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IRC log for #javaee, 2013-07-22

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Time S Nick Message
00:20 Mugave joined ##javaee
00:20 Mugave ~help
00:20 Mugave !help
00:42 pdurbin @help
00:42 crimsonfubot pdurbin: (help [<plugin>] [<command>]) -- This command gives a useful description of what <command> does. <plugin> is only necessary if the command is in more than one plugin.
01:41 Naros Mugave: yes?
01:56 pcuser joined ##javaee
01:56 pcuser Hello
01:57 pcuser I am trying to teach myself java in my spare time, and i'm having some difficulty. I am using intellij on xubuntu. I am trying to add an external library to my project, i compiled the library using maven, and copied it into my lib/ dir, right clicked it and selected 'add as library'
01:58 pcuser when i write the import statements, the library shows up on the auto-complete thing, but when i goto compile and run the program, i get the error "java: package com.turn.ttorrent does not exist"
01:59 pcuser im not sure what i'm doing wrong
02:00 pdurbin you'd think if autocomplete worked that it would find it during compilation, but I've never used intellij (thought everyone raves about it). should "just work" in netbeans
02:01 pdurbin (especially if you create a maven project in netbeans)
02:02 pcuser my main reason for learning java is to develop android app's and android studio is based on intellij i think, anyway i realised i needed to learn regular java before i could make progress with android app's, so i chose intellij so i had a similar interface & environment for my java based stuff
02:02 pcuser i do like netbeans though
02:03 pdurbin ah. yeah, i've been meaning to download android studio
02:05 pdurbin pcuser: you could try to get it working outside an IDE first. :)
02:07 pcuser using a text editor & cli? no thanks :) i see your point, but working with an IDE is always more productive in my experience.
02:08 pcuser i've just created a new empty project, tried to import the library again and same problem. at least now i know it wasn't something my last project that was messing it up
02:09 pdurbin pcuser: maybe you should try cloning a project with a dependency on an external library from github
02:14 pdurbin to see a working example
03:16 kobain joined ##javaee
03:37 Quest joined ##javaee
04:42 raoul- joined ##javaee
05:14 ThisMoment joined ##javaee
05:16 * Quest ThisMoment  nice nick
05:17 ThisMoment :D
05:22 Quest :)
05:33 xll11 Naros / sfisque yeah, QA is a good entry point.. havne't thought of it
05:34 xll11 I like to code, I do it in my spare time without regards to school assignments etc, but I have no idea whats the work like in the 'industry'
05:35 Quest xll11,  how old are you and what are your embitions?
05:40 Quest xll11,  participate in an opensource project?
05:41 xll11 24 and I want to accumulate as much knowledge as possible
05:41 xll11 that seems like a good idea, where do I find opensource projects I can contribute to?
05:44 Quest sure
05:44 Quest ofcourse-
05:45 * Quest recommends google and github
06:26 xll11 I'll do that
06:26 xll11 I think my next project will be java irc client
06:27 Quest good.
06:29 d joined ##javaee
06:37 Quest xll11, if you can tell me you profile?
06:37 Quest I might guide you better
07:15 dinesh___ joined ##javaee
07:15 dinesh___ left ##javaee
07:39 Maziz joined ##javaee
08:56 xll11 Oh damn he left
08:56 xll11 I wasn't around
08:56 xll11 What he means by my propfile tho? and wha you guys think, should I start a github from now? to 'showcase' my code etC?
10:43 pdurbin xll11: he probably means your github username
12:35 javanewb any decent company you interview with is going to look to see if and what you have on Github
13:14 phao joined ##javaee
13:14 phao left ##javaee
13:25 Quest joined ##javaee
13:25 Naros_ joined ##javaee
13:26 Guest77 xll11,  soryy, i was disconnected last time we were talking
13:42 Maziz joined ##javaee
13:56 kobain joined ##javaee
15:08 sl33k joined ##javaee
15:39 neuro_sys joined ##javaee
16:54 joshua_jandyco joined ##javaee
17:20 javanewb so quiet
17:21 sfisque yah.  it's like the tide.  comes and goes
17:24 javanewb the mud is starting to get cracks
17:29 Naros_ sorry ive been hiding in #hibernate lately :P
17:30 Naros Quest: do you want to discuss your stack post here or in pm?
17:35 javanewb why not here? others may benefit
17:35 Naros I dont mind here, up to Quest.
17:36 Naros Altho he seems afk :P
17:36 javanewb busy man
17:36 Naros know the feeling :3
17:49 Quest Naros,  hi
17:50 Quest I was away. back now. I dont mind either place
17:50 Naros Ok, lets do it here in case others have input or want to know
17:50 * Quest agrees with javanewb
17:50 Quest for reference. the stack post is
17:51 javanewb unclickable link
17:51 Naros Alright, lets cover some basics.
17:51 Naros Most security frameworks provide you with some core features
17:51 Naros (1) maintain a session with a principal context of the user who is authenticated
17:51 Naros (2) maintain context data for what URIs are possible versus not possible for a principal
17:52 Naros (3) provide ability to filter method calls using the principal
17:52 Naros A principal can be anything, but generally is some User session object that contains loaded data at authentication time.
17:53 Naros So my suggestion to you was to look at Spring Security since you were already using Spring.
17:53 Quest hm
17:53 javanewb your code shouldn't have to deal with security
17:53 Naros SSEC has remember-me support and various authentication options it supports, including Active Directory, LDAP, or even custom providers.
17:54 Naros javanewb: depends
17:54 Naros He wants to know where to interact with the security
17:54 Quest hm..
