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IRC log for #javaee, 2013-09-06

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
02:18 thisMoment joined ##javaee
02:21 thisMoment Anyone here familiar with jms acknowledgment modes?
02:22 thisMoment What is the purpose of setting the topic session acknowledgment mode?
02:22 thisMoment for the publisher
03:05 sfisque joined ##javaee
03:06 sfisque1 joined ##javaee
04:46 dangertools joined ##javaee
04:54 jaya_ joined ##javaee
05:58 manulite joined ##javaee
07:18 jaya_ joined ##javaee
07:38 jaya_ joined ##javaee
08:18 jaya_ joined ##javaee
08:30 neuro_sys joined ##javaee
08:34 jaya_ left ##javaee
08:47 joshua_j_ joined ##javaee
08:59 neuro_sys anyone used jax-rs for uploading multipart/form-data ?
08:59 neuro_sys apparently the default implementation that comes with java ee 6 doesn't support multipart/form-data, is that the case?
10:11 dslolz joined ##javaee
11:15 joshua_jandyco joined ##javaee
12:03 Quest joined ##javaee
12:04 Quest neuro_sys,  I have used multip part thing but if i remember correctly. you need apache commons or io thing.
12:05 Quest neuro_sys,  these kind of things. import org.apache.http.entity.mime.MultipartEntity;
12:07 Quest neuro_sys,  heres a paste that might help you . but its not jax rs / ws.
12:23 Quest whartung,  sfisque1  you were saying yesterday to make the DAO check if user already exists or not in the saveOrUpdate(). when the DAO checks it and a  user exists. how would the controller know that "this user already exists" unless DAO also return the same RESULT object as discussed before. (but it was not advised that DAOs use / return Result object.)
12:29 Quest should the service check for "if user already exists" or the DAO?
12:30 neuro_sys Quest: thanks, I fixed it having to use jersey jax-rs implementation and its multipart extension.
12:31 Quest thats even better as you needed jersey
13:22 Naros joined ##javaee
13:36 neuro_sys joined ##javaee
13:48 Quest Naros,  you were saying yesterday to make the DAO check if user already exists or not in the saveOrUpdate(). when the DAO checks it and a  user exists. how would the controller know that "this user already exists" unless DAO also return the same RESULT object as discussed before. (but it was not advised that DAOs use / return Result object.)
13:48 Quest <Quest> should the service check for "if user already exists" or the DAO?
13:48 Quest I would prefer all that in service
13:48 Quest ^respont only if you are free. iam not in a hurry
13:49 Naros I would suspect since your code looks up users by their email address, the field you store email address probably has a unique index on it or should.
13:50 Naros so inserting a new user with the same email as an existing user should throw some UniqueIndexException or something similar from the DAO level.
13:50 Quest emails are unique. an ids are PKs
13:50 Naros In your service, you'd wrap your code to catch that UniqueIndexException or w/e it's called
13:50 Quest how about i just check in service method that, 1. if user exists by that email. put fail message in Result object. else save user/
13:51 Naros you can but remember, it may be possible that two users try to create an account with the same email addy at once.
13:51 Naros the first succeeds, the second may check the database and not see the new record yet but upon insert, it fails.
13:52 Naros so your service should be fault tolerant to support check before but in case of database exception, handle that too.
13:53 SoniEx joined ##javaee
13:54 Naros it's a similar concept when you talk about updates to records and OptimisticLockException or pessimistic read/write exceptions.
13:54 Naros you can validate things to your heart's content but until the transaction happens, anything can happen between those two points in time.
13:55 Naros on different note, just read about Intel's new I7-4960X cpu.  I'm curious of its overall difference compared to my i7-920
13:58 Naros hrm, definitely faster plus more cache.
13:58 Naros 12 c/t vs 8 c/t
13:58 Quest hm
13:59 Quest i think service methods do things in ONE GO. so 2 users registering with same email wont hurt?
14:00 Quest Naros,  so what is your final vote?
14:00 tangatools joined ##javaee
14:00 Naros_ joined ##javaee
14:00 tangatools joined ##javaee
14:01 Quest Naros_,  you were disconected?
14:01 Naros_ yah sorry
14:01 Quest np
14:01 Naros_ last i saw was "[08:59] <Quest> hm"
14:01 Quest <Quest> hm
14:01 Quest <Quest> i think service methods do things in ONE GO. so 2 users registering with same email wont hurt?
14:01 Quest <Quest> Naros,  so what is your final vote?
