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IRC log for #javaee, 2013-07-23

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Time S Nick Message
00:36 kobain joined ##javaee
00:37 raoul- joined ##javaee
00:56 sfisque joined ##javaee
01:00 sfisque1 joined ##javaee
01:25 Maziz joined ##javaee
02:20 cavemanlg joined ##javaee
02:52 cavemanlg joined ##javaee
03:06 SoniEx2 joined ##javaee
03:06 SoniEx2 at least here I can post this:
03:06 SoniEx2 and ask how can I stop writing derpy code?
03:06 Quest sure you can, if its related to java
03:07 SoniEx2 aka I sometimes write "x==y ? true : false"
03:07 Quest so..
03:09 SoniEx2 the "? true : false" isn't needed?
03:09 Quest what are you trying to do?
03:09 SoniEx2 a file format?
03:09 Quest its like      if x is equal to y ?  then do this : otherwise do this
03:10 SoniEx2 no sometimes I write "x==y ? true : false"
03:10 Quest then?
03:10 Quest why do you write it?
03:10 Quest what do you mean?
03:10 SoniEx2 well it's like saying "true ? true : false" or "false ? true : false"
03:12 Quest x==y is a condition.      if its true   . that is , if x IS EQUAL to y.         the left part of : happens, other wise the right part
03:13 SoniEx2 let me explain a bit better
03:13 SoniEx2
03:14 sfisque1 if( x == true ) { return true; } else { return false; }   // W1N!!!11one
03:14 Quest read() == 1 ? true : false, (byte) read(), (byte) read(), ?
03:14 SoniEx2 "read() == 1 ? true : false"
03:14 SoniEx2 see?
03:14 SoniEx2 I derped there
03:14 Quest ok. let me tell.
03:15 sfisque1 ack.  stick that in a BufferedReader or BufferedInputStream.   you get two smacks for R/W per byte
03:16 * Quest hands over to sfisque1
03:16 SoniEx2 also yes I suck at coding
03:16 SoniEx2 I'm trying to get better at it tho...
03:17 sfisque1 fair enough :-D
07:00 sl33k joined ##javaee
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10:57 l1ght joined ##javaee
11:43 neuro_sys_ joined ##javaee
13:35 kobain joined ##javaee
13:43 Naros joined ##javaee
14:18 Quest joined ##javaee
14:21 SoniEx2 joined ##javaee
14:39 * javanewb yawns
14:42 Quest javanewb,  whats up?
15:21 onr joined ##javaee
15:25 javanewb me barely
15:26 Quest hm
15:32 onr neuro_sys: o degil de mecidiyekoy tarafi nasil
15:33 Quest onr,  english?
15:33 onr Quest: anlamadim?
15:34 Quest I only understand ENGLISH
15:35 onr Quest: mi no ingles
15:35 Naros left ##javaee
15:35 Naros joined ##javaee
16:17 caverdude joined ##javaee
16:17 caverdude hello
16:17 Quest he
16:20 SoniEx2 have you guys messed with my file format yet?
16:21 Quest not too much
16:24 sfisque joined ##javaee
16:29 Quest    any comments by any one? I am new to exceptions
16:30 Naros Let me read the post before i answer
16:30 Quest sure
16:31 Naros Alright, lets talk exceptions for a minute.
16:31 Naros The idea behind them isn't to necessarily try to parse or do anything with the exception's string message that you can get from getMessage().
16:31 Quest MSG for all : we need a recruit. contract based who knows javascript and css at a high degree
16:32 Quest Naros,  ok
16:32 Naros The idea is to catch the exception and then based on the exception thrown, do something application specific.
16:32 Quest hm
16:32 Naros a try block could catch multiple exceptions of different types perhaps
16:33 Naros and each exception caught could do something entirely different
16:33 Quest ya. may be log something if user tries to mess with priviliegs
16:33 Naros perhaps, or it adds the correct message in whatever framework you use to inform the user about what happened.
16:33 Quest oh. i just simply need a try catch with multiple catch blocks.   all will run?
16:33 Quest ok
16:33 whartung IMHO, this is the absolutely wrong way to use exception.
16:34 Quest whartung,  usually the chatch block is a response to the error/problem
16:35 sfisque sort of
16:35 Quest Naros,  you were saying...?
16:35 Naros whartung: he needs to at least understand how to use them first imo.
16:35 sfisque try/catch is when you know or expect some forms of exception and can handle them gracefully
16:35 whartung doesn't matter, exceptions are for exceptional behavior -- and user privilege is not exceptional behavior, it's endemic
16:36 Naros I'm not talk about privileges.