17:54 Naros Typically business methods in services are where security interaction is done
17:54 Quest Naros, is there a working example on the web, or I am using incorrect keywords?
17:55 javanewb Naros:  right which is typically at the container level
17:55 Naros Agreed.
17:55 Naros Now you can get SSEC to work on an entity-by-entity basis but that depends on the project
17:55 Naros I didn't want to maintain a security record for every entity in my ERP system :/
17:56 Naros So I created a custom permission evaluator system per module that has business rules
17:56 sfisque security needs to be top to bottom, especially if you're exposing functionality via non "web" endpoints (message bus, REST, RMI/CORBA, etc.)
17:56 Naros and that evaluator interacts with the standard @PreAuthorize, @PostAuthorize, @PostFilter annotations
17:57 Naros sfisque: correct and since the medium could be different, the best place for this is at the business method level or service level.
17:57 Naros Quest: working examples, probably but like anything else this type of stuff varies from project to project
17:57 sfisque negative.  so you're saying the deep layers have to respond in ways that the UI understands?
17:58 sfisque there are different aspects to authorization other than just "can i execute method X"
17:58 Naros sfisque: no.  I have a a service that returns a list of entities.  I don't care if the client is a webapp or a GUI.  the list of returned objects should be consistent and permissions validated the same, regardless of the client.
17:58 sfisque some are definitely the perview of the controller/view.  some are not and need to be deep
17:59 Naros There are corner cases that I agree, may existing higher up the chain in the controller/view, yes.
17:59 Naros But I prefer to avoid security in the controller/view
17:59 sfisque right but from a UX standpoint, i shouldnt expose functionality that will "fail".  thus the view/controller needs a way to say, "can she execute X" without having to actually execute and fail
17:59 sfisque not corner cases, very real durable cases
18:00 sfisque i just listed one
18:00 sfisque from a business standpoint "execute and fail" is not a valid workflow from UX standpoint
18:01 Naros Even if you're using @PreAuthorize that doesn't actually execute the method unless validation succeeds?
18:02 sfisque just because it's being intercepted, it's still execute/fail.
18:02 sfisque the user clikced a button they should not ahve been able to click
18:02 sfisque or expanded a tab that should not have been shown to them
18:03 Naros Right, but nothing stops user from fudging with the URL to bypass UI restrictions etiehr.
18:03 sfisque of course, you need BOTH
18:03 sfisque or all three
18:03 Naros Exactly.
18:03 sfisque or X, depending on the granularity
18:04 sfisque i'm just saying you can't ignore one or the other.  too many times one gets ignored, and then you end up with a system where one layer has good authorization, and the other one is "square peg" bolted on
18:04 Naros So Quest - where to apply these restrictions varies.  I chose to do it at the service tier myself and fail but sfisque has a different approach that is just as valid.
18:05 Naros Doing this at the DAO level is definitely bad.
18:05 Naros DAO should be able to reading/writing data to whatever the datastore is imo.
18:05 dreamreal joined ##javaee
18:05 sfisque aye.  you always need to secure the services because any good hacker will completely ignore your UI and go right for the exposure points.  but you still need a good authorization model at the controller/view tier so the user has a clean/valid UX
18:05 sfisque only if the DAO layer is completely blunted from the outside
18:05 Naros Definitely.
18:06 sfisque if any of those methods are accessible via remote APIs, they need to enforce AA as well
18:06 sfisque consider two web apps in the same container using methods shared via @Remote
18:07 Naros So Quest
18:07 Naros security frameworks often handle #1 transparently for you
18:07 Naros they know if the  user is logged in or not and if they aren't, can redirect to some login page for you
18:08 Naros during authentication, they typically have some hook mechanism or override logic where you can fetch your own permissions from a datastore to fit your needs.
18:08 Naros we use a complex role, authorization object like setup here that mimics SAP
18:09 Naros we just feed into the authorization list all the authorization objects based on the roles a user is associated to and all the permissions that go along with that
18:09 Naros then during URI invocation, we validate the permissions with what the user is trying to do and fail if they're not permitted.
18:10 Naros that catches the cases where users are doing things they shouldn't.  As sfisque pointed out, you shoudl have other logic in place that prevents those features being made available to the user via the UI.
18:10 Naros I generally put all this in the controller with an extra security check at the services.
18:11 Quest a minute only. brb
18:11 Naros k
18:11 Quest boss
18:12 Naros Spring security does come with a taglib that can help you too with the view part or you can do controller checks to set variables that you expose to the jsp and control what is made visible through those controller variables.
18:14 Naros in my experience, I prefer the latter because my own checks have often been very complex and the taglib isn't so great with very complex cases.  If your security cases are very simple, cut-n-dry, then perhaps it's the way to go.
18:14 sfisque aye, even though i'm not a great fan of spring, spring sec is decently laid out
18:14 Naros Indeed.
18:14 Naros We've used it for a number of years and haven't been disappointed by it at all.  It's very extendable too
18:15 Naros We like the idea of being able to validate users from their own corporate ldap, our own active directory, and to fall back to local DB authentication in the two prior fail for users :)
18:15 Naros Since our app is integrated with local, corporate, and client user bases.
18:16 Naros think the setup for that was only like 50 lines of code or somesuch :P
18:16 Naros most being configs
18:19 Naros Anywho, my last comment is related to your exception handling.  I can't speak for Spring's web framework since we use Struts2, but I would suspect you could just catch the AccessDeniedException that SSEC throws and redirect the user to whatever page you wanted.  Depending on the input request type, AJAX requests respond with JSON responses and non-AJAX requests are coded to redirect the user to a simple access denied page that gives them an expl
18:21 Naros sfisque: the permissions evaluator I spoke of earlier.  we actually use that in combination with AspectJ to set attributes on our entities that are security related.
