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IRC log for #friendlyjava, 2018-04-08

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Time S Nick Message
11:24 mr_lou joined ##friendlyjava
11:31 mr_lou Scenario....   I make a Java application. I pack it with its own JVM.
11:31 mr_lou Question: How does that work exactly? How does my app use the JVM? Does the JVM need to be spawned as its own process?
11:34 aditsu mr_lou: it probably launches your application just like any java application; the jvm process is your application process
11:35 mr_lou What if it's not a Java application, but rather a Java library?
11:35 aditsu then how does your application use java? jni or something? I don't know exactly how that works
11:36 mr_lou More specifically, the idea is to embed a JVM with media players like VLC and Kodi, in order to provide Blu-ray playback with full Java menus - on systems that doesn't have a JVM.
11:37 aditsu I'm not sure how that would work.. aren't there blu-ray players that can support all the features?
11:37 mr_lou And then someone replies this:
11:37 mr_lou
11:37 mr_lou And I have no clue.
11:39 mr_lou aditsu, VLC added Blu-ray playback support with Java menus a while back, and the new Kodi v18 that's coming out in the near future will offer this too. Both VLC and Kodi is available on a ton of different platforms - but "full Java menus" in Blu-rays are obviously only supported IF a JVM is installed on the system it's running on.
11:40 mr_lou For Android that's a problem, because there's no JVM for that. There is, however, phoneME - a JVM that can run MIDlets and CDC based apps on Android. And it should be enough to run BD-J too.
11:40 aditsu how does vlc support java menus without a jvm?
11:41 mr_lou aditsu, It doesn't. Currently both Kodi and VLC relies on a JVM being installed on the platform.
11:41 mr_lou And that's kinda silly, considering that such an embedded JVM (for BD-J) would only be 1-2 mb.
11:42 aditsu well, then you could make the installer also install a jvm, then vlc will use it
11:43 mr_lou Do you know Snap?
11:43 mr_lou Same deal.
11:43 aditsu I know the band :)
11:43 mr_lou Snap is a package manager or sorts, for Linux.
11:43 mr_lou sudo apt-get install snap
11:43 mr_lou snap install skype
11:43 mr_lou snap run skype
11:43 aditsu haven't heard of that
11:43 mr_lou Runs in its own sandbox.
11:44 mr_lou Allows you to install "packages" apps, like Skype, VLC, whatever - and they won't suddenly stop working because of new libs etc.
11:44 mr_lou VLC 3.0.1 is on Snap - but it doesn't support Blu-ray Java menus - because there's no JVM in Snap.
11:45 mr_lou So either someone must make a Snap of a JVM - or else VLC could embed a JVM.
11:45 mr_lou And considered that a JVM would only take up a few megs, it makes no sense (to me) NOT to embed a JVM.
11:45 mr_lou Then we also get rid of the whole "32 bit JVM and 64 bit VLC" problem.
11:46 aditsu Oracle's jvm is pretty big, not sure how you get a small one like that
11:46 aditsu same with icedtea
11:46 mr_lou Because BD-J was invented in 2001. First Blu-ray player was released 2003. Java was small back then. BD-J is just a subset of Java 1.3 + some additional API's.
11:47 mr_lou Take phoneME for Android. It's only 1,4 mb, and it runs MIDP, CLDC and CDC apps.
11:47 pdurbin As of Java 9 you can make a smaller JVM, I believe. Thanks to Jigsaw.
11:48 aditsu if you use an old jvm, it will likely have some security issues
11:48 mr_lou But it's embedded. No other apps will use it anyway.
11:48 mr_lou Only the media player.
11:49 aditsu a malicious blu-ray could potentially gain access to the machine :p
11:49 mr_lou :-|
11:49 mr_lou Right....
12:40 mr_lou pdurbin, As far as I know, Java 9 doesn't go far enough back.
12:40 mr_lou E.g. I can't compile my Blu-ray project with Java, because I need --source 1.3 and --target 1.3, and Java 9 doesn't offer that anymore.