16:36 whartung but Quest is
16:36 Naros here is a crude example
16:36 Naros
16:36 Quest whartung,  you have a point. but using exceptions in this scenario molding them to our use, is a smart thing Naros  told.       what do you think whartung
16:37 Naros my first point is that he shouldn't care necessarily (other than maybe logging) what getMessage() gives him in the exceptions
16:38 sfisque what appears in that pastebin is an anti-pattern.  you're using exceptions to handle logic dispatch
16:38 Naros from a controller's perspective, you handle exceptional behavior and give the user some reasonable reason on the UI that doesn't give them too much information but that isn't misleading or non-informative as well.
16:38 whartung Exception fall in to the "don't test for something you can't handle". There's a reason why the majority of my exceptions are RuntimeExceptions. Most of the time, most of the code, can not handle the exception, and it blows out all the way to the top level where it's reported and logged. They're not used for logic flow except very rarely.
16:38 Naros sfisque: how would you change it?
16:38 whartung an Exception is "the database imploded"
16:39 sfisque instead of gating on exception, gate on a method that tests the priv/perm and dispatch on that
16:39 whartung Exceptions are for "WTF, this is WAY wrong"
16:39 sfisque instead of try/catch, ...  if( hasPermission() ) { doIt() } else { youCantDoThat(); }
16:40 sfisque even better would be to wrap the functionality in "guarded" objects (take a look at java security) and guard the objects based on perm/privs in the user credentials
16:40 whartung right, exactly what sfisque said
16:41 sfisque the try block would be for something catastrophic like , the perm collection is null when you expect it to be at the very least initialized as an empty collection.
16:41 Quest why you agreed with Naros  yesterday then? sfisque
16:41 sfisque or the db disappeared, like whartun says
16:41 whartung that said, I HAVE done deep, deep security checks at the lowest level. At a level that "should never happen", i.e. when Customer X asks for Customer Y's data, I make sure that X == Y, and if not, we don't discuss it, we go "WTF" and toss an exception, because it should NEVER happen, and it's a critical error someone got that deep.
16:41 Naros Right but at least in my world, I have two options to handle things like that.
16:42 Naros either you allow it to bubble up to Struts2 where you have to handle a mapping of exception class to jsp
16:42 Naros or you catch it and allow to do some flow control back to the INPUT jsp
16:42 sfisque you're missing the subtlies between "calling methods and catching exceptions" and "using execptions as dispatch logic"
16:42 sfisque one is part of the lang, the other is an anti-pattern
16:42 whartung absolutely catch them at the edge, so format them nice, ensure they're logged, keep the stack trace out of the users browser. But that's presentation
16:43 whartung again, what sfisque says
16:43 Naros whartung: and what my pastebin was is controller/presentation
16:43 whartung at the edge for services, we have a Result pattern
16:43 Quest I do need a flow controll thought. from dao to jsp
16:44 Naros Quest: correct but their suggestion isn't to rely on exceptions to necessarily control that.
16:44 sfisque it is a shame that uml is not taught earlier in various programs.  forcing devs to take the 10k foot view would be instrumental
16:44 Naros Instead you control it program flow of conditional checks.
16:44 whartung a Result contains all sorts of fascinating information -- the service result, any warnings or messages encountered, possibly extra data. It's a rich model. "Here's your new bleem, but by the way, this happened while we created it in case you care" kind of structure
16:45 Naros whartung: right which somewhat goes back to the SaveResult concept I mentioned to Quest the other day.
16:45 whartung but we mostly do this on the edge, for the end user, we don't use it deep in the logic, it's too burdensome
16:45 whartung yea, it's a good idea.
16:45 Naros But for very simple things, I find it overkill imo
16:45 whartung yes
16:45 Quest Naros use of exception was smart (though they might not be made for testing things like privileges or conditions. if you say so)  . so what strategy do you all propose?
16:45 whartung it is
16:45 sfisque aye.  we do alot of "catch log rethrow"  in our product ...  it's clumsy at times, but allows for good forensics in the logs when bad things happen
16:46 Naros Quest: I'd argue the strategy highly depends on the test case.
16:46 whartung yea, I do it all the time, converting checked exception to runtime exceptions.
16:46 Quest by all i mean Naros  whartung  sfisque
16:47 Naros There are times where I fully support my pastebin for very simplistic cases and there are other strategies as whartung mentioned where it's advantegous to use a SaveResult like concept that gives you a journal of all the things that took place, both good & bad.
16:47 whartung catch (IOException io) { throw new RuntimeException("something when wrong with file " + file, io); }
16:48 whartung the key take away here
16:48 whartung is there is no one answer
16:48 Naros catch(OptimisticLockException ole) { LOG.warn(ole.getMessage()); throw new ConcurrentRecordMoficiationError(ole); }
16:48 Naros Exactly what whartung said.
