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IRC log for #javaee, 2013-12-02

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
01:06 pdurbin there's but I wonder if Java EE is supported on Travis CI
02:51 cem_ joined ##javaee
02:57 cem_ hi is it possible to work in freelance ?
02:58 cem_ ????!
03:06 cem_ no one tried freelance ?
03:24 jenue joined ##javaee
03:49 sross07 joined ##javaee
04:42 cem_ sfisque: ?
04:59 cem_ anyone there ?
04:59 cem_ All in sleep ? >?>
05:00 cem_ left ##javaee
05:01 sleepyfdf joined ##javaee
06:40 dangertools joined ##javaee
06:49 Quest joined ##javaee
07:00 pleroma joined ##javaee
07:35 Bombe joined ##javaee
07:53 weyer joined ##javaee
08:35 Stooge joined ##javaee
09:02 Quest joined ##javaee
10:43 haklc joined ##javaee
10:43 drspockbr joined ##javaee
10:43 AartBluestoke1 joined ##javaee
11:09 AartBluestoke1 joined ##javaee
12:01 semiosis joined ##javaee
13:23 haklc left ##javaee
13:23 pdurbin hearing about this for the first time: Spring Tool Suite™ (STS) -
13:24 Stooge you aren't alone :)
13:25 pdurbin :)
13:25 pdurbin it's Eclipse-based. I'm happy enough with Netbeans
13:26 acuzio STS is shite
13:26 acuzio <---- i have tried it
13:30 pdurbin well, I'm able to tolerate Eclipse a little more now that I'm learning the keyboard shortcuts :)
13:31 acuzio :-)
13:31 acuzio STS doesn't gell and is slow as fuck
13:42 knoppix joined ##javaee
13:46 knoppix how to learn  JEE from scratch
13:47 knoppix i have same skill like oop laravel html5 php5
13:48 pdurbin knoppix: I'd start by watching this:
13:52 oO0Oo joined ##javaee
13:54 knoppix pdurbin thx
13:54 knoppix pdurbin: thx
13:56 pdurbin knoppix: sure
14:44 kobain joined ##javaee
14:53 Naros joined ##javaee
15:24 acuzio arungupta has a screencast ?
15:33 pdurbin yep. oh I like this one too: Hello JavaEE 7 With Maven 3, JAX-RS 2.0 and JSON ...In 3 Mins : Adam Bien's Weblog -
15:34 pdurbin code at
16:30 Quest joined ##javaee
16:42 semiosis joined ##javaee
16:55 * pdurbin finally gets around to installing Java 7
17:00 pdurbin hmm. this might be handy:
17:05 acuzio pdurbin: you use os x ?
17:06 pdurbin at work, yes. fedora at home
17:08 acuzio hmm interesting
17:14 knoppix joined ##javaee
17:29 knoppix joined ##javaee
17:51 weyer joined ##javaee
18:35 balazare joined ##javaee
18:41 SoniEx2 joined ##javaee
19:40 balo joined ##javaee
19:56 pdurbin setting up persistence is a pain... <jdbc-connection-pool datasource-classname="​gresql.ds.PGSimpleDataSource" (and etc.) in glassfish's domain.xml
20:01 whartung wut?
20:01 whartung put the keyboard down, step away from domain.xml
20:02 Naros lol
20:02 pdurbin in the end I used the glassfish gui to figure out the specific change I needed for domain.xml
20:02 whartung you don't say?
20:03 pdurbin netbeans says you can do it through netbeans:
20:03 whartung you can set stuff like that in NB projects the NB will deploy when the app is run
20:04 whartung when that happens to me it's more happenstance than by design
20:04 pdurbin it's confusing. that's all I'm saying :)
20:05 pdurbin thankfully someone documented what needs to be done in the glassfish gui:
20:05 whartung The GUI is a bit confusing because all of these things I'd consider required are dumped on a "additional properties" tab when you EDIT the connection. When you create one, it's more straightforward but it would be nice if some of those fields were "first class" fields (notably, URL, server, user, password)
20:06 pdurbin whartung: EXACTLY. "additional properties"
20:06 pdurbin I didn't test to see if I actually need JDBC30DataSource true or ConnectionAttributes ;create=true
20:07 drspockbr joined ##javaee
20:08 pdurbin ah, yes, hmm, it seems like netbeans may have created src/main/setup/glassfish-resources.xml for me during all my dinking around
20:08 * pdurbin wonders if he needs it
20:11 pdurbin apparently not
20:15 balo joined ##javaee
20:37 drbrule-away joined ##javaee
20:38 drbrule-away left ##javaee
20:50 kobain joined ##javaee
21:09 weyer joined ##javaee
21:20 whartung that's a NB only artifact pdurbin, it's not necessary for the application
21:22 sfisque they are additional properties because they are driver specific and not part of the actual spec
21:23 whartung yes, but things like host, dbname, user and password -- pretty common properties
21:23 sfisque does not matter.  some drivers do not need them
21:25 pdurbin whartung: I removed it
21:25 sfisque make a recomendation for them in jdbc 4.1 i guess
21:27 knoppix joined ##javaee
21:30 whartung No, it's not a jdbc issue, it's a GUI issue
21:31 whartung the point being yes, not all driver need them, but MOST do. since MOST dbs are hosted over a network socket, so while it's not 100% the case, it's very likely 80-90% the case.