18:21 Naros then we use the entity model as a means to enable/disable UI aspects
18:22 Naros entity.isSomeSpecialFeatureAllowed()
18:23 Naros our decision to do this was because entity's facility might be id 1 which for the user context would allow some special feature but for entities where facility id is 2, that feature isn't possible.  The evaluator centralizes all this logic
18:23 sfisque nifty
18:24 Naros Yep, allowed us to return collections of entities, filter them and set those attributes too
18:24 Naros anyone here used Byteman?
18:37 Naros off to lunch, be back in an hour or so.
19:17 Quest Naros,  all of the permission and credential matching is on the database. and some are just booleans (very very custom database queries for which i may need seperate daos/services). sfisque  what do you mean dao layer should be blunted?
19:18 Naros Quest: I personally dislike real time queries for permissions if I can avoid it.  Security permissions generally are static enough that query once at login, store them and just use the session stored values for evaluation purposes.
19:19 Quest Naros,  I meant hibernate machnism == queries. bad implication though
19:19 Naros But yes, you'd need a set of DAO/Services perhaps to acquire those, even at login.
19:19 Naros Your queries join permission tables?
19:20 Quest Naros,  but I may have to do new queries on each act of a user
19:20 Naros But why would you need to query the database for each action?
19:21 Quest Naros,  to elaborate   users table > user-permision table  (is creater , is inviter, is moderator)        .      acts based on those booleans
19:21 Quest many users, many acts, many times
19:21 Quest have to do all that on runtime
19:21 Quest cant load every role/permission at start/userlogin
19:21 Naros right, but its no different than can a user create a new item in inventory, can they create a repair document, can they replan the material, can they createa a warranty for it.
19:22 Quest ya. kind of. but the acts are so many.
19:22 Naros all those evaluations are at runtime, but what a user can do is loaded only once at login.  During the evaluation, we compare attributes of the item against what the user's authorizations are.
19:22 Quest Naros,  do you happen to have seen a working example for such kind or any point that would be relevent for me to look
19:22 Quest on internet i mean
19:22 Quest hm
19:23 Naros Nope, security is very different based on app
19:23 Quest Naros,  so all the permissions are loaded when the user logs in?
19:23 Naros In our case, yes.
19:23 Quest wo wo ... let me show you something first then.
19:23 Naros we load something like the following (pseudo)
19:24 Naros AuthorizationObject('Inventory',{Facilities: 1,2,5,9,15})
19:24 Naros we load a series of authorization objects into the user session principal
19:24 Naros then when we need to verify inventory access, we just find the inventory authorization object and compare whether taht facility is permissible
19:25 Quest Naros,     there would be millions of tasks, and hundres of boxes, dozens of boards that a user may have acces to. now geting and saving privileges of each user for each task/board/box that is readable/writable/editable/ would be sane?
19:25 Naros in your case, it could just be things like moderator, create, edit, or w/e
19:25 Quest .
19:25 Naros You could apply some filter on your queries
19:26 Quest what kind of? thats what i was thinking.
19:26 Quest "do this if user is logged in"
19:26 Quest "do this if user xx permissions is true"
19:26 Quest thats a seperate query though ^
19:27 sfisque blunted as in, only accessible from "inside".  as for "static security" , how would you solve the issue of ::   user A is logged in, Admin X removes authorities, user A continues to use the system with "old authorities"
19:27 Quest sfisque,  good point
19:27 sfisque you HAVE to enforce AA live
19:27 Quest very good point
19:28 Quest I hope you read last 5- 7 lines of mine
19:28 Naros sfisque: true, but that doesn't imply needing to requery teh DB for each request
19:28 Quest Naros,  true
19:28 Naros there are other methods to accomplish that
19:28 Quest Naros,  but the user login. and sessions.  yes it does.        doesnt it?
19:29 sfisque aye, but you're only other alternative is a call back system or a triggering system via JMX
19:29 Quest if user logs in and session is created. but the user is welcomed by admin there after
19:29 sfisque which means you're over designing for a small case
19:29 Quest hm. nevermind. but what about my scenario
19:29 Naros if you just shove the data into the session and verify from the session, you do get the issue sfisque mentions.  You have to have a way that when permissions are modified and if the user is authenticated, the permissions table gets refreshed.
19:30 Quest Naros,  sfisque    do you think i need spring aop  to trigger / filter authentications before each access?
19:30 Naros For us, the business process is that the user's session gets invalidated, forcing a relogin.
19:30 Quest hm.
19:30 sfisque aye but that could be undesirable ux, if you're elevating them, OR only removing a small portion of authority
19:31 Naros sfisque: true.  depends on the business cases imo
19:31 Quest Naros,  sfisque  so after looking at     there would be millions of tasks, and hundres of boxes, dozens of boards that a user may have acces to. now geting and saving privileges of each user for each task/board/box that is readable/writable/editable/ would be sane?               what do you suggest as a strategy where I cant load each permission / role  at user login
19:31 sfisque aye
19:31 sfisque don't load them.  use them via "joins" at the db level
19:31 Naros joining them is a viable approach
19:32 Quest sfisque,  so the db query on actions , live?
19:32 Quest what do you mean by join here?
19:32 sfisque i need a list of widgets, so Select W where W.x = m AND (some set of joins that indicate if i have permission to load that object or object type)
19:33 Quest hm
19:33 Naros The unfortunate part is depending on the security model, applying this like the above can come with a certain performance hit.
