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IRC log for #javaee, 2014-01-09

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:16 Sn4 joined ##javaee
00:38 fornax_ joined ##javaee
00:39 fornax_ hi, is here someone that can help me answering a few questions conceding web services?
00:41 pdurbin fornax_: what are your questions?
00:42 fornax_ I always used sockets, corba, rim etc in my old projects but now have the problem that due to the lack of java rmi on android, I need to find a new communication mechanism. I read much about web services and know that there is jax-rs, jax-ws, axis etc. but I have absolutely no idea what to use for which scenarios
00:43 deanclkclk joined ##javaee
00:44 fornax_ I read on so many pages but I cannot find a good starting point. I have an embedded system and was able to use jersey on grizzly to provide jax-rs2 web services but I'm unsure if there is a simpler way to create a server and client without writing all programatically
00:48 fornax_ Is there for example a simple ways to define my methods with parameters, for example Lists etc., annotate them and then automatically create a client for this service?
00:49 pdurbin fornax_: I've been playing with jax-rs to make REST services with JSON. it's nice
00:50 fornax_ which ice did you use for it?
00:50 fornax_ I was able to create the service and access it via browser but I did not find a way yet to easily create the corresponding client. I do not think that this needs to be manually done
00:51 pdurbin create a REST client?
00:51 fornax_ Yes, for jax-rs2
00:53 fornax_ I used intellij, clicked on the class where I added the jax-rs2 annotations and selected Create Webservice Client but now I have a very long list with different ways to create a wsdl file and non of them seem to work. I think there are soooo many different web service implementations that I do not really know where to start
00:54 fornax_ Maybe you know some resource where I find a comparison or good explanation how to create a server and client in a simple way? I think jax-rs2 is a good choice when I see speed comparison charts
00:56 pdurbin you seem to be looking for an automatic way to make the client... I'd probably just code it up
00:56 fornax_ okay, so you parse the response manually?
00:57 pdurbin yeah
00:57 pdurbin desktop or mobile client?
00:58 fornax_ android
00:58 fornax_ okay, in the second step I also need it for a desktop java fx and iOS project
01:00 pdurbin so ideally, there would be a tool that would somehome define your API for you on the server side and create those three clients for you (or at least stub out the API calls)
01:01 fornax_ okay, but there is no real standard for such a tool? I was hoping that this is more simple to use. The next problems will be how to realize event handling and authentication
01:06 pdurbin not that i know of
01:06 pdurbin fornax_: rmi used to solve all these problems for you?
01:07 fornax_ with rim i was able to solve the problems but rmi is not available for android or iOS etc.
01:11 pdurbin fornax_: so you could imagine doing the javafx client using rmi?
01:15 fornax_ it makes not much sense because I want to use the same technology for all clients
01:16 fornax_ rim only works for the jfx client but i need android and iOS too, android in the first step
01:17 pdurbin sure, I'm just wondering how easy it would be. you make it sound easy. I've only used rmi a tiny bit years ago in a class
01:20 fornax_ I was able to wrap RMI and even to delegate events as if they were locally. This was very easy to use but implementing RMI on android won't be possible. However, I just realized that i can create a wadl file for restful services. Now I have to figure out how to create the client for it
01:23 pdurbin fornax_: cool. hope it works
01:24 fornax_ this all cannot be so hard, but the documentation is so bad that it is nearly impossible to start. I will try to switch lamps over my raspberry pi via android in the first step, hope I have it this night
01:25 pdurbin ok
01:29 * pdurbin looks at
01:40 fornax_ thank you, it seems to me that I will have to invest a bit more time into this topic. Collections, auth, other programming languages etc.
02:07 SEx2 joined ##javaee
02:09 ibaca_ joined ##javaee
02:12 Fubar^_ joined ##javaee
02:17 kobain joined ##javaee
02:26 sajjadg joined ##javaee
03:01 mocrunsthecity joined ##javaee
04:16 firebird1 joined ##javaee
04:28 firebird1 can this be done in jsp ?
04:37 SN3 joined ##javaee
04:52 mocrunsthecity joined ##javaee
06:06 simpleirc3 joined ##javaee
06:30 firebird1 joined ##javaee
06:30 AlexCzar joined ##javaee
06:37 firebird1 i should generate a able on click of field it shuld edit ? which primeface is that ?
06:37 firebird1 table*
06:40 firebird1 ?