21:34 sfisque right but you still have to provide the "attribute name".  for one driver it might be "hostname", for another it might be "hostName",  and for another it might be "Hostname".  how is the GUI supposed to differentiate that when as far as the driver is concerned, it's just a key in a map
21:34 whartung oic
21:34 whartung no, that's valid
21:34 kobain_ joined ##javaee
21:34 whartung still a GUI issue -- GF defaults those based on the driver you select.
21:35 whartung just saying they could have a better experience, especially for the top common dbs (oracle, mysql, pg, sql server)
21:36 sfisque maybe a good recommendation for jdbc 4.1 have the driver's expose a dictionary of keywords, enum pairs where the enums are standardized keys, ..  like   "HostName", Enum.JDBC_HOST_NAME_KEY
21:37 sfisque thent he container admin consoles could introspect what keys to bind to, and which things to solicit for those fields
21:38 whartung yup
21:38 whartung start your new gig yet?
21:38 sfisque dont have one lined up yet.  they extended me to the 20th though, people started freaking out
21:39 pdurbin new gig? I missed this
21:39 whartung ah -- good, I think :)
21:39 whartung here's something for musing though.
21:40 whartung How would you go about creating a transactional mail SENDER service. i.e. I want to mail a message, but only on commit.
21:40 sfisque XA land
21:40 whartung yea
21:40 whartung so it seems to me
21:40 whartung that basically
21:41 sess just close the transaction before sending the mail?
21:41 whartung that's not quite the same thing sess
21:41 sess if the first succeeds that is
21:41 kobain joined ##javaee
21:41 sfisque right but how do you "roll back" and email send
21:41 sfisque that's the question
21:42 sess wait, you want to mail on successful commit or rolled back commit?
21:42 whartung but I was thinking, that you'd simply snapshot and fsync the mail message to disk, identified by the transaction ID. That would be the "ready for commit phase".
21:42 kobain joined ##javaee
21:42 sfisque yah, you need a way to queue and rollback if you need to abort the email send
21:42 whartung then when it does commit, I'd have a background task that's supposed to flush the messages to SMTP listener.
21:42 whartung you also need a way to restart the transaction after it's "been committed"
21:42 sfisque OR you can queue them in a MQ, with some type of "ready to consume" flag
21:43 whartung the problem with MQ
21:43 whartung is if the mail server is down
21:43 sfisque right.  asynch == no real tx semantics
21:43 whartung the retry logic goes awry, and the message (ideally) ends up in the DL
21:45 whartung the key think about XA, that most folks don't think about, is that after you've committed, the transaction is not supposed to fail.
21:45 whartung so you have to manage that aspect.
21:45 whartung there's a hidden "final commit" in XA that's not obvious to the developer
21:46 sfisque aye.   somethign to consider,  front load all validation so that you're pretty much guranteed a successful commit after you "go remote"
21:46 whartung and that's the what the persistent transaction store is for in GF
21:46 whartung with the automated transaction semantics of the container, you're never quite in full control.
21:47 sfisque BMT
21:47 whartung but it's still a race condition
21:47 sfisque aye
21:47 whartung "INSERT IN TO DB" "SEND EMAIL" "COMMIT" -- not particularly atomic :)
21:48 sfisque that's why there is a whole consortium around XA.  no real solution, just many "ways" to solve the problem in context
21:49 whartung yea
21:49 whartung well, XA has in built retry semantics that the container manages for you as well
21:50 sfisque the problem is, it's unclear how to build up an XA Tx if you have to roll your own (basically wrap a remote in-house service with your "local" db tx.)
21:50 sfisque i couldnt discern how to build an XA TX from scratch in an EJB.  the docs are unclear
21:51 whartung what do you mean?
21:54 sfisque i have a remote service, that talks JSON over web (not rest, but essentially like rest).  i have an oracle db connection that i am funneling things to.  the remote json service has no boundary demarcation, so i wanted to build a TX on my side, and have it interact with the oracle TX as well.  from what i read, that's a basic XA context, but it's not clear to me how to create that XA tx and then bundle the two services into it.
