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IRC log for #javaee, 2013-11-29

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:32 QshelTier joined ##javaee
04:03 jenue joined ##javaee
04:53 Quest joined ##javaee
05:44 dangertools joined ##javaee
06:08 cem_ joined ##javaee
06:08 cem_ hello this is bot
06:15 cem_ left ##javaee
06:16 firecem_ joined ##javaee
06:16 firecem_ hi this is bot
06:17 Quest joined ##javaee
06:22 firecem_ hi Guest69221
06:25 Guest69221 joined ##javaee
06:25 firecem_ bye
06:25 firecem_ hi Guest69221
06:39 Guest69221 joined ##javaee
06:43 firecem_ left ##javaee
06:43 neuro|sys joined ##javaee
07:07 cem_ joined ##javaee
07:08 cem_ hi
07:08 neuro|sys hi
07:50 acuzio Quest has been having fun in the -talk channel i see
07:51 neuro|sys -talk of this channel?
07:51 cem_ talk channel ?
07:51 acuzio nope the main one
07:51 acuzio cem_: ##javaee-talk
07:52 neuro|sys that channel appears to be empty and unregistered
07:52 cem_ its empty
07:52 acuzio well ; its a lot like this channel , sporadic activity
07:53 cem_ more or less he might be :/ censored
07:54 acuzio he is the channel owner - he cannto be censoreed
07:56 neuro|sys I remember him asking me to hand the channel over him at the time I loitered alone in here
07:56 neuro|sys I liked the ambitious excited nature that he had
07:57 neuro|sys but he was very annoying tbh
07:58 acuzio you mean you created the channel and handed it over to him
07:59 cem_ oh
07:59 neuro|sys yeah
07:59 cem_ i can see the picture :)
07:59 acuzio neuro|sys: you are not serious ?
07:59 neuro|sys no, I'm very serious. he kept insisting for a good while
08:00 neuro|sys until I gave up
08:00 neuro|sys I think I still have the founder status for the channel, if he or anyone else didn't drop me
08:00 acuzio Jesus christ neuro|sys
08:00 neuro|sys lol yeah
08:00 acuzio check if you are founder now ?
08:01 neuro|sys let me see
08:01 cem_ crap crappy
08:01 neuro|sys Yeah, I still have it.
08:02 neuro|sys he spammed people to get them over here, I told him numerous time not to, at least not do iot more than once to the same person
08:02 neuro|sys funny weird annoying dude
08:02 cem_ :D
08:03 cem_ that is really nice story
08:03 neuro|sys :-D
08:03 cem_ Guest69221 are you there ? Quest san
08:04 cem_ i guess Quest san is listening :)
08:04 neuro|sys :-D yeah possibly
08:05 acuzio Ok - so you have Op and can at least clean up the channel if required
08:05 neuro|sys yup
08:06 acuzio What is slightly sad is that this a good name for the channel and really should be managed properly and could be a good source for info if only some of the crap that happens here is controlled
08:06 neuro|sys isn't Sircle around anymore?
08:07 acuzio dont know - wh%rtung, sess and you are good contributors -  and it would be even better if some of the knowledgeable folks from the main channel come here
08:07 neuro|sys whartung and sfisque also has admin stuff, and I'll give you access too
08:08 acuzio hmm , ok.
08:08 acuzio Some of the bigger names in the main channel are explicitly banned here , i am still surprised that you gave it to Quest
08:09 acuzio neuro|sys: ta
08:09 neuro|sys at the time he asked me to give the channel, it was only me and a few real life friends of mine here
08:09 neuro|sys never thought anyone would bother coming in when there's ##java
08:10 cem_ neuro|sys: ill tell the real story from here
08:10 neuro|sys although the reason I opened here that ##java is so language specific that other stuff isn't discussed.
08:10 neuro|sys sure, go ahead
08:10 acuzio neuro|sys: its true that ##java is lang specific so it sort of makes sense to have a EE dedicated channel ,unfortunately it has got our man trolling it
08:11 cem_ since ##java is more often password protected and its not idempotent users generally
08:11 acuzio what ?