19:33 sfisque of course.  you have to tune the queries appropriately
19:33 sfisque using "exist" rather than direct joins, coalesce versus OR, etc.
19:33 Quest ok. but what strategy / arhitecture for      how to do it
19:34 Quest I mean at what level.
19:34 Naros if you can determine the security values in a static fashion, you can improve performance greatly.
19:34 Quest in reference to dao/ server/ controller
19:34 sfisque i'll chime back in later.  gotta bounce for commute.  code strong!
19:34 Quest ok
19:34 Naros If you're going to join them in your queries, you're imposing some of that in the DAO itself
19:35 Quest hm
19:35 Naros But what you "show" is a different question than what you can do.
19:36 Quest Naros,  so before every saveOrUpdate(user);        someAuthMehtod() is called  to check whether the requester of this method have privilage to saveOrUpdate an other user?
19:36 sfisque depends how you look at it.  ultimately every authority is just "do i have token X in my perm pool"
19:37 Naros Yes, generally that would be done as a check inside the service method.
19:37 Quest 2. Naros  side question. why in dao , the saveOrUpdate(user) method also returns a user object to the service and ther service returns the user object to controller? I mean what is the need ? (else than when a user IS REQUIRED like in getUser(id)) ?
19:38 Quest Naros,  the problem is that the perm pool would go very very high. and we dont know which perm the user makes access to? e.g tries to get the 7th billionth task .
19:38 Naros Because saving a new User entity assigns it an id.  You might in turn need that User managed entity that is attached to the Hibernate session for another DAO call to something else.  If that entity hasn't been persisted and an ID assigned and you pass in an unmanaged entity, Hibernate will complain.
19:39 Naros It might be useful for saving a new user to redraw the UI and show the user id for the new record too.
19:40 Quest Naros,  oh. so the user is return because we may want to reuse that user else where too? (again in that controller/ service) ?
19:40 Quest nice logic.
19:40 Quest understandable. but i hope its not mandatory?
19:41 Naros Security checks are highly application dependent quest.  We designed ours to be high level enough so that we didn't have a bazillion authorizations but only a core set of a few hundred with some business logic wrapped around them so that an evaluator can inspect entity, and based on an authorization request determine whether it can proceed or fail.
19:41 Quest hm
19:41 Naros Quest: That's correct.  The DAO is about datastore interactions only.  But the API should be fluid enough that it can lend itself to a varying of actions that you might need in the service without you having to do something like INSERT followed by a SELECT.
19:42 Naros Hibernate can quickly get the assigned ID and populate the entity with it without having to requery the full record.
19:43 Naros Sorry, but I need to go afk for a few minutes.
19:43 Quest Naros,  my scenarios is like this. a user comes and a db query tels/lists the borads he has access to. when he enters a board. the boxes privileges are lists and only readable boxes are shown to him.  then same with tasks.     each of them has  create/read/update/delete permision   and that is known/fetched at the time when the user acts for one. e.g tries to create/read/update/delete a   board/box/task.
19:44 Quest now there are millions of boxes / tasks.       loading permissions for each might be insane?
19:44 Quest Naros,  sure
19:54 oO0Oo joined ##javaee
19:55 joshua_jandyco joined ##javaee
19:58 Naros back
19:59 Naros you wouldn't load permissions for each task, yes that would be crazy.
20:00 Naros but whether a user view tasks or create tasks might be something you can determine based on a broader security model.
20:00 Naros but that depends solely on your application
20:00 Quest welcome
20:00 Naros for example, within board A, the user can view tasks only.  they can't create/edit/delete tasks.
20:01 Naros but within board B, the user has full permissions for tasks
20:01 Naros such a case could be designed where CREATE_TASK permission is defined by a list of boards.
20:01 Naros and that list is specific to the user who is logged into the application.
20:02 Naros does that make any sense?
20:02 Quest Naros,  the level is not broad. the priviliege is based on each box/board/ for it and its children to be made/edited
20:03 Quest or I think ... that :
20:04 Quest we should first get all the privilieges of the user for the boards/ tasks it has any level of access.?
20:04 Quest well that list can go huge. specially for admins
20:04 Quest each login will be very slow..
20:04 Quest Naros,  isnt the runtime way more appropriate?
20:04 Naros This is an architecture question mainly, one which is going to be specific to your application.
20:05 Quest user logs in > all the boards listed.    user gets in one board. children of that board and privilieges get listed. so on..
20:05 Quest hm.
20:05 Naros so you have a method called getUserBoards()
20:05 Quest Naros,  can you just point out the options I have?
20:06 Quest Naros,  yes.
20:06 Naros it gets all the boards that the current user can click into
20:06 Quest yes.
20:06 Naros once they get to the point where the tasks are shown, you have a method called getBoardTasks()
20:06 Quest that is. the borads with read access for the user
20:06 Naros it gets all tasks that the user can see within a given board.
20:06 Quest boards > boxes > tasks
20:06 Quest yes.
20:06 Naros design the API around your use cases.
20:06 Naros modify where appropriate.
20:07 Quest but.... when the user tries to create a task in a box. the privilige of user for that box is checked on runtime. db query. if the user can  create sub childres of that box.  its done. else error
20:07 Naros build into your SQL queries where it makes sense filters on the data bsaed on the user.  where it doesn't make sense, wrap the query around some java-code filtering or acecss checks where necessary.
20:07 Quest the choice here is either do db check for each action or do a full fledge fetch all list.
20:08 Naros Right, build it straight forward and then refactor where needed.
20:08 Quest hm.
