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IRC log for #javaee, 2013-11-23

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:02 whartung not used it, not familiar with any of the json jars exposing comments, frankly - -but I haven't needed it
00:16 cem_ joined ##javaee
00:27 cem_ Date sucks for java
00:29 whartung Well, if that's the kind of date you're looking for...
00:29 cem_ i have 2 dates both having same value yet it says date 1 is before date2
00:29 whartung then they don't have the same value. How do you know they have the same value?
00:30 cem_ when i convert toString() , get the result for both
00:30 whartung what kind of string?
00:30 cem_ same result for both date's
00:31 whartung what fields does it show?
00:32 cem_ date1--> Sat Nov 23 09:32:20 JST 2013  date 2--> Sat Nov 23 09:32:20 JST 2013
00:32 cem_ see both are same
00:32 whartung neither of those show msec
00:33 whartung so, they may well not be the same
00:34 cem_ in another example i have 2 dates date 3 and date 4 but  where  date 3 comes before date4 and it says both are same
00:34 whartung those date strings are MISSING INFORMATION
00:34 whartung so if that's all you're seeing, then you don't KNOW
00:35 cem_ i got a long format for botjh (aka in millisec) both are same
00:35 whartung what does getTime say?
00:36 cem_ i checked it both are same for date3 and date4
00:42 whartung well, there's nothing wrong with Date…it basically compares the millisecond numbers
01:05 filadome joined ##javaee
01:45 pdurbin there's a new date api in java 8
01:45 pdurbin javaeebot: lucky java 8 date api
01:45 javaeebot pdurbin:
01:56 * cem_ linux time :)
04:26 cem_ bye all!
04:26 cem_ left ##javaee
05:12 sfisque dont use date to parse strings.  90
05:13 sfisque date should only be used to convert and manipulate milliseconds <-> date.  string manipulation should be done with Calendar and SimpleTimeFormat.  90% of Date's api is deprecated for many reasons
05:13 sfisque javaeebot later tell cem_ date should only be used to convert and manipulate milliseconds <-> date.  string manipulation should be done with Calendar and SimpleTimeFormat.  90% of Date's api is deprecated for many reasons
05:13 javaeebot sfisque: The operation succeeded.
06:28 sajjadg joined ##javaee
06:43 dreko joined ##javaee
12:46 Losowski joined ##javaee
13:07 SoniEx2 joined ##javaee
13:35 sajjadg joined ##javaee
13:56 weyer joined ##javaee
14:40 Losowski joined ##javaee
14:50 Losowski left ##javaee
14:59 pdurbin a good read:
14:59 weyer joined ##javaee
15:01 pdurbin oh, and I'll probably watch when a get a chance. seems very similar to a talk he gave at javaone about setting up a simple rest service
15:51 sajjadg pdurbin, who's he? so many interesting post on that site
16:37 pdurbin sajjadg: Arun? Adam? They're both big figures in Java EE.
16:39 sajjadg pdurbin, I saw adam's blog. very good. he's netbeans guy ;)
16:39 sajjadg pdurbin, I can't open Arun blog!
16:41 pdurbin sajjadg: maybe you can open or
17:09 sajjadg yeah
17:09 sajjadg I saw him
17:09 sajjadg I like to see that presentation
17:10 sajjadg pdurbin, what ide do you use?
17:21 pdurbin sajjadg: netbeans
17:22 sajjadg pdurbin, :) what's your opinion on idea and eclipse?
17:39 pdurbin sajjadg: Android Studio (based on idea) seems very nice. I used Eclipse a few years ago and it seemed ok. I downloaded it about a week ago and I'm having trouble getting into it... feels a little clunky and code completion seems slow... I don't see any reason to switch from Netbeans to Eclipse
17:42 * pdurbin checks out IRC logs for "Design is a Process, not a Document" by Trisha Gee - Google Drive -
17:43 pdurbin via "Design is a Process, not a Document" by Trisha Gee - YouTube -
17:53 sajjadg what that?
17:55 sajjadg pdurbin, I used netbeans since 6.7 until 7.2 then I moved to sts (spring eclipse based IDE) 4.x for EE dev. I used eclipse 3.x before and it was good. but I have lots of problems with eclipse 4.x I think they are not going forward
17:57 sajjadg the only downside of netbeans was it's hardware requirements. I suffered from it. but eclipse is somehow lightweighter than netbeans.
17:58 sajjadg but now that I have a good hardware I don't see any problem with netbeans
17:58 sajjadg and I see netbeans more like idea than eclipse
17:58 sajjadg and I also am thinking about simple editors like vim or emacs!
17:59 sajjadg some bugs in IDEs will kill your days
17:59 sajjadg I had problem with eclipse m2e maven plugin. and it was driving me crazy
18:00 sajjadg I abandoned spring because of that problem. (I was thinking it is a spring problem :P)
18:00 sajjadg and now that I compared both spring and JEE7 I don't see any reason to use spring anymore
18:17 sess spring is testable
18:17 sess spring doesn't require a java ee container
18:17 sess spring has more rapid development
18:28 Naros joined ##javaee
18:30 sajjadg sess, for those who worked with spring before java ee 6 (year 2009) that's perfectly true. but for those who want to choose and start learning from ground up now (year 2013) it's very hard to choose. and I think Java EE 6, 7 are easier to start now...
18:30 sajjadg spring became a bloatware lately
18:31 sajjadg I really really tried to dive into it. but I couldn't ... but JEE I always succeed when I tried!
