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IRC log for #javaee, 2014-03-07

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:07 ilhami LOL
00:21 pdurbin sfisque: yeah. jelly
00:21 ilhami :S
00:25 ilhami I cannot find my resources in my Adapter class :S weird
00:32 ilhami solved!
00:32 pdurbin ilhami: what was is?
00:33 ilhami Eclipse does something weird importing a wrong class. hehe
00:33 ilhami I removed it and imported the correct class
00:33 ilhami Eclipse sucks !
00:34 tjsnell joined ##javaee
00:34 ilhami tjsnell loves Eclipse
00:37 tjsnell and you love little boys
00:37 ilhami pdurbin can you ban him?
00:37 tjsnell I'm only retorting
00:37 ilhami or I will ignore him again
00:37 tjsnell please do
00:37 ilhami done
00:37 tjsnell lying bigots
00:37 whartung I don't care for eclipse.
00:37 sfisque i have to admit that was 1) uncalled for and 2) inappropriate
00:38 sfisque and i'm pretty easy going
00:38 tjsnell and are missing massive history
00:38 sfisque regardless it's not something that should be uttered in this channel
00:38 * tjsnell shrugs
00:38 tjsnell he's evil
00:39 ilhami whartung you can say many things about Eclipse but its not fast.
00:39 sfisque he very well could be evil.  i cannot attest either way
00:39 whartung I can only say that I don't like it, since I don't use it, I can't say much else.
00:39 ilhami sfisque who is evil?
00:40 sfisque no one.  i'm trying to broach my feelings about an earlier comment in an even handed manner
01:07 ilhami g'night
02:03 magyar joined ##javaee
02:03 magyar joined ##javaee
02:16 pdurbin tjsnell: I agree with sfisque. that as uncalled for and inappropriate. please stop
02:17 tjsnell easy for those he hasn't told that he wishes their family members could be put to death
02:18 sfisque one does not absolve the other.  if i had witnessed that, i'd have told him the same thing i said before.
02:19 acuzio_ joined ##javaee
02:19 * tjsnell shrugs
02:21 QshelTier joined ##javaee
02:23 huhlig_ joined ##javaee
02:25 whaley joined ##javaee
02:30 sfisque1 joined ##javaee
03:03 magyar joined ##javaee
03:03 magyar joined ##javaee
03:05 liecno_ joined ##javaee
05:24 MasterProgram joined ##javaee
06:29 AndroidLoverInSF joined ##javaee
07:52 acuzio joined ##javaee
07:52 rektide joined ##javaee
07:52 SoniEx2 joined ##javaee
07:52 TinkerTyper joined ##javaee
07:52 Fubar^ joined ##javaee
07:52 huhlig_ joined ##javaee
07:52 balo joined ##javaee
07:52 whaley joined ##javaee
07:53 fabioportieri joined ##javaee
07:54 AlexCzar joined ##javaee
08:45 TxRx127 joined ##javaee
08:46 TxRx127 left ##javaee
08:58 acuzio joined ##javaee
09:22 neuro_sys joined ##javaee
09:32 AlexCzar joined ##javaee
09:56 sajjadg joined ##javaee
11:31 drspockbr joined ##javaee
11:32 neuro_sys It's kindda like a booby trap for BigDecimal.valueOf and new BigDecimal to behave differently, even though the difference's written explicitly in the documentation. :P
11:33 pdurbin designed by committee?
11:46 neuro_sys yeah well themselves
11:53 acuzio BigDecimal is actually quite tricky and not at all intuitive - the best designed API are the Collections API
12:13 fabioportieri i heard with hibernate you could end up with perfomance issues.. true or bullshit?
12:14 pdurbin fabioportieri: compared to what?
12:15 fabioportieri compared to not using orm
12:15 fabioportieri but plain sql
12:18 fabioportieri s/hibernate/your orm of choice
12:23 pdurbin ORMs are slower
12:28 fabioportieri i see.. thanks for the feedback.. another thing i worry about are the corner cases in which orm won't suffice and you will have to revert to sql.. how frequent does it occurs
12:28 Bombe Once every 5.
