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IRC log for #javaee, 2013-07-24

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Time S Nick Message
00:56 Maziz joined ##javaee
00:58 sfisque joined ##javaee
01:01 sfisque1 joined ##javaee
03:57 caverman joined ##javaee
05:21 SoniEx2|2 joined ##javaee
07:19 neuro_sys joined ##javaee
07:26 neuro_sys joined ##javaee
07:30 neuro_sys joined ##javaee
07:31 caverdude joined ##javaee
08:06 bSchoeck joined ##javaee
08:08 bSchoeck left ##javaee
08:09 bSchoeck joined ##javaee
08:10 dreamworker joined ##javaee
08:10 dreamworker Hi
08:18 dreamworker_ joined ##javaee
08:19 Quest joined ##javaee
08:21 SoniEx2|2 joined ##javaee
08:23 SoniEx2|3 joined ##javaee
09:45 onr Java 8
10:22 pdurbin oh good:
12:22 amitev joined ##javaee
12:22 amitev left ##javaee
13:29 Naros joined ##javaee
14:27 kobain joined ##javaee
15:00 Quest joined ##javaee
16:03 caverdude joined ##javaee
17:28 Quest hi, any person that used plain java ee 6 / latest ? to do all that is done in spring / struts/ other frameworks?
17:28 whartung huh?
17:29 sfisque1 that's our entire product.  zero spring
17:29 sfisque1 all EE6
17:29 Quest sfisque1,  wow
17:29 whartung I've been doing this for 12 years, I've never used spring.
17:29 sfisque1 well, there is "some" spring but that's because camel comes with all sorts of baggae
17:29 sfisque1 ***baggage
17:29 Quest whartung,  wow..........
17:30 whartung yea who knew you actually CAN use this stuff out of the box...
17:30 Quest people mostly say me that the latest java ee 6 is modern and not old legacy problematic anymore. and the same things can be done with javaee that could be done with spring or struts
17:30 sfisque1 lol W
17:31 Quest you agree ^?
17:31 sfisque1 TBH, there is nothing outdated about EE.  the only thing that EE6 brings is annotations and injection.  other than that, it's the same facilities that have been in play in form or another over the last 14 years
17:31 whartung yea
17:31 Quest sfisque1,  well the old versions got people away and afraid. I think you were the person who said that earlier
17:31 whartung it adds some deployment options
17:32 sfisque1 aye Q.  pre- EE5, EE suffered "xml hell", similar to what spring suffers now
17:32 sfisque1 or XMhelL
17:33 sfisque1 :P
17:33 Quest whartung,  sfisque1  so how do you do all that , that is done in spring, spring mvc, spring AOP (most important), and spring security         in       java ee?    you would have to use some persistnatce framework like hibernate in either spring or javaee though.
17:33 Quest sfisque,  xml hell? you mean lack of annotations?
17:33 whartung JEE5 + comes with a JPA implementation
17:33 sfisque u use whatever the container gives you and u just  target the APIs
17:34 Quest whartung,  jpa implementation. what kind of?  whats the name?
17:34 whartung the difference between ejb2 and ejb3 are mostly the addition of annotations which reduced the XML considerably and the addition of JPA
17:34 sfisque i mean you had to configure EVERYTHING via XML and it was voluminous.  with EE5 we got the double bang of annotation + configuration via convention
17:34 whartung with the addition of JPA, Entity Beans were deprecated
17:34 Quest sfisque,  oh
17:35 whartung Glassfish uses Eclipselink. JBoss uses Hibernate I imagine.
17:35 sfisque yup
17:35 Quest what different is the javaee implementation of JPA than from hibernate?
17:35 whartung Weblogic uses Eclipselink (since it's oracle)
17:35 whartung dunno was websphere uses
17:35 sfisque websphere uses eclipselink but can support hibernate
17:35 whartung ok
17:36 sfisque glassfish can support hibernate as well, via osgi bundle
17:36 sfisque from my experience in V4 and V5, jboss was (is?) pretty much married to hibernate
17:36 Naros Hibernate just provides you with a more feature rich set of APIs than JPA.
