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IRC log for #javaee, 2013-09-05

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Time S Nick Message
00:28 manulite joined ##javaee
03:42 manulite joined ##javaee
03:56 kobain_ joined ##javaee
03:56 kobain_ joined ##javaee
03:57 kobain_ joined ##javaee
03:57 kobain joined ##javaee
04:21 topriddy joined ##javaee
04:37 neuro_sys joined ##javaee
04:45 neuro_sys joined ##javaee
04:58 dross joined ##javaee
04:58 dross left ##javaee
05:58 manulite joined ##javaee
07:01 dosimeta joined ##javaee
07:46 topriddy joined ##javaee
07:53 topriddy1 joined ##javaee
08:39 topriddy joined ##javaee
08:39 topriddy left ##javaee
12:29 balazare joined ##javaee
12:34 balazare What is a good resource that explains how to manage/deploy/distribute a large project (several war, ejb/ejb-client etc)
12:49 Guest75352 joined ##javaee
13:24 acuzio balazare: what sort of project is this and how large ?
13:29 balazare acuzio: it is a new operations/BI project. Inventory data, calibration data, product installation data, remote device management, some ties to control cloud software (mix of REST+IIOP).
13:29 acuzio IIOP ?
13:29 acuzio whats that
13:30 balazare acuzio: initially not that large, but it needs to able to grow
13:30 acuzio when you say large do you mean large number of lines of code or large deployables or large number of users or high traffic
13:32 dreamreal joined ##javaee
13:33 acuzio or large wars, jars, bars,
13:39 Naros joined ##javaee
13:44 acuzio BTW - has anyone here used REST based servers ?
13:45 tjsnell I'm in REST hell today
13:46 tjsnell well Tibco hell actually
13:46 acuzio TIBRv ?
13:48 acuzio did you take your shower then ?
13:49 tjsnell Tibbw
13:49 tjsnell got one of their top professional services guys on the phone for 2 hours and we can't get a REST interface running still
13:49 tjsnell in camel it's a couple lines of code
13:49 tjsnell but no pretty gui
13:50 acuzio Camel -
13:50 acuzio jeez is that thing still alive
13:54 tjsnell thriving :)
13:55 acuzio i dont believe you - i am gonna go and check
13:55 acuzio Has anyone here used REST with JSP please ?
13:58 wlfshmn left ##javaee
14:01 tjsnell it's because of the quality of the committers
14:20 balazare acuzio: I have some RMI and CORBA stuff, it based on the IIOP protocol
14:22 balazare acuzio: large in code but more importantly many interconnected deployables.
14:26 balazare acuzio: I have an app that uses REST with JSP (+jquery and bootstrap). The JSP portion is not heavy though
14:40 kobain joined ##javaee
14:47 sfisque i had an epiphany (whartung) why CDI cannot be supported in @Asynch methods.  what happens if an object is session or conversation scoped, and the servlet session that is holding that context goes out of scope (session times out, get garbage collected, etc.) before the @Asynch method completes.
14:52 Determined_P joined ##javaee
14:57 Determined_P left ##javaee
15:51 acuzio tjsnell: quality of committers is very good - except for one i am told - they keep him on because of his age i am told
15:51 acuzio why should sessions be managed from the Server  ?
15:52 acuzio balazare: so how is it REST if it is done via JSP
15:59 whartung acuzio: JSP is not germane to the discussion. You can do REST with anything on the backed: JSP, Shell script CGI, COBOL on a mainframe...
16:01 acuzio You can do REST with JSP ?
16:01 acuzio really - how
16:01 acuzio what happens to session management ?
16:01 whartung what makes you think you can't?
16:01 whartung what's session management have to do with anything?
16:04 acuzio Isn't JSP based on the idea that Sessions have to be managed from the Server
16:05 whartung Sessions are a service of the server, JSPs can use sessions, but that's an application choice, you don't have to.
16:05 acuzio i see
16:06 soulslayer joined ##javaee
16:06 soulslayer Hi there guys i have a strange problem i override the addInterceptors method of the WebMvcConfigurerAdapter to put my LocaleChangeInterceptor in the registry but unfortunately the overriden method is never called can some of you guys give me hand in debuging that issue ?
16:07 whartung sounds like a spring thing
16:07 soulslayer and it ocures ONLY on one machine
16:07 soulslayer i think is more like a .. server issue or something
16:07 soulslayer i copy paste the tomcat on my local machine run it at it works
16:07 whartung I can't say for sure, but all of those interceptors and adapters look like Spring to me.
16:08 soulslayer yes yes it's spring
16:08 whartung well, I certainly can't help you. I don't know anything about spring.
16:09 soulslayer yep i see
16:09 soulslayer this chan was a blind shot :)
16:11 whartung yea, hang out, someone may know later, but Spring != JEE, so...
16:12 soulslayer yes yes i know
16:12 soulslayer sorry
16:12 soulslayer ;)
16:13 whartung no, don't be sorry. no worries.
16:14 acuzio Spring is not JEE - really /
16:14 whartung really
16:16 acuzio wow
16:17 acuzio doesnt Spring have support for JSP's
16:17 whartung Spring relies on a servlet container which has support for JSPs
16:17 acuzio What about EJB
16:17 whartung they don't use EJB
16:18 acuzio they dont - what about EJB3 ?
16:18 whartung nope, they don't use that either
16:18 acuzio What about JPA ?
16:18 whartung they use jpa
16:18 whartung so do generic Java apps
16:20 acuzio isnt that JEE ?
16:21 whartung it's a part of it, but alone, no.
16:21 acuzio Ok
16:21 acuzio whartung++
16:22 whartung Tomcat is not a JEE container, it's a servlet contianer. Servlets are part of JEE, but like JPA, they're just a component.
