:18 pdurbin tjsnell: what do you make of "building our corporate web site in angular was a mistake.  search engines can't crawl it because they don't execute javascript like browsers do" --
13:19 tjsnell depends on how you build it
13:19 tjsnell
13:20 pdurbin hmm. "Luckily there is a way to get around this and to have full SEO support for your AngularJS application by using some special URL routing and a headless browser to retrieve the HTML for you"
13:21 tjsnell I'm not sure I'd use it for more static pages but I don't do those :)
13:21 pdurbin demo app at via
13:22 acuzio who is calling me a twit ?
13:22 tjsnell me!
13:22 acuzio tjsnell: come on choose your weapon ?
13:23 tjsnell half my brain
13:23 acuzio What good is that ., can it give me a J2EE certification
13:23 tjsnell yep
13:23 acuzio prove it
13:24 * tjsnell hands acuzio a J2EE Certification
13:24 tjsnell endorsed by me
13:24 acuzio is it signed by Quest ?
13:24 acuzio if not - its no use
13:25 acuzio hey what mod gave tjsnell the +
13:25 tjsnell I've always had that
13:25 tjsnell not sure why :
13:26 acuzio ops - can someone remove the + from tjsnell ., he is causing trouble as usual
13:27 acuzio wearing 1 lens is wierd
13:27 acuzio hey tjsnell did you configure your 8 tomcat servers ?
13:28 tjsnell all at once with chef
13:29 acuzio are they handling 16000 threads ?
13:30 acuzio come on -
13:31 acuzio they are not - admit it
13:32 tjsnell have you seen my hardware!?
13:32 Fubar^ Is that a euphemism?
13:33 acuzio dear god - tjsnell I didnt think we shared that sort of relationship
13:33 tjsnell not yet!
13:33 acuzio never
13:34 acuzio my heart and mind is full of the 16,000 threads
13:38 acuzio Fubar^: how come you are an Op ?
13:40 tjsnell who?
13:40 tjsnell I'm not
13:40 tjsnell I just have the voiced flag set
13:41 acuzio course you are not , this is a channel for serious J2EE professionals - we do not want trouble makers like you here
13:42 acuzio what did you think this was  # java
13:43 Naros joined ##javaee
13:46 Fubar^ acuzio: Quest gave it to me :)
13:47 Fubar^ I think he was happy with me for helping him fix a problem
13:49 tjsnell he'll get mad and take it away at some point :)
13:53 acuzio Fubar^: you fixed a problem - did you tell him to use ed
14:00 MegaMatt joined ##javaee
14:08 Guest62859 joined ##javaee
14:09 Fubar^ acuzio: I have never seen ed fix any kind of problem :)
14:10 Quest ed?
14:10 pdurbin javaeebot: lucky ed editor
14:10 javaeebot pdurbin:
14:12 pdurbin correction, the Adam Bien talk was Demystifying Java EE [CON2231]
14:13 pdurbin per my notes:
14:14 Fubar^ I saw him do a talk like that last year on devoxx
14:15 Fubar^ Was he giving away t-shirts for questions this time? :)
14:15 Quest hm
14:17 pdurbin yep. better to give them out than carry them on the plane again, he said
14:47 acuzio Fubar^: you heretic - Ed fixes everything
14:47 acuzio all the time ]
14:48 acuzio Quest: try ed
14:49 Quest hm
14:50 sfisque1 bah "ed".  i use piped echoes through sed / grep / awk fragments.  ed is for the weak
14:51 acuzio sfisque1: i like you
14:51 acuzio i think you are ready to take on tjsnell  .,
14:51 acuzio I am making a coalition of the damned to petition the ops to kick tjsnell
14:52 Quest acuzio,  why do you dislike tjsnell  ? :)
14:52 tjsnell we're ex lovers and he's still bitter
14:52 tjsnell I left him for ron
14:52 acuzio and tjsnell stinks
14:53 Quest gays?
