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IRC log for #javaee, 2014-03-06

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:00 aspire ahhh
00:00 pdurbin it happens
00:02 aspire yes i should be super busy too
00:02 aspire i have so much shit due friday
01:11 firebird1 joined ##javaee
03:06 cem__ joined ##javaee
03:06 cem__ hi sfisque
03:06 cem__ trying out with viewscoped
03:06 cem__ lets see
03:37 cem__ i hate jsf to the core .... Something gets messed up always :/
03:49 tjsnell angularjs++
04:23 cem__ from next project ill move on to struts .
04:27 cem__ they used sessionScoped
04:30 tjsnell haha
04:30 tjsnell move on to struts?
04:34 cem__ why haha ?
04:38 tjsnell because it's old stuff only found in stodgy slow moving companies
04:38 tjsnell I'd turn down a position where struts was required
04:38 tjsnell and I have code in the struts codebase
04:38 tjsnell contributed back in the day
06:08 cem__ hmm
06:09 cem__ old stuff ? struts 2 ?
06:09 cem__ even Corporate company uses it
06:24 sfisque one thing to keep in mind.  if you have a tight dev cycle and you're spending time solving a new problem, would you want to spend time vetting technology or solving the problem.  there are contexts where commodity technology wins.  and cases where cutting edge is the way to go.  you have to weigh the pros/cons
06:42 ramsrib joined ##javaee
07:20 AlexCzar joined ##javaee
07:26 AlexCzar joined ##javaee
07:30 neuro_sys joined ##javaee
07:55 fabioportieri joined ##javaee
08:04 fabioportieri o/
08:34 sajjadg joined ##javaee
08:56 cem__ hi sajjadg
08:58 cem__ hi fabioportieri
08:59 cem__ using this
08:59 fabioportieri hi cem__
08:59 cem__ the other one is still dev(Dialog framework).... (bugs)
09:12 cem__ how to include only part of 1.xhtml to other ?
09:13 sajjadg hi cem__
09:13 cem__ hry
09:13 cem__ wats up
09:20 sajjadg cem__: put that part in another file and include it everywhere you want
09:40 cem__ lol it turned to base template
11:36 drspockbr joined ##javaee
13:18 TheDoctor_42 joined ##javaee
13:21 TheDoctor_42 left ##javaee
13:29 pdurbin cem__: why did you choose JSF?
13:40 acuzio It was chosen for him
13:43 Naros joined ##javaee
13:51 sajjadg joined ##javaee
14:15 Naros anyone created custom jpa expressions?
14:16 Naros i had a custom SQL fragment gen for hibernate that did some padding so sorts were natural order rather than whacky based on the SQL engine.  but not sure how to recreate that using JPA criteria.
14:45 neuro_sys Is it possible to delegate the executions db statements only until commit?
14:45 neuro_sys like hibernate does
14:47 neuro_sys of db *
14:47 neuro_sys sorry, I was distracted
14:53 neuro_sys okay, Statement.addBatch does it.
15:26 pdurbin acuzio: many are called but few are chosen
15:33 acuzio pdurbin: The one to rule them all
15:41 sfisque and in the darkness, bind them
15:41 sfisque io
15:41 sfisque i'm actually re-reading the silmarillion
15:42 fabioportieri i tried rereading lotr twice.. failed..
15:43 tjsnell why?
15:44 fabioportieri too slow paced for my taste
15:44 sfisque lotr does have some "dry" spots.  i found two towers a tough read (not mechanically, but story-wise)
15:44 tjsnell what novels do you like?
15:44 tjsnell two towers drags the most
15:45 fabioportieri indeed i stopped at two towers
16:23 TinkerTy_ joined ##javaee
16:24 acuzio Thats my evening done - i am going to watch Desolation of Smaug
16:25 acuzio So that would take me till tomorrow morning i take it
16:31 sajjadg joined ##javaee
18:35 cem1 joined ##javaee
18:40 kulgan1 joined ##javaee
18:50 cem1 hello world
19:08 pdurbin in JSF, can I have checkboxes that allow me to force an HTTP GET and change the URL every time I check or uncheck one (of many) checkboxes?
19:09 sfisque what url are you changing?
19:09 pdurbin sfisque: facets:
19:10 sajjadg pdurbin: I've seen AngularJS do this. it should be possible in JSF too. AngularJS is JavaScript.
19:10 pdurbin i.e.
19:10 sfisque i guess what i'm asking is, if i chanage a checkbox "what" is getting changed?