14:02 Naros_ your webapp server is multi-threaded or perhaps the webapp is deployed into a cluster of webapp servers.
14:02 Quest how things SHOULD be done regardless of these matters anyway
14:02 Naros_ therefore that service method can be ran multiple times
14:03 Naros_ all at the same precise moment in time.
14:03 Naros_ database atomic locks keep the data integrity in check naturally, but the webapp can get a db exception at the time of insert due to constraint violations
14:04 Quest hm
14:04 Quest Naros,  so whats the final say?
14:05 Naros At the end of the day, you should validate the data but the service should be prepared to handle database exceptions thrown due to concurrent operations or constraint violations or other database unexpected errors.
14:05 Naros you catch those exceptions in the service, turn them into some meaningful representation you put into that Result object.
14:07 Quest hm got it. but my question is still there. should some DAO method   checkIfEmailExists() be called inside the DAO save(); or   both DAO methods be called inside SERVICE methods
14:07 Quest i would want to go with the later
14:07 Quest what do you think
14:07 Naros e.g. during registration, when they save their account, if the email happens to get used by another session before the current session's data is written to the database, catch the UniqueConstraintException, result.setError("emailAddress", "Already in use.");
14:09 Naros ah; no service calls try { if(dao.isEmailAddressAvailable(emailAddress)) { dao.upsert(..); } else { /* handle email already in use */ } } catch(...) { /* handle db exceptions */ }
14:09 Naros the reason you want to do it this way is that perhaps you might want to use that isEmailAddressAvailable() in other code blocks too
14:09 Naros embedding that check solely inside save() means you've encapsulated it away :P
14:10 sfisque you might want to decouple the test for uniqueness so that later on, you can call down into it from an ajax call to your controller without having to go through a full commit phase
14:10 Naros plus imo DAO methods shouldn't do validations
14:10 Naros DAO methods should simply wrap a SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE SQL call
14:11 Naros doesn't mean there aren't corner cases but those are rare :P
14:11 Quest hm.
14:11 Quest brb in 10.
14:12 Naros Quest: just always follow the notion that services handle business rules & logic, DAO are just interactions with the DB (hence select, insert, update, delete calls).
14:12 Naros that's the entire premise behind a multi-tiered architecture anyway.... separation of concerns and single responsibility principals play great here.
14:28 sfisque aye.  the dao method to "validate" uniqueness can be a simple method that just queries if an email already exists, no need to fetch, just return count() or exists().  the controller or service can decide what to do with the answer
14:39 Naros sfisque: you mentioned a DSL concept yesterday for search forms.
14:39 Naros for example, i have a form where the user has a series of various fields that depending on what they enter, the DAO constructs a HQL query dynamically.
14:40 Naros im just curious if i can come up with a more elegant way to do that rather than a plethora of if() type checks inside my DAO to construct this HQL
14:40 Naros stuff like this make me just want to expose the EM and let the service do it :P
14:40 Naros but that's just bad
14:41 Quest Naros,  so  both DAO methods be called inside SERVICE methods rather   some DAO method   checkIfEmailExists() be called inside the DAO save(); ?
14:41 Naros otherwise I either create some context object with all the values to pass to the DAO or have an extremely long method signature.
14:41 Naros i found a generic search framework online where someone abstracts a search api they use in the service to pass to the DAO but not sure if that's ideal
14:42 Naros search.addFilter("fieldA", value);
14:42 Naros Quest: Yes.
14:42 Quest great
14:42 Quest and by the way. what is upsert ? :)  i was only famiilier with insert
14:43 Naros Remember your service methods are your transaction boundaries.  So it makes sense to break up that sorta DAO stuff into multiple methods and chain them together inside the business logic of the service method :).
14:43 Quest hm
14:43 Naros lol upsert = update + insert
14:43 Quest :)
14:59 sfisque naros: basically you would look at the requirements, cull out the subset of functionality that gives the user what they need (what joins they need, what operations they need).  then you can either model those as a "simplified api" (basically an inner platform, but used properly rather than as an anti-pattern) OR you can draft a "little language" that encompasses that "reduced query language" and let the user craft "query scriptl
14:59 sfisque the DSL would be the latter form
15:00 sfisque the DSL gives you some future proofing because they can essentially build any query the langauge supports, at the cost of a small bit of training footprint
15:01 sfisque the "modeled querying" is more user friendly, but your constructs are compile time constrained to a large extent outside of the little bits of "runtime binding"
15:02 Naros Aye, I believe right now the modeled concept fits mainly because we dont want to expose true adhoc querying yet
15:02 Naros not sure they ever will want that for this app
15:03 sfisque aye.  another deciding factor is the sophistication of the users.  if they're "data jockeys", you don't really want them scripting, unless they actively ask for it and are willing to swallow the training footprint
15:04 Naros
15:04 sfisque personally i like query boxes (like jira has) because forms with a bajillion input widgets are just unacceptable UX imo
15:04 Naros if you traverse to search trunk you'll see what i was referring to earlier.