12:29 fabioportieri ahah
12:35 sajjadg 5 year?
12:35 sajjadg :P
12:45 ilhami joined ##javaee
12:45 fabioportieri java persistence with hibernate is really a good book so far
12:45 fabioportieri i couldn't understand shit from the online docs
12:46 neuro_sys I need a book on jpa without hibernate
12:47 fabioportieri what about pro jpa2 ^
12:48 fabioportieri or this
12:48 fabioportieri same author
12:53 ilhami hey what is system integration about?
12:56 fabioportieri ilhami: a little more context?
12:57 ilhami I am going to have it in this semester in school :D
12:57 fabioportieri ah. no idea.
12:57 fabioportieri what school?
12:58 ilhami It's Software Developer
12:58 andrewdublin joined ##javaee
13:00 andrewdublin guys where to start with java ee. i finished java SE and need to move forward. I am doing servlets and JSP at the moment, but there are so many frameworks. I think about Spring but maybe any other sugestions ?
13:02 pdurbin andrewdublin:
13:15 andrewdublin pdurbin: my question was more directed into yours own experience and where you "feel" java ee technology is going or what would you pick up first if you would be on my place.......
13:18 fabioportieri andrewdublin: i would reccomend to pick the most commonly used framework
13:20 andrewdublin fabioportieri: as far as i know most commonly used framework is spring, am I right ?
13:21 fabioportieri yes spring is one of them
13:23 fabioportieri here i work with a lot of struts/jsf - spring/ejb -mybatis stuff
13:23 ilhami fabioportieri do you have time?
13:23 andrewdublin would you jum straight to spring or focus first on jsp,,servlets and ejb
13:23 andrewdublin would you jump straight to spring or focus first on jsp,,servlets and ejb
13:24 fabioportieri jsp/servlets is a good start, then choose between ejb/spring
13:25 fabioportieri or both
13:27 fabioportieri ilhami: what for?
13:28 ilhami I have a problem with my json parsing.
13:28 acuzio Servlets is a good start , then JSP, then MDB/EJB/ et all ,. - then move away from JSP and goto something "better"
13:30 fabioportieri ilhami: my nick isn't fabiojsonparserportieri, ask in the channel
13:30 ilhami hahaha
13:30 fabioportieri :)
13:32 tjsnell acuzio:  what's not better than jsp?
13:32 tjsnell I guess JSF comes close to that goal
13:33 acuzio JSF tries hard not to be better than JSP -
13:34 acuzio But it fails because at some level there is some sense to it
13:35 ilhami JSP is the best :D
13:35 ilhami just shut up
13:35 ilhami :D
13:35 ilhami heheh
13:36 * tjsnell sighes
13:36 tjsnell I'll move on
13:36 acuzio its ilhami what can be expected
13:36 ilhami
13:37 tjsnell having a mother fucker here who is evil to the core and promotes massively evil political agendas is just not right. We can pretend to ignore the facts in the name of being nice but that's just idiotic.
13:37 ilhami It's weird because all my xml controls have a width attr
13:37 tjsnell left ##javaee
13:40 ilhami fixed
13:40 ilhami :D
13:42 fabioportieri evil mother fucker..  where?
13:44 ilhami whaat?
13:46 Radditz joined ##javaee
13:51 Radditz left ##javaee
13:52 neuro_sys joined ##javaee
13:57 ilhami joined ##javaee
14:19 pdurbin thank goodness tjsnell has left. many times I've asked him nicely to stop
14:21 acuzio pdurbin: you should know that he has a reason to be antagonistic towards ilhami
14:21 ilhami what is the reason if I may know?
14:22 acuzio Well the last i heard - you were in favor of killing gay people -
14:23 ilhami I cannot deny that I have said that but does that mean I can kill gay people? NO. In an islamic state the punishment is tough for gay actions but do we have an Islamic state? no. So it's not relevant now.