16:22 acuzio whartung: You are a good guy - thanks
16:22 whartung yw
16:24 acuzio I am missing Quest, Sircle and there was another guy here
16:26 tjsnell me
16:33 balazare acuzio: In my case REST call are as ajax calls (through jquery), the session management is done through the HttpServletRequest.login on the REST service
16:35 balazare acuzio: I need JSP mainly for some environment things and a few special formatting items
16:50 sfisque joined ##javaee
16:51 whartung hey sfisque -- yea, the lifecycle issues just confirm the session issues with CDI in Async, my only point being that there are other CDI use cases that don't involve the session etc. that Should Work(™) with Async
16:52 sfisque aye, i havent tested applicationScoped or RequestScoped.  those, supposedly should be fine in an Asynch method
16:52 sfisque since they are either "completely dynamic" or "singleton static" by definition
16:53 whartung right
16:53 whartung I mean, basicaly, the session scoped CDi "is" working -- but since there's no session, you get null.
16:53 sfisque right
16:53 sfisque the exception you see is (paraphrased) "There's no context for the CDI bean xxx"
16:54 sfisque i had (have) assumed upto the point of my epiphany that it was globally true.  now that i've given it thought and you've chimed in, it's probably saying, "there's no session context, so sorry bud!"
16:55 whartung yea, that makes sesne
16:55 whartung so it was actually failing with an exception rather than silently returning null?
16:55 whartung that's arguably the "right thing".
16:56 whartung but this whole discussion
16:56 whartung really makes me think
16:56 whartung about the use cases such as yours, which I think are arguably, execptional rather than routine
16:56 whartung to where you would be better off putting the CDI stuff in to wrappers that call "normal beans" underneath taht are "CDI" free to promote reuse
16:57 whartung and I would just refactor those out on a case by case basis rather than as a fundamental driver of design.
17:01 sfisque well, it begs the question.  why should someone be injecting a CDI bean that contains state into an SLSB.  that's a code smell if ever there was one
17:02 sfisque state info should be passed in on the call stack to the method
17:02 sfisque if the bean is truly stateless
17:02 whartung yea that would "never" happen -- it's a STATELESS SB...
17:02 whartung and SLSBs know "nothing" about HTTP requests
17:02 sfisque right
17:03 sfisque so i'm going to have to do a "parallel" refactor so that i do not perturb the existing workflow.  eventually we can refactor the existing workflow (that the web ui uses) to use the newer "stateless" calls that i will be creating
17:04 whartung "parallel" refactor? Is that what they call "Cut and Paste" today? :)
17:27 sfisque sort of.  copy/paste, mark existing @Deprecated, enter a jira ticket to refactor, blah blah blah
17:27 whartung :)
17:27 sfisque :-D
17:38 Sircle acuzio:  hm.. missing me? we didnt even had a single chat before.
17:41 whartung makes it even more profound, eh Sircle ?
17:41 whartung who knew.
17:41 Sircle :)
17:44 sfisque maybe referencing a previous life?  did you two maybe converse on the ramparts of the bastille during the french revolution?
17:44 whartung or perhaps you were a pet goat.
17:45 sfisque you may ask yourself…. well… how did i get here......
17:45 * sfisque starts flipping and floating through a video montage
17:48 jaya_ joined ##javaee
18:05 Quest joined ##javaee
19:48 Quest Naros,  you there?
19:48 Naros no? <grin>
19:48 Quest :)
19:48 Quest why line 2 checks id for == 0
19:50 Naros That probably should be a null check in all honesty.
19:50 Naros non-persisted (new records) have no ids assigned to them (unless its a composite key the app is responsible for creating) and thus is typically null for persist and contains a non-null value for merge (updates).
19:51 Naros internally, hibernate session's saveOrUpdate() has an equivalent check on the entity's ID
19:51 Naros if it's null, it inserts; otherwise updates.
19:51 Quest hm
19:52 Quest so i dont need an if / else statement?
19:53 Quest 2. i would use == null check rather == 0 . ok?
19:54 Quest Naros,  oh no. the getid() is a long.   so == null cant be applied.
19:54 Naros Change it to a Long :P
19:54 Naros generally, I'd argue that entity properties should not be primitives
19:56 Naros As for if/else with the use of merge versus persist
19:57 Naros just understand that persist inserts/updates the record and keeps the object's state in-place, meaning that the instance of your entity (if it were not managed before you passed it to the EM becomes managed).
19:57 Naros merge creates a copy of the entity instance, returning you the new entity that is managed.
20:01 Quest joined ##javaee
20:03 Naros Check this out Quest:
20:03 Naros it's a pretty clear differentiation between persist vs merge
20:04 Quest disconnected().    Naros  i think wrappers like Long or Integer should not be used unless needed. (book, effective java by josh)  2.  this does not happens with "persist" ? (i.e the new entity is not returned.)    "merge creates a copy of the entity instance, returning you the new entity that is managed.")
20:05 Quest Naros,  ok. i will do some readings
20:06 Naros Quest: the problem with that philosophy is that database fields can be null.
20:06 Quest Naros,  same question again that confuses me again. if there is some problem in dao. like the user already exists, or some other issue, how to pass that error messege to service , then to controller, then to jsp (by controller model)?
20:07 Naros and null state is considered valid for new entities who have no record id
20:07 Quest Naros,  so this paste    is some what ok?
20:07 Naros not exactly.
20:07 Quest what should it be?
20:08 Naros you can do it two ways, depending on how you want your API to behave.
20:08 Quest hm..
20:08 Quest like?
20:09 Naros
20:09 Naros in the first method, you're returning the same entity instance you passed into the method
20:09 Naros persist makes the entity managed in-place.
20:10 Naros in the second method, you're returning a different entity instance than what you passed into the method.
20:10 Naros if the original entity WAS managed, it is NOT managed after the call and only the returned instance is managed.
20:11 Naros the difference is in the second one, you must use the returned value if you plan to do further operations on your user.
20:11 Naros otherwise changes will be lost.
20:11 Naros in the first example, the input and return user entity instance is one in the same.
20:11 Naros both will handle insert/update appropriately.
