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IRC log for #javaee, 2014-01-08

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
02:07 cem1 joined ##javaee
02:24 cem1 i got confused with setter and getter with action :/
02:34 cem1 left ##javaee
02:42 sfisque joined ##javaee
03:53 deanclkclk joined ##javaee
04:50 firebird1 joined ##javaee
04:56 firebird1 joined ##javaee
06:27 sfisque joined ##javaee
06:54 gdd joined ##javaee
07:11 sajjadg joined ##javaee
07:13 Guest34984 joined ##javaee
07:25 sajjadg pdurbin: they accepted my request for that workshop! about software development techniques!
07:59 firebird1 hi any tut on jasper reports ?
08:15 sajjadg joined ##javaee
08:38 firebird1 joined ##javaee
09:15 sajjadg joined ##javaee
09:16 firebird1 i dont like tomcat its almost n times clear tomcat directory
09:18 neuro_sys man, I love automating every shit
09:19 firebird1 if you get same behavior after changing faces-config.xml clear the directory!
09:19 firebird1 n times
09:19 firebird1 :P
09:28 acuzio Software development techniques ?
09:28 acuzio wow
09:38 neuro_sys :^)
09:45 sess is it frowned upon to package EJBs in a WAR these days?
09:45 sess converting an EAR ant project to maven, and packaging EARs with maven is a bitch
09:46 sajjadg acuzio: scary to me too :P that's just an overview on some popular techniques big companies use
10:07 acuzio sajjadg: usually it means some folks do not have anything to do
10:08 sajjadg acuzio: what? I didn't get it!
10:09 acuzio Anyone who either proposes or attends a seminar on "Software Development Techniques" has got lots of free time
10:11 sajjadg acuzio: yeah. of course :-) they are attending the conference and they have time to come to that workshop :) and maybe a company wants to send their employee and make them learn something new. here the companies are so old and antique
10:13 acuzio You are part of that Pakistan group i take it
10:26 Guest34984 joined ##javaee
10:32 AlexCzar joined ##javaee
10:57 sajjadg acuzio: I'm not Pakistani
10:58 neuro_sys yet another paki duck
10:59 acuzio :-)
10:59 neuro_sys this purple salad thing tastes delicious
10:59 neuro_sys purple cabbage I think
11:06 sajjadg but I'm close to them :P Iran
11:09 acuzio Iran is not close to Pakistan
11:09 acuzio unless you consider all Muslims are close to each other
11:11 sajjadg acuzio: Iran and Pakistan are neighbors! who they are not close? I meant geographically :-) In case of economy and political and educational they may differ. UN HDI shows Iran higher than Pakistan
11:12 sajjadg
11:18 acuzio I didnt mean Geographically i meant via HDI, politics, economics and other factors . Iran is a country , Pakistan is a cesspool of shit
11:27 sajjadg acuzio: :-) In that case... poor people. I know some pakistani. one trademan and some programmer. and I know that Pakistan have nuclear bomb! and knows how to build them.
11:28 sajjadg like India inequality is very high in there in Pakistan. that's the problem.
11:28 acuzio Yes ; its a known fact that Pakistan is capable of building a "muslim" bomb - but the practical usages of that are nil.
11:28 acuzio India has other problems but a functioning democracy is not one of them
11:29 sajjadg some group of Muslim are shitting in middle east. Al Quadea and Takfiri groups among them are the worst
11:29 sajjadg they don't know humanity
11:30 sajjadg and as long as they have western support, it's hard to remove them and let these countries develop
11:30 sajjadg it's hard to invade and rob a developed country ;)
11:31 acuzio I dont really understand what you just said - but thats ok
11:32 sajjadg :-) here in Iran the people are so much political. we love politic in here and so we follow them closely.
11:34 sajjadg
11:35 drspockbr joined ##javaee
11:38 sajjadg
11:45 pdurbin acuzio: if you'd refrain from referring to entire nations as "a cesspool of shit" I'd appreciate it
11:45 pdurbin sajjadg: good luck on your talk
11:46 acuzio pdurbin: Its the standard nomenclature used when describing Pakistan, Sudan, and countries of that ilk - just read Foreign Review
11:50 Guest34984 joined ##javaee
11:51 sajjadg pdurbin: thanks man. I should read a lot and prepare myself. I don't know who attends the workshop. students, teachers, developers. I should prepare myself to change the talk according to the atmosphere of the attendees
12:16 firebird1 seriously there is a problem !
12:50 Guest34984 joined ##javaee
13:12 Guest34984 left ##javaee
13:16 deanclkclk joined ##javaee
13:26 drspockbr1 joined ##javaee
13:27 kobain joined ##javaee
13:32 drspockbr joined ##javaee
13:58 firebird1 joined ##javaee
14:04 Naros joined ##javaee
14:16 firebird1 my other ip got blocked
14:19 trollolol joined ##javaee
14:51 firebird1 joined ##javaee
15:21 Naros left ##javaee
15:26 drspockbr1 joined ##javaee
15:44 AlexCzar joined ##javaee
15:48 SN3 joined ##javaee
15:48 SN3 I am currently doing most of my programming in PHP and things work out good so far. Is there any reason why one would switch to Java EE?