15:05 Naros aye, while I concur unfortunately management disagrees given the quality of the userbase
15:05 Naros these are people who may barely have a HS education.
15:05 Naros factory/mill workers basically.
15:06 sfisque right, so you want to give them something constrained and focused.  a scripting box would be unapproachable
15:06 Naros Aye probably less than 5% of the users would like such a UI
15:07 Naros that may be appropriate for reports tho for management
15:07 sfisque right, and there you have users who are "more sophisticated"… the proverbial power user
15:07 Naros yerp
15:07 whartung That's where you have the "regular" search screen, and then an advanced search screen
15:08 Naros lol yah
15:08 sfisque i would go even futher and say the page is constructed by some perm/role decision.  give the power users the power screen automatically and vice-versa
15:08 whartung what we have is a simple "search" field that goes to a routine that "knows" the most common fields (ID, last name, etc.)
15:08 sfisque have a personal preference to override
15:08 whartung just search them both
15:08 whartung then an advanced screen with lots of options
15:08 Naros sfisque: yep already in the works.
15:09 sfisque aye, which ever facility you went with, would ultimately go through the same code.  one would have a "translation phase" the other would go straight in
15:09 Naros im just looking at trying to make the backend clean and ideal for future expansion.
15:09 sfisque i would say,  model what the user needs, and have a facility that translates directly to JPA critieria queries
15:09 sfisque JPA is already a good abstraction layer
15:09 sfisque no need for more
15:10 whartung yea
15:10 whartung we use the EclipseLink criteria API, mostly because JPA2 wasn't out when we started. I like ELs better than JPAs anyway
15:10 sfisque i'm in the process of ripping out an inner platform in our product because someone in the past "didn't like jpa".   really?  really?  really?  gah!
15:10 Naros hehe
15:11 Naros I don't mind JPA but putting JPA into my services feels bad.
15:11 Naros so trying to find a way to validate stuff in services, pass to dao and invoke jpa there.
15:11 sfisque that's where it belongs.  that's why it was invented
15:11 whartung I accept JPA, I don't necesarily like it
15:11 whartung I wish it was easier to interoperatate with raw sql
15:11 Naros So you advocate no DAO then?
15:11 sfisque its the very reason EM is injectable in EJB.  it's why EJB's are transactional
15:12 sfisque with the advent of EJB3 + JPA, the DAO model is obsoleted if you're in a full EE container
15:12 sfisque if you're in something like tomcat, dao is pretty much a necessity
15:12 Naros Well I can inject the EM into my services with ease and use it from there.
15:12 dangertools joined ##javaee
15:12 dangertools joined ##javaee
15:13 sfisque i'm assuming by "service" you mean EJB, or are these managed bean/cdi beans?
15:13 Naros managed @Service beans by Spring.
15:13 sfisque ah, so spring's equivalent of EJB
15:13 sfisque so yes
15:13 Naros Pretty much.
15:14 sfisque but spring for the most part exists because of tomcat/jrun/etc.  if you're in an EE container, spring is mostly pointless unless you're leveraging some add-on (I/O, batch, etc.)
15:14 kobain joined ##javaee
15:14 Naros Understood.
15:14 sfisque which if you're in tomcat, you don't have JPA or abstraction, so DAO is your abstraction
15:15 sfisque ** or similar
15:15 whartung well, it doesn't come with the container -- you can use JPA within tomcat standalonew
15:15 Naros That would probably remove a lot of code bloat and redundancy
15:15 Quest Naros,  you said. result.setError("emailAddress", "Already in use.");        so its a messageList that is a hashmap?
15:15 sfisque you "can" but tomcat has no transactional context, you have to do lots of wiring up or BMT
15:16 sfisque but yes, you can even use JPA in an SE app
15:16 Naros sfisque: with spring, just annotate the service method for transactional context
15:16 sfisque aye.  hence why i indicated that spring service == ee ejb
15:16 whartung but you have to do the same thing for any DB fun in tomcat, so that's not an extra burden for JPA
15:17 Naros Quest: I'd make the interface pass multiple errors/messages to the caller mainly because you may have something which isn't considered a hard error and may want to pass multiple alerts back to the front-end imo.