19:11 AlexCzar joined ##javaee
19:11 sfisque so you're just changing the params, not the url
19:11 pdurbin that page is a mess. sorry. I'm trying to figure out how to convert these facets into checkboxes
19:11 pdurbin sfisque: yes, the params
19:11 pdurbin to pass into solr
19:11 sfisque checkbox == if checked value gets sent, if not value gets omitted
19:11 sfisque you know that, right?
19:11 pdurbin buh
19:12 sfisque so just put the attribute you want sent on the checkbox
19:12 pdurbin I do have checkboxes on there (Dataverses, Datasets, Files) but they're the special (and buggy) facet
19:12 pdurbin I'm trying to improve them
19:12 pdurbin and make them all checkboxes
19:12 pdurbin the non-checkbox facets work fine
19:12 pdurbin but people seem to love checkboxes around here
19:12 sfisque lolz
19:13 sfisque i would guess research attracts people who think boolean
19:13 sfisque good vs bad, right vs wrong
19:13 sfisque etcf.
19:13 pdurbin we're somewhat inspired by the checkboxes at* and at amazon
19:14 pdurbin but making the state of the checkboxes bookmarkable (i.e. put into the URL) hasn't been easy yet
19:15 pdurbin sajjadg: yeah, here's a javascript idea I'm playing with (not getting anywhere fast though):
19:15 pdurbin onchange="window.location='#{Searc​hIncludeFragment.checkboxParam}'"
19:15 pdurbin sfisque: see? param :)
19:16 sajjadg good luck bro ;)
19:17 sajjadg I'm hacking with xbox 360 right now ;)
19:22 pdurbin sajjadg: thanks
19:22 pdurbin I need it
19:24 pdurbin I think I'd rather do this in JSF than JavaScript if I can
19:26 sajjadg I think JS is better than JSF. things you do in JS can be used regardless of the backend tech later...
19:26 tjsnell ~sajjadg++
19:27 pdurbin well, I don't know javascript very well :(
19:28 whartung JSF hide the JS necessary to pull this off in the first place, thus a benefit of using a component framework
19:29 sfisque depends.  yes you get finer control doing raw js, but the nice thing about jsf is unless you're doing very tweaky stuff, you dont have to write a single line of js
19:29 sfisque ^^^^ what whartung said, as well
19:31 sajjadg JSF is easier than raw JS. true. but new JS frameworks are beasts. they are near what JSF is. take a look at AngularJS, Backbone, ember.js etc.
19:31 sajjadg the most important thing is to use what you can do the job faster.
19:33 tjsnell speed of doing the job is only a part of the important things
19:33 tjsnell resultant UI is critical too
19:35 acuzio Ah , is this sfisque being critical of JS frameworks again -
19:36 sfisque lolz
19:40 sajjadg speed, quality, ...
19:42 neuro_sys joined ##javaee
19:42 neuro_sys joined ##javaee
19:42 acuzio sfisque: :-)
19:42 kulgan1 left ##javaee
19:45 neuro_sys I caused 10k emails to be sent to a staff of 30+ workers plus the managers in our customer company...
19:46 neuro_sys the sad thing is I don't even remember messing with the particular table in question, although I'm not sure.
19:47 nastenaa joined ##javaee
19:47 acuzio Did it start an avalanche of "Can people please stop sending emails like this ?" -
19:51 neuro_sys not really, it's worse. people got scared the hell, because they though the batch job started working on the production environment, which thankfully it wasn't.
19:51 neuro_sys they all started giving phone calls to their managers.
19:52 neuro_sys who in turn called my boss, and then me.
19:52 neuro_sys damn it.
19:52 neuro_sys screwed up
19:53 acuzio There is a software called Dumpster or dumbster  - that does "fake" emailing
20:08 Naros neuro_sys: generally part of our own internal process is that any non-production system that holds emails will have emails automatically removed and replaced with some developer's email
20:09 Naros that way when those mistakes happen, production users are not impacted.
20:10 acuzio Tahts another way to do
20:10 acuzio it
20:10 whartung look at it this was neuro_sys, you could have actually lost data. This mistake is nothing compared to that :)
20:10 Naros very true.
20:10 Naros lol i ran a batch job last week and almost had a heartattack cause I thought I emailed vendors on data that was 3 months old.
20:11 Naros thankfully the processes we had in place just caused my manager to get 25k emails :P
20:11 whartung or, worse, spammed healthcare data to Facebook...
20:11 Naros yah here's my ssn, have a good day being me.
20:13 sfisque lolz
20:13 neuro_sys yes it could have been worse. but still, it's an error (how it'd turn out is undefined), and could *have* been worse.
20:13 neuro_sys I mean mistake*
20:14 neuro_sys I should look into ways to prevent such stuff.