06:47 sfisque yes, primefaces datatable supports in-cell editing
07:28 deanclkclk joined ##javaee
08:47 sajjadg joined ##javaee
09:32 sajjadg joined ##javaee
10:13 acuzio primefaces ha
10:16 firebird1 joined ##javaee
10:37 firebird1 joined ##javaee
11:32 sajjadg joined ##javaee
12:13 firebird1 to display japanese characters how to do in jsf ?
12:15 firebird1 i'm supportin 3 languages russian,japanese and english
12:19 firebird1 its not displaying in UTF-8 format
12:31 firebird1 now its displaying utf-8 but i'm getting same view :(
12:31 firebird1 :'(
12:32 firebird1 1 MORE THING how to send utf-8 values from program ? to property files ?
12:55 firebird1 i ask lot of doubts :/
13:17 pdurbin firebird1: you've read through stuff like this? The Java EE 7 Tutorial:Providing Localized Messages and Labels | Java EE Documentation -
13:22 sajjadg UTF-8 and UTF-16 have Japanese support. maybe there's something wrong with the servlet container
13:23 fornax_ joined ##javaee
13:32 pdurbin firebird1: are you using glassfish?
13:55 fornax_ joined ##javaee
14:31 Naros joined ##javaee
14:31 Naros left ##javaee
15:25 sheenobu joined ##javaee
15:52 AlexCzar joined ##javaee
16:06 kinabalu joined ##javaee
16:09 kinabalu joined ##javaee
16:10 sfisque isnt japanese utf-16 only?  i thought chinese/japanese were multibyte glyphs
16:27 AlexCzar joined ##javaee
16:31 pdurbin chinese didn't work for me with utf-8:
16:47 deanclkclk joined ##javaee
16:48 sajjadg wikipedia said UTF-8 supports Japanese. but don't trust my mind. I think I'm near to have amnesia!
16:49 pdurbin sajjadg: I don't trust your mind either ;)
16:49 sajjadg :-)
16:50 sfisque ah, so you can encode mulit-byte glyphs in utf-8, it just requires extra "metadata" bytes in the encodings
16:50 sfisque looking at this:
16:57 whartung yea, UTF-8 can encode all of unicode
16:58 * sajjadg ^
17:00 sfisque whartung aye, that was eye opening to me.  i was under the impression that utf-X defined the width of the glyph set, but in fact it just defines the width of the encoding data points
17:00 whartung si
17:00 firebird1 joined ##javaee
17:00 whartung how much huffman encoding needs to go on
17:01 sfisque or meta padding going in th opposite direction
17:01 whartung si
17:01 whartung so you scumming wifi out side of a starbuck sfisque, or have you managed to get gainfully employed again?
17:03 sfisque ROFL, still "on the government cheese line", but no need for eating public wifi, i have commercial grade pipe into the house (12/5 mbps)
17:04 sfisque though the concept of cafe coding does sound sexy at times, get some quiet time away from the kids
17:04 whartung yea, but the seats suck
17:04 sfisque maybe, but portland is land
17:04 sfisque land o' cafes
17:05 whartung chairs too deep, table to tall, loose sugar gumming up the mouse
17:05 sfisque lots of mom-n-pop shops with comfy couches
17:05 whartung you're in portland?
17:05 sfisque aye.  pdx :-)
17:05 whartung ah, some reason I thought you were in bay area
17:05 whartung one of our guys lives in portland
17:05 whartung I'za been there once meeself
17:06 sfisque it's a great little city (or big town, depending on how you look at it)
17:06 whartung I ate waffles out of a trailer
17:07 sfisque yah.  food carts are becoming quite a phenom here.  we had them at my uni back east, so it's funny to see them in a "non-campus" environment
17:07 sfisque anywho, i need to take a nap so i can finally shake this cold i'm fighting.  be well all!
17:08 whartung kk cold strong! :)
18:13 sheenobu joined ##javaee
19:43 acuzio whartung: You are one of the saving graces of this channel - and i mean that sincerely.
19:44 whartung what did I do wrong now?
19:44 acuzio nothing - you give good, solid advice
19:45 whartung ah, ok…thanks!
19:46 SN3 joined ##javaee
20:14 deanclkclk_ joined ##javaee
20:21 deanclkclk joined ##javaee
20:30 pinc0de joined ##javaee
20:33 jmcveity joined ##javaee
20:33 jmcveity left ##javaee
20:35 neuro_sy1 joined ##javaee
21:35 neuro_sys joined ##javaee
22:25 deanclkclk joined ##javaee
23:27 trollolol joined ##javaee

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