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IRC log for #javaee, 2014-03-19

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Time S Nick Message
00:02 * pdurbin gives javaeebot a treat
00:02 pdurbin sfisque: you're cracking me up with your FREE chassis :)
00:03 sfisque why so?
00:05 sfisque
00:06 sfisque on the surface it looks great, but when you start pricing the components, it's like, yowza
00:09 pdurbin yeah. not too surprising. like acuzio said, enterprise. pricing :)
00:11 pdurbin sfisque: also, VMware is a solid choice but if you're looking for free (and open source), there's KVM
00:12 pdurbin I guess Xen is free and open source too but I don't have much experience with it
00:21 sfisque reading about xen now.  appears you have to patch the guest os for it to run.  not sure i like that.  i dont have to patch anything with VB.  do other virt impls require patching the guest os?
00:32 pdurbin well, I think vmware has guest extensions but I don't think they're required. I don't recall any kind of patch for KVM guest but there might be some optional patch that's available
00:42 tjsnell vmware is what I run in any non play environment
00:58 sfisque aye but vmware == pay.  right now i get all my virt needs via vbox (free).  since a blade environment seems priced out of my range, staying with vbox on top of solaris for the near future on a newer box seems like a stable solution.  though, from what i see, kvm and xen require an os ( xen refers to it as dom0) at the base level, so i'm not sure what advantage they give over vb on solaris (which also operates as a kernel extensi
00:59 sfisque maybe there's something i'm not seeing
00:59 sfisque i'm willing to admit some form of hv setup might be better, but i'm not seeing it atm
01:09 tjsnell oh I like vbox
01:09 tjsnell but for commercial stuff it's not nearly as good as vmware
01:11 sajjadg no one mirrored JDK 8 ?
01:17 magyar joined ##javaee
01:17 magyar joined ##javaee
01:18 sfisque joined ##javaee
01:18 sfisque ugh.  tcp stack get munged.  had to reboot
01:19 firebird1 joined ##javaee
01:20 sajjadg no one mirrored JDK and netbeans 8?
01:25 tjsnell no netbeans is a feature :)
01:27 sajjadg what?
01:28 sajjadg I can't get it from the main server. anyone knows a mirror?
01:37 tjsnell there's never a mirror is there/
01:37 tjsnell ?
01:37 tjsnell sajjadg:   I don't like netbeans so was trying to make a jok
01:37 tjsnell e
01:38 sajjadg I use both eclipse and netbeans
01:38 sajjadg and I don't like new version of eclipse 4.x
01:39 tjsnell me either :)
01:39 tjsnell or 3.x
01:39 tjsnell or 2.x which I used for a long time :)
01:39 sajjadg netbeans always been a pain in my ass (because I had just 2G RAM) but now that I have more resources and powerful hardware, I like it :-)
01:39 tjsnell tried idea?
01:40 sajjadg I usually use free/open softwares when there's an option. and idea ee is not free/open
01:41 sajjadg and for se I don't want to fall in love with it :-)
01:41 sajjadg I used android studio (which is based on idea) and doesn't see any significant features/changes !
01:41 tjsnell it's free for me
01:41 tjsnell I usually use the best tools
01:42 tjsnell license isn't a sticking point for me
01:42 tjsnell my apache commit status gets me a free Idea EE copy
01:42 sajjadg I like the idea of freedom. I can get all the softwares for free (because my country does NOT have copyright in it) but I just don't like it myself :)
01:42 tjsnell and I have a couple of purchased ones
01:42 tjsnell I think that idea of freedom is ridiculous
01:43 tjsnell to each his own though
01:44 sajjadg most people prefer welfare over freedom ;)
01:44 tjsnell ok completely ridiculous now so I'll shut the fuck up
01:45 tjsnell g'night
01:45 sajjadg :-)
01:46 sajjadg statistics shows that most people use eclipse. but I think most profs use IDEA.
01:47 sajjadg all of them do the jobs.
01:47 sajjadg it's good to have more than one options.