12:46 pdurbin Huh. I'd be concerned about security vulnerabilities in ancient versions of Java.
12:47 mr_lou Well Java 9 doesn't offer what I need.
12:47 mr_lou So I don't have a choice than to use older version.
12:48 pdurbin because you're using BD-J?
12:49 mr_lou So compile a BD-J Xlet, you need --target 1.3
12:49 mr_lou *Tp
12:49 mr_lou *To
12:49 mr_lou Java 9 has excluded that option.
13:25 pdurbin Ok.
13:27 pdurbin mr_lou: forgive me but I'm forgetting how one runs this software you're working on. Is it that I would buy a PC with a Blu-ray player and install your software? I don't think you can even play a Blue-ray on Mac.
13:28 mr_lou pdurbin, 8-bit Memoirs was released in December 2017. You can download it at if you're interested in that kind of project: A diskmag-like eBook about the 8-bit era. (But don't - I'm working on v1.1 at the moment, so better wait).
13:28 mr_lou It's a Blu-ray project. So you have many options to watch it.
13:29 mr_lou Buy a disc; watch on your hardware player or PlayStation 3 or Xbox One.
13:29 mr_lou Or download ISO, play on your Windows / Mac / Linux with a software player like PowerDVD or VLC, or (soon) Kodi (from version 18).
13:29 mr_lou Or play the ISO on one of the many media boxes / tv boxes / media centers, like Dune HD series or Popcorn Hour or Egreat A10 / A11 etc etc.
13:31 mr_lou pdurbin, Kodi (again from v18) can even play it online. I find that rather awesome.
13:31 mr_lou So no need to download the whole thing. You simply stream it.
13:33 pdurbin I don't have a hardware Blu-ray player but it sounds like buying a disc is the easiest way to watch it.
13:35 mr_lou pdurbin, When Kodi v18 comes out, it'll be simple to watch online. Simply click "Add source", and choose "HTTP" or "WebDav". Then input the URL.
13:35 pdurbin cool
13:35 mr_lou You can do this already now, if you download the nightly build of v18.
13:36 pdurbin doesn't make a link unless you include "http..." so here's that link again: (in the IRC log for this channel, I mean)
13:36 mr_lou However, Kodi v18 isn't completed yet. Playback is very buggy at the moment. It crashes here and there (when switching between videos).
13:37 pdurbin I do have a Blu-ray of Star Wars because it came along with the DVD I bought. I haven't felt the need to buy a Blu-ray player yet.
13:38 mr_lou :-)
13:38 mr_lou And no PlayStation 3 or PlayStation 4 or Xbox One either?
13:39 mr_lou I have a ton of Blu-ray players, but that's just because I needed to test my project on different players, to make sure it ran ok. Bought a lot of players for a little as 4 euro in various recycle stores.
13:40 pdurbin I have a GameCube.
13:40 mr_lou I don't think those play Blu-rays. :-)
13:40 pdurbin nope :)
13:40 mr_lou Well, I don't have one of those consoles either. I've borrowed a PS3 from a mate, again just to test the project.
13:41 mr_lou pdurbin, But I've also offered sending USB sticks to those too lazy to download the 23 gb themselves. Software players will play it from USB too.
13:41 mr_lou I think Blu-ray can be played almost anywhere.
13:41 pdurbin If Blu-ray didn't exist, what technology would you use to create a similar experience?
13:42 mr_lou Only phones and tablets are excluded, and I'm honestly fine with that.
13:42 mr_lou The project deserves more attention than that.
13:42 mr_lou I don't know of any other technology that would give me what Blu-ray gives me.
13:42 mr_lou But if someone finds one, I'd be very curious to hear more.
13:43 mr_lou I'm going for a run while the weather is nice. Be back in about 45-60 minutes or so. :-)
13:43 mr_lou See ya.
