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IRC log for #javaee, 2013-09-04

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:28 sfisque joined ##javaee
00:28 manulite joined ##javaee
00:29 sfisque1 joined ##javaee
02:34 kobain_ joined ##javaee
04:59 sfisque joined ##javaee
07:24 joshua_j_ joined ##javaee
07:45 SoniEx2 joined ##javaee
10:45 SoniEx2 joined ##javaee
11:00 Quest joined ##javaee
11:00 Quest it seems strange that iam using spring controllers and cannot use HttpSession nor import javax.servlet.http is available
11:45 SoniEx joined ##javaee
11:49 Quest nevermind
13:54 wlfshmn joined ##javaee
14:22 tjsnell joined ##javaee
14:22 tjsnell was kicked by ChanServ: User is banned from this channel
14:27 JavaProf joined ##javaee
14:45 EnderMoney joined ##javaee
14:45 Naros joined ##javaee
14:45 EnderMoney joined ##javaee
14:54 kobain joined ##javaee
15:47 connor_goodwolf joined ##javaee
15:47 connor_goodwolf was kicked by ChanServ: User is banned from this channel
15:48 dross joined ##javaee
15:49 sfisque left ##javaee
15:51 dross interesting ban list. Everyone on the channel ban for ##javaee is a silicon valley player who works from Yahoo! to Gartner. You people must be jealous or mad.
15:55 thrustcore joined ##javaee
15:55 thrustcore left ##javaee
15:56 raulsh joined ##javaee
16:02 whartung there's a ban list?
16:02 dross /b
16:04 Quest dross, are you tjsnell?
16:04 Quest dross,  ask the operators to delete banlisted users if they want
16:04 whartung /b doesn't do anything for me.
16:05 Naros I haven't banned anyone (perhaps someone else has).
16:05 whartung me neither
16:05 Quest your free to manage the channel as you please
16:09 topriddy joined ##javaee
16:09 raulsh /mode <channelname> b
16:11 Naros there are 4 active bans far as I can tell.
16:11 whartung left ##javaee
16:11 whartung joined ##javaee
16:12 Naros left ##javaee
16:12 Naros joined ##javaee
16:14 * Naros goes back to work debugging.
16:20 * Naros smack ChanServ.
16:26 whartung with?
16:26 Guest80863 joined ##javaee
16:26 whartung WTH?
16:27 Sircle sorry, bad command.
16:27 Naros o.O
16:27 Sircle IRC is not my expertise
16:34 tjsnell joined ##javaee
16:35 Quest tjsnell,  we have a bit non strict and friendly atmosphere here.
16:38 moli joined ##javaee
16:38 moli left ##javaee
16:45 SoniEx2 joined ##javaee
16:45 SoniEx2 joined ##javaee
16:46 dross left ##javaee
17:50 sfisque joined ##javaee
18:14 acuzio joined ##javaee
18:25 * tjsnell eyes acuzio
18:26 * acuzio eyes tjsnell
18:26 Quest acuzio,  is here to learn.
18:26 acuzio yes yes from the masters
18:26 tjsnell he's a trouble maker
18:26 acuzio ha .,  so says tjsnell
18:27 acuzio Quest: did you know tjsnell was once banned from count them - 3 channels just for swearing
18:27 tjsnell really!?
18:27 tjsnell which ones?
18:27 acuzio well one of them was ##swearing
18:28 acuzio now imagine getting banned for swearing in ##swearing - how bad would it have to be Quest
18:28 Quest :)
18:28 tjsnell I was quite proud
18:28 acuzio keep an eye on tjsnell Quest he is a troublemaker
18:28 acuzio a few years ago he was masquerading under a different nick
18:29 tjsnell we have a reciprocal agreement on bans
18:29 tjsnell dross!
18:29 acuzio you do
18:29 acuzio whats the reciprocal agreement ?
18:29 acuzio you ban me and i will unban you ?
18:29 Quest as long as java is in context. and no personal comments are passed. iam fine with everybody.