15:17 Naros it's more user friendly to give them all the errors/problems in 1 go rather than have them resolve one to find another exists after a second submission.
15:18 Naros sometimes that isn't avoidable, but where possible you should.
15:18 sfisque keep in mind, though that having them decoupled allows for things like "real time validation" via ajax as the user navigates the form
15:19 sfisque have Va, Vb, Vc, … and then Vx that assembles several of the other validations, so you can do it both "bulk" as well as "granular"
15:19 Naros Yep.  Granular is great for ajax.  Bulk is great for non-JS compatible browsers.
15:19 Naros or where users disable JS
15:19 sfisque or endpoints that have no UX (rest, corba, RMI, etc.)
15:19 Naros yap
15:20 Naros So my service/ejb basically would hold interactions with the EM (eliminating my dao) and business logic or do you typically separate EJB and biz logic?
15:21 sfisque depends.  if the business logic is non-transactional, you can offload it to a simple pojo/cdi/util/etc.  if it needs it's own transaction, then it goes into an EJB
15:21 Naros k; just wanted to make sure i wasn't mixing concerns by doing that.
15:22 sfisque ultimately there are two drivers for using an EJB.  1) you need a transaction.  2) you need to cluster (Remote EJB's are cluster aware by spec)
15:23 sfisque otherwise you can avoid the overhead and go with a simple java bean (pojo/cdi/etc.)
15:24 sfisque there are other side reasons (convenient access to EE facilities like JMS, JMail, JCA adapters, etc.)
15:24 sfisque but those first 2 are the biggest drivers to choose/avoid using an EJB
15:24 Quest Naros,  hm. interface. can you elaborate what you mean?
15:24 Naros By interface I mean, the exposed API that your Result object gives you.
15:25 Naros allowing Result to return a list or map of things allows you to both return single values in the case of AJAX like sfisque mentioned or bulk values in the case of things like remote web services, etc.
15:26 Naros sfisque: gotcha.  its just a slightly different approach than the original code base that I am rewriting.
15:27 Quest ya. that was my plan. and i would set each message in the internationalization properties file and also give it a name. so I only enter the name of it in the method and it auto gets the text message from .properties
15:27 Naros trying to clean things up and move away from tomcat centric things since i want to migrate this to a full EE server in the near future.
15:27 whartung like what tomcat centric things?
15:28 Naros mainly considering the removal of spring
15:29 whartung well it's probably a good start simply porting your app as is to a JEE server, little reason it shouldn't just move right over same perhaps tweaks to context.xml or other tomcat server configurations
15:29 Naros ok
15:29 whartung then at least you'll be in the proper environemnt
15:29 Naros true that.
15:34 sfisque just keep in mind that spring doesn't play nicely in some environments (i encountered a problem with spring not wanting to use the container JTA provider in websphere 6.1.  it was a nightmare)
15:35 whartung yea but websphere doesn't play nicely with anything or anyone
15:35 sfisque lolz
16:04 Naros joined ##javaee
16:07 Quest sily question. my args list has    as LIst. I am tring to give an arg of array.   how to handle?
16:07 Naros you mean method(String[] args) ?
16:07 Quest method (Lsit mylist)
16:08 Naros method(new ArrayList()): :P
16:08 Naros or are you saying you have a Object[] but need to pass a List<> to the method?
16:08 Quest how to add multiple strings in that arralist in one line?
16:08 Quest the method is declared as method (Lsit mylist)
16:09 Quest I need to pass multiple strings . I cant find a generic way
16:09 Naros List l = new ArrayList<String>();
16:09 Naros l.add("1);
16:09 Naros l.add("2");
16:09 Naros method(l );
16:09 Quest ya. that I dont want
16:09 Quest l.add("1);
16:09 Quest l.add("1);
16:09 Quest ya. that I dont want
16:10 Quest I want it to be on one line.  possible?
16:10 sfisque addAll( Arrays.toList( <array ) );
16:10 Naros Collections.addAll(list, "1", "2", "3", "4");
16:11 Naros think you'll at least be required to have two lines tho :P
16:11 Quest Arrays.asList(yourarray);  will that do? how to add multiple strings in online to that method ^?
16:11 Quest hm.
16:12 Quest Arrays.asList("string","string")  ?