16:48 whartung it's nuanced, "it depends". You can't just take all of these tips as law and spread them everywhere.
16:49 Naros welcome to the world of programming :P
16:49 Quest hm
16:49 sfisque aye.  obviously, scale/scope are important.  for a small "toy" app, just catching the exception is "quick and dirty" but i think whartung (and myself) are trying to promote the concept that "don't adopt potentially bad habits" while you're learning
16:49 whartung you discovered this at once and made that post, you started to try it out and went "hey, wait a minute…"
16:49 Naros reminds me of newbie game developers writing C++ thinking everything fits in shiny OO classes.   pfft.  it doesn't quite work that way in the real world.
16:49 whartung that's a warning that something isn't quite right
16:49 Quest thats why I made a long question and even got -1 for it. so I can explain scope
16:50 whartung it's too big a question for SO
16:50 sfisque aye SO are kind of "anal" at times
16:50 whartung because "it depends"
16:50 Quest whartung,  sfisque  Naros  , so what do you guys suggest in this specific scenarios (which may be encountered many times in other apps and by users)
16:51 Naros Quest: the answer is that it will depend on what the service business case is :)
16:51 whartung I suggest you do whatever you want, and decide if you like it. If you do stick with it, if you don't, change it now armed with new information about what you don't like about what you did.
16:51 Quest Naros,  as I wrote. checking privs
16:51 sfisque for something small, a simple utility class that handles security (or a thirdparty thing like spring sec) where you can just "ask the permission question" and then dispatch execution based on the outcome (int, boolean, etc.)
16:51 Naros Then it isn't appropriate as others had said for checking privs.
16:51 Quest whartung,  well, in the first place, i dont know the options i have
16:52 sfisque for something bigger, leveraging a full api (JAAS, JAAC, JavaSec, etc.) would save you much work
16:52 whartung of course you do. You may not know them al, you know some. you know about IF statements. What's to know?
16:52 Quest Naros,  then what is appropriate
16:52 whartung that's all computer languages are: loops, math and if statements.
16:52 sfisque as for your DAO calls, you definitely need to trap exceptions (like the db disappeared, the table differs from your bean, etc.)
16:52 whartung everything else is sugar
16:52 sfisque pretty much W
16:52 Quest Naros,  it couuld be any check of a method returning a boolean. not just privs
16:53 sfisque as i once said in an interview, ultimately, every computer product is just "moving bits around in memory".  doesnt matter if it's accounting software, graphics software, or networking software
16:53 whartung remember, it's software -- you can always change it.
16:53 whartung my favorite line regarding that sfisque
16:53 Naros Quest: this is what I believe they're advocating
16:54 whartung is a friend who was working with 3D renderers (back when folks wrote 3D renderers)
16:54 whartung and he said "The best thing about 3D is that if it looks right, it IS right!" -- So simple! lol
16:54 sfisque that's like 300 years ago, in internet years
16:54 sfisque ROFL
16:54 Naros Do you see how we've decoupled the permissions check from exception handling ?
16:54 Naros Exception handling is being used for those critical exception cases only.
16:55 sfisque yes naros.  that is the ticket :-D
16:55 whartung right exaclty
16:55 sfisque Quest, memorize that block of code.  that is about 90% of EE
16:55 sfisque :P
16:55 Quest whartung,  sfisque  you commented that exception nesting will be bad in my case. but what alternative you propose
16:55 Naros UserSecurityContext is just a helper class with all the security stuff inside it allowing me to pass whatever parameters to evaluate some condition to be true/false.
16:56 whartung your framework should provide you the equivalent of "UserSecurityContext"
16:56 whartung whatever you're using
16:56 whartung JEE has one "for free"
16:56 Naros Yep
16:56 whartung I don't know what spring has
16:56 whartung but they all work the same
16:56 Naros Spring security's is the PermissionEvaluator but it interacts with annotations
16:56 sfisque if you're catching exceptions from two (or more) different inheritence chains (i.e. IOException vs. SQLException, etc.)  do not collapse them.  they indicate two (or more) VERY DIFFERENT failure points
16:56 whartung and I won't discuss how they work, it's not germane to this
16:57 Naros so he'd just annotate the method execute() instead
16:57 sfisque aye, what Naros says
16:57 whartung I never cared for annotations for security, but that's me.
16:57 Naros saves tons of boilerplate code :)
16:57 whartung it's rarely that straightforward :)
16:57 Naros aye
16:58 sfisque they can be very powerful, BUT you have to either leverage CMAA  or write alot of leverage code
16:58 * Quest tries to catchup with the chat as a new bie
16:58 Naros hehe, sorry Quest, we got off on a slight tanget.