18:29 acuzio :-)
18:29 tjsnell if I'm banned here quest is banned in java :)
18:29 Quest and mostly the ops do the banning. not me.
18:29 acuzio clearly -
18:29 tjsnell mostly?
18:29 Quest tjsnell,  it doesnt matters to me. did you know?
18:30 tjsnell I didn't care
18:30 acuzio the rest of the time , chanserv bans tjsnell
18:30 acuzio they know he is a troublemaker
18:30 Quest tjsnell,  you are unbanned not because I wanted to go to #java  . and lets stop the war of #java vs ##javaee
18:30 acuzio there is a war ?
18:31 Quest tjsnell,  i welcomed you and all because they wanted to talk about java. and javaee. that was the sole reason.
18:31 tjsnell not since ##java users stopped getting spam invite requests :)
18:31 sfisque does anyone use java in a non-ee context anymore (besides android)
18:31 acuzio sfisque: the majority of the usage is in a non-ee context
18:31 sfisque commercially, i would think that is not the case.  i was talking professionally, not hobbiest
18:31 Quest acuzio,  i thought majority was in javaee
18:31 * Quest agrees with sfisque
18:32 acuzio sfisque: i am talking commercially and professionally
18:32 * acuzio agrees with Godzilla
18:32 Quest i thought android and javaee were dominant
18:32 SoniEx2 ever heard of minecraft?
18:32 acuzio ^^
18:32 sfisque one app
18:32 SoniEx2 and I think towns also counts...
18:33 SoniEx2
18:33 tjsnell 2!
18:33 acuzio Quest: your thinking is incorrect -  JavaEE specifically Servlets, JSP , EJB's have been pretty discredited since around 2005. Most of the core server work in Finance, and in companies like G,FB, Twitter etc is in Java-  thats not EE
18:33 sfisque oh my i can see the tidal wave coming
18:33 acuzio where
18:34 * sfisque was being facetious
18:34 tjsnell his east window
18:34 acuzio why
18:34 acuzio isnt that the direction where the sun is supposed to be
18:35 sfisque how is FB ( a web app) not EE?
18:35 tjsnell it's in php
18:35 tjsnell PHPish
18:35 acuzio a specialised version of PHP
18:35 acuzio the server work i meant was on their messaging side
18:35 sfisque so now we've deviated out of my original point
18:35 acuzio thats not EE
18:35 acuzio Thats proper Java -
18:35 SoniEx2 so this is twitter:
18:35 sfisque and its' not java, either
18:36 acuzio sfisque: its not ? what is it then ?
18:36 SoniEx2 java and scala everywhere
18:36 sfisque acuzio just said it was php
18:36 sfisque now you're telling me they using java messaging, which is EE
18:36 acuzio sfisque: the website generation is not the only part of FB -
18:37 acuzio sfisque: now its not "EE" messaging -
18:37 acuzio tjsnell: life is too short for this
18:37 tjsnell :)
18:37 sfisque what other messaging is there, unless they rolled their own, but i would be surprised at that (easier to find devs if you use standard facilities)
18:37 sfisque (in java that is)
18:38 tjsnell amqp
18:38 tjsnell 0mq
18:38 tjsnell stomp
18:38 acuzio and yes they did roll their own
18:40 acuzio tjsnell: do you watch seinfeld ?
18:40 tjsnell some
18:40 acuzio tjsnell: Bizarro World
18:43 Sircle Quest: you are not answering the phone nor on skype. Where are you. call me right away.
18:44 Quest Sircle,  Link problem sir (voip and internet), coming to you in 5.
18:46 acuzio Can i ask a JavaEE question here ?
18:48 acuzio hello - anyone here
18:52 acuzio Can someone answer my question please ?
18:52 acuzio DOes this mean that if Quest leaves everyone in the channel just shuts up - is that the rule ?
18:55 tjsnell I never shutup
18:57 SoniEx2 tjsnell: you also never respect another person's preferences
18:59 SoniEx2 I like my immutable primitives as "public final"
19:00 acuzio immutable primitives ?