17:36 sfisque dunno if they fixed that in 6/7
17:37 Naros You can do the same in both, but sometimes Hibernate offers you extensions not found in JPA
17:37 whartung yea, we use Eclipselink specific stuff in our code.
17:37 sfisque aye but if you start down that route, you're polluting the code with driver specific dependencies
17:37 whartung yup
17:37 whartung don't care :)
17:37 whartung we never have had much interest in porting our apps off of Glassfish
17:38 whartung and nowadays with most of our installs being VMs, it's even less important.
17:38 sfisque lol.  aye, just saying for Q's benefit.  obviously, if you are making a deliberate decisiion, one hopes it's well justified :=D
17:38 Naros Ofc.
17:38 whartung we mostly use it for the Criteria api, because we're on JPA 1, and don't have JPA's Criteria API. But after looking at it, I like Els better anyway
17:38 sfisque as for entity beans being deprecated, i missed that meeting, when did that happen?
17:39 Quest Naros,  oh so we dont need any framework like hibernate in a Java EE ?
17:39 sfisque oh, yah JPA2 is a world of improvement
17:39 sfisque get moved upto GF 3.x (or 4) if you can
17:40 whartung they're actually optional in the latests release I believe, and by deprecated I mean they were discouraged. I don't think anyone would consciously choose an EB over a JPA Entity unless forced to.
17:40 whartung yea, we're moving to 3 as we speak have one project already moved
17:40 sfisque negative Q, you just don't "write against it".  you write against JPA and the pPersistenceContext loads the driver that is registered in the EAR/Container (hibernate, eclipselink, etc.)
17:40 whartung when the rest move up, we'll start playing with JPA 2
17:40 Quest sfisque,  polluting? so there might be migration issues?
17:40 sfisque so you are still "using" the ORM, but hyou're using not "wired to it" if you use the JPA api
17:40 sfisque yes Q
17:42 Naros That's why we use the entity manager provided by JPA and just allow the ORM to sit behind the EM
17:42 sfisque you will like JPA2 W.  it's very nice.  though be careful of edge cases.  i found out that eclipselink has a NASTY copy/paste bug in it's coalesce() method
17:42 Naros that way if we have special need cases to use the ORM's API we can, but we often prefer the JPA API
17:43 Naros Also just as an FYI Quest.  IIRC, Hibernate 4.3 is moving to JPA 2.1.
17:44 sfisque well, i gotta bounce.  TT y'all L8r.   code strong!
17:44 Naros likewise, lunch time.
18:08 Quest joined ##javaee
18:08 caverdude joined ##javaee
18:10 Quest whartung,  Naros  so how do you do all that , that is done in spring, spring mvc, spring AOP (most important), and spring security         in       java ee?    you would have to use some persistnatce framework like hibernate in either spring or javaee though.
18:11 Quest are there built in things in javaee or it would be the old fashioned way?
18:11 onr bana java ogretin kitapsizlar
19:09 Naros Quest: My focus isn't solely JavaEE.  My area of expertise is with those frameworks because that is the environment I've been exposed to and develop within for the last 13 years.
19:10 Naros So how to do things without Spring, MVC, AOP, Spring Security in a pure JavaEE world isn't something I can help you with because it isn't a world I live and breath daily.
19:10 Quest hm
19:11 Quest but as far as i see, to accomplish those, theres not prebuilt machnism in javaee. you have to reinvent the wheel?
19:11 Quest brb
19:11 Quest I wonder what whartung  had to say about it. (if he is not busy)
19:12 Naros It's much like in the C++... The argument to use boost, versus the c++ stdlib, versus rolling your own.
19:13 Naros *C++ World
19:18 * Quest have no idea abou tc++
19:19 Quest Naros,  by the way, have you used spring security?
19:19 Naros Yes, we use it heavily
19:19 Quest would it be not difficult for you to copy paste me the config?
19:20 Quest assumed that the auth is through database
19:21 Naros Our app uses a two-way authentication scheme.