20:12 Quest got it.     in   line 9 is also returning the managed user or not?
20:12 Naros e.g. if the id is null, it inserts.  if the id is non-null, it updates the record.
20:12 Naros line 9 in your past is returning the same entity instance you passed in, which in that case is 'not' the managed copy.
20:12 Naros *paste
20:13 Naros you are discarding the managed instance on line 9
20:13 Quest i see
20:14 Quest well now i think. both of your paste methods  , persist or merge should return the created/updated entity as that entity (if successfullyy created) might be used by the caller of that method later on?
20:14 Quest what do you think?
20:15 Quest Naros,  like this . ?
20:16 sfisque quest, you generally want to avoid primitives in entity PKs, because you need to differentiate between null (not persisted) and 0 (a valid value)
20:17 Quest sfisque,  yes. thats the only case we need them.
20:17 sfisque in fields that are not PK/FK, primitives are fine and generally will give you better performance in scale
20:17 Quest sfisque,  is there a work around ?
20:17 * Quest agrees.
20:17 sfisque yeah, but then you're using the "magic number" anti-pattern
20:17 Quest sfisque,  i did primitive for performance boost
20:18 Quest sfisque,  hm?
20:18 Naros magic number anti-pattern, assuming 0 means not-persisted
20:18 Quest hm.
20:18 Naros non-0 means persisted objects
20:18 Naros that's an anti-pattern
20:18 Quest sfisque,  Naros  will that be ok (to use ==0) ?
20:18 Naros if you want to use anti-patterns in your code :P
20:18 * sfisque nods with naros
20:19 Quest am. anti-patterns are not injurious i gues?
20:19 Naros it's equivalent to saying it's bad design :P
20:19 Naros what do you do tomorrow when 0 becomes a legal value in your domain model?
20:19 sfisque except that in some cases, they look deceptively like "good design".  base bean  is one such anti-pattern
20:19 Quest sfisque,  Naros  so iam stuck with only one choice ?   Long == null   check?
20:20 sfisque yes Q
20:20 Naros Absolutely, esepcially for PKs
20:20 sfisque for PK/FKs, recommended.  for calculated or informative fields, prims are fine
20:20 Quest hm. so I should convert all long ids to Longs wrappers.      but what about performance and scale problem?
20:21 Naros I've never seen any performance issues and we do that with several hundred entity types with ease.
20:21 sfisque your joins should be in the db where they are already primitive, so its' not an issue
20:21 Quest Naros,  and is this fine?  like this . ?
20:21 sfisque if you're doing that much calculation on FK/PKs in memory, you're doing something very wrong
20:21 Quest Naros,  performance issues are only seen with huge user base.     i actually have a huge userbase.
20:21 Quest sfisque,  ^
20:21 Naros exactly, avoid doing memory-based joins and allow that database to do what it was designed to do :P
20:22 Quest hm
20:22 Quest got it
20:22 Naros Quest: What is huge to you?
20:22 Naros Our transaction master's PK is in fact a combination of 4 Longs and a Date.
20:22 Quest okie dokie. by the way i really doubt that 0 will be a valid id in my DB in future       sfisque  Naros
20:22 Quest Naros,  users of that web i mean
20:23 Naros We operate over 100s of millions of records with ease using Hibernate with that PK setup
20:23 Quest Naros,  oh. then I am worring to much i guess.
20:23 whartung most likely
20:23 Naros that happens to young programmers :P
20:23 Quest Naros,  and is this fine?  like this . ?
20:23 whartung until it shows up on the profiler, don't worry about it
20:23 Naros ^^^^^^^^^^^
20:24 Naros i can't stress whartung's advice enough
20:24 Quest :)
20:24 whartung for what it's worth, i don't think we call "persist" at all in our system.
20:24 Naros you'll spend far mroe time trying to design some elaborate scheme that in the end will be more klunky and slower than just doing it the easy way until profiler says otherwise.
20:25 Quest whartung,  why not call persist?
20:25 Naros Quest: as I said, using persist vs merge is partially a matter of taste.
20:25 Naros both do the same, its just how you want to interact with the API
20:25 whartung because then we don't care the state of the object -- managed or not. exists or not. It's just easier.
20:25 Quest hm.
20:26 Naros easy approach is to do what whartung suggests and use merge always.
20:26 whartung let JPA figure that out -- 99.999% of the time it's not imporatnt
20:26 Quest either way, the return value should be the new one. not the one that was given in argument. right?
20:26 Naros yep and when that 0.0001% need crops up, just make an exception.
20:26 whartung the majority of our methods are named "upsert" for a reason
20:26 whartung yup
20:26 whartung yes
20:26 whartung the new one
20:26 Quest hm. k
20:26 Quest like this . ?
20:27 Naros yes, merge takes the argument you pass it, unmanages it if it was managed and returns you a new instance that is considered managed by JPA
20:27 whartung the second one, ditch the first one
20:27 Quest k :)
20:27 Quest the first one is also good to go right
20:27 whartung no
20:27 Quest ok.
20:28 Naros the first one is taht 0.00001% case :P
20:28 whartung yup
20:28 sfisque hah upsert
20:28 Quest ya. that understood already :)
20:28 Naros but yes, you could use the first one for that corner case
20:28 Naros but only for that :P
20:28 Quest but IF persist is used.  i would prefer updated return value
20:28 Quest ok.
20:28 Naros persist makes the instance you pass it managed
20:28 Quest lastly. I cant get this out of my head. same question again that confuses me again. if there is some problem in dao. like the user already exists, or some other issue, how to pass that error messege to service , then to controller, then to jsp (by controller model)?
20:29 Naros if you look at the API, persist doesn't return anything
20:29 Naros merge does return an object
20:29 Quest oh
20:29 sfisque aye.  the differ.  persist makes the instance managed "in situ".  merge gives you back a reference to a new copy that is managed
20:30 Naros DAO throws an EntityAlreadyExistsException
20:30 whartung if you care about "the user already exists", them explicitly check for it.