14:24 acuzio The fact that you would say something like that and not think there is something wrong with it is abhorrent to many people - including me
14:24 ilhami acuzio: it's a free world, right? we can all have our opinions. I wouldn't kill any gay people in these western societies
14:25 ilhami so don't be scared
14:25 ilhami the punishment for gays are relevent in an islamic state which does not exist (yet)
14:26 ilhami and please stop discussing this
14:26 ilhami I don't know why you keep bringing it up
14:27 acuzio ilhami: Please feel free not to highlight me -  I am not scared and i dont give a fuck about your political opinions .I dont give a fuck about Mohammed or Jesus or the Flying Spaghetti Monster , if you can shut your trap and ask relevant questions you stay here , else you are out of here
14:27 acuzio And i was answering pdurbin no one wanted to talk to you -
14:27 acuzio So Shut up dickhead
14:27 ilhami acuzio this is not your channel moron
14:28 acuzio left ##javaee
14:28 ilhami if you don't give a shit about my opinions, why do you keep bringing it up? :S
14:28 acuzio joined ##javaee
14:28 ilhami was kicked by acuzio: ilhami
14:28 ilhami joined ##javaee
14:29 ilhami I will stop from now on.
14:29 ilhami left ##javaee
14:29 acuzio thank you
14:35 sixcorners joined ##javaee
14:38 Naros joined ##javaee
14:54 fabioportieri friday <3
14:56 sajjadg joined ##javaee
14:59 Guest72468 yes, good friday
14:59 neuro_sys joined ##javaee
15:01 fabioportieri \o/
15:01 Naros aye
15:24 pdurbin oh, i solved my checkboxes problem
15:25 aspire joined ##javaee
15:27 aspire hello
15:30 pdurbin aspire: what up
15:31 aspire pdurbin nothing rly tbh i only have one more thing due today and im going to finish that in college
15:31 sajjadg pdurbin: congrats about xechbox :P
15:31 aspire i finished my step by step report yesterday which ended up being 1735 words
15:31 aspire you were only supposed to write 1000-1200 words but ya i think i kind of surpassed that limit
15:32 aspire and right now im working on my own instant messenger app, the server is in scala, the client is in jfx, and i might write a android client too
15:32 aspire hbu?
15:34 pdurbin facets. search. solr. all about it
15:37 aspire apache solr?
15:37 pdurbin yeah
15:37 aspire o.. wat are you working on
15:38 pdurbin aspire:
15:41 aspire ah this dataverse thing
15:41 aspire nice
16:06 balo_ joined ##javaee
16:08 drspockbr1 joined ##javaee
16:13 sfisque joined ##javaee
16:19 fabioportieri happy friday, bye
16:29 Naros heh
16:34 SoniEx2 joined ##javaee
16:39 aspire pdurbin wanna see the login/register screen for my client
16:44 Naros sure :D
16:59 neuro_sys joined ##javaee
17:08 AlexCzar joined ##javaee
17:54 whartung joined ##javaee
19:21 dimashm joined ##javaee
19:22 trex joined ##javaee
21:04 trex joined ##javaee
21:16 ilhami joined ##javaee
21:16 ilhami Hey
21:20 ilhami INSERT INTO :D
21:27 trex joined ##javaee
21:31 SoniEx2 sfisque, "should" vs "must"
21:32 trex joined ##javaee
21:35 SoniEx2 sfisque, for keys on stuff like json, that is
21:38 trex joined ##javaee
21:45 sfisque ???
21:46 trex joined ##javaee
21:47 ilhami ???
21:47 ilhami sfisque
21:51 ilhami anybody here?
21:52 trex joined ##javaee
22:07 tjsnell joined ##javaee
22:09 trex joined ##javaee
22:36 kobain joined ##javaee
23:23 ilhami joined ##javaee
23:37 tjsnell no
23:42 ilhami left ##javaee
23:43 whartung heh
23:47 tjsnell that went well

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