16:58 Quest no problem at all. iam enjoying and learning
16:58 Naros sfisque is saying don't do something like this
16:58 sfisque i'm a big fan of letting the container manage AA and just testing the user credential objects
16:58 Naros try { ... } catch(SQLException e) { throw new IOException(e); }
16:59 Naros you're wrapping sql exception into an io exception
16:59 sfisque right, which obfuscates the failure point
16:59 Naros makes no sense to do that
16:59 sfisque it can make for a VERY LONG night of forensics
17:00 sfisque i tripped across something like that in the product.  needless to say, "we" had words the next morning when i was very tired and irate
17:00 Naros but there are times where such a case is helpful in the service tier
17:00 Naros if the framework you're writing doesn't want to expose a SQLException.
17:00 sfisque aye, but if it's bubbled up that far, it should have been handleed gracefully along the way
17:00 Naros but instead perhaps some ApplicationPersistenceException
17:00 k5_ joined ##javaee
17:01 sfisque either getting logged and rethrown or somesuch
17:01 Naros at least where the name and reason are logically bound, not wrapping SQLException in an IOException
17:01 Naros those are two different beasts.
17:01 sfisque aye.  if you're "handling it" and then bubbling up some more info to the next tier, then it can be very germain
17:02 Naros precisely.
17:02 sfisque but just grabbing and rethrowing an unrelated exception can be "mucho fun" to track down later
17:02 Naros especially at 4am when the admin calls you that the app crashed and u gotta figure out why :/
17:02 * sfisque sighs knowingly
17:03 Naros but there is nothing wrong with playing them, getting used to how they work and adhering to best practices once you have an understanding.
17:04 Naros them being exceptions
17:05 whartung once it's wrapped by a RuntimeException (of any kind), let it go.
17:05 Quest so whartung  sfisque  Naros , what strategy do you each would go for it you were me? (ignoring spring security)
17:05 sfisque i've yet to try out the new "multi-exception catching".  i'm eager to get my hands on that to collapse some big catch "switch" statements we have
17:05 sfisque naros already described it
17:05 Naros Quest: <-- this
17:05 whartung I'd do what Naros did in that pastebin
17:05 sfisque a utility security bean that can be used to gate the execution
17:06 Quest Naros,  there would be so many calls and exceptions. how to put all and flow to jsp
17:06 Quest its nested
17:06 whartung I'd do it at the controller layer before invoking the business logic. Some like this stuff deep down, I prefer is locked by gates.
17:06 whartung no, there aren't so many calls.
17:07 whartung you have request -> controller -> business logic -> DAO -> result -> JSP.
17:07 whartung the DAO's don't care. The business logic MAY not care. the Controller cares, a lot.
17:07 sfisque aye.  the only time yo'd have to gate deeper,is  if you have    service -> service calls
17:07 Quest whartung,  one service may call many daos methods and even other services.  each method may give false ./exception
17:07 whartung so what?
17:07 whartung false exception? what does that mean?
17:07 sfisque or if you're exposing your service via @Remote, @Webservice, or similar facility
17:08 whartung right, but you can use facades for that (and, mostly, should)
17:08 whartung IMHO
17:08 Naros Quest: the point here is that generally a business logic / service method is often a 1:1 to what the request being invoked does.
17:08 sfisque right but the gating still has to be there because you're still potentially going service -> service (in the @Remote case)
17:09 Quest hm
17:09 sfisque again, consider two web apps with one EJB service layer shared in the container via @Remote
17:09 Naros so guarding the controller that wraps this business logic method is often sufficient enough and all the permission checks needed should be done there.
17:09 Quest whartung,  i meant no permission by false/exception
17:09 whartung sure, simply put the gating needs to be put on the edges of the services
17:09 Naros but there are cases where gating inside the service methods is necessary.
17:09 Naros What whartung said :P
17:10 sfisque aye, as we've all been saying along... "it depends"  :-D
17:10 Naros And then its just as simple as once again, using the UserSecurityContext bean internally.
17:10 whartung basically quest, there's no reason for the business logic to check this stuff. Let the controller check it.
17:10 Naros if it fails you could throw an application specific AccessDeniedException perhaps.
17:10 Quest hm
17:11 Quest whartung,  so controller checks if  //servcie call      somesServiceMethod() returns positive / negative result.   and controller acts accordingly?
