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IRC log for #javaee, 2014-02-28

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:08 ilhami left ##javaee
00:16 tjsnell never
00:45 whartung_ joined ##javaee
00:48 SEx2 joined ##javaee
00:56 Sircle joined ##javaee
00:57 gaypro joined ##javaee
01:00 sajjadg joined ##javaee
01:04 balo joined ##javaee
01:07 tjsnell joined ##javaee
01:07 gaypro joined ##javaee
01:10 pdurbin tjsnell: please stop
01:26 kotten_ joined ##javaee
01:28 CJ_ joined ##javaee
01:38 sfisque joined ##javaee
01:41 sfisque joined ##javaee
02:34 cjross joined ##javaee
04:41 kotten__ joined ##javaee
04:45 cem__ joined ##javaee
05:27 tjsnell joined ##javaee
06:04 tjsnell joined ##javaee
06:53 Voyage_ joined ##javaee
07:14 AlexCzar joined ##javaee
07:19 sajjadg joined ##javaee
08:10 Matthijs joined ##javaee
08:23 Voyage_ joined ##javaee
08:42 sajjadg joined ##javaee
10:36 sajjadg joined ##javaee
11:21 Voyage_ joined ##javaee
11:26 Quest joined ##javaee
11:27 Quest left ##javaee
12:56 sajjadg joined ##javaee
13:17 Voyage joined ##javaee
13:25 Voyage I am using spring and jasper reports, any body has any idea about this exception  ?
13:48 Voyage issue solved by adding  . Thanks guys !
14:27 Naros joined ##javaee
14:29 Naros left ##javaee
14:38 Voyage A little hibernate JPQL tip?
14:44 balo select t from Tasks where t.parentBox.parentBoard = :board and t.creationDateTime BETWEEN :startdate AND :enddate
14:44 balo just a guess, i didn't try it
14:44 balo btw Tasks should be Task in this case
14:45 Voyage wow
14:45 Voyage nice
14:45 balo Boxes should be Box
14:45 Voyage ya. agreed
14:45 balo Boards should be Board
14:46 Voyage ya. thats an ignorance issue of mine. :)
14:46 AlexCzar javaeebot lucky --snippet jpql date range
14:46 javaeebot AlexCzar: | SELECT e FROM Events e WHERE e.eventsDate BETWEEN :startDate AND : endDate ...
14:46 Voyage I should have done that before
14:46 balo creationDateTime should have a javax.persistence.TemporalType.TIMESTAMP annotation
14:47 Voyage 1, why is that so? 2, the DATE should be ofcourse java.utils.Date?
14:50 Voyage balo,  I mean. why creationDateTime should have a javax.persistence.TemporalType.TIMESTAMP annotation
14:55 balo I'm not sure which is the default when you save a java.util.Date field. But I guess it won't save the time, only the date or sg like this. you can specify the 'type' of time you want to store
14:55 Voyage balo,  ok
14:55 ramsrib joined ##javaee
15:28 firebird1 joined ##javaee
15:29 firebird1 hello all
16:06 Voyage joined ##javaee
16:17 AndroidLoverInSF joined ##javaee
16:19 sajjadg joined ##javaee
16:32 sajjadg joined ##javaee
16:38 neuro_sys joined ##javaee
16:38 neuro_sys joined ##javaee
16:43 Voyage joined ##javaee
17:19 pdurbin thank goodness for code generation
17:31 neuro_sys for what
17:31 neuro_sys I love the irony when you decide to write a program to write the code for you.
17:38 sfisque javacc!!!!
17:41 neuro_sys lol
17:49 sajjadg joined ##javaee
17:56 Naros joined ##javaee
17:56 Naros Any of you familiar with FreeMarker?
17:57 AndroidLoverInSF joined ##javaee
18:03 sfisque struts 2 or actual freemarker?
18:03 Naros both actually
18:04 sfisque a little
18:04 Naros I have a struts2 plugin which has a freemarker template for a custom tag.
18:04 Naros I am wanting it to include a template from the main app during runtime
18:04 Naros but it seems the jar cannot find it
18:04 Naros in the struts world, there is a template/<templateName>/ structure
18:05 Naros which has for example a form-close.ftl file
18:05 Naros the main app overrides this but my plugin needs to include it when it overrides the form
18:05 Naros trying to aviod having two copies of it to make it work
18:06 Naros I know FM has a way to specify template loading directories.
18:06 Naros but i would have thought extending struts would give me all the base functionality.
18:08 pdurbin javaeebot: lucky freemaker
18:08 javaeebot pdurbin:
18:09 Naros aye, i know.  looking at the struts code it seems the FreemarkerManager class defaults to a Webapp & StrutsClass loader so it should in theory be capable of loading my webapp's /template/smple/form-close.ftl file when the #include directive is found.
18:09 Naros since my plugin doesn't override or change any of the standard freemarker setup
18:10 sajjadg joined ##javaee
18:10 pdurbin Naros: just googling since I'm not familiar with it. sorry for the noise
18:10 Naros oh sorry :P
18:11 sfisque yah, ive not had to tackle that problem in my travels.  :-(
18:12 Naros k; i'll keep digging.  kinda frustrating tbh as this should actually work
18:13 Naros looking over the source, i see no reason it shouldn't.
