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IRC log for #friendlyjava, 2017-12-07

##friendlyjava on freenode

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
04:44 mr_lou joined ##friendlyjava
06:38 abba joined ##friendlyjava
08:05 kirua joined ##friendlyjava
08:49 abba joined ##friendlyjava
09:11 kirua_ joined ##friendlyjava
11:50 mr_lou joined ##friendlyjava
13:17 kirua_ joined ##friendlyjava
13:26 kirua_ joined ##friendlyjava
14:54 pdurbin joined ##friendlyjava
14:54 pulsar joined ##friendlyjava
15:16 ChanServ joined ##friendlyjava
15:18 mr_lou So apparently the new Nokia 3310 3G version should be able to run JavaME.
15:18 * mr_lou pokes Prissy_Tonkinese
15:19 mr_lou New life to JavaME!  \o/
15:19 mr_lou Soon ##j2me will thrive again!
15:40 mr_lou No?
16:22 * Prissy_Tonkinese rolls on cat butt
16:33 xBADDA555 joined ##friendlyjava
16:37 xCA7BABE5 <mr_lou> New life to JavaME!
16:37 xCA7BABE5 but will sufficient people give a fuck to get the ball rolling?
16:37 xCA7BABE5 that is the question
16:37 xCA7BABE5 butt
16:38 xCA7BABE5 I estimate that the answer is
16:38 xCA7BABE5 NO
16:39 aditsu JavaMeh
16:41 xCA7BABE5 I wonder
16:42 xCA7BABE5 what is out there in terms of java midi softsynth that is not Sun's implementation
16:43 xCA7BABE5 I have a rudimentary midi sequencer for J2ME that I decompiled and modded
16:43 xCA7BABE5 I wouldn't mind a J2SE port to have handy on my phone
16:47 aditsu xCA7BABE5: you're CatButts, right?
16:48 xCA7BABE5 yes
16:48 xCA7BABE5 I changed name as a parody to another nick in here :P
16:48 aditsu I just realized we're compatriots
16:49 xCA7BABE5 >hk
16:49 aditsu da :p
16:49 xCA7BABE5 what tld is that
16:49 aditsu Hong Kong
16:49 xCA7BABE5 cum ai ajuns acolo sus?
16:49 xCA7BABE5 da-te gios imediat!
16:49 aditsu by plane :p
16:50 xCA7BABE5 cu parasuta
16:50 xCA7BABE5 the Internet is a small place
16:52 xCA7BABE5 now your nick makes sense
16:52 xCA7BABE5 a pampering/distorition of Adi/Adrian
16:52 xCA7BABE5 adi[tz]u
16:53 aditsu ^_^
16:53 aditsu are you looking for the ț ?
16:53 xCA7BABE5 *distortion
16:53 aditsu I call it a diminutive
16:53 xCA7BABE5 a pampered diminutive
16:57 xCA7BABE5 I can't be arsed to wield non-ansi characters in IRC
16:57 xCA7BABE5 *weild
16:57 xCA7BABE5 wield
16:57 xCA7BABE5 blah
16:58 xCA7BABE5 English is an unphonetical mess of a language
16:58 aditsu you just need a good keyboard layout
16:58 xCA7BABE5 I learned it in childhood from undubbed cartoon network and vidja gaems
16:58 xCA7BABE5 I can't even be arsed that
16:59 xCA7BABE5 I live with exactly one layout
17:14 aditsu 好啦
17:15 xCA7BABE5 sorry, I don't have vocalization package for that kind of runes installed
17:15 aditsu 冇問題
17:15 xCA7BABE5 I say vocalization because, reading and writing automagically produces sound in my head
17:16 xCA7BABE5 I write from sound
17:16 xCA7BABE5 I read sound
17:16 xCA7BABE5 I think it's called subvocalization
17:16 xCA7BABE5 I
17:16 aditsu but English is not a phonetic language
17:17 xCA7BABE5 yes
17:17 xCA7BABE5 none the less, I have rules intuitively jammed in place for vocalization, for this tongue
17:17 xCA7BABE5 which work, most of the times
17:18 mr_lou Well, I'm tired of smartphones.
17:18 xCA7BABE5 I don't blame you
17:18 mr_lou I may buy the Nokia 3310 3G just for the buttons and non smart-os.
17:18 mr_lou And being able to run JavaME helps.
17:18 mr_lou None of that "Android Java" for me thanks.