19:21 Quest hm
19:21 Quest want to share what kind of?
19:21 Naros Validates username from DB, if user is flagged as LDAP then credentials are authenticated via Active Directory, otherwise it proceeds with a DB password encryption validation.
19:22 Naros Because our users can be both NT domain users and non-NT domain users.
19:22 Quest hm. then that config would be of less use to me as it would go over my head
19:22 Naros The basics are the same.
19:22 Naros let me see what i can paste.
19:23 Quest I think   would be fine for basic auth.
19:23 Quest Naros,  ok
19:28 Naros if you aren't using LDAP tho, you may need to tweak
19:28 Quest ok
19:29 Naros
19:30 Naros The idea is we define some http patterns and specify their security level requirements.  In those cases, none since they're considered public.  Anything else would fall into requiring authentication.
19:30 Naros you can ignore the app event listener.  we did that for some special tracking of application events for login/logout.
19:31 Naros Since we use a custom form, we defined a login form filter and entry point.
19:33 Naros be aware, this config is a bit messy mainly because it's been a work-in-progress from an older version of Spring Security to 3.1.3 where things were shifted around and some old things were left behind (hence why you see a intercept-url patterns similar to the first set of security http patterns).
19:33 Naros I'd advise you to take this as a grain of salt and follow the config docs
19:34 Quest which part goes to the database, matches the username against password ?
19:35 Naros That's the authenticationService bean
19:35 Naros UserDetailsAuthenticationService extends AbstractUserDetailsAuthenticationProvider
19:36 Naros iirc, it calls retrieveUser(String userName, UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken authentication)
19:36 Naros that is where we hook into the API and load our user by the username.
19:37 Naros Once you return a UserDetails object, it then invokes the additionalAuthenciationChecks method on the provider's interface.
19:37 Quest so a class would have to be made named UserDetailsAuthenticationService extends AbstractUserDetailsAuthenticationProvider
19:37 Naros Yes.
19:37 Naros If you wish to use some custom form of authentication.
19:38 Naros there are other ways you can do it however.
19:38 Naros but i found this to be the most flexible given our business needs.
19:38 Quest i just have two column in a table named    login and pass
19:39 Naros tell me your pass is encrypted ? :P
19:39 Quest not for the moment
19:39 Quest nor hashed
19:39 Quest but it might in future
19:39 Naros yah definitely want to hash it.  We use an SHA algorithm iirc.
19:40 Quest i hope it would be refactored very easily, but for the moment just need it to work
19:41 Naros yah that can be easily done later once the basics work :P
19:41 Quest hm
19:41 Quest so I create a class name UserDetailsAuthenticationService extends AbstractUserDetailsAuthenticationProvider
19:41 Quest do you have that class already to be able be pasted?
19:41 Naros
19:42 Naros No I cannot paste that class, sorry.
19:42 Naros Just implement that interface I pasted you
19:43 Naros er extend that abstract class i meant.
19:43 Quest ok.
19:43 Naros You could probably extend AuthenticationProvider or DaoAuthenticationProvider.
19:43 Quest Naros,  is that secret ! :)
19:44 Naros That class has client-specific information which is under a NDA contract.
19:46 Quest oh
19:46 Quest so i can either extend  AbstractUserDetailsAuthenticationProvider  or  AuthenticationProvider or DaoAuthenticationProvider.
19:47 Naros Yep, read the docs and decide what makes most sense for your case.
19:47 Quest okie dokie
20:02 caverdude joined ##javaee
20:03 Quest joined ##javaee
20:05 Guest43761 <Quest> thanks for being so elaborative. point a person in the correct direction
20:05 Guest43761 <Quest> pointing*
20:05 Guest43761 <Quest> Naros,  so its final that if i intend to use db auths. i only can use these three classes ? AbstractUserDetailsAuthenticationProvider  or  AuthenticationProvider or DaoAuthenticationProvider.
20:05 Guest43761 <Quest> there are no other ways? (other than hard coding passwords which i wont do)
20:05 Guest43761 <Quest> Naros, and I need to use security:authentication-provider. thats it.