08:11 neuro|sys lol
08:12 neuro|sys I don't remember ##java being password protected, and didn't follow the latter part
08:13 cem_ java is password protected , i mean to say its members only
08:13 acuzio no it required registration - thats different.
08:14 cem_ ? why different
08:14 acuzio thats not the same as password protected
08:14 acuzio password protected == secret
08:14 cem_ lol secret
08:14 acuzio and idempotent has a very specific meaning that doesnt make any sense in this context
08:15 neuro|sys cem_: you can also make a channel actually password protected, which is different. but I get your point.
08:15 acuzio right - i now have to look at some other screens - opening time - back a bit later
08:15 acuzio cem_: thats what i meant ^^
08:15 neuro|sys it helps the channel from spam bots though
08:16 cem_ neuro|sys: not all want to register
08:16 neuro|sys why would they not?
08:16 * cem_ i didnt register :)
08:16 cem_ why should they
08:17 neuro|sys to make sure for others that their identity is genuine
08:17 cem_ and more over you cant troll them with bots
08:17 cem_ hate it
08:17 cem_ neuro|sys:
08:18 cem_ sorry to use idempotent over there
08:19 neuro|sys it's okay, I just didn't understand
08:20 cem_ i thought its not coffeeshop
08:20 cem_ :[
08:20 neuro|sys right, it's not, let's get to work
08:22 * cem_ thinks how many stupid are thr for this single channel errr
08:24 * cem_ too many mods are bad :D
09:01 weyer joined ##javaee
09:05 lifescks joined ##javaee
09:05 lifescks left ##javaee
09:16 tangatools joined ##javaee
09:16 tangatools joined ##javaee
09:25 book`_ joined ##javaee
09:32 keruspe joined ##javaee
09:34 Lappro joined ##javaee
10:27 acuzio ~ ping
10:27 acuzio no bot here
12:03 cem__ joined ##javaee
12:03 cem__ wth
12:04 cem__ acuzio is new mod ?
12:04 cem__ !
12:04 cem__ left ##javaee
12:05 neuro|sys hail
12:14 acuzio all hail acuzio
12:14 * acuzio bows and graciously accepts the encomiums
12:25 tangatools joined ##javaee
12:25 tangatools joined ##javaee
12:36 Bombe Because, “well, I wanted 15 elements but I got only 13 so why is that?” The error is most probably not in the iterator but somewhere else, and not within the stuff the next() method does, either.
12:46 weyer joined ##javaee
13:11 kobain joined ##javaee
15:33 weyer joined ##javaee
15:51 pdurbin neuro_sys: I think you made the right call, getting this channel to be more active. It's becoming a nice resource
16:12 SoniEx2 joined ##javaee
17:16 sajjadg joined ##javaee
17:18 acuzio pdurbin: its a nice resource  - true but it can be so much better
17:36 neuro_sys would be nice if at some point ##java put a pointer to this channel on its topic
17:40 acuzio that would be nice - but it will never happen till we have our man around
17:43 neuro_sys who do you mean?
18:00 acuzio the one to whom you gave channel ownership
18:00 acuzio neuro_sys: ^^
18:01 neuro_sys I don't follow, what's he supposed to do?
18:01 neuro_sys Actually he's not the sole owner of the channel, if that's what you think
18:01 cem_ joined ##javaee
18:01 acuzio Have you seen him on the main channel ?
18:02 neuro_sys I haven't seen him in a while
18:02 acuzio And his generally scummy behaviour
18:02 neuro_sys right
18:02 cem_ mod overload
18:02 neuro_sys not a bad thing
18:02 acuzio He had a completely unwarranted fight with folks on the -talk channel as well today morning for no reason
18:03 cem_ cool
18:03 acuzio and the fact that he bans people here who are Ops on the main channel and then goes in there asking for help - how is that supposed to wokr
18:03 acuzio work even
18:03 cem_ who ?