17:19 mr_lou In other news; Kodi v18 (Leia) should be able to play my 8-bit Memoirs project! \o/
17:19 xCA7BABE5 I wonder if you ever had contact with PalmOS
17:19 mr_lou Um.... I don't remember.
17:20 mr_lou bbl, dinner time.
17:26 xCA7BABE5 I hold good impressions of PalmOS from the reading I've done so far
17:26 xCA7BABE5 same I did with Maemo and Nokia N900
17:26 xCA7BABE5 until I bought and used the phone :P
17:26 xCA7BABE5 it's painfully linux
17:26 xCA7BABE5 Android is not linux
17:26 xCA7BABE5 this damned well is
17:27 xCA7BABE5 hell, you get X Terminal out of the box
17:28 xCA7BABE5 regretably, you have an old kernel and old libs
17:28 xCA7BABE5 so porting things to it will probably hurt a bit
17:28 xCA7BABE5 and the software selection for it will suffer because of this
17:29 xCA7BABE5 to describe this phone, it's a nerd toy
17:30 xCA7BABE5 Palm goes the no-bullshit simplicity way
17:34 xCA7BABE5 programming for it is done in plain C and API appears straight forward from a glance
17:35 xCA7BABE5 sadly, I don't see any fan-gatherings for it today
17:35 xCA7BABE5 which is a drawback if you want a helping hand
17:36 xCA7BABE5 and people to make software for, other than yourself
17:36 aditsu well, it doesn't really help that it's a dead platform
17:36 xCA7BABE5 true
17:36 xCA7BABE5 there are fans, but they are dispersed
17:37 xCA7BABE5 same with J2ME
17:37 xCA7BABE5 N900/Maemo has one large site and one large IRC channel :P
17:38 xCA7BABE5 gravity points for people interested in the platform
17:41 aditsu there is webOS now
17:43 xCA7BABE5 unfamiliar with it
17:43 xCA7BABE5 oh yeah
17:43 xCA7BABE5 successor to Palm, of sorts
17:44 xCA7BABE5 probably no longer has any connection to Palm
17:45 xCA7BABE5 >linux based
17:45 xCA7BABE5 different beast from Palm
17:50 mr_lou Dead platforms are the best.
17:51 aditsu I recommend ZX Spectrum :D
17:54 mr_lou <-- Amstrad CPC guy
17:55 mr_lou The Amstrad CPC is still used a lot. New hardware keeps being made. Recently it became possible to go online with it. :->
17:55 mr_lou I might join this channel from my Amstrad CPC some day.
17:55 mr_lou Dead platforms are awesome. You will never ever experience that something suddenly just doesn't work anymore. I LOVE THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
17:56 mr_lou Web is the absolute WORST INVENTION EVER!
17:56 xCA7BABE5 it grows ever bloated
17:56 mr_lou Exactly.
17:57 aditsu does the Amstrad use RFC 1149 to go online?
17:57 xCA7BABE5 be sure to run IRC on the CPC so I can post ANSI butts on it
17:57 xCA7BABE5 :P
17:58 xCA7BABE5 (not my creation)
17:59 mr_lou aditsu, I have no idea. I'm not a hardware guy.
17:59 mr_lou aditsu, Basically it's a Wifi card that someone invented. So you go online via your cellphone.
17:59 xCA7BABE5 the COCO-II here reiceved IRC input as sound
18:00 mr_lou Or wifi router.
18:00 xCA7BABE5 from middleman computer
18:00 xCA7BABE5 so that's cheating a bit
18:01 aditsu mr_lou: something tells me you didn't get it
18:02 xCA7BABE5 close enough
18:02 xCA7BABE5 slightly slower than using tape input port :p
18:04 aditsu very high latency, but the bandwidth can be decent depending on the strength of the carrier and the printing technology :)
18:05 xCA7BABE5 >An example of packet loss.
18:05 xCA7BABE5 this is morbidly hilarious
18:23 mr_lou aditsu, Get what? Was it a joke? Then no, I didn't get it. :-)
18:23 xCA7BABE5 yes
18:23 aditsu well, read above
18:24 mr_lou I don't know what RFC 1149 is, if that's what you're referring to.
18:24 xCA7BABE5 it's a joke standard proposal
18:24 xCA7BABE5 for the above
18:25 xCA7BABE5 a 1st april gag
18:25 aditsu
18:25 mr_lou Well I never heard about that.