01:49 firebird1 sajjadg, sfisque why we use binding in jsf
01:49 sajjadg I'm no jsf user. go for html5 ;)
01:55 firebird1 pdurbin, why we use binding
01:58 sfisque firebird1 when you need complex logic in the backing bean to handle the internals of a component
01:58 firebird1 for f:validator i was forced to use binding component
01:59 sfisque why forced?  you can use ID, class ref, OR binding
01:59 sfisque you have 3 options for validator reference
01:59 firebird1 that was the trick this post was helful
01:59 firebird1
02:00 firebird1 5 stars for this
02:00 firebird1 Great BalusC
02:00 firebird1 and MahmoudS
02:01 sfisque not guaranteed to work
02:02 sfisque the container is free to instantiate a validator as it sees fit, which means your managed bean might not get used.  best to use JNDI lookup of any resources you need.  injection is just a convenience, dont turn it into a crutch
02:03 sfisque the only exception to this is "binding".  if you give it a binding, you get the very instance you referenc
02:06 pdurbin BalusC is great
02:08 sfisque yes he is
02:14 firebird1 so the reason we use binding it creates get the very instance you referenc
02:14 sajjadg and he's deaf!
02:15 sajjadg indeed he's great. respect.
02:16 firebird1 learning frameworks from prj :/ since spring big, hib big , jsf big :(
02:16 sfisque yes firebird1.     class = "ClassTypeYouWantTheContaine​rToInstantiateForValidating"
02:17 sfisque id="SaveAsAboveButMatchByIDNotClassType"
02:18 sfisque binding="#{bindToASpecificBean.orACo​ntainedBeanExposedViaGetterMethod}"
02:19 firebird1 yep sfisque i got this explanation in internet but binding getting confused where to use what it does
02:20 sfisque the best use case i can offer, is you have a validator that needs to reference stuff in your Controller, so you have the controller instantiate it and then expose it via Accessor method.   @Named class A {  Validator b = new Validator(){ blah blah blah } ;   public getB() }         binding = "#{a.b}"
02:23 ramsrib joined ##javaee
02:23 firebird1 thank all so happy :D
02:25 firebird1 ill cme back
02:55 kobain_ joined ##javaee
03:00 sajjadg do you use oracle JDK or openJDK or maybe another?
03:00 * sfisque uses oracle jdk
03:01 sajjadg for 7 and 8, openJDK is the reference implementation...I don't know if there's differences between them.
03:01 sajjadg I heard about some of oracle close sourced stuff but they had a plan to open source them...
03:02 sfisque unless they've released the source code to the old sun impl code under the hood or finally deprecated it, the oracle one would still contain non OS code
03:03 pdurbin oracle jdk on my mac, openjdk on my linux box
03:03 pdurbin I wonder when java 8 (openjdk) for fedora will be available
03:06 pdurbin huh. `yum search openjdk` is already showing me java-1.8.0-openjdk.x86_64
03:07 pdurbin not sure what this means though... b126 for beta 126 maybe...  Release: 0.25.b126.fc20
03:11 kobain joined ##javaee
03:12 pdurbin "Update to candidate Reference Implementation release" for b126 according to
03:16 sajjadg 8-b132
03:19 sajjadg where's openjdk bug-tracker.? I wonder how many bug it already have :P
03:49 kotten joined ##javaee
04:02 SoniEx2 joined ##javaee
04:11 cem__ joined ##javaee
04:17 cem__ hi all
04:17 cem__ back again :)
04:46 ramsrib joined ##javaee
04:55 kotten cem__ hello! Where have you been?
05:14 cem__ ?
05:15 cem__ hi kotten :/ i have been here all time
05:16 kotten cem__ you wrote "back again"
05:17 kotten But nstill nice to have you here
05:28 cem__ :)
05:33 cem__ if any using jasper reports hope ur doing okay :)
07:10 neuro_sys joined ##javaee
07:13 AlexCzar joined ##javaee
07:17 cem__ how to do dynamic casting
07:28 cem__ i have the class which is represented in string like ""
07:28 cem__ in for loop i get List<?> array how to convert to the respective that Class type
07:28 cem__ i have the class which is represented in string like ""
07:28 cem__ for(Object obj:ls)
07:28 cem__ where ls is list
07:29 cem__ want to convert obj to repective class type
07:53 cem__ sfisque: any idea
07:53 cem__ how to do it
07:53 cem__ i'm writing generic method
07:54 AlexCzar in the generic method you do not convert anythong
07:55 AlexCzar s/anythong/anything/
08:35 acuzio sfisque: From yesterday - there is a free version of ESXi - (not cobbled just completely free).
08:37 acuzio Additionally,  Xen does not need an O.S to run - I am not sure where you are getting that from.
09:21 fabioportieri joined ##javaee
09:21 fabioportieri good morning
09:29 sajjadg joined ##javaee
09:55 fabioportieri joined ##javaee
09:55 cem__ joined ##javaee
09:56 cem__ k did dynamic list genration :)
09:56 cem__ dyno type :)
09:56 cem__ although why we require Class.cast(obj) ?