18:04 cem_ oh!
18:04 cem_ sorry , carry on mods
18:09 acuzio ~ ping
18:09 acuzio is there a bot here ?
18:15 pdurbin acuzio: oh sure, lot of potential
18:16 pdurbin acuzio: I run a couple bots here. philbot ( ) for logging and javaeebot for googling
18:19 acuzio pdurbin: how do you invoke em ?
18:23 pdurbin javaeebot: google acuzio
18:23 javaeebot pdurbin: Acuzio (meaning and origin) - I am pregnant: <>; Acuzio - WikiName: <>; Santi Procolo, Eutiche e Acuzio - Santi, beati e testimoni: <>; Danilo Acuzio | LinkedIn: <>; Egle Acuzio | Facebook: (1 more message)
18:23 pdurbin javaeebot: list
18:23 javaeebot pdurbin: Admin, Channel, Config, Google, Later, Misc, Owner, and User
18:24 pdurbin it's a supybot (javaeebot)
18:24 pdurbin I don't address philbot. It's just always listening and logging :)
18:27 cem_ :(
18:36 cem_ k i want to auto deploy only for xml files  how to do that
18:38 pdurbin cem_: with netbeans and glassfish, changes to xhtml files shouldn't require a redeploy. You can see the change immediately
18:43 Old_dev joined ##javaee
19:56 neuro_sys anyone used atmosphere framework?
20:03 sfisque javaeebot lucky atmosphere framework java
20:03 javaeebot sfisque:
20:06 neuro_sys how do you learn a new technology/API/framework/whatever? well, first collect all the documentation that you can find, and skim through all of them. Check for the examples if any, and step through the code using a debugger. Then think of a simple use case, and start writing that one.
20:07 neuro_sys after that, given you needed that tech for a project at hand, start writing it in your project.
20:07 neuro_sys anything else?
20:23 cem_ 1 min so are u saying when ever u update html it gets reployed ?
20:23 cem_ redeployed#
20:24 cem_ Is it sfisque ?
21:03 sfisque iirc, the only thing you can guarantee is touching web.xml in an exploded war, or touching application.xml in an exploded ear are supposed to trigger redeploy.  anythign else is container specific and not guaranteed
21:07 xll11 joined ##javaee
21:16 drspockbr joined ##javaee
21:38 callMeBaby joined ##javaee
21:39 callMeBaby ~jndi
21:45 sfisque ~jmx
22:10 pdurbin neuro_sys: examples are good
22:38 drspockbr joined ##javaee
22:57 cem_ k went to tomcat channel asked how to auto deploy , never got a reply
22:58 cem_ :(
22:58 pdurbin cem_: there's a checkbox in netbeans for autodeploy
22:58 cem_ pdurbin: there is autodeploy for this too the thing i want for xml .html files  only
22:59 cem_ the thing is when i change java files it auto deploy
22:59 cem_ :(
23:00 pdurbin hmm. and you want xhtml only
23:00 cem_ yup
23:00 cem_ as sfisque san said its possible
23:01 pdurbin cem_: well, maybe try it with netbeans and glassfish
23:01 cem_ :P
23:05 weyer joined ##javaee
23:07 cem_ yep my frnd said it works in netbeans
23:07 cem_ :(
23:08 pdurbin :( ?
23:08 pdurbin why :( ?
23:15 neuro_sys :(
23:15 neuro_sys cem_: are you using netbeans?
23:16 cem_ eclipse
23:25 drspockbr joined ##javaee
23:34 neuro_sys cem_: right click on your server, and change resources from workspace to the server.
23:35 neuro_sys I think that works
23:35 cem_ neuro_sys: its already on server
23:36 neuro_sys also double click on it to set publishing to auto publish when resources change.
23:36 drspockbr joined ##javaee
23:36 cem_ i have already done that
23:37 SoniEx2 joined ##javaee
23:47 drspockbr joined ##javaee

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