16:12 Naros yep
16:12 Naros
16:12 sfisque Arrays.asList( new Object[] { "string", "string"….. } );
16:12 sfisque or …. new String[] { blah blah blah }
16:13 sfisque you can inline an array creation with new Type[] { … }
16:13 Naros very true, often forget about that syntax.
16:14 Quest hm....
16:14 Quest whats the most generic
16:14 sfisque most generic takes several lines, adds in null checking, handles zero size array case, etc.
16:15 Quest Collections.addAll(list, "1", "2", "3", "4");     or     Arrays.asList("string","string")       or       new String[] { blah blah blah } // <--well this is not a LIst
16:15 sfisque "blah blah blah" is my catch all "you put whats required here"
16:15 sfisque aka, don't be lazy :P
16:15 Quest but thats not List
16:15 Quest its array
16:16 sfisque right and you feed that to Arrays.toList()
16:16 Naros Arrays.asList() converts an array to a list :P
16:16 Naros er toList rather
16:16 sfisque which you then feed to addAll()
16:16 sfisque bascially decorating
16:16 sfisque you keep decorating until you get what you want
16:17 Quest hm
16:17 Quest sfisque,   new String[] { blah blah blah } //    is your choice then.   Naros  whast yours ? :)
16:17 Naros it depends on what I am trying to do
16:17 sfisque not my choice, unless you REALLY REALLY need it on one line
16:18 Naros I rarely have a requirement to have stuff like this on one line :P
16:18 sfisque i'm not a fan of collapsing code when you are skipping things like null checks, type checking, etc
16:18 Naros It's ok if I am defining something like SPECIAL_CHARACTERS = { 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' };
16:18 Naros which is usually some final declaration in a class somewhere.
16:18 sfisque aye
16:18 * sfisque nods with naros
16:19 sfisque collapsed code tends to be difficult to maintain over time.  ultiimately you end up deinterlacing it anyway
16:20 Naros it can also be hard to decipher at a glance what's going on
16:20 sfisque that too!
16:20 Naros reminds me of people who write SQL statements on one lines :/
16:20 Quest Naros,  hm. just for sharing up with you.
16:21 Quest line 40 is a service method
16:21 Naros imo you're polluting separation of concerns here
16:21 Quest :|
16:21 Quest ?
16:22 Naros you have Result translating that error list
16:22 Naros again I dont know spring's web framework but in struts you'd never do that.
16:23 Quest ya. so that I just give the service methods the name of error. all will be done auto
16:23 Quest why not?
16:23 Naros my action would get the error list, iterate it and call addErrorMessage(getText(res​;
16:23 Naros because struts has their own error notification framework
16:24 Naros plus what do you do if you have a situation where you don't need to translate anthing?
16:24 Naros you want to pass the raw errors to the caller.
16:25 Naros Result is meant to pass a list of errors, result object and status code.  It shouldn't really do much more than that
16:25 Naros If you want a translated result, perhaps a second class that takes a Result as a constructor arg, does the translation and spits out the translated messages.
16:26 sfisque aye, have a factory or helper method taht does that translation.  pass the Result in, and have it "fix" the result for your later consumption needs
16:26 Naros I'm just cautioning you to be concerned about SoC and SRP rules is all.
16:27 dreamreal was kicked by Quest: dreamreal
16:27 Naros You might not see the benefit now, but 12 months away you'll appreciate it
16:27 Naros when something comes up that you need to pass those raw errors to the caller :P
16:27 JAZ1976 joined ##javaee
16:28 Naros as for the save method
16:28 Naros i would expect some try/catch blocks in there long-term.
16:28 * Quest reads what Naros  said.
16:29 Quest Naros,  if internationalization is used. there should be no point when raw text should be shown in JSP page. everything should be by .properties
16:30 Quest longterm planning ^ ?
16:30 Naros Right but that's the job of the controller or some controller helper object, not Result.
16:30 Naros Result is just a helper class for getting information from your service tier back into your controller/view tier.
16:30 Quest I did the fetching in Result class so it gets centralized and i dont have to do that in each service method
16:31 Naros Create a class called ResultUtil with a translate method
16:31 Naros pass in Result, have it return you a new result with the errors translated.
16:32 Naros then in your controllers
16:32 Naros Result r = service.method();
16:32 Quest Naros,  yes. the controller will just iterate the List taken from Result object
16:32 Naros Result translatedResult = ResultUtil.validate( r );
16:32 Naros er translate( r ); rather
16:33 Naros you could just have it return you a List<String> instead.