20:30 whartung by the time the "upsert" happens, it's "too late"
20:30 Naros Service catches it and returns some value object to the controller with state.
20:30 whartung careful about grenading your transaction when that happens...
20:31 Naros or as whartung suggests, check it before calling upsert and return a value object to the controller with state.
20:31 whartung if the dao fails, it's because the DB got shipped off to Madagascar without telling anyone
20:31 Naros whartung: yah properly placed try/catch inside the service should prevent that
20:31 Naros since service should be where transaction boundaries exist imo
20:31 whartung yup
20:32 Quest Naros,  whartung  ya . returning some value object is what i thought (discussion in paste with you guys when it was finalized that controller would be doing most of the logic). so how to set   up a value object in DAO, and pass that to Serivce, then to controller?
20:32 Quest and how controller checks up for each possible problem and puts the error to model
20:32 whartung one thing you learn, particularly with postgres, is you don't do "checking" in the DB. The DB does enforcement. But the data you send it should be already checked.
20:32 Quest this is really a nightmare
20:33 sfisque aye, use the validation frameworks.  EJB has one, spring has one, hibernate has one
20:33 sfisque your bean(s) should be "mostly validated" before persist/merge (barring realtime FK/PK collisions and @Version stale issues)
20:33 Quest whartung,  hm. got it.
20:34 whartung for our older stuff, the controller does most of the work, and sets errors for the framework (which displays them on the webpage for us).
20:34 whartung for our newer stuff, everything on the edge returns a Result, which is a multi valued object.
20:34 whartung so
20:34 whartung Result r = service.getUser(123);
20:35 Naros Quest: be careful with value objects here.  Generally speaking, the DAO should only care about Entity/Domain objects or primitives/context objects the service passes the DAO to obtain entities.
20:35 Quest whartung,  oh
20:35 whartung User u = (User)r.getResult();
20:36 sfisque so in effect "Result" is an interface or abstract class that the entities extend?
20:36 whartung no
20:36 whartung it's a container
20:36 Naros what the controller and service exchange could be your domain (entity) models or some other value object/context object
20:36 Quest whartung,  i think theres my answer.        what exactly will the object (multi value) would consist of?
20:36 sfisque so then how does the typecasting work
20:36 sfisque you cant just typecast willynilly
20:37 whartung it's not enforced at that point.
20:37 whartung we pass these back in WebServices also, which loses a lot of that anyway
20:37 whartung it may have been different if we used it solely in java
20:38 sfisque aye, so what does getResult() return that can be typecast to User?  i'm assuming it's either Object() or some iface/abstclass
20:38 whartung objcet
20:38 sfisque /shudder
20:38 Quest whartung,  i think theres my answer.        what exactly will the object (multi value) would consist of?
20:38 * sfisque is not a big fan of API's returning Object
20:38 Quest Naros,  ok
20:39 Quest sfisque,  do you suggest the contrary?
20:39 whartung for us, it consists of a list of Results (objcets to return) and Conditions.
20:39 Quest whartung,  for example?
20:39 whartung so: Result r = service.upsertUser(myUser);
20:39 whartung in the result
20:39 whartung we could get back
20:40 sfisque i guess i'm curious if Result is a concrete class or an abstract/interface that can be typecast as needed
20:40 whartung the updated user (if perhaps the upsert changes it, modifies the updatedDate or something)
20:40 Naros sfisque: Result<T> :P
20:40 whartung a Succes message telling us that it's "OK" (for simple if (r.succeeded()) )
20:40 whartung as well as a WARNING condition
20:40 Naros public T getResult();
20:40 whartung telling us "yea, we upserted the User, but by the way the birthday was NULL, so FYI:
20:41 sfisque syntactic sugar.  so Result is a concrete class that wraps Object
20:41 whartung you could do that, we don't because of the web services
20:41 Quest sfisque,  that would do also. but the question is. is  this strategy ok for passing a return Object with error or success message .  all over from DAO to service to controller and then to jsp , ok?
20:41 Quest Naros,  whartung ^
20:41 Naros service -> controller, sure
20:41 Naros not dao -> service -> controller imo
20:41 whartung daos are primitve
20:41 whartung they work or the db is borked
20:42 whartung "don't lie to the DAO"
20:42 sfisque depends.  in a very loosely coupled system, you should be passing messages that can communicate result stae (fail, success, partial outcome, etc.)  so things like Result make sense
20:42 sfisque in a tiered system that has some cohesion, you'd want more direct results (success or Exception)
20:42 whartung yea
20:43 whartung you mostly want a tiered system. Loosely coupled systems have their place, but MOST systems are fine being more tightly bound. You can always loosen them up incrementally for integratio later
20:43 Quest hm. ok . let me conclude it in  a short way on a pastebin then
20:43 * sfisque nods with whartung
20:44 Naros aye, my preference is definitely the sucess/exception approach
20:44 whartung yes
20:44 Quest Naros> not dao -> service -> controller imo           what if the DAO has an error that needs to be carried out to jsp?
20:45 Naros dao exceptions are probably database-specific type exceptions
20:45 sfisque aye.  but if you're doing things like an ESB or a service fabric, messages are going to give you less headache :P
20:45 whartung it's an exeption the controller eats it and presents it "properly" to the jsp
20:45 Naros service catches those and turns them into something more meaningful to the UI
20:45 Naros No UI cares about a QuerySyntaxException :P
20:46 sfisque consider   Controller -> EJB -> JMS -> Queue Pub/Sub -> Corba Endpoint
20:46 sfisque bubbling an exception through that would be a nghtmare
20:46 whartung doesn't sound like he's doing that sfisque
20:46 whartung so no reason to muddy the waters talking about them
20:46 sfisque i know, i'm just "giving examples"
20:46 sfisque :-)
20:47 Naros if you follow whartung's advice earlier and "don't lie to the DAO", the only exceptions it likely would throw are considered hard errors.