19:00 acuzio Whats that sfisque
19:00 acuzio sorry sfisque i meant SoniEx2
19:00 SoniEx2 well any primitive field that I want immutable
19:01 acuzio sorry do you mind ., giving me an example
19:01 SoniEx2
19:02 acuzio ah i see
19:02 SoniEx2 primitive values = byte short int long float double boolean char
19:02 acuzio If you have it as public final then why do you have getters for them ?
19:02 SoniEx2 well data types not values
19:06 acuzio sure
19:06 acuzio but if you have it as public final then why do you have getters for them ?
19:09 SoniEx2 ... the red lines are removed lines, the green lines are added lines... if you're red-green colorblind... well there are "+"s and "-"s before the lines...
19:10 acuzio Oh you removed them
19:10 acuzio i am seeing this on a small screen - so didnt see the width or even the color actually
19:10 acuzio well done SoniEx2
19:10 acuzio so whats the reason for actually using public final
19:11 SoniEx2 KISS
19:11 acuzio Aw thats nice but no
19:12 SoniEx2 aka Keep It Simple, Stupid
19:12 acuzio oh .... i see
19:12 acuzio i thought you wanted to give me a kiss
19:12 acuzio so how does a public final keep it simple, stupid
19:13 SoniEx2 "public final" instead of 3 lines long methods
19:14 acuzio but thats not keeping it simple - thats reducing typing
19:16 SoniEx2 well you use obj.something instead of obj.getSomething()
19:16 acuzio again typing , isn't it
19:17 SoniEx2 and the JIT doesn't have to look up the method and stuff
19:17 acuzio what ?
19:18 SoniEx2 ask tjsnell
19:18 acuzio but i thought he didnt agree with public final
19:21 SoniEx2 yeah he told me to use private fields and getters aka how I was doing it before
19:22 acuzio yes - but i want to know why you use public final and you said KISS and JIT - but its all typing and JIT i dont understand - public final means JIT doesnt have to look up method and stuff-  really ?
19:22 SoniEx2 do you even know what the JIT is?
19:22 acuzio i might know
19:22 acuzio what do you think it is ?
19:23 SoniEx2
19:23 acuzio Ok to use your words "JIT doesn't have to look up the method and stuff" - explain that for me please
19:27 SoniEx2 basically if I use public final fields the JIT doesn't have to look up and process the methods
19:27 acuzio How do you know that ?
19:27 SoniEx2 ... ¬_¬
19:27 acuzio ¬_¬ ...
19:28 whartung when something is marked "final", the JVM can assume it will not change and act upon that assumption
19:28 whartung such as caching, etc.
19:28 acuzio but thats not what he said
19:29 SoniEx2 well there's that too...
19:30 acuzio yes but has anyone checked what happens when a variable is not marked final and the value of the variable is never changed , what does the compiler do ?
19:30 sfisque the only effect i can see of final upon the JITC's activities is static pooling.  classes that are final will not have any subclasses, so they can be compiled once and stored without having to worry about virtualized calls through from subclasses.  final fields can be statically pooled as well because, as has been mentioned, they are analogous to C's "const"
19:31 sfisque but this all begs the question.  why are we considering what the JITC does, because we have very little control over it
19:31 sfisque the JITC is platform and implementation specific and offers no "promises" outside of it's scope
19:32 acuzio sfisque: "as has been mentioned" - where has that been mentioned
19:32 sfisque whartung indicated it
19:32 acuzio really - he did - i dont see where he said C and where he said const
19:33 sfisque final int x; // this variable, once assigned will/can NEVER change during the lifetime of the enclosing object
19:33 acuzio but that was not the question - i am trying to see why public final is better than standard private final and getter
19:33 sfisque unless it's inside of a method.  then it changes semantics
19:33 sfisque it isnt
19:34 acuzio well SoniEx2 indicated it was
19:34 tjsnell what!? I never respect someones preferences
19:34 tjsnell you base that on your one use case?