13:47 pdurbin wow, this is a very nice explanation
14:37 mr_lou Back
14:37 mr_lou Thanks. :-)
14:39 mr_lou pdurbin, But if you know of any other platform that can deliver (roughly) the same, then I'm very interested to hear about it.
14:40 aditsu well, your 50Hz requirement currently eliminates everything that runs on a computer or mobile device
14:48 mr_lou yes....
14:48 mr_lou Except in a few cases. Some PC systems can be changed using native code.
14:49 mr_lou Even Java can do that. I just didn't have any luck with it here.
14:51 aditsu it's all about the monitors/screens, I think CRTs were a lot more flexible
14:52 mr_lou yea...
14:52 mr_lou retro ftw. :->
14:52 aditsu I'm not sure about LCD tvs, do they support 50Hz more commonly than computer monitors?
14:52 mr_lou But I gotta say.... watching those 50 fps videos from Blu-ray is REALLY nice.
14:52 aditsu or LED, whatever flat screen
14:53 mr_lou I'm not sure if it's the TV's, or if it's the graphics cards.
14:53 mr_lou I did a test connecting a Blu-ray player to a LCD monitor, and as far as I remember, it too switched to 50 hz.
14:53 aditsu hmm
14:54 mr_lou (because the video playing on the blu-ray was 50 fps, and this info is sent with the HDMI signal).
14:54 mr_lou And my (very) old Sony TV also gives awesome results.
14:55 mr_lou But only for Blu-ray playback. Not if I put in a USB in the TV, or even in the Blu-ray player. Then the 50 fps video from the USB doesn't change refresh rate. Only Blu-ray makes it happen.
15:28 mr_lou aditsu, I forgot where you're from? I remember thinking you were from the states, but then finding out you weren't. Was it Spain?
15:29 aditsu haha, I'm from Romania, but living in Hong Kong
15:29 mr_lou Ah
15:29 mr_lou Dunno what it was like in China. But in Europe all of our 8-bit computers ran on 50 hz screens. Americans used 60 hz screens.
15:30 mr_lou So American 8-bit computers can display videos on YouTube fine, giving an accurate representation of how it looked.
15:30 mr_lou But YouTube is full of crappy videos showing games from european 8-bit computers.
15:30 mr_lou jerky movement
15:30 mr_lou Particular noticable with scrolltexts and other movement that's supposed to be smooth.
15:31 aditsu I moved long after the PC era started
15:31 mr_lou Did you have any 8-bit computer in your youth?
15:31 aditsu I had a Sinclair Spectrum compatible
15:31 mr_lou It's funny you say you moved to Hong Kong. I've always thought your nick sounded a bit chineese.
15:31 mr_lou Oh nice. :-)
15:32 mr_lou I probably asked you that already? Don't remember though.
15:32 aditsu it's actually more Romanian than Chinese, but I think it sounds a bit Japanese
15:32 mr_lou :-)
15:32 mr_lou Why move to Hong Kong?
15:32 aditsu my wife is from here
15:33 mr_lou Ah
15:33 mr_lou How's life over there then?
15:34 aditsu pretty nice, but homes are small and expensive, and China is gradually taking over :-/
15:34 mr_lou Define small.
15:35 mr_lou We're 3 people and we have only 70 m²
15:35 mr_lou Can't even afford owning a car.
15:36 aditsu 2 bedrooms in my current flat each have about a 2m x 2m floor area, plus some more space in a kind of bay windows which are very common in HK for some reason
15:37 aditsu I guess the total flat size is also about 70 m², and it's quite bigger than average
15:38 mr_lou Any room for a TV in the bedroom?
15:38 mr_lou You should get yourself a Blu-ray player an enjoy this awesome project called 8-bit Memoirs. Maybe you've heard of it.
15:38 mr_lou :-D
15:38 aditsu we don't have a tv; you can make some room depending on how you arrange things
15:39 mr_lou Oh right. I think you told me about that.