16:33 Quest let me see.
16:33 Quest who returns  it?
16:33 Naros We do similar things in our Password Rule engine code.
16:35 Naros here's a mock
16:35 Naros
16:35 Quest Naros,  you think mine was some what not below average?
16:35 Quest ok
16:36 Naros overlook my typo on line 10
16:36 jz1976 joined ##javaee
16:36 Naros I just see the benefit in not having Result translate the errors for long-term maintainability.
16:36 Naros translation is a UI concept.
16:36 Quest hm got it
16:36 Naros what if the controller is part of a web service invoked by some remote system.
16:37 Naros soap/xml/etc.
16:37 Naros That's all I am getting at Quest.  Yours is fine as it was but it blurs what I would consider separation of conerns.
16:38 Naros Quest: fixed my typos
16:39 neuro_sys joined ##javaee
16:43 Quest hm
16:45 Quest k
16:48 Quest thanks Naros  .
16:50 Naros yw.
16:50 * Naros grumbles when myeclipse locks up and must be killed.
16:50 * Naros sighs.
17:04 tjsnell eclipse always makes me grumble
17:49 sirajperson joined ##javaee
17:51 sfisque i have the opposite reaction tjsnell.  eclipse makes me point and laugh :P
17:51 sfisque JK
17:51 sfisque but really, it makes me point and laugh...
17:51 sfisque JK
17:51 sfisque :P
18:20 scripty joined ##javaee
18:21 scripty why there is no proper java channel ?
18:21 sfisque because all the proper people are in here :P
18:22 sfisque dunno
18:26 Quest lol
18:26 Quest scripty,  dont you think ##java and ##javaee are proper java channels?
18:27 scripty ##java requires registration
18:27 scripty and ##javaee here it's speechless compared to other channel
18:27 Quest scripty,  registering nicks is good. isnt it?  and ##java has its reasons to impose that. my be to avoid flooding and problems
18:28 Quest scripty,  ##javaee was born a month ago. so its new channel. you can be a part of it to grow it
18:28 sfisque we get chatty in here.  it comes and goes.
18:28 * Quest nodes
18:28 sfisque since we're not "general" like ##java, the discussions tend to be focused
18:28 sfisque and sometimes get a little comical
18:29 * sfisque throws a pie at the face of Spring
18:29 Quest sfisque,  i welcome core java questions too but since the name of ##javaee is javaee. so most imply it as only ee
18:30 sfisque aye, we don't squeltch off topic stuff, as long as it's not disruptive
18:30 Quest ya :)
18:30 scripty It must be like java and ee
18:30 sfisque and pies
18:30 sfisque :P
18:31 Quest ya. you can change the topic if you want to
18:31 Quest channel topic i mean
18:31 sfisque nah, that removes the element of surprise!
18:31 Quest :)
18:31 whartung joined ##javaee
18:31 scripty If it's like java and ee things would be fine .
18:31 Quest here comes a surprise
18:32 whartung I like surprises!
18:32 * sfisque puts on his best clown costume
18:32 whartung I mean, you know, not "maniac in hockey mask with a knife in the closet" surprises…but … surprises
18:32 sfisque ready!
18:32 sfisque spoil sport
18:32 whartung Surprises, yes. Trauma, no.
18:32 * sfisque quickly hides the knife behind his back
18:32 Topic for ##javaee is now Core Java AND Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE) discussion | logs at
18:33 scripty Thank You :)
18:33 whartung "I just wanted to carve a little Z on your forehead..."
18:33 Topic for ##javaee is now Core Java (Java SE) AND Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE) discussion | logs at
18:34 scripty This is IRC and ##java should not ask for registration things , or else i'll ask my bot to do the task :D
18:34 Quest hm.. the channel lacks up a webpage for it. I hope I can make it up if i get the time
18:35 whartung "registration things"?
18:35 Quest scripty,  you can talk to ops in ##java like tjsnell if you have any issue with ##java . we dont have much influence on it though
18:37 tjsnell it's not unreasonable to require registered nicks
18:37 tjsnell prevents a lot of unwanted attacks etc
18:37 scripty Its so uncommon
18:37 * Quest agrees with tjsnell  (specially for large channels)
18:37 tjsnell that said, I have no influence over the matter
18:38 tjsnell what's the problem with registering?
18:38 Quest but large channels like #ubuntu or #debian do contrary
18:38 scripty Have u gone through #haskell channel
18:38 Quest tjsnell,  arnt you an oper in ##java?