20:07 Naros 1 moment, trying to resolve a DB crash i caused :P
20:08 Naros sigh lets hope recovery works :E
20:08 Guest43761 sure.
20:09 Naros Without consulting the docs for later versions, I can't specifically how to configure your scenario, but yes you need an authentication provider for sure.  But which you plan to extend is entirely up to you.
20:10 Guest43761 hm
20:10 Guest43761 I see there are alot. even on is UserDetailsService interface
20:11 Guest43761 one*
20:11 Guest43761 hm. i would catch up docs from here. thanks
20:11 Naros yes there is the user details service too
20:12 Naros But we only use that during a user-switch
20:12 Guest43761 k
20:12 Naros user-switch being where an admin can transparently convert their session to a user session without a password to debug/troubleshoot a problem that is user-specific.
20:13 Naros a different user's session more explicitly.
20:14 Guest43761 in my case i would surely want the admin to see all logged in users and expel any
20:16 Naros no, what i mean is I can login as my user, go to the user administration console, select a user record and then select an option to make the application think I that user I selected in the admin console.
20:16 Guest43761 oh
20:16 Naros Then I can do a transaction and see where it fails for a different user without them needing to give me their password.
20:17 Guest43761 in my case, the user would be just a user. even the admins. its the other privilieges in my tables that tells what the user is.  i mean for the spring authen part. i would set up all as same. and deal the authoriz part by my custom way.
20:18 Naros The beauty is spring security comes with this feature and the context management stores both the original user (the admin's data) and the switch user (the new user's data).  When I exit Incognito mode, it restores the security context back to the admin's data and dumps the user's data I had previously been acting as.
20:18 Guest43761 hm
20:19 Naros right, just commenting on the fact that spring security allows a user to login as another user without their credentials if you need or want that feature.
20:21 Naros We've worked around a lot of that need by having our requests store a transaction context where everything that happens is audited and when a failure point happens, users can contact helpdesk, the admin can select the session and view the last audit transaction trace in real time to see where the failure point is.
20:21 SoniEx2|2 joined ##javaee
20:23 Guest43761 hm
20:23 Guest43761 nice!
20:31 onr java vs php, which is better for web dev?
20:32 Naros Depends on the project
20:32 onr middle sized
20:32 Naros that's not sufficient details.  what type of project?  What are it's needs?
20:33 onr say twitter clone without scaling, data processing, etc. tasks
20:33 Naros well, facebook's UI is PHP with a bunch of C/C++ backend
20:33 onr yeah PHP is a powerful template language
20:34 onr important info: for single-man band
20:35 Naros Both can do a lot of the same things with enough time put into how things get architected.  Is this for some uni / personal project or corporate work?
20:35 sfisque joined ##javaee
20:35 onr no in fact i'm looking for a go-to web development platform to learn
20:36 onr i'll do stupid simple SQL backed CRUD web apps
20:36 onr and it seems without knowing Java or PHP, i'll starve to death
20:36 onr i've yet to see any python/ruby job around here, for example
20:37 sfisque if all you want is a editor with decent java support, jEdit.  if you want a real platform, then it's kind of "to taste" between idea, netbeans, and eclipse
20:37 onr i've asked for java vs php, sfisque
20:37 Naros if you want to learn something that has a lot of market value, then java imo.