14:53 acuzio we are of the gay
14:53 tjsnell happy
14:53 * Quest runs
14:53 tjsnell homophobe
14:53 acuzio he wants the D
14:55 sfisque pulls out a bag of confetti and throws it in the air, while handing out martinis
14:56 * sfisque realizes he forgot to type /me
14:56 acuzio sfisque: thanks - but tjsnell has left me - he also stinks
14:57 sfisque i was just celebrating that we have more out "queer" members of this channel :-)
14:58 acuzio sfisque: tjsnell is queer i am just a whore
14:58 acuzio I take whatever i can get
14:59 sfisque ROFL
14:59 acuzio Quest is probably upset
14:59 sfisque i'd be a whore, but since i don't take money, i'm just a slut :P
14:59 acuzio sfisque: bang
14:59 Naros >.>
15:00 * Naros likes confetti.  Is it New Years?
15:00 sfisque if( person.takesMoney() ) { person.setOrientation( Orientation.WHORE ) } else { person.setOrientation( Orientation.SLUT ) ; }
15:00 * sfisque throws more confetti at naros
15:01 Naros Or is it my birthday :3
15:01 acuzio No we are celebrating tjsnell's queerness and my whoreness
15:01 acuzio Quest is all upset as well
15:01 Naros queerness = awesomeness :D
15:01 sfisque me, Q will get over it
15:02 sfisque ***meh
15:02 acuzio Naros: personally , queerness is same ol same ol - they have all the same problems as the non-queer folks -
15:02 sfisque anywho, i have an interesting question that, though i could spend the time experimenting, i'm hoping someone just "knows" it, because i cannot find documentation about it.
15:02 acuzio whats the question ?
15:03 acuzio Why does tjsnell stink ?
15:03 acuzio the answer is cause he can
15:03 Naros acuzio: touche.   just glad I'm not alone :P
15:03 tjsnell I shower at least once a week
15:03 sfisque in GF: what is the precedence of deployment context between, the context input in the deployment webpage, the context in context.xml, the context in web.xml, and the context in glassfish-web.xml
15:03 acuzio sfisque: this is the precise reason why i dont use java Web apps
15:03 Naros that's a lot of contexts :3
15:04 sfisque right
15:04 acuzio sfisque: or make one either
15:04 * Naros receives a "context overflow."
15:04 acuzio sfisque: the whole thing is so fucking over complicated -  you would die by the time you can get something to work
15:04 sfisque well, i'm just wondering, because based on the spec, you can specify the deployment context in several areas, so there HAS to be a preceddence
15:04 sfisque but i cannot find that precedence documented
15:05 acuzio sfisque: my point is why the fuck should i care .,  or what does it matter - why is this even a fucking option
15:05 sfisque and i'm pretty good at google too
15:05 pdurbin sfisque: someone in #glassfish might know
15:05 sfisque bah, we're better than them
15:05 * sfisque looks around carefully
15:05 sfisque :P
15:05 * pdurbin eyes whartung
15:05 acuzio sfisque: ask in ##java few bods there workon glassfish
15:06 sfisque why, so i can get banned there?  -_-
15:06 sfisque >.<
15:06 Naros off the cuff I'd expect context.xml, web.xml,  deployment webpage , glassfish-web.xml
15:06 sfisque high -> low or low -> high
15:06 Naros high -> low
15:07 Naros which i think is almost close to that of tomcat :P
15:07 sfisque i'd be surprised if the deploy page was THAT low.  the deployment agent should have highest precedence
15:07 sfisque but that's assuming
15:07 Naros perhaps
15:07 sfisque hence why my question.  i'd rather know than assume
15:07 Naros can u not test it?
15:08 sfisque i can, i'm being lazy because i am surrounded by other smart people here :-)
15:08 tjsnell cheeser was a glassfish dev at Sun/Oracle for many years
15:08 acuzio sfisque: ^^
15:10 acuzio dreamreal is still banned here ?