18:13 sfisque i'm guessing it's probably a simple config switch in web.xml or struts.xml
18:13 Naros struts already points to my custom /template directory.
18:14 Naros using it's form tag works fine
18:14 Naros and my plugin simply extends the base form tag with an override on the close tag
18:14 Naros and my override includes the standard one after injecting some special hidden fields
18:16 Naros haha, nvm i think false alarm.  i think its chrome poor parsing of the HTML
18:16 Naros raw source looks fine.  chrome interpretation isn't.
18:16 Naros sorry for the chatter
18:18 Naros dont try to include form tags between table rows :P
18:19 Naros it posts to the server just fine; however it doesn't show it properly in the element view in devmode ;D
18:52 gaypro joined ##javaee
19:18 acuzio Here is a point for you guys - I have code in struts - when it was 0.92 ., the last awesomest version :-)
19:19 sfisque i can say that 1.3.x is a good stream, and the little bit i did with 2.0.x is fine as well
19:20 acuzio I am surprised its still alive - i did Struts till it went to 1.3 and then Craig left and there was a period of stasis - i had moved to other things by then
19:22 sfisque 1.3.x is pretty much just bug/maint fixes.  no new features since like 1.3.3
19:22 sfisque i think it's at 1.3.10 atm
19:22 sfisque but 2.x is actively maintained
19:34 acuzio Is it ?
19:34 acuzio SO its still alive - thats nice i guess
19:39 sfisque yes  2.x even has component level ajax support (so it's like struts/tiles + some jsf features)
19:39 acuzio interesting
19:39 sfisque it's very good if you have an app design that isn't a good marriage for full on jsf, but you need "some component support"
19:40 sfisque aka, you have alot of views, with a little bit of component ux treatment
19:41 sfisque i always liked tiles view inheritence model.  very slick for "componentizing views" without having to go all the way down to the actual component level
19:41 acuzio I now stick to standard JS + HTML5 + CSS3 - JS being Angular.js
19:41 sfisque aye,  from what i gather, angular is the flavor of the weak
19:41 sfisque ** week
19:41 sfisque lol freudian slip
19:44 pdurbin heh. nice
19:46 acuzio it is less flavor of the week and more MVC coming to JS
19:48 acuzio Also with RESt i find its easier to have a team that does the front-end GUI and another that does the backend -
19:48 acuzio independently
19:50 Naros aye, in fact, Struts3 iirc is in development as well.
19:51 sajjadg joined ##javaee
19:51 Naros or read some blurb sometime ago about the roadmap to it or some such
19:55 sfisque no more independent than the last 15 years.  all they do is move the problem, you still have contracts on how data is shuttled and what form it takes
19:55 sfisque hence "flavor of the week"
19:55 sfisque nothing's really changed other than the javascript jockeys think they're doing OO
19:56 acuzio hmm - sfisque have you done any angular.js projects
19:57 acuzio Or for that matter any project where the UI is written in JS (plain, frameworky or otherwise).
19:58 sfisque no, but it was pitched before i left my last gig.  and yes.  i had to reverse engineer a VERY BRITTLE js ui (replaced it with tiles and it became faster and more reliable)
19:59 acuzio Then how do i say this politely - Shut The Fuck Up - You are operating way out of your league
19:59 sfisque the entire page was being dom manipulated for no better reason than "we can".  it fell apart regularly under QA's duress.  replaced with 90%tiles with a little ajax to give the user a good ux, and it passed QA and ran very well
20:00 sfisque oooohhhhhhh someone hit a nerve….
20:00 acuzio No ,
20:00 * sfisque looks closer for the button to push over and over and over again
20:00 acuzio it takes more than that - ., there is no point in me talking about something when you have never no idea about it -
20:00 sfisque javascript is the basic of the 21st century
20:01 acuzio it probably is -
20:01 sfisque we can have this convo again in 5 years when angular is laughed at and there is "yet another flavor of the week"
20:02 sfisque just like node.js
20:02 sfisque and struts/tiles 1.x
20:02 sfisque and velocity
20:02 sfisque ....
20:02 sfisque ...
20:02 sfisque ..
20:02 sfisque .
20:02 acuzio But this discussion is worthless as there is information imbalance ; i have done tiles, contributed to Struts, worked with JSF, worked with webworks, Wicket and GWT.
20:02 acuzio I have also done pure JS, JS with other frameworks -
20:03 sfisque well all have
20:03 sfisque back in the 90's u had no other option
20:03 Voyage so Javascript is the future?
20:03 acuzio I know the pros and cons - to some extent - yes Angular is good for what it is now - i am sure in 5 years it will be legacy where i will change and move onto the next one - won't you ? On getting more information you change your opinion
20:04 sfisque depends.  for some problems, commodity wins.  for other problems, cutting edge wins
20:04 acuzio you however , have not done any Angular or even JS work - so you dont know what you are talking about.