17:12 sfisque the ONLY case i can see where you need the security deeper (Like at the DAO layer) is if your security is data granular (as in you have to impose security on a per "entity instance" case), but that's fairly advanced and not relevent to learning the basics atm
17:12 whartung public ResultThing service(Request req) { if (user.hasPrivilege("doting")) { businessLogic.doThing(); } else { return SendThemToTheDeniedPageResultThing(); } }
17:13 whartung exactly sfisque
17:15 whartung You're over thinking this stuff Quest. Just Do It. Anything. try it out, see if you like it, try blindly do it wrong and completely fail, then come back and fix it. It's software. You make music by playing the piano -- so go play, and see if it sounds good. You only develop a good ear by playing a lot of music, and writing a lot of code.
17:16 Quest whartung  Naros  sfisque   ?
17:17 Naros whartung: would you suggest in your SendThemToTheDeniedPageResultThing using instanceof comparitor or isAssignableFrom?
17:17 Quest well i would have key value pair for the arraly list  but a hashmap.   that tells,     (issue, message)
17:17 Naros nvm, have a better idea
17:18 Quest (userIsADMIN, "true")
17:18 Quest whartung,  you are correct.
17:18 Quest i overthink on strategies. I shouldnt
17:19 Quest I read too much, ask too much, and get disturbed too much.
17:19 Quest :)
17:19 Naros whartung: <-- something like this seem approriate to you and sfisque ?
17:20 Naros In the struts world it blurs a few lines
17:20 Naros but i think it feels acceptable.
17:20 Quest by the way is this paste sane?
17:20 sfisque yah.  it appears fine.
17:21 whartung yea I can't speak to whatever framework he's using for the MVC
17:21 whartung other than that Naros looks fine
17:21 Quest whartung,  iam using spring
17:21 whartung yea I don't know spring
17:21 Quest oh. ok. Naros  use struts2
17:22 sfisque i would shy away from "role" based authorities.  keeping the authorities as "perms" rather than "roles" wills ave you much headache
17:22 Naros Quest: right and my examples are using Struts2 but i think u can make a relationship between the ideas pretty easily.
17:22 Naros ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
17:22 whartung yea, privs are better than roles -- finer grained
17:22 Naros I can't stress sfisque's suggesteion enough
17:22 sfisque semantically speaking a "role" is just a bucket filled with a bunch of "perms"
17:23 Naros that's why we designed it around authorization objects that grant granular access to a piece of a larger puzzle.
17:23 Naros you can then mix/match and make some pretty complex security models that way
17:23 sfisque because if the "role" changes, all you need to do is alter the collection of perms and the code does not gyrate
17:23 Naros yeppers
17:23 whartung yup
17:24 sfisque that's another headache i'm dealing with.  the product was written (before i came on board) with BOTH perm and role based authorizations wired into the code.... Weeeeeeeeeeeeee NOT
17:25 whartung yea, my most hated one is the "isAdmin" role check. that's plain laziness
17:25 Quest Naros,  throws AccessDeniedException  .  1. how about i just make my own ResultServiceException extends Exception   ?  2. no use try catchs at all (other than db disappeared things) and use
17:25 Quest sfisque,  i agre
17:26 Naros Quest: <---
17:26 Naros oh wait.
17:26 Naros i see your point, let me fix
17:26 Naros ok (revised)
17:26 Quest :)
17:27 Naros No need for throwing exceptions.  The idea is unless it's absolutely neccessary, you just return some ServiceResult implementation.
17:27 Naros The ServiceResult implementation is your VO (Value Object) that glues the controller and business method together.
17:28 Naros In my case, I just allowed the VO to dictate the control flow of the controller upon return.
17:28 Quest Naros,  what if service method checks for multiple permistions. cant return multiples strings/objects.   2.  what if ijust dont use try catch in controller
17:28 Quest silly question though
17:29 Naros If you need 3 or 3000 permissions to run a method, the return result is always the same.  AccessDeniedServiceResult, right?
17:29 Naros again this is assuming you absolutely need or want permission checks in the service methods
17:29 Quest each dao method at the lowest part of flow, would give a error message string that the priviliage is not true. that has to be passed to controller m then view
17:29 Naros often doing it in the controller is sufficient.
17:30 Naros DAO shouldn't care about permissions is what we were saying earlier.
17:30 Quest am.. I may have to output each error to the user
17:30 Quest e.g you dont have read acces to x and y.  no write acces to z
17:30 Quest now. daos would check these small things
17:31 Quest Naros,  this is driving me crazy :)
17:31 Naros Hm
17:33 Naros There is no reason you couldn't have a special implementation of a service result where you could store a field/permission pair where access wasn't granted
17:34 Naros MultiAccessDeniedServiceResult​(List<FieldPermissionFailure> failures) { ... }
17:34 Naros then use that in the controller to make pretty messages where applicable.
17:35 Naros Your default implementation could just as easily allow you to provide that level of detail if necessary.