18:38 tjsnell I am
18:38 tjsnell but it's not my channel
18:38 tjsnell I have no say in how it's run
18:38 Quest then how come you have no influence
18:38 Quest oh
18:38 Quest ok
18:38 Quest cheeser then.
18:39 tjsnell I'm an op at the whims of the channel owner
18:39 tjsnell just like every op here
18:39 Quest tjsnell,  things are different here...
18:39 sfisque yah, we execute the unbelievers at dawn
18:39 sfisque the streets will flow with blood!!! blood!!!!
18:39 tjsnell but the ops here are subject to the whims and good graces of the owner
18:39 tjsnell period
18:40 sfisque that too
18:40 Quest i can make Naros or whartung or sfisque  as channel founders/owners anytime they want.    I see it that way that we all own the channel.
18:40 tjsnell different rules may apply here but that's because that's what the channel owner has decided is OK
18:40 tjsnell then do so
18:40 tjsnell all talk before then
18:41 scripty Wow!
18:41 tjsnell benevolent dictator with one owner
18:41 tjsnell which I'm fine with but don't pretend it's otherwise :)
18:41 Quest tjsnell,  sure. if hey ask . i would.     whats the problem? there are already 3 owners. (none afraid of a take over :))
18:41 tjsnell I don't have a problem
18:42 Quest ok. nevermind. I know they wont ask. because. it doesnt matters...........
18:42 Quest period. lets talk about java and ee from now :)
18:42 * Quest be right back.
18:42 tjsnell see, dictating!
18:43 Quest oh. yes. the respect for them in my heart is what matters I think.
18:43 * tjsnell gags
18:43 scripty Its not dictating , just an opinion IMV
18:43 tjsnell really?
18:43 Quest scripty,  ya. unfortunately tjsnell  has a different mind set.....
18:43 tjsnell I'll shutup before the dictators ban me
18:44 Quest tjsnell,  be cool.
18:44 tjsnell I am
18:44 Quest take it easy :)
18:44 tjsnell yes sir
18:44 Quest lol.
18:46 Quest tjsnell,       I would say one thing now. once.  they are my friends. It wont look good to me if any one tries to spit poison in our harts for each other.
18:46 SoniEx2 joined ##javaee
18:46 Quest scripty,  are you knew to IRC?
18:47 scripty no
18:47 tjsnell Yes sir
18:47 Quest new to freenode?
18:47 scripty yeah
18:47 Quest i see. were where you before?
18:48 tjsnell I'm not sure what I've said that could be construed as trying to foster unrest or spitting poison
18:48 Quest freenode is the home of tech and opensource
18:48 Quest tjsnell,  no problems dear
18:48 scripty Quest yes , Some hacking channel
18:48 * tjsnell hugs you
18:48 Quest wow.
18:50 * sfisque feels the love'
18:50 * sfisque queues up the stereo and breaks out the beer and chips
18:50 Quest :)
18:51 whartung \o\ /o/ \o\ /o/
18:51 sfisque ^_^
18:52 Quest whartung,  sfisque  how about we register a ##javaee-offtopic channel too. (despite we might not need one as such channels are needed for huge over grown channels) ?
18:53 sfisque overkill atm.  this channel is no where near saturation
18:53 scripty Well , i am scripty , new to java , nice to meet you guys ........ I thought of this was some kind of lame statement :P
18:53 Quest hm
18:53 Quest thanks scripty
18:54 Quest sfisque,  ok. for later then.
18:54 * sfisque nods to Quest
18:56 scripty joined ##javaee
18:58 scripty Have anyone used sqlite ?
18:58 tjsnell lots have
18:58 Quest In android. i guess yes.
18:58 scripty scaliblity ?
18:59 Quest not too much I 'gues'
18:59 whartung sqlite? Scalability? No.
18:59 Quest scripty,  its light weight...
18:59 Quest scripty,  not heavy hard core thing.
19:00 Quest scripty,  can you tell the use case of it (which you want)
19:00 whartung it's awesome, don't get me wrong, but not for servers really.
19:00 Quest why are you using it in the first place
19:00 scripty I have a requirement where i dont think they will access more then 10 people/week of the website
19:00 sfisque i have used sqllite (not on android).  it's pretty good
19:00 sfisque it's "as good" as using javadb or hsql
19:00 Quest scripty,  then you are good with it.
19:00 whartung I'd still use postgres.