15:10 sfisque so i think i might be able to "piece it together".  looks like the context-root element in glassfiwh-web.xml overrides the value in web.xml/application.xml
15:10 sfisque so thats part of the puzzle
15:10 * sfisque dives back into google
15:11 sfisque so, so far, high -> low we have glassfish-web.xml -> web.xml
15:11 acuzio fuck me -  no wonder ., its such a fucking pain
15:11 sfisque well, admittedly, acusio, what i'm asking is a pretty niche issue.  most devs would/should NOT be specifying the context.  that's a deployment detail
15:12 acuzio sfisque: no most devs do not do Java Web apps - there is a reason for that
15:12 sfisque but someone here committed a change to glassfish-web.xml and i'm exploring if i should revert it or leave it
15:13 * sfisque throws acuzio a troll-biscuit…. here feed on that...
15:14 acuzio sfisque: no - ask around
15:15 sfisque umm… acuzio java web apps are alive and well.  what's changing is the delivery mech.  instead of JSF/struts/Springmvc, we're seeing more REST endpoints (in java) exposed to javascript (angular, etc.)
15:15 sfisque they're still web apps
15:15 sfisque and they're still java on the back end
15:17 pdurbin yep
15:21 acuzio sfisque: dude ., please tell me you are not comparing that with web.xml, context.xml and the rest of that malarkey
15:23 acuzio they are so different and far apart they are not even playing the same fucking game
15:25 sfisque even rest endpoints are deployed at a "context".  if you think you're not talking to a servlet registered at a context when you make a REST call (assuming java on the back end and not php, .net, etc.) you need to dig a little
15:25 acuzio yes yes i know  that
15:25 acuzio are you being dense on purpose or has the Questness affected you ?
15:25 sfisque so you still have a context descriptor somewhere in play (and possibly several)
15:26 acuzio Ok - i know you know that i know
15:26 acuzio lets leave it at that
15:26 sfisque :-).  back to the point.  if no one KNOWS, then i must dig, because i must KNOW.
15:28 pdurbin sfisque: I did drop a link in #glassfish for you:
15:29 sfisque master of the obvious?  ojacobson
15:29 sfisque yup, that's definitely what that question's about
15:29 pdurbin heh
15:30 sfisque and TY pd
15:33 pdurbin sfisque: when in doubt about glassfish, I tweet at
15:34 sfisque aye.  arguably, though, there SHOULD be a spec that indicates the precedence so that container builders can adhere to it
15:35 pdurbin agreed. he might know where it's documented
15:39 acuzio pdurbin: arungupta is with Glassfish now ? - he was the main Jersey guy if i remember correctly
15:42 pdurbin yep
15:42 acuzio bad documentation but good examples
15:43 acuzio i will always take that
15:45 pdurbin good examples at
15:55 whartung what are kiddies babbling about?
15:56 pdurbin whartung: save us!
16:04 whartung so what's this context nonsense, what are you talking about?
16:04 pdurbin sfisque: want to try again?
16:05 pdurbin whartung: "in GF: what is the precedence of deployment context between, the context input in the deployment webpage, the context in context.xml, the context in web.xml, and the context in glassfish-web.xml"
16:05 whartung there is not context.xml, that artifact from tomcat is gone as I understand it.
16:06 sfisque ok.  that still leaves web.xml , [appserver-specific-descripter].xml and deployment web page (for containers that have that)
16:06 whartung other than that, in order of highest to lowest, it's deploy page/command -> glassfish-web -> web.xml. In fact, the context is not specified in the web.xml, I don't believe.
16:07 whartung its the name of the artifact
16:07 sfisque i think some containers might "still" listen for a "param" that indicates the desired deployment context
16:07 sfisque i know tomcat did "back in the day" but that might also be "gone"
16:08 whartung but I don't think GF does
16:08 sfisque aye.  ok.   as long as the deployer gets final say, i'm ok with the change the dev made
16:08 sfisque i just wanted to make sure he did not unleash a deployment nightmare on us (our production deployers are a little…… lacking)
16:10 whartung web.xml is specified by the standard, though there is also "default-web.xml" which defines stuff "for free" (like JSP mappings). The container-web.xml is the containers specific "here's how we do stuff" XML file, under their control.