10:07 * Bombe certainly doesn’t require Class.cast(obj) and doesn’t know anybody else who does.
10:14 fabioportieri joined ##javaee
10:54 fabioportieri joined ##javaee
11:10 fabioportieri joined ##javaee
11:54 fabioportieri joined ##javaee
12:28 AndroidLoverInSF joined ##javaee
12:37 aspire joined ##javaee
12:37 sajjadg joined ##javaee
13:08 fabioportieri joined ##javaee
13:19 SoniEx2 joined ##javaee
13:20 CJ_ lol
13:20 CJ_ Three things seem plain. First, the poster appears to believe that applications may be rendered multithreaded by mere virtue of the programming language they are written in, without special consideration; in other words, an application that would otherwise be singlethreaded may be made instantly multithreaded without special work. Second, the poster did not know Java has threads. Third, the poster believes Oracle cares about Minecraft. All of th
13:20 CJ_ ese things appear to reflect an uninformed poster.
13:21 Naros joined ##javaee
13:24 jieryn joined ##javaee
13:34 pdurbin what poster?
13:44 acuzio indeed - sounds fantastical
13:57 CJ_ pdurbin, It was someone commenting on the /. Java 8 story.  What I pasted was someones response to it.
13:57 fabioportieri what about minecraft?
13:58 acuzio is Slashdot still on ?
13:59 CJ_ acuzio, Didn't you say that last time I posted a /. story?
14:00 acuzio did i ?
14:00 CJ_ fabioportieri, Yes, I believe someone was saying that Oracle needs to make sure Minecraft performs faster by multithreading it.  Or something like that.
14:00 CJ_ acuzio, I think you did.
14:00 acuzio I have always thought that Slashdot died a long time ago
14:01 CJ_ Nope, it's still around.  Occasionally useful.
14:17 sfisque acuzio - "Responsibilities of the hypervisor include memory management and CPU scheduling of all virtual machines ("domains"), and for launching the most privileged domain ("dom0") - the only virtual machine which by default has direct access to hardware. From the dom0 the hypervisor can be managed and unprivileged domains ("domU") can be launched.
14:17 sfisque so it appears there needs to be a "dom0" instance before you can launch other VMs
14:17 sfisque unless i'm reading that wrong
14:25 CJ_ What are you doing with Xen?
14:28 sfisque nothing atm
14:28 sfisque exploring upgrade options for my current server stack
14:29 CJ_ What is your current stack?  I'm looking at using XenServer once I get my iSCSI target setup.
14:34 sfisque currently have 2 multi-proc opteron servers that i run solaris on.  on top of that, i virtualize slackware vms via virtualbox
14:35 sfisque and (unfortunately) a couple windows vm's
14:35 CJ_ Understood.
14:35 sfisque i was looking at the ibm free blade chassis deal, but bailed on that when i saw how much the blade components cost
14:36 phao joined ##javaee
14:36 sfisque which is how xen and kvm came up
14:36 phao Hi. I've been studying java for some time now, and I'd like to learn how to develop web apps (server part) with java. Should I learn java ee fundamentals or take some (for example) book on jsf directly instead?
14:36 sfisque depends
14:36 sfisque jsf is "part" of ee
14:36 sfisque but ee has "many" parts
14:36 sfisque each of which (other than ejb) can be utilized stand-alone
14:37 phao Yeah, I knew that (theoretically), but as I've seen, it seems that there is lots of java ee which isn't really used in web development. Right?
14:38 acuzio phao: that is right
14:38 acuzio sfisque: Are you looking at this - - the "enterprise" version of that is Citrix XenServer. This is what i am familiar with
14:38 phao My doubt is around if it's worth learning java ee before applying it to web development.
14:38 acuzio phao: Learn what you can use
14:39 phao I have this book here around, but I'd not mind going through the java ee tutorial if it's worth it.
14:39 phao
14:39 phao acuzio, What do you mean?
14:39 acuzio phao: Learn the parts of Java EE that you are going to use - make up your mind about what you actually want to develop
14:40 phao For now, I want to develop web applications. That I already know.
14:40 acuzio What sort?
14:41 phao Well, what I know I guess is true for almost all of them.
14:41 phao I want it to talk to a DB, probably relational or object-relational.
14:41 phao It has to provide UI for common users and admin-ish users. It has to support user login. That kind of stuff.