21:54 sfisque i could find no way to make/configure a BMT to be XA
21:55 whartung oh, yea, I think you need a JCA adaptor to do XA
21:55 whartung that's where the XA workflow is exposed
21:56 sfisque that's what i was afraid of.  i've written jca's before, but the dev cycle on this project is too short to build out something like that and also implement the other stuff.  i was hoping i could "get away" with somethign the container would provide
21:56 sfisque /cry
21:56 sfisque QQ
21:56 whartung yea
21:57 whartung it would be nice to have a generic JCA, I wonder if that's practical, or if the JCA is already as "abstract as it can be". Something that exposed just the few methods you needs
22:03 sfisque someone has to o have solved this problem… time to dive into google…  hopefully some has built a generic harness i can leverage
22:04 sfisque hazelcast looks interesting
22:05 whartung what's that got to do with this use case?
22:06 sfisque it's open source, so i can peek at their code to see how they build up the XA boundaries and mimic it
22:06 sfisque they have XA support
22:06 whartung oh
22:06 whartung there's this too
22:06 whartung
22:07 sfisque hrm, possibly leveragable
22:20 sfisque joined ##javaee
22:32 sfisque joined ##javaee
22:37 sfisque this might be what i need:
22:41 whartung that looks pretty interesting
22:44 sfisque now if can only get the guys who wrote the remote service to support rollback.  currently we can only insert and update, there is no delete or abort method in the service profile.  blech
22:44 sfisque i had a cow when i discovered that
22:45 sfisque so… you wrote a remote centralized service for an ESB, and you provided no rollback, abort, or delete option.   hrm......
22:45 whartung yea, you get to do all that your self \o/
22:46 whartung his service isn't transactional, why would it rollback?
22:46 sfisque if ONLY
22:46 sfisque lolz.. i know… crazy talk
22:46 * sfisque wanders off, muttering to himself
22:46 whartung egads..what..WHY!??
22:47 whartung hibernate???
22:48 whartung but that does looks pretty cool
22:48 sfisque yah.  i'll probably have to strip down the code if i end up using it
22:48 whartung it doesn't expose the transaction semantics the way I'd like
22:48 kobain_ joined ##javaee
22:53 whartung I wonder if this needs to be updated for JEE 5+
22:53 whartung it was written in 2006
22:53 whartung probably not, an under appreciated fact about EJB -- it's backwards compatability.
22:53 * whartung glares at maven 3
22:54 sfisque aye but with some selective annotations, i'm sure it could be streamlined
22:54 sfisque gives the finger to LocalHome
22:54 whartung heh
22:54 whartung but it STILL works…we have a project with ENTITY BEANS /cough running in GF3
22:57 sfisque of course.  i'd expect nothing less from a Sun product
22:57 whartung just kudos to a standard
22:57 whartung oh, and that was a web logic project that we ported to GF3
22:58 whartung it certainly wasn't drag and drop, but it wasn't "DO OVER IN NODE, YO!" either
22:58 sfisque they were quite masterful in smoothing transitions.  a stellar enterprise shop.  too bad they hit the skids and needed oracle to buy them
22:58 sfisque lolz
22:59 sfisque my favorite cross port.  we had a product that was going to deploy on WS6.x and i couldnt get the Friggen thing running properly so i dev'ed on GF.  product dropped in with only a few config tweaks in the admin console.  :-P
22:59 sfisque made my life much more tolerable
22:59 sfisque WS is a BEAST to manage/maintain
23:00 sfisque typical ibm product.  you need a phd just to install the damn thing and patch it appropriately
23:00 whartung I have not, EVER, heard a good word for WS :)
23:00 whartung never seen anyone sing praise of it.
23:00 sfisque yah.  ibm never figured out that software is no longer the purview of lanky dudes with pocket protectors hiding in the machine room
23:00 whartung I mean, it must work…somebody must use it
23:01 sfisque lolz, yeah… at gun point, maybe
23:01 sfisque :P
23:01 sfisque points the big gun at the dev…. "i said….. USE IT....."
23:01 whartung "Oh goody -- 2 weeks of off site training to get a web app to run!"
23:03 knoppix joined ##javaee
23:03 whartung Frankly, EJB really turned a corner with the release of Sun app server 8, when they made it free to use (before GF, before open sourcing it)
23:03 whartung getting EJB in to the hands of departmental app developers, that was a good thing
23:08 sfisque aye.   before then you really only had geronimo and that was clunky at best from my experience
23:09 whartung you also had JBoss, but talk about clunky!
23:09 sfisque yeah.  before 4.2 jboss was
23:09 sfisque … ok….
23:39 SoniEx2 joined ##javaee

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