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IRC log for #javaee, 2014-03-01

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:06 sfisque you can configure log4j filter output strings.  check the docu's
01:17 SoniEx2 joined ##javaee
03:04 jon___ joined ##javaee
04:44 philbot joined ##javaee
04:44 Topic for ##javaee is now Core Java (Java SE) AND Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE) discussion | ##javaee-offtopic for all kinds of non-tech chat| logs at
04:58 pdurbin joined ##javaee
05:30 cem__ hi all
05:30 cem__ is there any code review tool
05:48 cem__ lucky lol
05:48 cem__ lucky lol
05:48 cem__ hmmm
05:55 sfisque javaeebot lucky lol
05:55 javaeebot sfisque:
05:55 sfisque there is crucible but i did not like the interface
06:15 cem__ bypass firewall :/
06:32 Voyage joined ##javaee
07:08 cem__ hi Voyage
07:43 sfisque joined ##javaee
07:47 cem__ welcome sfisque
07:50 cem__ sfisque:
07:50 cem__ in this they add bean  to list
07:51 cem__ so remove will take lot of time right
07:51 cem__ ArrayList
07:56 sfisque not sure.  i forget what backs an arraylist.  if its an array, then yes, removal is costly.  if it's a keyed linked list then removal is O(1)
07:57 sfisque i would say look at the code of ArrayList and see what backs it
07:58 sfisque now you've got me intrigued, booting up NB now
07:59 sfisque so it's backed by an Object[]
08:00 sfisque and deletion does an arrayCopy to move the trailing items up.  so yeah, delete is expensive
08:00 sfisque O(n)
08:01 sfisque if you foresee lots of add/delete, use something with better performance, somethign backed by a tree or lnked list
08:12 cem__ sfisque: how to change behavior from ArrayList to LinkedList
08:12 cem__ for add ArrayList >> delete Linkedlist :/
08:13 AlexCzar joined ##javaee
08:14 cem__ Why we make instance as List executor = new ArrayList<>(); instead ArrayList aq = new ArrayList<>();
08:18 AlexCzar cem__, Because in most cases code does not care about implementation, so we hide it behind an interface.
08:19 AlexCzar makes code more generic, modifiable and readable
08:25 cem__ hmmm
08:25 cem__ But performance will suck
08:34 cem__ my client is serious NOOB
08:34 cem__ unable to explain
08:38 cem__ they use windows :/
08:57 Voyage joined ##javaee
09:41 Matthijs joined ##javaee
09:45 ashishsfb joined ##javaee
09:45 ashishsfb hello
09:59 ashishsfb anybody here??
10:34 ashish_ joined ##javaee
10:37 ssuvkers joined ##javaee
10:43 ashish__ joined ##javaee
11:50 kotten__ joined ##javaee
12:07 ashish_ joined ##javaee
12:30 acuzio joined ##javaee
12:51 Matthijs left ##javaee
13:09 hephaestus_ joined ##javaee
13:26 Voyage joined ##javaee
16:13 neuro_sys joined ##javaee
16:13 neuro_sys joined ##javaee
16:46 cem joined ##javaee
16:47 Guest60242 tool for code review ?
16:52 tjsnell Crucible
19:10 mikee joined ##javaee
19:30 Voyage joined ##javaee
19:54 MasterProgram joined ##javaee
19:57 stickman joined ##javaee
20:04 MasterProgram joined ##javaee
20:06 NationalCoder joined ##javaee
21:41 kobain joined ##javaee
22:44 TinkerTyper joined ##javaee
22:58 TinkerTyper joined ##javaee
23:17 pdurbin interesting: - Desktop/Android/HTML5/iOS Java game development framework

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