14:42 acuzio A CRUD app can be written with a whole host of technologies
14:42 pdurbin I guess the question is "Should I start with JSF?" (the standard way to build web apps in java ee)
14:42 acuzio The only right answer to that is no
14:43 phao Well, for now, I want to use JSF. What I don't know is if I need to know some kind of java ee fundamentals beforehand.
14:43 phao The reason why I want to use JSF is because I'm going to take a complementary course on it here at my univ.
14:44 phao Maybe I have to know some java ee fundamentals before hand but maybe books on jsf will cover that. Idk...
14:44 acuzio So you want to learn JSF -  good - books on JSF will cover what EE tech you need to know to learn JSF -
14:44 phao I see. Thanks.
14:45 phao Do you know if that "core javaserver faces" is a good one?
14:46 pdurbin phao: watching this helped me the most: Java EE 6 Development with NetBeans and GlassFish:
14:46 acuzio phao: i dont know that book
14:46 pdurbin via
14:48 phao Thanks.
14:48 phao Btw, many java related videos I see, the person speaking is using netbeans. I thought eclipse was all-over.
14:48 phao I mean, I really thought that netbeans was just not being used anymore.
14:49 pdurbin netbeans 8 came out yesterday. supports java 8
14:49 acuzio Intellij IDEA is what you should be using -
14:50 phao pdurbin, I've been using netbeans8 beta with that jdk 8 preview release for some time now. I guess 1 month or 2.
14:55 pdurbin ok
14:55 phao acuzio, not to start a war, but why?
14:55 phao pdurbin, I didn't use netbeans enough to see a difference from 7.4 to 8 yet.
14:56 phao netbeans 7.4 could do java 8 already
14:56 pdurbin oh yeah. I forgot
14:57 acuzio phao: Cause its the best out there - use it for a bit and you will notice the difference
14:57 phao I've been using it too. I've only used it enough to see a difference in the formatting rules, which seem better than what I have in netbeans.
14:58 acuzio What i like about it
14:58 semiosis acuzio++ - IDEA FTW
15:00 acuzio a_ Its consistent b_ Its speedier (if configured with the correct plugins) c_ Keymapping is saner d_ Its more stable e_ The integration with Spring, Play, AspectJ, Clojure etc. is a lot better f_ Very very stable
15:00 acuzio Cons : a_ Swing (so non-native on all platforms)
15:05 phao I see.
15:05 phao That aspect about swing and being non-native looking is not really an issue for me.
15:05 semiosis yeah that's hardly a con
15:06 semiosis in fact i like it because it's consistent on all platforms... same look & feel on windows, mac, linux
15:06 sfisque in today's world with apps being stretched across many platforms, uniformity of LAF is LAFfable
15:06 semiosis ha
15:06 sfisque :P
15:07 * sfisque smirks evilly
15:08 acuzio semiosis: Native L&F is key - except in certain niche business areas
15:09 sfisque i argue that there is no such thing as "native" lnf anymore.  it's an artifact
15:09 semiosis not imho, but to each their own
15:10 fabioportieri fuck... they want me to do full day working at client office, then go back to main office (1 hr travel by car) and do some extra work there..
15:11 acuzio are you being paid for it fabioportieri
15:11 fabioportieri acuzio: by contract i don't get paid for extra hours
15:11 sfisque 1 hr.  lol my commute years ago was 1.5 − 2.5hrs door to door
15:11 aspire damn
15:11 aspire thats quite the distance
15:11 fabioportieri but dunno if they will pay me for that
15:11 sfisque and then i moved to the west coast
15:11 sfisque :-D
15:12 sfisque recruiters were like "are you ok with a 30min commute"?
15:12 dfgdfgdfg joined ##javaee
15:12 dfgdfgdfg left ##javaee
15:12 sfisque i laughed
15:12 fabioportieri i don't wanna do it seems like a major pita
15:15 fabioportieri already said that, but i think the commercial guy will still insist on that
15:20 ra4king|work joined ##javaee
15:20 Radditz joined ##javaee
15:20 ra4king|work sweet, this channel exists
15:20 ra4king|work aaaaand it's tiny
15:21 ra4king|work left ##javaee
15:21 Radditz left ##javaee
15:21 sfisque so recommendations on a rack mount server.  does dell have good stuff?  they have some nicely priced machines with 16-64 cores on board.  is their stuff good or trash?  how about ibm's non-blade rack mounts?
15:30 SoniEx2 can I access a private field from an inner class?
