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IRC log for #javaee, 2013-11-28

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
03:22 SoniEx2 question
03:22 SoniEx2 we need something like ^^ = boolean xor
03:26 jenue joined ##javaee
04:02 SoniEx2 anyone?
04:02 SoniEx2 sfisque1?
04:21 sajjadg joined ##javaee
04:43 cem_ joined ##javaee
05:07 Venat joined ##javaee
05:23 cem_ "(\".+\")|([\\d|\\p{L}!#$%&'*+-/=_?^`{|}~&&[^​.,]][\\d\\p{L}!#$%&'*+-/=_?^`{|}~&&[^,]]*)";
05:23 cem_ this is regex for validating domain , just want to know is this correct can be made better ?
05:27 cem_ anyone
05:27 cem_ sfisque1
05:43 Venat wow, such nice regex, much rules,
06:25 sfisque when you say "validating domain" what does that mean?  like an internet domain name?
06:26 sfisque javaeebot lucky internet domain name rfc
06:26 javaeebot sfisque:
06:27 sfisque read section 3.5 Preferred name syntax
06:28 sfisque it has the BNF productions for valid domain names
06:38 Venat joined ##javaee
06:39 Venat joined ##javaee
06:48 jenue2 joined ##javaee
06:56 jenue3 joined ##javaee
06:58 dangertools joined ##javaee
07:00 Venat joined ##javaee
07:09 pleroma joined ##javaee
07:29 cem_ rfc 2822
07:50 weyer joined ##javaee
08:03 keruspe joined ##javaee
08:08 keruspe Hi, I'm trying to play with and am hitting a strange bug
08:09 keruspe I have this ResourceConfig:
08:11 keruspe it deploys fine, but when I uncomment the ENABLE_TOKEN_RESOURCES line, I get a ton of
08:11 keruspe any idea ?
08:32 keruspe /buffer 24
08:44 acuzio this channel is dying without Quest
09:07 Venat joined ##javaee
09:59 neuro|sys indeed
10:03 John_John joined ##javaee
10:25 acuzio we all miss Quest
10:25 acuzio well ok i miss him
10:26 * cem_ hmmm giggles CRUSH
10:36 John_John joined ##javaee
11:14 sajjadg joined ##javaee
11:29 John_John left ##javaee
13:04 Venat joined ##javaee
13:30 Venat joined ##javaee
14:06 fabioportieri joined ##javaee
14:06 fabioportieri left ##javaee
14:07 Bombe joined ##javaee
14:10 crised joined ##javaee
14:11 crised How can I be sure to have a single instance of a Map in Java EE application?
14:11 sajjadg joined ##javaee
14:12 sess static or singleton
14:12 sess if it's not read only youll get concurrency issues
14:13 crised sess: it's a Map
14:13 crised sess: check this:
14:14 crised sess: I don't understand something about static, having a static field, how to call the constructor only once?
14:22 sess crised: you said it was a map
14:22 sess i did not say anything contradicting that
14:23 sess crised: static means there is only 1 instance
14:23 sess you can use the static block to fill it
14:23 sess it will run as soon as the class is initialized
14:23 sess exactly once
14:24 sess if it throws exceptions youre fucked though
14:24 crised sess: seems like it's better to use @Singleton @Statup
14:24 sess probably yes
14:24 sess i dont know your application
14:25 crised sess: ok. I'll try to be more clear on next questions
14:58 jenue joined ##javaee
15:33 weyer joined ##javaee
15:59 jenue joined ##javaee
16:31 sajjadg joined ##javaee
16:33 sajjadg joined ##javaee
16:34 sajjadg joined ##javaee
16:35 sajjadg joined ##javaee
16:36 sajjadg joined ##javaee
19:12 SoniEx joined ##javaee
20:28 weyer joined ##javaee
21:28 crised What is wrong with this TypedQuery:         TypedQuery<ElectricalStat> query = entityManager.createQuery("select new ElectricalStat(e.energyReading,e.powerReading) from Electrical e", ElectricalStat.class);
21:29 crised I get this exception: org.hibernate.hql.internal​.ast.QuerySyntaxException: Unable to locate class [ElectricalStat]
21:55 weyer joined ##javaee
21:58 cem_ joined ##javaee
21:59 cem_ hi
22:11 cem_ how server recieves ip addresss of client ?
22:17 cem_ bad question
22:17 cem_ sorry
22:35 cem_ ?
22:53 cem_ sorry for that
23:31 Kobain joined ##javaee
23:46 cem_ joined ##javaee

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