20:08 Naros do it per action with a db check
20:08 Naros once it works, find ways to tune
20:08 Quest ok. let me send you my example clas of dao then. a minute
20:09 Quest meanwhile, this ^ do not need spring security ? or is easiliy done with spring security?   or do I need anything else?
20:09 Naros people often get caught up in trying to design some elaborate way to do something when a simple way gets the ball going and you quickly see where you can refactor and make things more logical and structured.
20:09 Naros id recommend at least spring security for the authentication/remember-me functionality
20:10 Naros you can then do the DB checks as you need and perhaps find a way to integrate that back into spring security in a secondary development phase.
20:12 Quest Naros,
20:13 Quest Naros,  ok
20:13 Naros There are a few ways to accomplish returning multiple values.
20:13 Naros One way would be to return a tuple result
20:13 Naros where the result is a combination of a User object and the boolean value.
20:14 Naros We do this a lot in C++ to avoid having to return values in the parameter list .
20:14 Naros Another way, which I dont necessarily advocate but works is to return the User object upon success, return null upon failure.
20:15 Naros and the caller verifies if the result is a non-null value rather than true/false.
20:15 Naros Another java-like way is to return the User object but upon failure, you throw an exception and the caller is responsible for catching it and doing whatever logic
20:15 Quest oh ok. why wont you advocate the last?
20:15 Quest second last now
20:16 Quest Naros,  can you show up the first one? tuple one?
20:16 Naros That typically isn't very java-like and typically I see exceptions being thrown for this case
20:17 Quest this would work fine = to return the User object upon success, return null upon failure.
20:17 Naros The tuple scenario would be something like you have a class called SaveResult that has two properies, User and boolean status;
20:18 Naros you create a SaveResult, set the user/status value and return the SaveResult
20:18 Naros do you follow?
20:18 Quest hm.
20:18 sfisque joined ##javaee
20:18 Quest cant make so many classes then.
20:18 Naros That's why I said the java way is you let the method stub be
20:18 Quest cant make so many classes then. for each type of auth. am.. well I think only one class may be fine in my case
20:18 Naros User saveOrUpdate(User user) throw UserSaveException;
20:19 Quest saveResult {Object, boolean} this will work for all
20:19 Naros Let me show you a better way
20:19 Quest okie dokie
20:21 Naros
20:21 Naros This is using generics
20:21 Naros You have 1 class that supports any object type without casts
20:21 Naros The stub would then be
20:21 Naros SaveResult<User> saveOrUpdate(User user);
20:22 Naros but again my preference is to use exceptions rather than this hackery.
20:22 Quest why wont you recomend this or the return null thing?
20:22 Naros sorry, typo in getStatus() should be return result
20:22 sfisque be careful with using generics "that way".  it can promote some anti-patterns.
20:23 Naros sfisque: that too but just showing Quest the way you can return multiple values in java from a method call.
20:23 sfisque right.   just cautioning him
20:23 Naros I believe most of us in the Java world prefer this
20:23 Naros User saveOrUpdate(User user) throws UserException;
20:24 Naros or
20:24 Naros User saveOrUpdate(User user) throws DatabaseException
20:24 Naros or w/e you want to call it
20:24 sfisque aye.  i find generics are very nice for things like vistor or strategy patterns.  but if (ab)used, it can lead to base-bean and/or call super anti-patterns
20:25 Naros Allow the service to catch those specific exceptions, wrap them in an application specific exception and rethrow or rather handle as needed.
20:25 sfisque yup
20:26 Naros You dont run into thrashing your process space under the java world of exceptions as you would under the C++ world.
20:26 Naros exceptions are actually frowned upon in the C++ world :P
20:26 Naros hence the return null, verify non-null pattern I mentioned
20:26 sfisque aye, but using execption handling as a "flow control" is another anti pattern.
20:27 sfisque depending on the granularity of that operation, might be better to wrap the result in some "status return" object that carries the updated VO in addition to any other "results"
20:27 Quest Naros,
20:27 whartung yea, testing exception is no bueno
20:27 sfisque for these simple cases, throwing the exception works well.
20:27 whartung they're supposed to be exceptions, not part of common processing
20:28 Naros I just think using this SaveResult<T> concept for this type of case isn't ideal but maybe its just my preference.
20:28 sfisque aye, but you'd be surprised how "common" it is to have things like "PasswordTooLongExceptioin", "PasswordNotCompliantException", etc. where these are actual workflow outcomes and not true "failures"
20:29 Quest Naros,  sfisque  why not just return null on failure and the user object on succes. the call object will examine if it gets null or an object. and act accordingly?
20:29 sfisque oh, don't get me wrong naros, it's a very useful paradigm.  i was just noting for Q's welfare, that it can be a dangerous path if not treaded knowledgibly
20:29 Quest Naros,  is the paste i gave ok?
20:29 Naros but dont forget that your checkifUseCanSaveOrUpdate() method may need information from the user or other contextual data besides just the actor.
20:30 sfisque null is a sane value and does not necessarily indicate failure
20:30 buharin joined ##javaee
20:30 Naros Agreed, it's contextual based.
20:30 sfisque that's the difference between a mathematician and a computer programmer
20:30 sfisque null == very real and tangible value
20:30 buharin hey, I need some help with eclipse and adding simple ejb to my webproject
20:30 Quest sfisque,  but the caller guy would evaluate it like       if (call == null) {it means failure else do operation}
20:31 buharin I create two of them and mavenize them and now idk how to add ejb to web
20:31 sfisque i woudl argue it is a polluted or muddy api
20:31 Naros but what happens if the API later needs to return  null as a valid value?
20:31 sfisque agree naros
20:31 Naros it would just be easier to throw exceptions, catch & handle as appropriate.