15:51 sfisque clustering.  better "distributed computing" model
15:52 sfisque faster execution, perl is interpreted at execution time
15:52 Kalikotten joined ##javaee
15:53 sfisque maintenance footprint.  it is far easier to write unintelligible code in perl (php)
15:53 SN3 sfisque, as for faster execution, would some one really see a fiddeence for a small to medium website?
15:53 SN3 difference*
15:53 sfisque probably not if you're talking only couple 100 page hits per hour
15:54 sfisque or even 1000's
15:54 SN3 sfisque, so when does it get interesting to use Java EE? over 50k/hour?
16:00 sajjadg SN3: my reason to coming back to Java from PHP was that I couldn't stand its syntax. I love Java syntax!
16:06 sfisque SN3 i'm not sure of where the specific cut off is, but if you're targetting an HA deployment, i do not think php will scale appropriately without building a custom framework to remove all the bottlenecks associated with using interpreted scripts
16:32 fabioportieri joined ##javaee
16:32 fabioportieri what does the symbol $ mean inside a jsf EL ?? it's unified expression language perhaps?
16:46 fabioportieri like in binding="#{iscritto$dettaglioPosiz​ioneIscrittoIndividuale.refresh1}"
18:17 sfisque inner class fabioprotieri
18:17 sfisque inner classes are defined as  OuterClass$InnerClass.class
18:18 sfisque if you look at the directory where your artifacts are deposited, you['ll see any inner classes built like that
18:19 sfisque since the default "Name" of a managed instance is camel humped class name, you'll see that unless you annotate the class with a specific name  e.g. @Named( "myNameIsMud" )
18:23 fabioportieri thanks but mistery solved already
18:23 fabioportieri it was just a convention
18:24 fabioportieri in faces-config the dev renamed every bean with the name of the package plus "$" plus the className
18:25 sfisque ick
18:25 sfisque glad you found it
18:26 fabioportieri maybe he thought that jsf EL looked too nice and he wanted to throw some garbage inside it, just to make people what-the-fucking
18:26 sfisque things like that make my eyeballs twitch.  we had a dev here who insisted on explicitly naming faces beans with Caps.   like  ThisIsAnInstance.anAttribute.   very annoying
18:26 sfisque lolz, maybe fabioportieri
18:27 fabioportieri ehe
19:03 Kalikotten joined ##javaee
19:10 kotten joined ##javaee
19:24 hseg joined ##javaee
19:24 hseg Hi. Is it OK if my classpath is empty? Or will it cause me trouble?
19:40 Naros_ joined ##javaee
19:40 semiosis if your classpath is empty, you can't load any classes
19:58 sfisque sort of
19:58 sfisque if his classpath is empty all he'll get is the cwd and the default libs
20:14 hseg OK. Debian seems to ship openjdk without setting a classpath. What should I set it to?
20:18 sfisque whatever your project requires.  usually you do this in your ant/maven build file
20:19 hseg Damn it. I'm trying to build a large upstream program, and it's failing.
20:19 hseg And I have no idea how I'm supposed to build it correctly.
20:20 sfisque are you using ant, maven, or a hand rolled shell script to build?
20:21 hseg maven. I'm using upstream's script.
20:21 sfisque javaeebot lucky upstream java
20:21 javaeebot sfisque:
20:22 sfisque hrm.  what is "upstream"?
20:22 hseg The people who developed the program.
20:22 hseg i.e. the authors.
20:22 hseg Specifically, I'm trying to build Sakai (
20:22 hseg And am using their scripts.
20:23 sfisque are you consuming compiled libs or maven dependencies?
20:23 hseg Maven deps.
20:23 sfisque so how is it failing?
20:24 sfisque specifically what kind of failure is coming up in the build
20:24 hseg In that, when I try to start the any of the tomcat webapps it builds, it complains that it can't find some classes.
20:25 sfisque ah.  so it's a deploy failure then?  i'm guessing the "bundling" is failing to put all the necessary libs in the war file
20:25 hseg Probably.
20:27 hseg It seems that they do install stuff to CATALINA_HOME/common, and expect them to be available.
20:32 Naros_ left ##javaee
21:18 kobain joined ##javaee
21:24 Naros joined ##javaee
21:25 Naros left ##javaee
22:20 SN3 when to use java ee over php?
22:52 pinc0de joined ##javaee
23:21 jieryn joined ##javaee
23:43 balo joined ##javaee
23:54 Kalikotten joined ##javaee

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