19:01 sfisque mysql
19:01 sfisque :P
19:01 * Quest agrees with whartung
19:01 scripty I like to run the application for 2 months
19:01 tjsnell 10 people/week? any db will be fine
19:01 whartung postgres is simple to install and works out of the box.
19:01 Quest ya.
19:01 sfisque aye, at that scale, you could even use xml files :P
19:01 Quest ya..
19:01 scripty :D
19:01 sfisque or berkelydb
19:01 Quest any thing would work with 10 people/week
19:02 whartung but it's better to get experience with something like postgres. It's a spectacular swiss army knife of data stuff
19:02 tjsnell berkelydb can handle serious load
19:02 sfisque oracle 12c enterprise edition :P
19:02 Quest PG is my fav
19:02 sfisque i "dislike" postgres.  it does somethings in very "unorthodox" ways
19:02 whartung sqlite is nice where it's embedded. but if you;re not embedding, then postgres.
19:02 tjsnell mysql does massive things wrong
19:02 Quest hm. oracles is on the top. dont know why as i never used it
19:03 whartung like what sfisque
19:03 scripty postgres is open source oracle
19:03 scripty :)
19:03 tjsnell
19:03 Quest tjsnell,  mysql has a silly license too. you cant embed it in you app
19:03 whartung stay away from oracle. It's spectacular, but super complicated
19:03 Quest and distribute it
19:03 Quest scripty,  ya. i would want to say that too.
19:03 Quest but oracle is huger than pg i heard
19:03 sfisque when i used it (7.x) trying to do things like navigating a schema (list tables, FKs, PKs, etc.) was difficult, at best
19:04 whartung 7.x is, like, 1937 time frame sfisque
19:04 sfisque aye.  have they improved that?
19:04 whartung I dunno. I use their GUI tool.
19:05 whartung their system table are not for the weak, I admit that
19:05 whartung but that's what JDBC Metadata is for :)
19:05 whartung and schema exports
19:05 sfisque imo, a db's true worth is how easy is it to use from cli.  mysql is very easy to admin from cli
19:05 whartung postgres is pretty easy, I guess. I never do anything to it :)
19:05 sfisque oracle less so, but you can do EVERYTHING from inside the engine with simple select statements
19:05 whartung it's one sticking point
19:05 whartung is the hba.conf file
19:05 sfisque ugh, it still uses that setup?
19:06 whartung yea
19:06 whartung biab
19:06 sfisque another issue.  have they corrected postgres' ability to recover from corruption?
19:06 sfisque in 7.x if things got corrupted, you were effectively hosed
19:07 Quest DB2 is also said to be stablest
19:07 sfisque packing up.  ttys
19:07 * Quest waves
19:10 scripty if any newcomers here i would like to do some projects with them although i can write ugly code if not bad code :D
19:12 * scripty pff*** No new comers
19:19 scripty ?
19:40 sfisque joined ##javaee
19:44 scripty joined ##javaee
19:47 scripty How long you guys are working on java ?
19:49 sfisque ~18 years
19:49 sfisque 14 years of EE
19:49 scripty WOW !
19:50 sfisque learned java with the 0.92b compiler :P
19:51 scripty I started java on 2010 and discontinued on 2012
19:51 scripty so no much to say :(
20:06 Quest joined ##javaee
20:07 Quest Iam getting nulpointer exception for the following 3 classes.   (lines pointed in exception are marked with ##########). any ideas why its making np exceptions>?
20:14 Quest consider this one
20:16 Quest nevermind ^
20:26 scripty I dislike framework although spring touched me ;)
20:28 Quest its a quicksand
20:33 sfisque you know if spring touched you, you can report that.
20:36 Quest line 64 . messages is abstract. cant initialize it. any work around?
20:39 sfisque check the API.  there is probably a factory that produces Impl instances
20:40 scripty_ joined ##javaee
20:57 Quest joined ##javaee
20:57 Quest disconnected
20:58 Quest found interface for messagessource but no use. tried. new paste ==      Iam getting nulpointer exception for the following 3 classes.   (lines pointed in exception are marked with ##########). any ideas why its making np exceptions>?
20:58 Quest <Quest> DAO =       debugs---a , b, d  are visible.
21:11 Quest nevermind ^
21:11 Quest found it.     line   67 of paste only prints out as result class test ---------  1     not 2 or 3.  so why messages is null?
21:20 Quest new paste =
21:38 Quest complete info is at
21:47 SoniEx2 joined ##javaee
23:47 SoniEx2 joined ##javaee
23:50 Quest joined ##javaee

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