20:31 Quest sfisque,  you mean the null thing?
20:31 sfisque yes Q
20:31 sfisque null should never be considered "an error case".
20:31 Quest sfisque,  what do you think of this ?
20:32 sfisque null can be the "result" or an "artifact" of an exception state, but itself should not communicate an error case
20:32 Quest sfisque,  Naros  hm. null seemed easy as i am not expert with exceptions handling
20:32 Naros let me show you Q
20:32 Quest sfisque,  ya. its technically not an error. its just null value. but but the caller guy would evaluate it like       if (call == null) {it means failure else do operation} ?
20:32 sfisque using null to indicate error is no better than using a value of "23"
20:33 sfisque you're still using a "magic number"
20:34 Quest hm
20:35 Naros
20:35 Naros If the security check fails, you throw an exception
20:35 Naros if the DAO fails, you catch it, throw a service specific exception
20:35 Naros er like 13 shoul dbe
20:36 Naros throw new UserException(e);
20:36 Naros *line 13
20:36 Quest what would be done with  new UserException(e);
20:36 Quest I am weak with exceptions.
20:36 Naros Quest: updated version here
20:37 sfisque be careful though, because you're potentially obfuscating the original exception.  if later code is looking for a SQLException or PersistenceException, the check will fail to discover it
20:37 Quest I never intended you tutoring me  thought :)
20:37 Naros Your controller would catch UserException and handle it based on whatever UI logic is needed.
20:37 Quest but its silly of me to not to have grasped exceptions
20:37 Naros sfisque: very true
20:37 sfisque exception handling is a subtle art
20:37 sfisque :-P
20:37 Naros that it is
20:37 sfisque you will "get it" over time Q
20:37 Quest can we go without exception handling?
20:38 Naros i wouldn't recommend it
20:38 Quest sfisque,  ofcourse. i got what i have in the similar way
20:38 Quest :)
20:38 sfisque better to try and learn from mistakes, then to over simplify and learn nothing
20:38 Naros It is something I strongly suggest you try to learn the basics for.
20:38 sfisque anyone can write "hello world".
20:39 Naros An exception is a way to inform the caller that something happened and leave it up to the caller on how it wants to handle it.  Handling it may mean letting it bubble up to the caller's caller which could be your web framework
20:39 Quest @PreAuthorize(" ==")  ?
20:39 Quest sfisque,  hm
20:39 Naros hehe spring security :P
20:39 Quest hm: )
20:39 Naros that statement matches some method call with this
20:40 Naros someMethod(Contact contact)
20:40 Naros #contact refers to the parameter to the method "contact"
20:40 sfisque well, i have to actually get work done today, so i'll be lurking but mostly "mentally away"  :P
20:40 sfisque code strong!
20:40 Naros it says that the principal's name on the authentication object should be equal to the name property value of the contact parameter or else it throws AccessDeniedException
20:41 Quest hm
20:42 Quest Naros,  how the caller acts to the exception accordingly?
20:42 Naros try { service.callSomeMethod(contact); } catch(AccessDeniedException ex) { /* return the user to some exception page and tell them why */ }
20:43 Naros that might be what your controller's run/execute method contains
20:43 Naros basically allows you to do something different upon an exception
20:43 Naros it doesn't necessarily have to dictate flow but in many cases of a web application it generally does.
20:44 Quest oh. so the service method      callsed the dao. and before that, the auth method in that dao, if exceptions occurs, the service method gets the exception and returns to controller. the controller then acts on the exception string and redirects etc?
20:45 Naros Quest:
20:45 Naros Quest: you got it!
20:46 Naros Exceptions can mean anything -- they're entirely contextual
20:46 Quest hm
20:47 Naros Scratch that last statement, not sure what I meant by that in hindsight.
20:47 Quest so returning null is not good at all?  using the generic class is not perfect?  using exceptions is the right way to go?
20:48 Naros Null is definitely not the ideal approach in Java since null can mean various things.
20:48 Naros it is a tangible thing
20:48 Naros Exceptions and Tuples are the right tool where applicable.
20:48 Naros But this particular use case, I'd prefer exceptions
20:49 Naros If you have a scenario where under success you need to return 2+ values ... then tuple makes sense.
20:49 Quest Naros,  but if the caller checks for null? what is the problem?     just asking for understanding
20:50 Quest Naros,  tuple was the generic class ? right?
20:50 Naros The biggest issue is once you're at version 2, null may become a legit return value for a  method call.  Maybe not this method but some other method in your API.  If you've been testing for != null, now you've got to change code in several places.
20:50 Naros If you had used exceptions, changing things in the internal api code wouldn't have any impact because you aren't checking for != null
20:50 Quest hm.
20:51 Naros other than maybe needing to capture a new exception or two if applicable.
20:51 Naros generally, it's cleaner and more acceptable code
20:51 Naros and yes Tuple was the generic class but such a Tuple doesn't have to be a generic class.
20:51 Quest and if i use the generic (tuple you say?) , that would also be same as you said    changing things in the internal api code wouldn't have any impact because you aren't checking for != null ?
20:51 Naros it could be a concrete class without generics
20:52 Quest myclass  havein    and object and a boolean?
20:52 Quest ok
20:52 Quest so i have both options?
20:52 Naros Perhaps not for this particular case, but i want to make sure you aren't using a nail gun when one should just be using a soft mallet
20:52 Quest for me to work on. research
20:52 Quest hm
20:53 Naros In programming, there are often many tools that accomplish the same thing but have subtle differences and are just better options than others regardless if the outcome is the same.
20:53 Quest buharin,  whats your question
20:54 Naros take my advice and use exceptions Quest.