20:47 whartung precisely
20:48 Naros in most cases, halt the transaction and report some error occur that could not be recovered from.
20:48 Naros sometimes giving the end user too much information can be bad
20:49 whartung yea
20:49 Naros reminds me of the login error "Bad password", "Unknown user name", etc.
20:49 whartung log the original exception, and tell the user "so sorry, oopsie call help desk"
20:49 sfisque or the generic "Login Failed, please try again"
20:50 Quest hm. ok . let me conclude it in  a short way on a pastebin then
20:50 sfisque or even better…
20:50 sfisque "you missed your password by 2 characters, please try again"
20:50 sfisque :P
20:50 whartung "you;re getting warmer!"
20:50 Naros exactly
20:50 sfisque lolz
20:51 Naros I've seen it in so many authorization code bases it's unreal.
20:51 whartung it's actually a mastermind game in disguise
20:51 sfisque ROFL
20:51 whartung yea, that's a maze of twisty passages
20:51 Quest so are we good to go?
20:51 Naros Quest: keep in mind that the status message could be an array of messages depending on your API
20:52 sfisque where are we going?  and are you buying?
20:52 Quest Naros,  ok
20:52 Naros is beer involved?
20:52 whartung will I be back by dinner?
20:52 Naros if so, count me in :P
20:52 Quest :)
20:52 sfisque and beach sand.  and deck chairs
20:52 Quest wow. programmers are romantic. i didnt knew
20:53 Naros programmers can be anything behind a computer :P
20:53 Quest I am not romantic, I have lost much hair now
20:53 whartung On the internet, nobody knows I'm a programmer
20:53 Quest hm,
20:53 sfisque i'll put it into perspective for you.  2 halloweens ago, i came to work dressed as "the dude".  all i needed to do was put a bathrobe over my usual outfit :P
20:53 Quest hm. so the paste is ok?
20:54 Naros sfisque: lol
20:54 Naros we've been lucky lately to wear jeans almost everyday.  dunno what i am gonna do come the 13th when we have to go back to biz casual :E
20:54 sfisque ^.^
20:54 sfisque what happens on the 13th? the office turns back into a pumpkin?
20:55 Naros just the last day of denim :(
20:55 Naros we haven't had any visitors in the office so we've been able to dress down
20:55 sfisque seems kind of arbitrary, but fitting since it's a friday the 13th
20:55 Naros lots of C-levels been on vacation and such
20:56 sfisque corp memo:  clothing is now corporate.  and please splash blood away from the cubicles.  have a nice day!
20:56 Naros lol pretty much
20:56 sfisque and say hello to our new HR manager, jason.  he's a hockey fan!
20:57 whartung heh
20:57 sfisque he's going to assist us in our downsizing initiative
20:57 whartung hobbies: camping and chainsaws...
20:57 sfisque ^.^
20:57 sfisque >.<
20:58 Naros in my old office, I let a stuffed bear hang from the ceiling for months in a nuce made from a network cable that my sysadmin left as a gag gift with a message that said "I'm finally free!"
20:58 Naros right over my cube chair :P
20:58 Naros no way i could get away with that here
20:59 sfisque my current "hexicle" is festooned with artwork from my children, and my map of the internet :-D
20:59 Naros those were the days... 18+ hour days dealing with people from Europe at odd hours of the day :3
21:00 Naros map of the internet o.o
21:00 Quest whartung,  Naros  sfisque
21:00 sfisque i worked for a company that mapped the internet every night
21:00 sfisque about 10 years ago
21:00 Quest thats the service class method that i changed ^
21:00 Naros Quest: why is a get transaction not read only?
21:01 * whartung remembers when the internet map looked like a <--> b
21:01 sfisque aye, if  you're reading, a xact is overkill
21:01 Quest Naros,  have to work on it though
21:01 Naros @Transactional(readOnly=false) is only necessary if you're changing stuffs
21:01 crimsonfubot` Naros: Error: "Transactional(readOnly=false)" is not a valid command.
21:01 sfisque unless you're trying to avoid a dirty read
21:02 Naros ... @Transactional(readOnly=false) is only necessary if you're changing stuffs
21:02 whartung don't worry about the transactional thing.
21:02 Quest so is the paste bin strategy ok (other thatn the @annotation)
21:02 sfisque you're reading twice, why?
21:03 sfisque two round trips for the same object
21:03 Naros I also dont think your user of the if/else clause is right
21:03 Naros *use
21:03 Quest sfisque,  oh you mean on line 12 and 19?
21:03 Naros yep
21:03 sfisque yes
21:03 Quest ok. i will cover it
21:03 sfisque laod it once and test the local instance
21:03 Quest other than that?
21:04 sfisque and onkly set it on success
21:04 Quest hm
21:04 sfisque otherwise you're going to end up with a spurious result
21:04 sfisque in your paste, you set it regardless of the outcome
21:04 Quest sfisque, ya. didnt knew how to handly that. as I am in doubt how to handle DAO
21:04 sfisque and the original outcome has no bearing on the final outcome because you're roundtripping again
21:05 sfisque User u = userDao.blahblahlbah();
21:05 sfisque if( u == null ) { fail stuff } else { success stuff }
21:07 Quest sfisque,  good to go ?
21:07 Quest whartung,  Naros  we are on the same page?
21:07 Naros personally, I'd only set the reeturn object if success; leave it alone otherwise.
21:08 Quest oops. its != null  on 13
21:08 Quest Naros,  but by that, the error message wont get carried to the controller :0
21:08 Naros no i'm saying only call line 20 on success.
21:09 Naros no need to set null to null :P
21:09 Quest ah. wait
21:09 Quest let me change it
21:09 Naros I'd also probably not have setters on the Result too
21:09 Naros pass all three values as constructor args
21:10 Naros but thats more of a matter of taste.
21:11 Quest
21:11 Naros yep thats looks better.