20:37 onr i'm kinda vim guy
20:38 sfisque php will get you lots of grunt work jobs.  EEJava will get you more headache and more money :P
20:38 sfisque if you want opportunity, learn either android or iOS
20:38 Naros but when i want to do quick and dirty stuff, i'll often favor php because it's easy
20:39 sfisque well yah.  its perl.   no brainer there
20:39 Naros exactly
20:39 sfisque i still use perl often here and our project is pure JEE
20:39 sfisque it's nice for doing forensics on log files
20:40 sfisque or fast preflighting "uplaod files" for testing that facility
20:40 onr i thought Java folks completely abandoned PHP
20:42 onr so i assume Java doesn't provide quickie web microframework like PHP
20:42 Naros Just because we use java doesn't mean we don't use other avenues when it makes more sense
20:43 Naros I'm a framework kinda guy, so there is a bit of upfront configs I have to do to get even a quickie web app up and going in java that under php, it's usually just about creating the code and dropping it into my apache web server :P
20:44 sfisque thats why i have boiler plate war/ear projects in my local cvs repo.  checkout read only, make a few mods, import as new project
20:45 onr true, almost anything other than PHP requires some amount of boilerplate code
20:45 sfisque though, netbeans has kind of obsoleted them for the most part
20:45 onr unfortunately, PHP is such a horrible language
20:45 sfisque you can say, New Project, build, and deploy in under a minute with netbeans
20:46 sfisque it's not that bad onr, but it suffers the same issue as JSP.  you can do very bad things in the representation layer  ...
20:46 Naros horrible in what way?  That's quite subjective imo.
20:51 onr i *like* PHP's environment. there are situations where MVC is plain verbose and PHP-esque files-as-routes and business logic embedded in HTML is okay
20:51 onr PHP-the-language isn't my type unfortunately
20:51 onr anyway, i need to force myself to learn some popular server-side languages to find jobs
20:51 * Guest43761 suggest a framework even php is used
20:56 onr i already like most things i know about Java
20:56 onr JVM, lots of learning material and job opportunities, being static typed and IDE support
20:56 Naros my fav part of Java is the garbage collector :P
20:57 * whartung loves JSP -- best page templating system on the market.
20:57 onr but people say Java is too much for a single developer
20:57 Naros O.o
20:57 onr and there are thousands of concepts
20:58 Naros There are tons of concepts in any language :)
20:58 onr well, for example Servlet
20:59 Naros Beauty is they often have similarities even across language barriers.  That's why they're design patterns and such.
20:59 onr isn't this just a damn HTTP handler class?
20:59 sfisque yes and no
20:59 Naros It depends (tm) :P
20:59 onr heh
20:59 sfisque HttpServlet is, Servlet is generic
20:59 whartung yet not generic enough :)
20:59 * Naros cries.
20:59 sfisque servlet can be a SOAP endpoint, for example
21:00 sfisque or a JSON REST endpont
21:00 onr is it something like gen_server in Erlang, or specific to client/server paradigm in networking?
21:00 sfisque not sure and no, respectively
21:01 whartung not knowing anything about gen_server, can't comment
21:01 sfisque it's a generic "request oriented connection" abstraction, with HttpServlet providing the concrete version for handling http requests
21:02 Maziz joined ##javaee
21:02 onr for example, can you use Servlet for, say, in-memory data store 'server'?
21:03 onr protocol-agnostic server, i mean. not limited to TCP
21:03 whartung the power of the servlet is two fold. 1) it's simple (really simple) binding et al. but the winner is 2) the forwarding mechanism that lets you invoke other resources (notably JSPs, but can be anything) internally, making it easy to separate responsibilities
21:03 Guest43761 onr,  in short. java is more of an enterprise medium to enterprise best suited thing. php is for small to medium (not scalable to high enterprise) thing
21:03 onr ah, it exactly like gen_Server, i see
21:04 onr "servlets can respond to any types of requests"
21:04 whartung yea, php is only good for things like Facebook...
21:04 whartung servlets aren't that generic
21:04 whartung for example
21:04 whartung you wouldn't write an SMTP server using Servlets
21:04 onr hmm
21:05 whartung I think the original vision was to be able to do something like that ,but HTTP is too leaky at the server level, it never panned out
21:05 whartung that's what I meant by Servlets not being generic enough
21:06 onr i see. still i'm glad it's not specifically designed & named for HTTP servers
21:06 sfisque well yah, SMTP is an event driven service, not a request driven one
21:06 whartung but it effectively is
21:07 Naros it is request driven and has a finite state machine just like HTTP
21:07 sfisque do you even know how smtp works?
21:07 whartung but none of the servrs I know, especially out of the box, would actually accept such a socket and call your "Servlet". They all have the HTTP processing built in at the connector level.