19:34 sfisque public final allows undesirable side effects in your inheritence chane
19:34 acuzio in fact he has been arguing that it is better -
19:34 tjsnell easy on the personal attacks here please
19:34 acuzio tjsnell: you stink
19:34 tjsnell weekly shower tonight
19:34 kobain joined ##javaee
19:34 acuzio that might explain it
19:35 sfisque public int x;  // a subclass can change that value without any gating in the super class.
19:35 tjsnell two fishing trips on this one, it all adds up
19:35 sfisque public void setX() // a subclass can only change the value thorugh the semantics allowed by the superclass
19:35 sfisque assuming X is private
19:35 acuzio and dont tell me you have also been actually catching fish tjsnell
19:35 sfisque if x is protected, all bets are still off
19:36 acuzio what if x is in danger , are all bets still off
19:36 sfisque basically if the variable is purely a value and does not represent some form of "state through transition", then exposing it as public is not much of an issue, but still qualifies as a "code smell".
19:37 acuzio code smell is tjsnell's smell i take it
19:37 * sfisque sighs
19:37 sfisque never mind :-/
19:38 tjsnell ~sfique++
19:38 acuzio ~tjsnell-- for the stink
19:38 acuzio tjsnell: once a trouble maker always a troublemaker
19:41 SoniEx2 ... not sure if troll or a 10 y/o who codes...
19:44 SoniEx2 sfisque: you... do something...
19:46 SoniEx2 btw, reflection doesn't care about final fields:
19:47 sfisque it does.  notice the method is "altering" the accessibility of the field.  if you alter the accessibility, you're basically telling java you "want to break the rules"
19:48 sfisque any properly secured jvm will balk at that method and hit the catch block with a security violation exception
19:51 SoniEx2 well idk what the minecraft launcher really does but I don't think it uses a security manager...
19:52 SoniEx2 and about the first statement... well that's why it's a hack...
19:52 tjsnell haha
19:53 tjsnell I should've known
19:56 SoniEx2 (btw by "statement" I meant what you said)
20:35 tjsnell joined ##javaee
20:39 joshua_jandyco joined ##javaee
20:42 tjsnell joined ##javaee
21:11 Quest joined ##javaee
21:18 Naros joined ##javaee
22:57 sfisque conceptual design question for my fellow EE folks.  i have a process that is driven by a cluster of SLSBs and CDI beans.  i'm moving part of the workflow to an Asynch method which does not have a CDI injection context (hence the CDI beans will NPE on me).  as such i'll have to redesign part of the workflow but i'm trying to figure out how do do this without a massive regression footprint (several of the supporting SLSBs inject t
22:58 sfisque anyone encounter a similar problem and have a good "pattern" that worked well for them?
23:01 whartung why does an async method not have a CDI context?
23:02 sfisque why?  i do not know.  but it does not (at least as of EE6 on GF  whether that changed with EE7 or GF4, i do not know, but i would hope it has.
23:03 whartung that just seems really weird to me.
23:03 sfisque i'm guessing, it's because CDI has "context" and asynch threads are coming from the worker pool and have no "context" (aka, they fire whenever and have no "session" construct)
23:04 whartung I mean, why can't it create the instance f the bean when you invole the async mehtod, and then actually call the method later. Don't see why it would be any different from a SLSB in that regard, but what do I know -- I have not used CDI
23:04 sfisque no, the issue is   SLSBa calls method in SLSBb.  SLSBb has an injected instance of CDIa, which fails to inject because SLSBa method is now @Asynch
23:05 sfisque remember, SLSB's have no true "this".  this points to the entire pool and so you cannot "hold" onto instances the way a SFSB or CDI bean can
23:13 sfisque i mean, i could explicitly set all the SLSBs taht inject the CDI bean, but the issue becomes blurry with injections that are several levels deep ( SLSBa -> SLSBb -> SLSBc -> SLSBd , where b, c, and d each inject one or more CDI beans.)  hence why i'm spending time just "daydreaming" various patterns to make this cleaner
23:18 whartung oic
23:19 whartung wow.