21:11 Quest Naros,  ya. constructor args is better
21:11 Naros *that
21:12 Naros I prefer the concept of
21:12 Quest Naros,  when problem in DAO occurs. the return object of DAO method is always null?
21:12 Naros if(user != null) { return new Result(true,"you win",user); } else { return new Result(false",'failed"); }
21:13 Naros a method doesn't return anything if it throws an exception.
21:13 Naros unless you wrap that method with some annotation black magic that does stuffs :)
21:14 Quest :)
21:14 Naros but we aren't talking about aspect programming here
21:14 Quest so to my original question. of passing things from dao to jsp.. this strategy is ok?
21:14 Naros its a good first pass yep
21:14 * Quest saluts whartung  sfisque  Naros
21:15 sfisque you want JSP <-> controller <-> service/dao
21:15 * Quest about turns.
21:15 Quest sfisque,  ya. kind of
21:15 Naros hence why i cautioned you about the value object exchange between service<->dao and controller<->service
21:15 sfisque if you put any <% %> scriptlets in your JSP, it makes the baby java cry and a puppy gets shot in the face CIA style somewhere
21:16 Quest i avoid scriptlets in jsps as 100%
21:16 Quest 99%
21:16 Naros just turn scriptlets into taglibs :P
21:16 Quest 1% is for display view as inevitable as its agains MVC pattern
21:17 * sfisque bonks Naros
21:17 Quest Naros,  ya.
21:17 Quest i only use logic in jsp for view making purspose  only
21:17 Quest that can be any.   taglibs. even scriptlets
21:17 Naros I could be mistaken, but I'd say sfisque is implying try to have your controller do as much preparation of the data as possible.
21:18 Quest time to go! office closed. got to give reports to MR. circle
21:18 Naros ths way all the JSP does is very basic stuffs
21:18 sfisque be well… /wave
21:18 Quest :)) thanks guys.
21:18 Naros laters.
21:19 Naros so DAO method takes 22 parameters :/
21:19 Naros WTH
21:19 sfisque only 22… wuss
21:19 Naros I can make it take more :P
21:20 Naros instead of a few String[] params where the API guarantees 3 values per array lol
21:20 sfisque even better, change it to Object ...
21:20 * Naros dislikes search forms
21:20 Naros search forms break so many things
21:21 Naros particularly if the form allows the user to create adhoc like queries
21:21 * Naros sighs at sfisque.
21:36 sfisque i actually like search forms.  it's an easy target for pitching the idea of a DSL :P
21:36 * sfisque loves building little languages
21:37 Naros :)
21:37 whartung yea i like toy languages too
21:39 sfisque i have a peeve/question to present.  lately i've been noticing the use of "DSL" to refer to API's.  when did writing a library with some methods become synonymous with building a DSL?
21:39 sfisque silly kids these days
21:39 whartung Trix are for kids!
21:40 sfisque i'd have gotten away with it too, if it werent for those silly kids and that dumb dog
21:41 whartung Have you written many?
21:41 sfisque 4 commercially, 3 personally
21:41 whartung cool
21:41 whartung I've only done 1
21:42 sfisque almost all by "hand".  though i've just finally learned how to use javacc.  man that's POWER.  i feel like a dark archon in starcraft
21:42 whartung Full boat algol-esque language that compiled in to Jva source code
21:42 whartung heh
21:42 whartung yea, I used a Compiler Compiler
21:42 sfisque i tried to learn CUP years ago, but the docs were "useless"
21:43 whartung ANTLR is the Hot Thing today, at least for Java
21:43 sfisque javacc was a beyatch too, but i got a good book on it via inter-library loan.
21:43 whartung I used SableCC
21:43 sfisque i dislike how antlr forces y ou to include their libs.  javacc builds pure java, no lib dependancies
21:43 whartung ok
21:43 whartung I've not used it
21:43 sfisque *** pure .java files
21:43 whartung when I wrote my assembler, I wrote it all by hand
21:44 whartung what were your runtimes? how did you do those?
21:44 SoniEx2 I wanna make a CPU with dynamic instructions
21:45 whartung uh...
21:45 whartung what does taht mean?
21:45 SoniEx2 and full Java bytecode support
21:47 SoniEx2 well you can call it a FPGA-CPU I guess...
21:47 whartung people do that all day long
21:47 whartung lots of CPU cores out there
21:48 SoniEx2 wait when did intel implement custom user-made instructions into their CPUs?
21:49 SoniEx2 because I'm not aware of something like that...
21:49 whartung huh?
21:53 SoniEx2
21:53 SoniEx2 basically I want to put a FPGA inside a CPU
21:53 whartung why not put the CPU in the FPGA, that's what folks do now.
21:53 SoniEx2 and let the user/program/OS do stuff
21:53 whartung you can mount the FPGA as a co-processor
21:54 sfisque you do that now.  it's called a virtual machine
21:54 SoniEx2 sfisque: that's not what I want
21:55 sfisque then build it!
21:56 SoniEx2 I want a... GPRPIS? (General Purpose ReProgrammable Instruction Set)
21:57 sfisque that would be "build your own virtual machine"
21:57 sfisque like… say… the JVM?
21:57 sfisque or the ECMA engine?
21:57 whartung yea I don't even know what "computer" means anymore
21:57 SoniEx2 virtual machine is virtual
21:57 sfisque so?
21:57 SoniEx2 aka it's translating code into code
21:58 sfisque so?
21:58 whartung most CPUs today rely on microcode
21:58 sfisque you think your precious CPU knows what JSR or LDY is?
21:58 sfisque the cpu only knows 10101000111110101011010
21:58 sfisque there is a translation from a8c704 into 1011101010101011010101011
21:59 sfisque and from jsr 12c7 to a8c8d013
21:59 sfisque and then to 110110100011010101010
21:59 sfisque so there is ALWAYS conversion from code to code
21:59 sfisque unless you're using punch cards and punching 1's and 0's
22:00 sfisque or encoding directly to magnetic tape
22:00 whartung I've entered code using a binary front panel -- not recommended
22:00 sfisque i bet!