15:39 mr_lou We have a TV, but don't really watch TV. We only watch Blu-rays. ;->
15:39 aditsu anyway, I think this is the only reference I made to my old Spectrum clone here:
15:40 aditsu the thing was actually called HC-90
15:40 aditsu
15:41 aditsu I still remember a couple of games :)
15:42 aditsu and I wrote my first ever programs on it
15:44 mr_lou Very nice.
15:44 mr_lou Looks VERY geeky! :->
15:46 aditsu wonder if I can find a video of it
15:47 mr_lou Any nostalgic memories? Coded a lot on it? Great memories of you and mates sitting up all night gaming or coding? :-)
15:49 aditsu not too much... I remember copying cassette tapes with games and struggling to load them due to the loss of audio quality :p
15:49 mr_lou hehe
15:49 mr_lou Ah yes.....
15:49 aditsu ah, I remember that I also learned Z80 assembler for it, even knew some machine code by heart
15:49 mr_lou :-|
15:50 mr_lou I could never figure assembler. Not even in newer times.
15:50 aditsu I used to code some smooth scrolling as a demo :p
15:50 mr_lou I understand the basics of it, but will never be able to create anything useful with it.
15:51 aditsu this is supposedly a demo program for the HC 90 features:
15:53 aditsu lulz, so cheesy :)
15:54 mr_lou :-)
15:54 mr_lou Many different fonts.
15:54 mr_lou The Amstrad CPC didn't have that.
15:54 aditsu I think those are programmed, not included
15:55 mr_lou Must be. But still. Many.
16:00 aditsu mr_lou: check out this one:
16:00 aditsu it's showing the next version, HC-91, but it's quite similar
16:00 aditsu you can see the game loading experience :)
16:01 aditsu (and hear)
16:01 mr_lou Very similar to the Amstrad CPC that I grew up with.
16:01 mr_lou aditsu, So you don't have the HC-90 with you anymore?
16:02 aditsu no, I think we sold it before 2000
16:03 mr_lou I sold my CPC too. But then regretted it, and bought another one. :-)
16:05 aditsu I used to play this game:
16:11 mr_lou And here's how Amstrad CPC users experienced that game. :-)
16:11 mr_lou
16:12 aditsu cool, sounds much better
16:12 aditsu graphics are similar
16:17 aditsu watching some other Spectrum games, I recognize a couple :)
16:18 aditsu Lode Runner, Renegade..
16:18 mr_lou :-)
16:30 aditsu ooh, Arkanoid
16:31 mr_lou You're getting nostalgic now.
16:32 mr_lou Soon you'll find yourself authoring 8-bit Memoirs Issue #2 :-)
16:32 aditsu no, you will not assimilate me :p
16:35 aditsu jeez, someone made a 5.5hour video of 600 games
16:39 mr_lou hehe
17:15 mr_lou Sometimes when my girl and I don't know what to do, instead of watching a movie, we're watching longplays of 8-bit retro games on YouTube.
17:24 aditsu there's a game I kinda remember, but don't know what it's called, I wonder how to find it..
17:25 mr_lou The forum has a ton of thread like that. "Help me find this game".
17:25 mr_lou Someone usually finds it rather quick.
17:26 aditsu is there a relevant channel? :p
17:32 mr_lou Actually yes, there's #cpc here on Freenode. However, these questions have always been asked on the forum. Much more people there.
17:51 aditsu it was either a Spectrum game or a DOS game, don't know if it had a CPC version
18:48 mr_lou What do you remember about it? :-)
18:49 aditsu mr_lou: I just posted on another site:,2/dgb,11/dgm,241130/
18:51 mr_lou heh, that is rather vague indeed. :-)
18:51 mr_lou But never say never.
18:51 mr_lou People on CPCwiki forum has guessed some pretty vague game descriptions.
18:54 aditsu I think it's rather specific compared to some other posts :p
19:39 pdurbin mr_lou: If I can think of a platform like that I'll let you know. Like aditsu said 50 Hz is pretty specific.

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