23:19 whartung still no excuse for the context to be "gone" when the async invoked. I dunno.
23:19 sfisque yah.  lets just say the "product" is a mish-mash of technologies that i "inherited"
23:19 whartung yea
23:21 sfisque i might have to end up building some "parallel" objects that mimic the CDI beans, but are either SL/SFSBs or similarly discoverable via JNDI
23:21 whartung why would an MDB have context to invike an SLDB and a Async bean call not
23:21 whartung this is … disappointing
23:22 sfisque injecting ejbs works fine.  it's CDI beans that fail
23:23 whartung gah!
23:23 whartung That's a "why is't that the same thing now anyway" rant.
23:24 sfisque i'm still guessing it's because the worker pool is disconnected from the web container in such a way that there is zero concept of a "session", which is what CDI beans (at least the app/sess/conversation - scoped ones)  are tied to
23:25 whartung yea
23:25 whartung ok
23:25 whartung I can see it for "some" of the scopes
23:25 whartung but for a local scope it should work
23:25 whartung but for session, yea, no bueno
23:26 sfisque ejb scope (local/remote) is very different from CDI context scope (request/conversation/session/application)
23:26 sfisque one is ejb-container based, the other is web-container based
23:26 sfisque or "servlet container" i should say
23:26 whartung yea
23:28 sfisque this is one of "those things" that has cemented my career as "the solution guy".  except this one is quite a dinger and it's going to take some brain time to come up with "the elegant solution"
23:29 whartung well, arguably, "why are you using session pertinent objects in an async method anyway"
23:29 whartung it's kind of a dark side of the session model
23:32 sfisque i know.  trust me.  the issue is, we're doing background processing of an uploaded file, and some of the slicing/dicing requires information that comes from "who uploaded it"
23:32 whartung can't you pass that in as an argument to the method? Post injection?
23:33 sfisque and in the spirit of "reuse" rather than writing all sort of redundant methods, we're using existing code.
23:33 sfisque aye W, but again, the issue arises with deep call chains
23:33 whartung si
23:33 whartung but it's a curious downside to CDI
23:33 sfisque whatever these beans do, it has to work in an injectable context as well as asynch
23:34 sfisque well, CDI beans really have not business in EJB.s different tiers.  CDI beans are the replacement for JSF MBs
23:34 whartung it's one of those "yea, they're just pojos" but, "Umm, yea, but they're really not…"
23:34 sfisque yub
23:36 sfisque i might split the CDI bean into several parts.  the parts i need can be moved to SFSBs and injected back into the CDI bean as well as my Asynch call chain.  the problem is, i'll have to manage the session'ing because SFSBs don't have a "session" context like CDI beans do since they're not servlet aware.
23:37 whartung yea, youll have to come up with a derivative session instance and pass it around
23:37 whartung or..
23:37 whartung can you play with the CDI context within a SLSB?
23:37 whartung I mean, I know you can call the infrastrcture to perform injection on random objects.
23:37 whartung can you tie int to that at the SLSB tier and do it "manually"?
23:38 sfisque sort of.  i can have it "in hand" before i dive into the Asynch method, and maybe plug it into a ThreadLocal or JDNI
23:38 sfisque ***JNDI
23:39 sfisque i'll have to daydream some…. i like this part, but its hard to explain to "the boss" that you're designing, which amounts to lots of sitting back and thinking without producing code
23:39 whartung just desing in a textfile in the ide -- whats' the difference :)
23:40 sfisque doesnt work like that for me.  i have to get that 1000 yard stare and actually "visually" conceptualize in my head (like the objects become tangible things and i see their connections and how they interact in "space/time (process/container/etc.))
23:41 sfisque sort of like 3d UML in my head
23:41 whartung well, stare and type make ticky noises on the keyboard
23:42 sfisque lolz
23:42 sfisque anywho, on that note, i'm off to "la la land" to design.  code strong!
23:42 whartung kk take care
23:42 whartung drive safe

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