22:00 SoniEx2 I don't think you get it...
22:00 whartung no, you need to magnetize the individual cores of the core memory...
22:00 sfisque i've actually held core memory.  that's some pretty chunky stuff
22:01 SoniEx2 virtual machine = instruction set to instruction set translation
22:01 sfisque a buddy used to keep a 4kb wafer on his desk
22:01 SoniEx2 GPRPIS = reprogrammable instruction set
22:01 whartung Intel CPU -- Instruction to instruction set translation
22:02 sfisque and then you have MX and other "extensions" to the instruction set
22:02 SoniEx2 I just want to be able to add raw circuits to my code...
22:02 sfisque unless you're building actual electrical pulses, there is always translation
22:03 sfisque build a bio-computer
22:04 whartung when you start working with emulators, and FPGA cores, and virtual machines and then throw in the internet and connected computing, the whole notion of "computers" really goes out the window.
22:04 sfisque pretty much.  to iterate the "sun mantra" of the 90's… the network is the computer
22:05 sfisque i kind of miss the java stations.  that was a neat little device
22:05 whartung I mean, it was spooky back in the day when the Game Boy Advanced had both ARM and Z80 CPUs on board
22:05 whartung I almost bought one of those, just for the color :)
22:05 sfisque hell, you could plug a trash80 card into a appleII back in the day and run CPM
22:06 whartung when the designers say "yea, we had some extra silicon so we stuck a Z80 up in the corner" as casually as if they were adding a flip flop, you know you're in trouble.
22:06 sfisque lol
22:06 sfisque well, you can fit a 80 inside a finger scab these days
22:06 whartung it was a Z80 SoftCard :)
22:07 whartung The C-128 has a Z80 in it
22:07 sfisque i did not know that.
22:07 whartung boy, the crap we put up with back then lol
22:07 sfisque the commie 128 had one, eh
22:07 whartung yea
22:07 whartung the Ataris were cool because the graphic chip WAS a CPU in it own right
22:08 whartung (simple one, but still)
22:08 sfisque yah, i remember "memory paging" on the early x86.  that was ANNOYING
22:08 whartung yea
22:08 sfisque had to swap segments from upper memory to use more than 640k or 1mb depending on bios
22:08 whartung I wrote a map viewer program, showing street maps.
22:08 whartung I had the map broken up in to 64K chunks
22:09 whartung yea, virtual memory is a win
22:09 whartung however...
22:09 * whartung digs through his anecdote drawer again
22:09 whartung Back In The Day
22:09 whartung we had this large data set, it was bunch of rows
22:09 whartung that were invidual nodes in a tree
22:10 whartung and we need to basically link them all up in the database (or validate them)
22:10 whartung Joe Hacker said "Tree! Pascal does trees!"
22:10 whartung and off he ran to the VT100 and started pounding in VAX Pascal code
22:11 whartung He fired it up, and it immediately sucked in the entire data set
22:11 sfisque man i learned pascal back in high school.  i LOVED pascal
22:11 whartung then he started linking it all together
22:11 whartung the detail
22:11 whartung was we had NOWHERE near enough RAM for this
22:11 sfisque i bet
22:11 whartung so, it just thrashed and thrashed
22:11 whartung I went to my boss
22:12 whartung "Don, this is goibg to take 23 days"
22:12 sfisque ouch
22:13 sfisque yeah i wrote a few programs "back i the day" when i first learned C and C++.  it was REALLY EASY to run out of memory, especially if you were doing EGA/VGA graphics
22:14 sfisque and then the advent of vid cards with dedicated swaths of memory.  oh boyz!
22:15 sfisque bit-blitting == ugh
22:30 whartung I rewrote that guys program using ISAM, and it took 23 hours
22:30 whartung mind, I didn't know anything about ISAM at the time
22:30 whartung but it caught my eye and "hey!…"
22:30 whartung worked like a charm
22:30 whartung …rwerote it in VAX BASIC-PLUS
22:30 sfisque i've seem that "name" around, but you are the first person i know to actuall use it
22:31 sfisque isam, that is
22:35 sfisque i just thought of a KILLER feature for java 9
22:36 whartung ISAM is rock and roll man
22:36 sfisque fold the "observable" object into java.lang.Object.  it's such a bitch to have to build a proxy/delegate model around the Observable object because java does not have multiple inheritence.  why not just put it into the Object, that way it's omni-present when you need it
22:37 whartung …like in Smalltalk...
22:37 whartung likely just to keep the weight of the object down.
22:37 sfisque Observer is an interface so it's totally convenient.  observable is annoying because you have to build a mixin or proxy/delegate it
22:37 whartung I'm not familiar with the distinction
22:38 sfisque it's not that heavy
22:38 whartung an object pointer is heavy :)
22:38 whartung adding another 4 byte to EVERY object -- is heavy
22:38 sfisque omg, yeah, mr. 1993
22:38 whartung 8 bytes on a 64b jvm (though I think they actually use les, not sure what trickery they use)
22:39 whartung oh, it matters!
22:39 whartung I have run in to stuff where the extra bytes matter
22:39 whartung when caching 30M items, this stuff adds up
22:40 sfisque then they need to give us a better mech for "notification" because we don't have multiple inheritence
22:40 whartung we have PropertyChangeListerns :)
22:41 sfisque aye but O/O are more generic than that
22:41 whartung Is Obserevable new for 7?
22:41 sfisque Obs/Obs
22:41 whartung hmm..noipe lol
22:41 sfisque no, it's been i the JDK since 1.0
22:41 whartung I've never used/seen it used
22:41 sfisque it's one of the thigns they did right in 1.0 except for making it a bitch to use in an existing inheritence chain
22:41 whartung is it not inherited?