17:35 Quest <Naros> There is no reason you couldn't have a special implementation of a service result where you could store a field/permission pair where access wasn't granted    <--- thats most important i think as user has to be told in red color that you lack priviliage on certain things.
17:35 Quest one error list would be easy
17:36 Quest in that case , how to pass each error from dao to controller
17:36 Naros Should be being passed from service to controller, not the DAO
17:36 Quest 2. in case of a text box, or a placement of that error. I would need to know what error is it and where to place it on page
17:37 * Quest knows that he is complicating things...... but they are too
17:37 Naros Your FieldPermissionFailure object could contain all that information to allow you to piece the UI together however necessary.
17:37 Naros field name, error message, other contextual information
17:37 Quest Naros,  hm. so service checks all daos booleans and maintain a list of key values of errors? then pass to controller. the controller to view
17:37 Quest ?
17:38 Quest Naros,  hm. and the access granted will print out  "" . empty strings. that is no string
17:38 Quest hm.
17:38 Quest makes sense. so key value pairs is the way to go?
17:38 Naros The controller validates permissions (through whatever means you define).  If unsucessful, it returns a service result to the controller and you do whatever you need to fit the UI needs.  If the validation on permissions passes inside the controller, you do your business logic, returning a different service result to the controller.
17:38 Naros sorry, let me fix that
17:39 Naros The service validates permissions (through whatever means you define).  If unsucessful, it returns a service result to the controller and you do whatever you need to fit the UI needs.  If the validation on permissions passes inside the controller, you do your business logic, returning a different service result to the controller.
17:39 Naros Final version: The service validates permissions (through whatever means you define).  If unsucessful, it returns a service result to the controller and you do whatever you need to fit the UI needs.  If the validation on permissions passes inside the service you do your business logic, returning a different service result to the controller.
17:39 Naros but again that is if you NEED permission checks in your service method
17:40 Quest what object type should the service return to controller?
17:40 Naros How you organize the data you hand off between tiers is entirely up to you & your use case needs.
17:40 Quest what you suggest?
17:41 Quest I would be coding now, be back with some demos.
17:41 whartung stop
17:41 whartung start over
17:41 whartung what kind of security do you need quest?
17:41 Quest hm..
17:41 Quest whartung,  do you really want to know? iam sure you will pull out your hair soon
17:41 Quest whartung,  this kind of.
17:41 Naros lol
17:42 Naros maybe whartung can give u some guidance, i must jet for a meeting & lunch.
17:42 whartung all of this can be done at the controller
17:42 Quest I think its time for me to code. I have gotten enough vission.   and great guidance from Naros  whartung  sfisque   (thanks )
17:43 Quest whartung,  if you can paste up a psudeo code of 10 - 15 lines. (IF you want). it would elaborate greate. i would be back from dinner.
17:44 * Quest waves
17:56 caverdude joined ##javaee
17:58 Quest whartung,  back , passing the privis from dao (lowest level)to controller and then to view seemed to be a problem though. but i guess i would figure out something. going off again.
18:02 sfisque you don't have to pass them around.   your method can merely do an "exist" query, to reduce the weight of the round trip (  select 1 from UserPerm where user_id = thisUser.userId AND perm_id = [desired permission] )
18:02 sfisque you either get back 1 or a null resultset
18:03 Quest sfisque,  well, true or false would also work better.. no?
18:03 whartung most of these permissions can be coded in the database and enforced by joins in the SQL
18:04 sfisque aye but not all db's suport boolean
18:04 Quest whartung,  ya. but if i asnwer/ comment on that. the discusion will go lengthy
18:04 sfisque lolz
18:04 whartung all dbs support 1 and 0
18:04 sfisque to put it simply, if the question is, "can i load this data" then it's a join, if the question is "do i have this permission" then a simple exist query will do fine
18:05 Quest so I should use chars instand of booleans?
18:05 sfisque depends.  most ORMs will coerce a Number into a boolean (non zero = true)
18:05 whartung but you can use limits that are registered with the DB as filters in the join
18:05 whartung for example
18:05 whartung if you have a user
18:05 * Quest uses postgres
18:05 whartung and they subscribe to forums
18:05 sfisque case in point, Oracle has no boolean, but hibernate will coerce a number into a boolean if the entity requires
18:05 Quest future may be oracledb or db2
18:05 Quest by the way ^
18:06 whartung then join the subscription list against the forum list and ta da, list of "valid" forums.