16:11 sfisque aye
16:11 sfisque like jboss-web.xml, glassfish-web.xml, etc
16:11 whartung right
16:12 whartung web.xml defines the apps relationship with a "standard" container, which is "underspecified" for the real world. app-web.xml is the relationship between the container and the standard that fills that gap.
16:14 sfisque aye.  i'm aware of all these.  i was just curious if there was a documented precedence and waht it was
16:14 sfisque because i could not find it explicitly described anywhere
16:14 whartung yea, I can't point to a document
16:15 whartung it's more experience and common sense
16:16 sfisque aye.  worse case i could have created a trivial webapp and experimented but i was hoping to shortcut and delegate to my smarty collegues here :-)
16:17 whartung :)
17:48 sfisque joined ##javaee
19:34 SoniEx2 joined ##javaee
20:18 pdurbin wow, I went to 28 talks:
21:18 mikeit joined ##javaee
21:24 whartung yea you were busy pdurbin
21:25 whartung that was great. Thanks again for sharing that all with us.
21:34 mikeit hi all
21:38 mikeit hi
21:40 whartung hi mikeit
21:41 mikeit left ##javaee
22:10 alius joined ##javaee
22:30 pdurbin whartung: sure. hopefully I'll add some mini-reviews like I did at
22:32 whartung I wonder if they're bundling that new http client in to java 8
22:42 pdurbin buh. not sure
22:44 pdurbin Reducing Boilerplate Code with Project Lombok -
22:44 pdurbin via
22:45 the_cool_guy123 joined ##javaee
22:46 whartung yea, lombok is love hate.
22:52 the_cool_guy123 left ##javaee
22:57 pdurbin whartung: oh? you've tried it?
22:57 whartung no, I have not tried it.
23:03 pdurbin whartung: so what do you mean?
23:04 whartung My general desire to keep my code as WYSIWYG as possible
23:04 whartung having hidden magic means out of site, out of mind when things go sour.
23:08 pdurbin just today a guy at work was saying java ee and jsf are a lot of magic :)
23:08 whartung JSF is
23:09 pdurbin hmm. ok
23:09 whartung JEE is also, but it's it's actually pretty localized
23:09 pdurbin localized magic :)
23:09 whartung So, I try to limit the magic in my code base
23:11 pdurbin sure. makes sense
23:11 pdurbin whartung: what do you use instead of JSF?
23:11 sfisque tell him it's only magic if he doesnt read the spec and understand what the container does… aka RTFM
23:12 pdurbin sfisque: oh, he completely agrees that say, Ruby on Rails, is the same... lots of magic
23:13 whartung Rails is even worse
23:13 whartung I use Stripes, an Action framework.
23:13 whartung old school pages and JSP
23:13 sfisque we could always use velocity and embed scriptlets in the templates :-P
23:13 sfisque how is stripes?  vs, say wicket or struts/tiles
23:14 whartung wicket is a component framework, so "completely different". Struts 2 stole a lot from Stripes.
23:14 pdurbin javaeebot: lucky java stripes framework
23:14 javaeebot pdurbin:
23:15 sfisque ok.  but how is using stripes, comparably.  easier, harder, cleaner, etc.
23:15 whartung I love stripes for its binding and it's Resolutions. It's routing is basic, but that's doesn't limit us. It also doesn't support HTTP verbs, which doesn't limit us dramatically, but we have moved to Jersey for RESTish stuff, instead of Stripes.
23:16 whartung if it had better support, we probably would not have done that -- why introduce a net set of kit.
23:16 sfisque aye
23:44 pdurbin I gotta say, Jave EE is nicely pluggable

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