18:32 sajjadg it's kinda like talking an idea user about other IDEs :D someone who knows IDEA can rock with it (and someone who knows spring can rock with it too)
18:32 sajjadg so there's no reason to change it
18:32 sess neither spring nor ejb is hard to use
18:33 sajjadg but for those who are new in this field...they can try and see what is best for them
18:33 MegaMatt joined ##javaee
18:33 sess and the facts i listed still stands
18:33 sajjadg sess, for a pro yes. but for a newcomer...I can't say that
18:33 sess the big differences is in the web frameworks though
18:33 sajjadg you're right
18:33 sess spring mvc vs jsf
18:34 sess ejb/spring core is basicly just throwing a few annotations of classes
18:34 sess for basic functionality
18:34 sess and they are extremly similar
18:34 sajjadg really matter...what you want them to do for you...
18:34 sajjadg I'm not using them!
18:35 sajjadg I am building a RESTful app. front-end with angularjs and server-side with JAX-RS
18:35 sajjadg I'm using JPA but I don't know if I need ejb or not...
18:36 sajjadg I don't see any need right know...I don't know what it provides exactly
18:37 sess using jpa with ejb is hardly an option
18:37 sess or spring
18:37 sess ejb offers dependency injection and transaction management mainly
18:38 sajjadg JTA...I don't know...
18:38 sess dont know what?
18:38 sajjadg if I need it'
18:38 sess why dont _need_ anything
18:39 sess but why would you not use the tools that are available
18:39 sajjadg why should I?
18:39 sess why = you
18:39 sess because it lessens boiler plate code
18:39 sess makes code more readable
18:39 sess and forces some design patterns
18:40 sajjadg hummm
18:40 sajjadg you're right
18:40 sajjadg If there's a tool that I can use why not using it.
18:41 sess with EJB you can update a database entity with practicaly zero code
18:41 sess without EJB you would have to get an entityManager somehow, then start transactions, commit transactions etc
18:41 sajjadg but when there are lots of tools and I don't know them and it takes times to learn them and I'm a single lonely developer :( what now?
18:42 sess basic EJB is very simple
18:42 sess JPA is the hard part
18:42 sajjadg really? with EJB I can update db without EM?
18:42 sess no you still use entity manager
18:42 sajjadg I know JPA
18:42 sajjadg I worked with eclipselink and hibernate before
18:43 sajjadg the basic thing...
18:43 sajjadg transaction, entitymanager, entity and ...
18:43 sess the only thing you need to learn about EJB really to get started is to annotate service/dao classes with @Stateless, and thjat transactions will be started/commited automatically
18:43 sess and rolled back on unchecked exception throw
18:46 sess sajjadg:  you actually used jpa without spring or ejb?
18:46 sajjadg :-/
18:47 sajjadg I don't know. in one project there was EJB but I was not working with it. we just used netbeans code generation to generate EJB controller for us
18:47 sess EJB controller?
18:47 sajjadg Controller class
18:47 sess you dont use EJB for controller classes
18:48 sajjadg :-/ maybe ...I don't really remember!
18:48 sajjadg sorry...
18:48 Losowski joined ##javaee
18:48 sajjadg but I don't think JPA needs EJB
18:49 sess suit yourself
18:52 sajjadg I don't know what is EJB. and I think if I know it I will use it :) why not :)
18:53 sajjadg I'm kinda lazy ... I don't read Java Books and tutorials. I just jumped into it...
18:53 sess if you dont know what EJB is, how can you then state that you dont gain anything from using it?
18:53 sajjadg I start using it little by little and when I see something is wrong or I need some functionality I go and search about how to do it...
18:53 sajjadg I read
18:54 sajjadg I spend lots of time in debates on different technologies....
18:54 sajjadg I just heard...
18:54 sajjadg I don't say EJB is bad...I just say I don't want to use it until I have no choice!
18:55 sajjadg stupid isn't it!?
18:55 sess you wont make it far as a developer with that attitude
18:55 sajjadg I should just start reading Java tutorial (1200 page) and then use what I need from it :D
18:57 sajjadg it's just a hard era for me. I will change myself as soon as I can. I just need to do some work. that's it. I know this attitude is not good and won't get me far. and I feel like I don't know anything :(
18:59 sess if you understand JPA, EJB should take about 10 minutes to learn
18:59 sess well enough to use it
19:16 sajjadg if it's as easy as you say, then I should read it. I worked with JPA before...
19:25 sajjadg sess, any resource you want to suggest for EJB?
19:25 sajjadg what about the official tutorial?
19:33 Losowski joined ##javaee
19:44 sajjadg gotta go. see you later
19:54 pdurbin javaeebot: later tell sajjadg that youtube video and IRC chat log is from ##virtualjug, which is new: and
19:54 javaeebot pdurbin: The operation succeeded.
20:35 Guest20878 joined ##javaee
20:42 cem_ joined ##javaee
20:43 cem_ S completed the game in 5:13 ##DrWhoDoodle
20:48 cem_ wow javaeebot  has to check to each login that really sucks go regex :P
21:53 SExJ joined ##javaee
22:03 kobain joined ##javaee
22:27 jaip joined ##javaee
22:52 cem_ brb
22:52 cem_ left ##javaee
23:12 cem_ joined ##javaee
23:12 cem_ Is there anyway to get what is going wrong in sql under SQLexception ?
23:12 cem_ SQLException *
23:13 cem_ k how to insert timestamp value in sql?
23:14 jaip setDate?
23:16 cem_ ?
23:18 semiosis has anyone ever tried using test coverage tools (cobertura, jacoco, etc) on a project that uses either lombok or powermock or similar magic?
23:19 semiosis can't find any solutions on the googles
23:19 cem_ org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: syntax error at or near "04"
23:40 cem_ got lol !

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