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IRC log for #rest, 2015-10-27

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:01 whartung yea the gpl get args thing I never quite liked
00:39 Gary__ joined #rest
00:39 Gary__ left #rest
01:17 mgomezch_ joined #rest
03:16 baweaver joined #rest
03:32 fuzzyhorns joined #rest
03:58 fumanchu_ joined #rest
05:17 Coldblackice joined #rest
05:18 fuzzyhorns joined #rest
07:07 igitoor joined #rest
07:15 igitoor joined #rest
08:11 interop_madness joined #rest
08:23 graste joined #rest
09:06 rosstuck joined #rest
09:16 chthon joined #rest
09:35 _ollie joined #rest
10:12 blahdeblah joined #rest
10:54 alowaniak joined #rest
12:14 mezod joined #rest
14:16 _ollie joined #rest
14:17 _ollie1 joined #rest
14:18 _ollie joined #rest
14:30 wavded joined #rest
14:43 mooncup joined #rest
15:20 ralphschindler joined #rest
15:28 wavded joined #rest
16:10 rmwdeveloper joined #rest
16:23 wavded joined #rest
16:29 bluezone joined #rest
16:47 simonv3 joined #rest
17:20 blahdeblah joined #rest
18:11 baweaver joined #rest
19:08 wavded joined #rest
19:15 Coldblackice joined #rest
19:42 gamache joined #rest
20:34 cvander joined #rest
21:56 fuzzyhorns joined #rest
23:49 fuzzyhorns joined #rest

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