21:08 Naros sfisque: me?
21:08 whartung you certainly can't implement a Servlet in a WAR and have it work.
21:08 * whartung has written an SMTP server
21:08 Naros As have I, in various languages.
21:08 sfisque if you remember how Servlet evolved, it was a messy refactor from the original spec to what we have now.  and it shows unfortunately
21:09 whartung I could write code with jars that leveraged, say, the Grizzly Connectors in Glassfish, but it would be a GF artifact and not related to JEE at all
21:09 whartung yea, it's messy. It's a shame, it would have been nice to be able to do an SMTP Servlet.
21:09 sfisque that would be messy
21:12 onr if SMTP doesn't fit into request/response paradigm, then there must be "event server" class in Java
21:13 whartung HTTP is stateless and doesn't require a persistent connection. SMTP does.
21:13 whartung that's the detail that moves it out of the "request/response" category. It's a conversation in contrast to HTTP.
21:14 whartung That all said, I WRAPPED my SMTP server in to a  servlet, but I use it as a skeleton for its lifecycle to stand up and tear down the SMTP server with our app.
21:14 whartung but other than that, it just opens sockets on its own
21:17 sfisque now what would be interesting would be to have a "container compatible" analog to ServerSocket, for cases where Servlet does not map well (like say, an SNMP endpoint, or similar)  rather than having to go the CORBA/RMI route and build a tenuous pipe between the container and the external process
21:18 whartung right. JEE punts on this with the JCA where it's point of integration is just a Message Bean.
21:18 whartung but the module does all of the work.
21:19 whartung I originally wrote the SMTP server as a JCA module, but it was a pain and couldn't call our server logic very easily.
21:19 sfisque JCA's point of integration is the JNDI and JTA.  you "can" also use MDB but that's not specifically part of the spec
21:19 whartung I did't want the MDB process to be that raw.
21:19 whartung well, that's how the payload gets in to the server, at least for this use case.
21:20 whartung most examples of JCA are for external connectors (i.e. JDBC-esque) rather than listeners.
21:20 sfisque the JCA adapter can expose whatever interface it wants, as long as it adheres to the JTA and JNDI expectations
21:20 whartung but listeners interact with the JEE tier through a message bean
21:20 sfisque aye
21:21 onr heh. see how many Java terms you're using? :)
21:21 whartung it's a JEE channel, you need to be pretty deep in java to play here.
21:21 sfisque well yah, you're talking about a platform that spans 18 years in the SE and 14 in the EE world
21:21 whartung and we're mostly using JEE terms, not Java terms per se, to be pedantic
21:22 sfisque that's a billion years in internet time
21:22 onr btw, did you know someone who had no clue about Java, then learnt it?
21:23 whartung me
21:23 onr curious how long it took to be 'productive' in Java. (consider i'm a CRUD web app guy)
21:23 whartung hell, I didn't even know "web" hardly at all when I started it.
21:24 whartung well, not true, I wrote an apache mod.
21:24 whartung so I knew HTTP ok
21:24 whartung but I couldn't spell java.
21:24 sfisque i picked up java in about 6 mo using the 0.90b compiler and the first edition of "java in a nutshell".  with the explosion of tutorials and tools these days, you can reach "productive" in about 3-4 months
21:24 whartung yea
21:24 whartung especially if you just focus on one aspect
21:24 onr wow 6 months
21:25 whartung the biggest problem with java is that it's very (VERY) easy to get distracted and go off in to the weeds
21:25 sfisque all i had was BBEdit, the compiler, and nutshell
21:25 sfisque kids these days are spoiled.... *wanders off to find his missing cane*
21:25 whartung I suggest you write your more horrible PHP style code in Java/JSPs to get familiar with it, then move forward from there once you're comfortable with the syntax, build and deploy process and runtime.
21:25 whartung heh
21:26 whartung My first production system was on JRun :)
21:26 whartung well, lies, it was actually on netscape.