18:25 xCA7BABE5 now you did
18:25 mr_lou Keep in mind I have a very low IQ and I never keep myself updated on curernt news.
18:25 mr_lou *current
18:26 mr_lou I avoid Facebook, Twitter, and all other "new" trends.
18:26 aditsu 1990 is not very current
18:26 aditsu it has even been updated by newer RFC's
18:26 mr_lou mh
18:26 mr_lou Well then no body just told me about it before now. :-P
18:26 aditsu you're welcome :)
18:26 xCA7BABE5
18:27 xCA7BABE5 Low Q
18:27 xCA7BABE5 Hi Q
18:27 * xCA7BABE5 hides
18:27 aditsu it's *I*Q..
18:31 aditsu mr_lou: also, I don't believe you, you can't create something like the 8-bit memories project with a "very low IQ"
18:32 mr_lou You can't know till you've seen it.
18:32 mr_lou Also... I.Q. is defined very differently.
18:32 mr_lou By different people.
18:43 mr_lou Hm
18:43 mr_lou Qualcomm Snapdragon 801 CPU.....  is than an x86 CPU?
18:45 aditsu according to wikipedia, Snapdragon is ARM-based SoC
18:46 mr_lou Hm..
18:46 mr_lou Looking at the VLC nightly builds for Android, I can only choose between ARM, x86 and MIPS....
18:46 mr_lou So you're saying ARM.
18:47 mr_lou ARM7 or ARM8?
18:47 aditsu I don't know, find out :)
18:50 xCA7BABE5 then there's HardFP and SoftFP
18:50 mr_lou ARM8 it would seem.
18:51 xCA7BABE5 is hard vs soft a thing past ARM7?
18:51 xCA7BABE5 *still a thing
18:57 * mr_lou knows nothing
19:00 xCA7BABE5 hey aditsu, how would you feel if I used MANIFEST.MF as both the application's manifest and the project config for a rudimentary CLI tool?
19:00 xCA7BABE5 one thing that would probably be a nonstandard attribute in the manifest, in this case, would be the .jar's name
19:01 aditsu how would that work as a project config?
19:02 xCA7BABE5 well, the directories are predefined(src, dist, bin, lib)
19:02 xCA7BABE5 additional libs can be defined in manifest
19:02 xCA7BABE5 main class can be defined in manifest
19:02 xCA7BABE5 what else?
19:03 xCA7BABE5 the manifest sits in root of project folder and gets used in two ways
19:03 xCA7BABE5 1. config file
19:03 xCA7BABE5 2. copied to jar
19:04 aditsu I don't know, seems weird, but you can give it a try if you think it works for you
19:04 xCA7BABE5 I am still writing a text file that describes what the thing should do
19:04 xCA7BABE5 I won't know if it works until I put it all together
19:05 xCA7BABE5 much like my crosslanguage porting
19:05 xCA7BABE5 port in one breath, plug in and hope for the best
19:05 aditsu I think of manifest files as annoying but necessary metadata that I just auto-generate at build time
19:05 xCA7BABE5 well, this is python and CLI
19:06 xCA7BABE5 generate it myself
19:06 aditsu python? wat?
19:06 xCA7BABE5 without any Ants
19:06 xCA7BABE5 the CLI tool is to be made in Python
19:06 aditsu use python to build a java project? ok..
19:08 aditsu I would just write a build script for ant
19:08 aditsu (and other people use stuff like maven or gradle)
19:09 xCA7BABE5 but this is bat country
19:09 xCA7BABE5 *butt
19:09 xCA7BABE5
19:10 aditsu butt country? ok, write a bash script that calls make :p
19:10 xCA7BABE5 what's a makefile?
19:11 xCA7BABE5 what's ant?
19:11 xCA7BABE5 why do I not want to know either?
19:11 xCA7BABE5 why not make my own!
19:12 mr_lou ButtScript?
19:12 aditsu if you have too much time on your hands and don't want others to ever build your projects, go ahead :)
19:16 xCA7BABE5 yes, I hate you all and I am going to make the world a slightly more misserable place
19:17 aditsu aww, why would you hate us?
19:19 xCA7BABE5 I kid
19:34 mr_lou We know you love us.
19:40 mr_lou joined ##friendlyjava
19:43 xCA7BABE5 manifest file has no relevance outside jar files, right?
19:43 aditsu I don't think so
19:45 xCA7BABE5 good

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##friendlyjava on freenode