22:42 sfisque Observer = interface (no problem), Observable == concrete class (annoying to fold into an existing inheritence chain)
22:42 whartung oh I thught it was an interface
22:42 sfisque hence my desire to see Object fold in the features of Observable
22:42 sfisque so any object is Observable
22:43 whartung this is why I've never seen it used
22:43 sfisque which makes sense in a world where more and more products need to pass messages
22:43 whartung it's all PCLs now
22:43 sfisque aye
22:44 whartung well like I said, it'll add an object pointer to every object, and, yes, Mr 2013, it' STILL expensive :)
22:44 whartung They lifted that straight out of ST
22:44 whartung ...badly
22:44 sfisque generally you have to so something like :: class A { Observable o; public addObserver( obs ){ o.addObserver( obs ); } }  // hence proxy the Observable and store it internally as an attribute (blech)
22:45 whartung or you implement PCL
22:45 sfisque right but then you have to write all the code that is given to you for free in Observable
22:45 whartung Oh noes Mr. 2013…my IDE does that for me :D
22:46 whartung or you can put it in your own base class
22:46 sfisque no, it just stubs it out.  Observable does some stuff and it does it well
22:46 sfisque right but if you're extending someone elses object (say, androids Activity class) you don't get that option
22:46 whartung with PCL you do :)
22:47 sfisque yeah yeah yeah
22:47 whartung your right, no MI -- we'z stuck with interfaces
22:47 sfisque i prefer to not rewrite code that sun provided and did well
22:47 whartung apparently they didn't :)
22:47 sfisque well the did.  remember, in the 1.0 world there werent any libs to use.  java was "brand new"
22:48 sfisque we had to roll our own
22:48 whartung but it didn't stick
22:48 whartung I don't think it was tossed out for being "too good"
22:48 sfisque but in a 1.7+ world with a bajillion libs to download, it's inconvenient
22:49 sfisque and i'm guessing it's probably leveraged quite a bit in sun/oracle's code
22:49 whartung Observable?
22:49 sfisque both
22:49 sfisque Observer/Observable
22:49 sfisque it's been around since 1.0
22:49 sfisque just like Hashtable and Vector are still leveraged in many places
22:51 whartung Observer -- 57 classes in JDK 6
22:51 whartung Observable -- 6 classes
22:52 sfisque i bet those 57 classes are pretty core
22:52 sfisque what 6 extend Observable?  awt, i'm betting
22:53 whartung my mistake
22:54 whartung they're not used at all lol
22:54 whartung nobody extends Observable
22:54 whartung nobody implement Observer
22:54 sfisque wow.  that's surprising
22:54 whartung not really -- they're awful -- for all the reasons we know they're awful.
22:55 sfisque they're not awful.  they work.  thery're just "inconvenient"
22:55 sfisque in fact i'm using them in my android app.  i just have to proxy Observable
22:55 sfisque which i wish i didnt have to, but oh well
22:56 whartung pretty sure pcl trumped them all -- and they wrote that code once in JComponent
22:57 sfisque and then the square wheel was reinvented a bajillion times throughout the world
22:57 sfisque :P
22:59 whartung no, lost of the compoment implement it themselves
23:03 whartung heh
23:03 whartung
23:03 whartung zoiks and away!
23:03 sfisque all awt/swing objects.  so useless outside of a desktop app
23:04 sfisque :-/
23:04 whartung this is effectively what you are doing
23:04 whartung
23:04 whartung well, Obserable is useless as well -- nothing implents that either
23:06 tjsnell Awt/swing us useless in desktop apps too
23:06 sfisque well they go together. you wouldnt see one used without the other (obs/obs)
23:07 sfisque lol tjsnell!
23:07 whartung just saying, that PCL and Obs are similar, it's a matter of taste as to which you implement.
23:08 sfisque the difference is one is an interface so it integrates easier.  the other is fully implemented class that requires early intergration or a mixin/proxy workaround
23:08 whartung PCS is that
23:08 whartung PCL is the interface, PCS is the class
23:09 sfisque you realize PCS has the same problem as Obs/Obs, right?
23:09 sfisque you have to proxy it
23:09 whartung yes
23:09 whartung never suggested different
23:09 sfisque ok
23:09 whartung my point being
23:09 whartung that apparently the Sun Guys found Obserable lacking, and it seems to have been replaced by PCL/S
23:10 whartung (Observable uses a Vector -- FYI, if you care…)
23:10 sfisque or too generic.  PCS/PCL is specific to value modification.. Obs/Obs is general purpose
23:10 whartung eh, PCS is as generic as you want it to be
23:11 whartung send a "OBSERVE" message with a null argument if you like
23:11 sfisque right but then you're polluting the API (i can throw NPE for any excpetion if i like, but why would i?)
23:11 whartung ST used the changed methed
23:12 whartung you can also send a "FieldValueChangeNotifier" instance to Observable…6 to 1, half-dozne to the other.
23:12 sfisque ST?
23:12 whartung smalltalk
23:12 sfisque oh, gotcha
23:14 sfisque or how about this.  wire in an anotation into the JVM so that you can tag an object as observable and in the annotation, you list observer types
23:15 sfisque make it a meta feature so that it removes the inconvenience of inheritence
23:15 whartung you can do that with an AP
23:15 sfisque AP?
23:15 whartung annotation processor at compile time
23:16 sfisque right.  but that's annoying.  i was thinking like the jvm could handle it natively
23:16 whartung you could put @Obserable at the class level, and get it "for free"
23:16 whartung it's not that annoying
23:16 sfisque another thing i'd like to see, a way to attach an interceptor on constructors
23:17 sfisque native in the JVM
23:18 sfisque then you could do things like constructor injection outside of a "container" (basically the JVM becomes a micro-container)
23:19 sfisque that would be neat.  have the JVM have a command switch that turns on a native micro-container so we can do things like AOP and CDI without a EJB container
23:20 sfisque get nice features like @AroundInvoke, or @Produces
23:22 whartung yea

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