18:06 whartung EZ
18:06 sfisque db2.... u have my condelnces
18:07 Quest so you suggest db2 , ok
18:07 sfisque the neat thing about oracle, you can embed java in it as stored procedures and use that to reduce round tripping (but again, you have to be careful not to blur the tiers badly)
18:07 Quest hm.  so using 1/0 chars instead of booleans in db would make fewer space
18:08 sfisque i would go with Number in the db and Boolean in the entity
18:08 sfisque Number(1)
18:08 Quest sorry? data type/
18:08 sfisque char and Character are very costly in java
18:08 Quest really?
18:08 sfisque same with short
18:08 Quest even more that n Strings
18:09 Quest even more than ints?
18:09 sfisque String has native optimizations in the jvm.  int performs much better than short
18:09 whartung we handle booleans at the bean layer -- we don't let the JPA play with it
18:09 Quest now iam surprised
18:10 whartung we store them all as numbers, (Integers in our beans) and make the setters/getters Boolean
18:10 sfisque make a simple Main that instantiates each type a few million times and dump time stamps to stdout
18:10 Quest i always prefered shorts and chars, bytes. for small things.     thought it would make less load
18:10 Quest whartung,  well my ids are in longs
18:10 sfisque in C, it make sense.  java, it's kind of built around 32/64 bit boundaries are optimal
18:11 Quest k
18:11 sfisque because ultimately everything is an object (ever since auto-boxing was wired in)
18:11 Quest hm. 4 months of project deadlin. one man. lots of refactoring
18:11 sfisque supposedly in J10 or so, they are phasing out all of the primitives and making everything pure objects
18:11 Quest auto boxing is still a load
18:12 sfisque should be a wild ride for the firmware guys
18:12 sfisque who do javacard stuff
18:12 Quest javacard?
18:12 sfisque firmware java
18:12 Quest credit card you mean?
18:12 Quest oh. no one here
18:12 sfisque javacard is VERY small formfactor java
18:12 Quest but we do need a javascript and css guy now.
18:12 Quest sfisque,  whartung  you know of any?
18:12 sfisque things like one-wire, credit card chips, embedded sensors
18:13 Quest hm
18:13 sfisque what locale Q?
18:13 Quest that wont matter
18:13 Quest its page based payment.
18:13 whartung timezone synergy helps though...
18:13 Quest you give a page, you get payment. same with the second page
18:13 Quest whartung,  timezone synergy. thats a company?
18:13 sfisque gotcha.  i'll check if any of my collegeus need some side work
18:14 Quest okie dokie. I though you guys might know JS
18:14 whartung no, it's ensuring that the folks you're working with aren't 12 hours away and asleep when you have a question
18:14 Quest whartung,  oh. that wont be a problem either
18:14 sfisque lol, like in chenai or mumbai
18:14 whartung yea, it is a problem Quest
18:14 * Quest i like shanghai though
18:15 whartung is your team willing to be up at 1am to support your contractor? or is it ok for him to lose a day of work?
18:15 Quest whartung,  well I only would breif requirments to him. he can proceed later as time suites him
18:15 sfisque shanghai, that term describes my city :-D
18:15 Quest am. we do that most of the time. fix up a breifing time. dev time relies on the dev
18:15 Quest sfisque,  are you....... from shanghai?
18:16 sfisque no, i'm in pdx... home of shanghai tunnels in the 19th century
18:16 whartung pdx?
18:16 sfisque drink too much, wake up on a ship out at sea
18:16 sfisque portland
18:16 whartung ah
18:16 whartung yea
18:16 Quest you must be having satelight internet then
18:16 Quest :)
18:17 Quest any ways.
18:17 Quest any one from U.S?
18:17 sfisque lolz.  well, i'm in a cafe atm, i have comercial cable isp at home (5 static IPs)
18:17 * sfisque waves
18:17 Quest oh really. which city
18:18 sfisque portland
18:18 Quest thats in u.s?
18:18 Quest ok
18:18 sfisque well, NJ originally
18:18 Quest new jersy
18:18 Quest hm.
18:18 sfisque yes.  edison
18:18 Quest our headoffice is in us
18:18 Quest so I can call you by voip anytime
18:18 Quest sfisque,  do you do JS ?
18:19 sfisque i try not to.  i find JS infuriating with all the browser specific stuff and whatnot
18:19 sfisque i do enough to get by
18:19 Quest well thats why jQuery stepped in
18:19 whartung Let the "UX Experts" deal with that
18:19 * sfisque nods with whartung
18:20 Quest hm ok.
18:20 Quest thats why i didnt voted to get my hands dirty  and asked the company to outsource
18:20 sfisque you would be surprised at how jquery dojo and the rest still have "browser version" issues
18:20 Quest :)
18:20 Quest sfisque,  really. hm i thought contrary by word of mouth.