20:14 neuro_sys sometimes it all depends on a boolean, or a commented out code.
20:14 neuro_sys the thin line between a disaster and a testing.
20:15 AndroidLoverInSF joined ##javaee
20:16 neuro_sys yeah, I guess such stuff should never reside in the code, but on the host environment...
20:17 neuro_sys the code should figure out critical shit like that by the environment it's running on.
20:17 sfisque configuration!
20:17 sfisque crazy talk
20:17 sfisque C
20:17 sfisque R
20:17 sfisque A
20:17 sfisque Z
20:17 sfisque Y
20:18 Naros yeah we generally have a few tables in the apps that hold config data per instance
20:18 Naros lots of flags, etc.
20:18 neuro_sys you know, the story about Therac-25
20:18 neuro_sys
20:18 Naros o.O
20:19 sfisque i do remember that in the news
20:20 neuro_sys in around 87' ?
20:20 sfisque soon afterwards, dental offices started using lead aprons for patients
20:20 sfisque aye, i was in high school when it happened
20:22 neuro_sys I was probably a vitamin C in an orange
20:22 neuro_sys or no, I was 1 year old.
20:23 whartung there's a reason I don't work on dangerous things.
20:23 neuro_sys
20:24 neuro_sys it's a nice talk
21:03 AndroidLoverInSF joined ##javaee
21:19 pdurbin hmm. javascript - onclick checkbox append checkbox value to URL - Stack Overflow -
21:21 sfisque pdurbin you know you could also have the checkbox set the value in the backend via ajax
21:21 sfisque then you dont have to submit it on the url
21:21 sfisque just store the value in the users shopping cart
21:21 pdurbin sfisque: I want the state of the checkboxes in the URL so they are bookmarkable
21:21 sfisque ah
21:22 sfisque that makes sense.  i didnt know you were going for deep linking
21:22 pdurbin yeah
21:22 pdurbin I'd rather do it in JSF if I can
21:22 pdurbin p:selectManyCheckbox or whatever
21:23 sfisque i think you're going to be stuck writing some javascript though, because you're looking for a GET url and JSF isnt so good at those
21:24 pdurbin yeah
21:25 pdurbin well, I've had some success with stuff like this: <p:commandButton id="searchbutton" value="Find" action="search.xhtml?faces-redirec​t=true&amp;includeViewParams=true" update="@all"/>
21:26 neuro_sys is &amp; actually required there?
21:26 pdurbin dunno. under a deadline. always it seems :)
21:28 pdurbin and then I have viewParams like q for query, fq for filter query, etc.
21:28 pdurbin page=2
21:29 pdurbin hmm, I left a comment in the code to this: POST-REDIRECT-GET and JSF 2.0 (Enterprise Tech Tips) -
21:29 pdurbin neuro_sys: that's where I got the &amp; I think
21:34 neuro_sys yeah, it appears like to prevent & from being escaped though
21:36 pdurbin yeah
22:10 AndroidLoverInSF joined ##javaee
22:11 ilhami joined ##javaee
22:11 ilhami hey
22:13 ilhami anybody here?
22:13 * tjsnell hugs ilhami
22:13 tjsnell and preps for stupidity
22:14 ilhami ?
22:17 Naros whats up ihami?
22:17 Naros *ilhami
22:17 pdurbin tjsnell: no hugging
22:18 ilhami not much. still working on my android app. I passed my exam today.
22:18 pdurbin ilhami: what does the app do again?
22:18 tjsnell I didn't grope
22:19 ilhami pdurbin it's going to show some posts from a database and an admin should be able to add some post from it in an admin section.
22:19 pdurbin gotcha
22:20 pdurbin does this make any sense? Software development as filling buckets of water - :)
22:21 sfisque i personally like the "nailing jelly to a tree" metaphor
22:21 ilhami should be pretty simple but working with Android is not.
22:27 AndroidLoverInSF joined ##javaee
22:32 ilhami have you guys worked with json in Java?
22:34 tjsnell I do daily
22:44 ilhami tjsnell ok. I don't think I should ask you. You will insult me anyway
22:44 tjsnell you promised to have me on ignore!
22:44 tjsnell use jackson
22:45 tjsnell and jersey if you're doing rest
22:45 tjsnell 2nd most popular is gson (I don't like it)
22:50 whartung I've used both, but not enough to hate either one
22:50 ilhami tjsnell I use gson
22:51 ilhami what I need is to get the inner objects of an array. :)
22:54 ilhami but I think I have a solution
22:54 tjsnell left ##javaee
23:11 ilhami ok it somehow works now LOL even though it's a bit bad code.
23:19 digitaljam joined ##javaee

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