21:26 whartung then it locked up hard one day
21:26 whartung and support didn't get back to me
21:26 whartung so Iported it to JRun
21:27 onr even 3-4 months sound surprising because it took me a week to learn Go and start to write web services
21:27 sfisque there is a difference between, i made it work, and i'm productive
21:27 whartung and actually understand and supporting what you did
21:27 onr i can say i'm productive and not using any magic framework
21:28 whartung then you should be able to pick up servlets in no time
21:28 whartung Servlet != JEE
21:29 onr yeah. i'll also need to grasp DB connectivity
21:29 onr JDBC, i guess
21:29 whartung yup
21:29 whartung use a connection pool
21:29 whartung and look it up using JNDI
21:29 whartung yes, there are other ways
21:29 whartung don't use them.
21:29 whartung use the connection pool
21:30 onr sure thing
21:30 sfisque now there's a tech that suffers lack of knowledge.  too many "java ee" engineers today have no idea how JNDI works....  /cries
21:30 whartung heh
21:30 whartung we use it all the time but so rarely at the same time.
21:30 sfisque all they know is @EJB and @Inject and have no clue what's actually happening under the hood
21:31 whartung yea
21:31 pdurbin some of us are still only students of java ee :)
21:31 whartung we're all students of JEE
21:32 whartung it's deep and broad
21:32 sfisque aye
21:32 pdurbin yep
21:32 sfisque i still learn new crap all the time, even after 14  years
21:32 whartung si
21:32 whartung I have no experience with the JEE6 stuff (CDI notably) for example
21:32 whartung and I think EJB-Lite is one of the best things since sliced bread.
21:33 whartung even though I can't use it :)
21:33 sfisque cdi is a convenience.  learn how to look stuff up in jndi.  you'll be happy you did
21:33 sfisque ejb-lite is only a container spec.  as far as being a developer, it's unimportant except when you're choosing a container
21:34 whartung sure, but it's a nice spec.
21:34 whartung EJBS in your Wars -- EZ mode. So nice.
21:34 whartung free transactions -- hurray
21:34 sfisque that's diffrent.  you're confusing "war packaging" with ejb-lite
21:35 sfisque or "simplified packaging"
21:35 whartung EJB lite is war packaging
21:35 sfisque i had this conversation with a colleague recently
21:35 sfisque ejb-lite is a container spec.
21:35 whartung no, that web profile
21:35 whartung that's different
21:35 sfisque reduced packaging is the rules for bundling in a war
21:35 sfisque one sec
21:35 sfisque i have the white papers here on my drive
21:39 sfisque JSR 318 - chapter 20 - Packaging
21:39 sfisque JSR 310 - chapter 21.1 - EJB Lite
21:39 sfisque ***318
21:40 sfisque i had this very conversation a few weeks ago with a colleague here.
21:40 whartung yea I guess you can have a container that JUST implements EJB-Lite
21:40 sfisque aye.  primarily defined for "embedded" container type situations
21:41 sfisque but ejb-lite is a container spec.  bundling ejb's in a war file is called something else, iirc, "reduced packaging" or "simplified packaging" or somesuch
21:50 onr can Java SE guys develop web apps as well?
21:50 sfisque yes, but you're still using EE api's.  you can use EE Api's "individually" without the whole platform (Tomcat is a good example)
21:51 sfisque JDBC, JNDI, JavaMail are other examples of EE api's that can "stand alone"
21:52 pdurbin plenty of non-EE ways too, I suspect
21:52 onr well, monster standard libraries basically warm me up :)
21:52 whartung java se can host web services natively and has an in built http server -- it's awful, but it's there
21:52 sfisque aye.  if you "really really really" wanted to, you could write CGI's in java
21:53 sfisque which then means all you're doing is writing CLI apps and having httpd call them
21:53 onr java's startup time is horrible
21:53 sfisque agreed. hench why i said "really really really" :P
21:53 onr still, i'll start with such programs first
21:54 sfisque that's one of the reasons the servlet spec was devloped.  to create the concept of "always on" cgi's\
21:54 sfisque a servlet is basically just a cgi that never exits
21:54 sfisque so you don't pay the "startup cost" on each invocation
21:54 onr um, you write to stdout?