20:55 Naros at least for this.  there are cases where a tuple or concrete return class is appropriate but those are generally not the case.
20:55 Naros *but this isn't the case
20:55 buharin fuck
20:55 Naros buharin: ?
20:55 buharin some niggas spam here and noone saw my question : /
20:56 Quest Naros,  the thing to get an object and two string    ("success" or "failure", "message") by a generic/ nongenric class is looking more attractive to me. I hope iam technically sound at this?    by this (rather than exception or boolean) I can change designe later, send any string, or even messages.
20:56 Naros excuse me?  No one was spamming but having a conversation which your question was made concurrenctly.  You want to dd ejb support to a web eclipse project.
20:56 Quest buharin,  you can ask again
20:57 javanewb without the racially charged slurs
20:57 buharin Quest, no cause I will resolve it by myself
20:58 Quest hm ok.
20:58 whartung wow
20:58 Naros No offense, but that's choice.  Enjoy.
20:58 Naros *that's your choice.
20:58 Quest Naros,  by using exceptions, I would be limited to return only a string of exception?  no i gues
20:58 whartung An exception can be anything
20:58 Quest right
20:59 javanewb exceptions is the way to go
20:59 Quest hm.
20:59 Naros Ask yourself this Q.
20:59 Naros If save user fails, what information is important that you need on the UI ?
20:59 Quest Naros,  hm.. a string i gues
20:59 Naros Chances are slim that you need nothing but just a user friendly message in 95% of the caes.
20:59 Quest from
20:59 Naros Right.
21:00 Naros So catch the exception, generate your pretty i18n message and return the user to the designated jsp
21:00 Quest hm.. i forgot / cant scroll and find what sfisque  was pointing the dangeour for exceptions though
21:00 Quest do you rembmer
21:01 Naros yes he pointed out my obfuscating of the exception stack
21:01 Quest hm. Naros  thanks again .. and again thanks is a small word.
21:01 Naros where I caught the SomeDaoException and then threw a new UserException
21:01 Quest hm.
21:01 Naros in some cases, that isn't the way to go, you may want that SomeDaoException to bubble up a few levels.
21:01 Quest i have to be care ful then
21:01 Naros but that is case by case.
21:02 Naros But in the webapp world, I haven't found many of those where it's critical.
21:02 Quest hm.
21:03 Quest Naros,  so uptil now. you think i should go for a manul thing as discussed. spring security comes later at refactoring stage or spring secrity just does not do what I want to do (authentical at runtime )
21:03 Quest ?
21:03 * Quest finalizing discussion ^
21:03 Maziz joined ##javaee
21:04 Naros I think Spring security is something you may want to consider at the start to handle the authentication and session management
21:04 Quest agreed.
21:04 Naros You can tie in your permissions checks with it in a second phase later on but for now do your own security checks
21:04 Quest but what about authorization
21:04 Quest authorization and not authentication
21:04 Naros Right let it handle authentication.
21:05 Quest so spring can tie those on runtime dao calls?
21:05 Naros As for authorizations, do that manually as you proposed.
21:05 Quest so. manually is what you suggest? or spring? or spring CANT do it on runtime as I proposed in manual way?
21:05 Naros You can have spring security do some method permission evaluations at runtime but they aren't necessary.
21:06 * Quest provides that spring roles is not what the case here is
21:06 Quest hm.
21:06 Naros Right don't worry about the role stuff that spring security talks about.
21:06 Quest meaning?
21:06 Naros Spring security basically would provide you a UserDetailsService where it looks up a user by name and returns an object (I think this is called SessionUser or something).
21:07 Quest ok.
21:07 Naros you have to code this service to wire it into your dao methods via the xml configs of course.
21:07 Quest what about authorisation for each board/box/task
21:07 Naros do that manually with database queries
21:07 Quest xml is what i hate........
21:07 Quest @anotatons ?
21:07 crimsonfubot Quest: Error: "anotatons" is not a valid command.
21:07 Quest lol
21:07 Quest @commands
21:07 crimsonfubot Quest: Error: "commands" is not a valid command.
21:07 Quest @help
21:07 crimsonfubot Quest: (help [<plugin>] [<command>]) -- This command gives a useful description of what <command> does. <plugin> is only necessary if the command is in more than one plugin.
21:08 Naros Don't bother with the @PreAuthorize/@PostAuthorize and Filter annotations until you get a better understanding of your security model.
21:08 Quest @command
21:08 crimsonfubot Quest: Error: "command" is not a valid command.
21:08 whartung haha -- @help was not helpful
21:08 Naros @help exception
21:08 crimsonfubot Naros: Error: There is no command "exception".
21:08 Quest Naros,  ok.      and finally..... what do you see the finall refactor would be?
21:08 Naros hehe, no way I can answer that Quest.
21:09 Naros You're the keeper of your code base :P
21:09 Quest Naros,  ok. :) what do you see a choice that would be your choice at the end?
21:09 Naros But here is what I can tell you though.
21:09 Naros At the end, map out all your permissions to actions
21:09 Naros Try to find a way to define a finite combination of these
21:10 Naros use that to drive your roles
21:10 Naros then plug those roles into spring security
21:10 Naros then using a permissions evaluator (interface which you implement and write your own checks), you can then plug into the preauthorize/postauthorize/filter annotations
21:10 Quest hm. so ultimately, you see all to be done by spring security ?
21:10 Naros I would suspect a lot of it could be
21:11 Naros Not all, but a lot of it.