18:21 Quest but no doubt it would be better than legacy JS
18:21 whartung see that's the thing Quest
18:21 sfisque 80/20 rule.  it's removes 80% of the boilerplate stuff, but you can still stumble over edge cases
18:21 whartung just because Jquery may "handle it" doesn't mean you (the developer) aren't responsible for it anyway.
18:21 Quest hm..
18:22 whartung "I can't do X because JQuery won't let me" Like I care…fix it.
18:22 sfisque and we've discovered a nice "feature" of jquery that has scalability issues with very complex tables of data
18:22 Quest I better by implementing what you guys guided me... see you soon
18:23 sfisque but on that note, i have to go fetch one of my spawnlings...  ttyl
18:47 * Naros has returned.
18:49 Naros the only issue I have with relying permission wise on DB queries is how does one differentiate between (1) no data exists but you have permissions and (2) you don't have permission so no data gets returned.
18:50 whartung you change the filter and be explicit on your request
18:51 Naros Aye, just saying it isn't just enough to rely on the result from a DB alone.
18:51 whartung depends on the context
18:52 Naros like most things :P
18:52 whartung joining to the privileges at the SQL level saves a lot of code in Java, especially for something glide this use case.
18:52 whartung like all things
18:52 whartung I never said this was a universal solution to all problems
18:52 whartung and I shouldn't have to qualify every suggestion with that.
18:55 Naros lets hope not - well going back to my source code review
19:04 onr "saves a lot of code in Java"
19:06 * Naros questions onr.
19:10 * onr QuestionFactoryFactories.
19:12 Naros factories that provide factories?  hehe, fun
19:19 Quest onr,  so you can speak english ? :)
19:37 onr Quest: anlamadim ne diyon olm?
19:39 xll11 joined ##javaee
19:43 Quest onr,  i only understand english dear
19:46 caverdude joined ##javaee
20:00 onr Quest: then learn some other language
20:03 Quest onr,  i have. java :)
20:05 onr you babbler
20:05 Quest :)
20:05 sfisque joined ##javaee
20:07 k5__ joined ##javaee
20:40 k5_ left ##javaee
21:03 cavemanlg joined ##javaee
21:06 Maziz joined ##javaee
21:19 caverman joined ##javaee
22:39 pdurbin hmm. maybe I'm doing exceptions wrong, then. :)
22:43 whartung I like exceptions for exceptional situations.
22:45 pdurbin whartung: how does this grab you? I'm throwing a lot of exceptions:
22:50 whartung I would never shroud the real exception, you don't know what interesting things it may tell you.
22:50 pdurbin sure
22:51 whartung other than that it looks ok
22:51 pdurbin \o/
22:52 pdurbin whartung: thanks
22:52 whartung I wold make SwordError and SwordServer as runtime exceptions
22:53 sfisque swordapp?  is there a corresponding daggerapp, maceapp, and flailapp?
22:53 whartung it's a whole suite of applications sfisque
22:54 caverman joined ##javaee
22:56 cavemanlg joined ##javaee
22:58 pdurbin whartung: well, SwordError gets displayed as an Atom doc to an AtomPub client
22:59 whartung I'm just saying I would make them runtime exceptions rather than checked exception, then you can get rid of those "throws …" clauses.
22:59 pdurbin hmm. ok. I'll look into that
23:00 whartung checked exceptions are "here's something I can't handle, but I'm forcing you to" whether you can handle it or not.
23:00 pdurbin sfisque: halberdapp is a type of swordapp ;)
23:01 pdurbin whartung: well, the client does need to know it can't do what it's trying to do...
23:01 whartung oh, it'll know...
23:01 pdurbin i.e. if the client is trying to look up a non existent item
23:01 whartung but if it doesn't care, then it can ignore the problem for something else to deal with
23:03 whartung For example, why don't you catch OutOfMemoryException anywhere? everything can Throw that -- at any time
23:03 sfisque or hit them with the sword
23:03 pdurbin whartung: I see your point :)
23:03 sfisque i thought OOM was an Error and not an Exception
23:03 sfisque which is a very different beast
23:03 whartung you can catch errors :)
23:03 sfisque sort of
23:04 sfisque as long as the JVM isn't in a spurious state
23:04 whartung thats a differnet issue
23:05 sfisque not necessarily. according to the spec, Error is supposed to be considered a spurious state and you should not assume the jvm can handle any recovery functionality in your code
23:05 sfisque i.e. OOM - the jvm cannot execute your recovery code because there's no heap left
23:07 whartung either way it's orthogonal to the overall point
23:07 sfisque aye, but fun to conjecture about :P
23:14 SoniEx2 joined ##javaee
23:20 pdurbin yep
23:21 SoniEx2|2 joined ##javaee
23:35 joshua_jandyco joined ##javaee

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