21:55 sfisque no, but servlets do write to a "stream"
21:55 onr pretty similar
21:55 sfisque which the container either sends over the wire or to the fronting httpd
21:55 sfisque aye
21:56 whartung it's a little different
21:56 whartung you don't have to write out the headrs
21:56 whartung servlet api does that for you
21:56 whartung just the content
21:56 onr i hated node.js/python/etc.'s 'whole app in a single thread' perspective
21:56 whartung INTERNET SKALEZ YO!
21:56 sfisque aye, but you "can" do header rewriting for specific cases, but yes, the API solves alot of stuff "for you"
21:56 onr i'll need to write to header anyways, for user auth
21:56 onr cookies, etc
21:57 sfisque look at JAAS.  all the servet/ee containers support it
21:57 onr i'm the happiest person when you put request object and write stream in my hands
21:57 sfisque in fact, tomcat comes with a few jaas drivers
21:57 sfisque so does jboss (my fave atm)
21:57 whartung or punt on JAAS and do by hand with a filter :)
21:58 sfisque aye
21:58 onr well, my user auth needs are just placing an encrypted cookie in user's browser
21:58 onr no need to read another 700-page book for this :)
21:58 sfisque read up on session-fixation.  storing cookies for auth can open you up for that attack vector (as well as others)
21:59 sfisque bbiab
22:00 onr so you guys know about Java EE
22:00 whartung the servlet api manages sessions for you
22:00 onr do you use it with other JVM languages?
22:00 whartung I don't, well, javascript
22:00 onr Rhino?
22:00 whartung but that's more internal
22:00 whartung yea
22:01 onr i'm looking at Clojure
22:01 whartung and Drools Rule language
22:01 whartung for their rule engine
22:01 whartung knock yourself out ;)
22:15 malaverdiere joined ##javaee
22:16 malaverdiere Hello *. I am having some trouble with a simple jaxb unmarshalling :(
22:17 malaverdiere I am trying to read the JAX-WS Handlers file. I used xjc to generate classes, and I am reading using the JAXB object. But I get handler-chains whose elements are always null... what am I doing wrong?
22:22 pdurbin malaverdiere: showing us some code would be appreciated
22:23 malaverdiere val handlerFile = new File(f.getParent,file)
22:23 malaverdiere if (handlerFile.exists()){
22:23 malaverdiere val unmarshalled = JAXB.unmarshal(handlerFile, classOf[HandlerChainsType])
22:23 malaverdiere disapointingly simple, isn't it ;)
22:25 sfisque are you using @Webservice anntotated endpoint?
22:25 malaverdiere I get a non-null object, but the handlerchain and id properties are null
22:25 sfisque if so, it should be doing the marshall/unmarshall for you
22:25 malaverdiere Actually, I am writing a static analysis engine for JEE
22:25 whartung sounds like raw JAXB to me
22:26 sfisque oh, gotcha.  outside of my knowledge then
22:26 malaverdiere So I need to parse the handler chain config file
22:26 malaverdiere So I tried with jaxb
22:26 malaverdiere but I don't know what I'm doing wrong
22:27 sfisque assuming the config file is XML, you should be able to deserialize the file using xmlbeans, no?
22:27 malaverdiere sfisque: I could. I thought that xjc and xmlbeans were more or less the same at this point :)
22:27 sfisque not sure.  i've not done anythign with xjc directly
22:28 sfisque worse case, you could leverage apache digester and slurp the xml and deserialize that way
22:28 sfisque i did that for a templating engine i wrote years ago
22:29 sfisque but i'm not sure if that would solve the specific problem you're addressing
22:30 malaverdiere doesn't hurt to look at it
22:30 malaverdiere I feel like I'm doing a real n00b error somehow
22:30 malaverdiere anyways, thanks guys
22:32 onr you're welcome :)
23:12 malaverdiere joined ##javaee
23:21 SoniEx2|2 joined ##javaee

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