21:11 Naros With anything, there are always things that won't fit a paradigm and those are just things we have to sometimes live with :P
21:11 Naros just minimize the exposure to the trickery needed as best as one can
21:11 Quest Naros,  last question. the admin might be using hundres of boards, thousands of boxes and millions of tasks.     it wont     be wise to fetch privileges of alllll those at admin login.    thats what spring does.
21:12 Naros Right and nothing says those necessarily have to be loaded at login either.  think about this for a minute.
21:12 Naros lets say we show a maximum of 25 tasks on the screen at a time
21:13 Quest no.
21:13 Naros ?
21:13 Quest all tasks would be shown
21:13 Quest as much as exist
21:13 Quest oh wait
21:13 Naros You aren't going to draw a million tasks on the screen at once
21:13 Naros and i hope you aren't planning to draw 1000s either
21:13 Quest but even the admin views them or not.     spring wil get all his boards and sub childs
21:13 Quest and privs of all
21:14 Naros It doesn't necessarily have to is my point.
21:14 Quest oh
21:14 Quest so in short.
21:14 Naros Here's a real world example.
21:14 Quest spring can be configured to do exactly what we just discussed manually
21:14 Quest ok
21:14 Quest or just for the board he is viewing
21:14 Naros A user decides they want to view an order in the system.  An order has potentially 1000s of lines but maybe some of those lines can't be visible to the user because of some pricing contracts.
21:15 Quest hm
21:15 Naros We can either 1) fetch the order with only the visible lines by pushing the security constraints to the DB query
21:15 Naros or 2) fetch the order and all lines, iterate the lines and wed out which aren't to be visible through a permissions evaluator.
21:16 Naros Depending on the test case, 1 might be faster than 2
21:16 Quest hm
21:16 Quest ok
21:16 Naros But if you're OK with having your security model dip into the DAO level, then fine.
21:17 Quest I just get afraid of huge refactoring when converting to spring security (which ultimately i would learn)
21:17 Naros Spring Security can be configured to do whatever you want it to do and you get to pick how you implement the fine security details, whether u do it through their annotations & permission evaluator framework or you just do the checks yourself without worrying about spring and just let it handle the authentication part only.
21:17 Quest or the same daos will be used?
21:18 Quest hm
21:18 Quest ok
21:18 Quest Thanks!
21:18 Naros trying to handle authentication can be tricky depending on your needs is the bottom line and if you can use an existing tried framework, its best to do that
21:19 Naros authorization management can be a custom solution you design yourself outside spring
21:20 Quest iam admin, you are user.      you loged in and i deleted your account. now you session still exists, how to stop you  (manual way) ? how to invalidate your session
21:21 Naros we have a way in our app that specific admin screens can iterate all sessions and invalidate a specific one by session id.
21:21 Quest so the admin first have to see all the sessions and find out the user first
21:21 Naros not necessarily.
21:22 Quest well the software would return the user session id by its login cred
21:22 Quest understandable.
21:22 Quest but this feature would have to be built up
21:22 Quest thanks again
21:22 Naros your code could take the user account's id or user name, iterate the session registry for spring security to find where the user is logged in under that name and then invalidate it.
21:22 Quest time to close....
21:22 Quest hm
21:22 Quest right.
21:22 Quest see you!..  thanks alot again !
21:23 Naros Np
21:23 Quest :)
21:23 javanewb close?
21:23 Naros Safe coding!
21:23 javanewb you work at mcdonalds?
21:23 Quest office close
21:23 Quest yup
21:23 Naros It's only 425pm :o
21:23 Naros I wanna work where u work
21:24 sfisque 14:25 here pacific time
21:24 Naros :P
21:26 javanewb EST is the only true time
21:27 Naros I used to be EST before I moved from Charlotte
21:31 sfisque the only true time is zero seconds after the big bang.  after that, it's all relative :P
21:35 Naros :)
21:36 caverdude joined ##javaee
21:36 caverdude hi
21:36 * sfisque waves
21:36 caverdude sfisque, are you snyncsys_
21:37 caverdude on dalnet
21:37 sfisque negative
21:37 caverdude ah
21:37 sfisque i only go by sfisque
21:37 caverdude ok
21:37 Naros hello caverdude.
21:37 sfisque ... there can be... only ONE...
21:37 caverdude hi Naros
21:37 sfisque :P
21:37 Naros more like we can only take just one :P
21:38 Naros multiples would be >.<
21:38 sfisque lolz
21:42 Naros hm, I wonder how many lines of code are too much in a web app (excluding resources like .jsp/.js/.css/etc)
21:45 caverdude too much?
21:45 caverdude I've heard you want not much more than 20 lines per method in general
21:46 caverdude but its about that way with anything.. if it begins to grow too much you have to split it up
21:46 sfisque the only judge of "too much" i would put any stock in, would be "code coverage".  if you have code that is not getting executed, you ahve "too much"
21:46 caverdude to answer you question you shouldn't have more lines of code than your hard drive will hold lol
21:47 caverdude well, yes and with any app development, if you are removing more lines of code than you are writing you are probably on the right track
21:48 caverdude my latest coding work is
21:49 caverdude its a very basic acccounting engine more or less
21:53 Naros We're approaching 1M LOC in our webapp is why i asked.
21:53 sfisque LOC?  logged on concurrently?
21:53 Naros Lines of Code
21:54 sfisque do you run any code hygiene tools on the project?  (PMD, code coverage, etc.)
21:54 Naros no
21:55 sfisque that would be a good first start.  you can wire up most hygiene tools into CI environments (jenkins has off the shelf plugins for it)
21:55 sfisque isolate code that is "orphaned" or "needing refactory"
21:56 Naros cool, will do
21:56 Quest joined ##javaee

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