15:30 SoniEx2 (also idk why I'm writing my code like a sandbox)
15:31 sfisque if it is inner yes
15:31 sfisque OuterClass.this.attribute
15:32 sfisque but beware, some container managed bean types don't play nicely with inner classes (session beans are one culprit)
15:33 SoniEx2 can I do something like: public class Something { private int f; private static class SomethingElse { public void someMethod(Something s, int i) { s.f = i; } } }
15:33 sfisque not static
15:33 sfisque static class != inner class
15:33 sfisque static class defs are top level
15:33 SoniEx2 damn :/
15:34 sfisque use a delegate model
15:34 neuro_sys how do you cope with the information overload in programming technologies?
15:34 SoniEx2 I need a way to hide f but allow SomethingElse to modify it when passing a .class
15:34 sfisque observer pattern?
15:34 sfisque delegate pattern?
15:34 sfisque proxy pattern?
15:34 sfisque take your pick of those or various others that will give you want you need
15:34 semiosis neuro_sys: what information overload?
15:36 neuro_sys I mean there's far too many stuff out there. Several frameworks and libraries, tools, programming languages and shit
15:36 sfisque it's always been that way.  the only difference is the information is more pervasively available
15:36 sfisque self-control :-D
15:36 sfisque discipline
15:36 semiosis maven
15:39 fabioportieri yeah.. java ecosystem is a giant mess
15:43 neuro_sys if only it was just one platform. you've all kinds of shit sprawling all over
15:43 neuro_sys I think one's just gotta filter them carefully
15:48 rwb joined ##javaee
15:54 fabioportieri fuck him
15:56 fabioportieri he ruined my day
16:09 whartung actually I think java is pretty well established
16:19 phao joined ##javaee
16:25 SoniEx2 sfisque, i GUESS i JUST USE REFLECTION?
16:28 fabioportieri woah, to lazy to disable caps, seriously?
16:30 SoniEx2 MEH :/
16:45 phao_ joined ##javaee
16:48 firebird1 joined ##javaee
16:49 firebird1 hello world
16:54 AndroidLoverInSF joined ##javaee
17:15 firebird1 did anyone do customid generation <in hibernate>
17:17 sfisque i did a very long time ago
17:22 firebird1 my friend gave challenge to me :/
17:38 firebird1 to generate like this aa,ab,ac.....
18:09 neuro_sys joined ##javaee
18:09 neuro_sys joined ##javaee
18:29 AndroidLoverInSF is it alright for an ejb timed job to run indefinitely? we used timed scheduled jobs in jboss but i want to just have something that just runs indefinitely in a loop, but it has to be in the container now as a timed job
19:30 AndroidLoverInSF joined ##javaee
19:33 AndroidLoverInSF joined ##javaee
19:50 pdurbin sfisque: speaking of virtualization, have you looked into docker?
19:55 AndroidLoverInSF joined ##javaee
20:01 AndroidLoverInSF joined ##javaee
20:09 aspire joined ##javaee
20:15 SoniEx2 sfisque, I have good news and bad news
20:15 SoniEx2 sfisque, the good news,
20:15 SoniEx2 the bad news you were wrong
20:16 SoniEx2 (also yeah screw english)
20:25 semiosis my eyes, they burn!  eclipse and windows... the HORROR
20:33 AndroidLoverInSF joined ##javaee
20:42 AndroidLoverInSF joined ##javaee
20:42 SoniEx2 semiosis, eclipse because that's what MinecraftForge uses, windows because... well I'm just gonna tell you one thing: "good luck running AMD catalyst on Ubuntu"
20:42 SoniEx2 :(
21:02 AndroidLoverInSF joined ##javaee
21:05 sheenobu joined ##javaee
21:29 tjsnell Shift is a pain?
21:30 whartung anyone ever play with WS:A and WS:RM combined?
21:44 whartung WS:Addressing and WS:ReliableMessaging
22:37 sfisque soniex2 your screen shot does not tell me anything.  how was i wrong?
22:37 SoniEx2 no error
22:38 sfisque no error what?
22:38 SoniEx2 well try it yourself
22:39 SoniEx2 public class Something { private int f; public static class SomethingElse { public void someMethod(Something s, int i) { s.f = i; } } }
22:58 sfisque that is indeed interesting.  the only way i can see it works is similar to how .equals works.  since you're "inside the scope of the class" and you're passing in the reference.  definitely an odd loophole.
22:59 sfisque when you asked the question i wasnt considering the case where you pass in the reference.  i figured you meant via ClassName.this.attributeName
22:59 sfisque which would fail because ClassName.this would not be in scope because the class is "static" (aka, not an inner class)
23:07 kobain joined ##javaee

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