20:04 acuzio And with that - have a good evening sir
20:04 sfisque when did we ascertain taht i've not done any js work?
20:04 Voyage or I should say, whats the future of JS?
20:04 sfisque i smell a huge assumption somewhere
20:04 sfisque and we know what those do
20:05 acuzio sfisque: I asked and you said  - no
20:05 sfisque you asked specifically angular
20:05 acuzio Well - my point still stands
20:05 * Voyage snores
20:05 * sfisque rolls his eyes
20:05 acuzio But dude , whatever floats your boat
20:05 sfisque whatever
20:05 acuzio I dont give a fuck
21:15 tjsnell joined ##javaee
21:45 Voyage balo,   java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: org.hibernate.QueryException: Not all named parameters have been set: [startDate, endDate] [SELECT task FROM Tasks AS task WHERE = :boardId AND task.creationDateTime BETWEEN :startDate AND :endDate GROUP BY task.status
21:46 Voyage balo,  i didnt setup temporalType.timestamp but I am giving java.utils.Date as params.
21:46 Naros ?
21:46 Voyage Naros,  thats an exception for th e stated query
21:46 Naros That looks like you didn't setParameter() on the named query before you executed for startDate and endDate
21:46 Naros temporal settings really shouldn't matter iirc.
21:47 Voyage let me see
21:47 Naros you probably have boardId being set but the two dates arent
21:49 * Naros wishes spring actually parsed PreAuthorize/PostAuthorize/PostFilter annotations during init rather than at time of execution.
21:52 tjsnell joined ##javaee
21:57 Voyage ERROR: column "" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function      for query
21:59 Voyage Naros, ^
21:59 whartung correct
22:00 Voyage well, I didnt got it
22:00 whartung you have to group by all of the columns that are not aggregated
22:00 Voyage sorry again?
22:00 whartung when you do SELECT tash
22:00 whartung task
22:00 Voyage ahan..
22:00 whartung you are asking for ALL of the task columns
22:00 Voyage ok. and?
22:00 whartung so, in a select
22:00 whartung with aggregates
22:01 whartung all of the columns in the select must either be in the group by
22:01 whartung or be an aggregate function on the column
22:01 whartung you can't leave any out
22:01 whartung by only grouping on task.status
22:01 whartung you're not including all of the other columns in tasj
22:01 whartung task
22:01 Voyage in simple language. I am selecting all columns in a table. and I want to group the select by only one column. thats normal SQL.
22:01 whartung in fact you're not aggregating any of them either (which questions why the group by at all)
22:02 whartung what columns do you want to aggregate? (ie. sum, avg, min, etc.)
22:02 Voyage none
22:02 whartung are you sure you don't mean ORDER BY?
22:02 Voyage oh.
22:03 Voyage well. order by and group by are almost same if only one column is used
22:03 whartung no, they're not the same at all
22:03 whartung group by accumulates the rows based on the group by columns
22:03 whartung order by simply sorts them
22:03 whartung group by is under no obligation to sort anything
22:04 whartung (many do as a side effect, but you can't count on it)
22:04 Voyage what if I use group by for only one column?
22:04 whartung you can't do this: select id, name from thing group by id
22:04 whartung that will fail
22:04 whartung because 'name' is not an aggregate function
22:05 Voyage
22:05 whartung what about it?
22:05 Voyage SELECT Subject, Semester, Count(*)
22:05 Voyage count() is aggregate
22:05 whartung yes
22:05 Voyage so thats why it will work.?
22:05 Voyage hm
22:05 Voyage ok.
22:05 Voyage got it.!
22:06 whartung select subject, semester, count(*) from classes group by subject
22:06 Voyage ok. now . if i have col1, 2, 3,4 5    and i want to sort first by col1, then by 2, then 3
22:06 Voyage ?
22:06 whartung will fail, since you're missing one of the colunns
22:06 whartung order by col1, col2, col3 ...
22:06 Voyage oh oh
22:06 whartung group by does not sort
22:06 Voyage got it
22:06 Voyage thanks!
22:06 whartung yw
22:06 * Voyage thumbs up
22:08 tjsnell joined ##javaee
22:33 bithog joined ##javaee
22:34 bithog hi, I have a question about log4j
22:35 bithog is there a filter or formatter that I can use to modify the actual message coming in the log entry
22:36 bithog I have this really long (dirty) log entry. I'd like to use a regex to filter it down to something manageable
22:42 whartung "now you have two problems"
22:42 whartung You can always write your own filter if you have to
22:46 bithog yes, I realize ... the problem is I don't own this code base and the vendor thinks its too much work
22:47 whartung I'm not familiar enough with log4j stock filters to say if anything is available
22:47 whartung vendors are lazy (speaking as a vendor…)
22:47 bithog I think its probably a trivial task, but if there is already a way to do this then no point re-inventing the wheel
22:47 bithog ... and less for the vendor to argue about  :-)
22:48 bithog thanks whartung
22:48 whartung yw bithog

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