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IRC log for #javaee, 2013-11-21

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Time S Nick Message
01:12 cem_ joined ##javaee
01:18 cem_ postgresql vs oracle , if you stuck with postgres your doomed
01:23 jayz and there are no tuts like in Oracle other then docs :/
01:25 jayz well hehe shouted in there channel :)
01:28 sfisque postgresql has some nice features, but it is a bit "byzantine" in how if functions.
01:28 jayz sfisque: its not like sqlite or oracle , there is no tut other then docs
01:29 jayz and if you got stuck its all hell
01:31 jayz its hell for beginners actually
01:33 sfisque postgresql is unlike ANY db i've ever used (and i've used quite a few)
01:33 jayz your right its unlike any db :D
01:34 sfisque i'm not a big fan of it, BUT it does have some nifty "native types" like ip address, which is handy if you need to are doing NMS work and needs canonical sorting and comparison functions to work properly
01:37 Guest20878 joined ##javaee
01:39 jayz thank god i did sqlite first  or else might have gone mad , postgres is not for beginners ,,,, Its never for beginners
01:39 sfisque i would posit it's not for the sane, regardless of skill level
01:39 sfisque :P
01:52 * jayz gone mad
02:02 kobain joined ##javaee
02:24 * Guest20878 votes for postgres
02:41 jayz whats wrong with this ?
03:15 jayz k i'll go thru doc :)
03:58 jayz if any one got stuck with postgres use there channel , instant answer :) :)
04:04 SoniEx joined ##javaee
05:45 jayz k bye all
05:51 sfisque anyone know if there are any nosql impls that have a prolog front end or at the very least a prolog linkage?
06:46 dangertools joined ##javaee
07:05 sajjadg joined ##javaee
07:05 sajjadg_ joined ##javaee
07:33 SLovenberg joined ##javaee
07:37 sajjadg joined ##javaee
08:20 SLovenberg joined ##javaee
08:59 weyer joined ##javaee
10:51 sajjadg joined ##javaee
11:33 sajjadg joined ##javaee
11:39 MegaMatt joined ##javaee
11:41 sajjadg joined ##javaee
12:46 lv2eof joined ##javaee
12:47 drspockbr joined ##javaee
13:06 kobain joined ##javaee
13:15 sajjadg joined ##javaee
13:49 pdurbin sfisque: no, but you hear of one, please let us know
13:49 pdurbin also, postgres is good for spatial data (GIS stuff)
13:50 pdurbin I must admit that I find mysql easier but I think postgres is good for me to get more familiar with
14:30 drspockbr joined ##javaee
14:44 drspockbr joined ##javaee
14:50 hallo_ joined ##javaee
14:57 Naros joined ##javaee
14:58 weyer joined ##javaee
15:01 bitwize joined ##javaee
15:12 Guest20878 joined ##javaee
16:08 preview joined ##javaee
16:12 Guest20878 hi
16:12 Guest20878 I have made a valid form but cannot get the form values by spring controller. it says some syntactic error or value not set.   any help?
16:12 Guest20878 spring^
16:14 sess Guest20878: what url are you posting to
16:14 sess exactly
16:14 sess for that to work you need ?taskId=123
16:14 sess since you are requesting a RequestParam
16:14 sess a multipartFile can definetly not be sent in the query string
16:14 Guest20878 i need to send data by POST
16:15 sess @RequestPAram is not the correct annotation
16:15 Guest20878 the file and the taskId . boh
16:15 Guest20878 sess,  oh.
16:15 Guest20878 then what is correct?4
16:15 sess thats for.. request parameter, not a big suprise
16:15 sess
16:15 sess read it
16:16 Guest20878 k
16:17 sess or actually @RequestParam might work for taskId
16:17 sess you should make a form object
16:17 sess
16:18 Guest20878 making a form object is not compulsory
16:18 Guest20878 do you mean @RequestParam will  work for taskId
16:20 sess i saw examples of people using it
16:21 Guest20878 how can I bypass making form classes?
16:21 sess Guest20878: just to check also.. was your posted taskId null perhaps?
16:21 sess by default requestParam is required, i.e not null allowed
16:21 Guest20878 no.
16:22 sess try it out without the multipart file and see if just taskid works
16:22 Guest20878 the task id is hardcoded
16:22 Guest20878 k
16:22 sess hardcoded?
16:22 Guest20878 value="abc"
16:22 Guest20878 like this^
16:22 sess ah
16:23 sess ah i think i know your problem
16:23 sess
16:23 sess eny multipart/form-data ruins it
16:23 sess you need a multipartResolver in your spring conf
16:24 Guest20878 hm
16:26 Guest20878 HTTP Status 500 - Request processing failed; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Expected MultipartHttpServletRequest: is a MultipartResolver configured?
16:26 Guest20878 haha
16:26 Guest20878 ok. thanks nice.
16:26 Guest20878 thanks . I will return soon
16:27 drspockbr joined ##javaee
16:39 sfisque joined ##javaee
16:59 jieryn_ joined ##javaee
16:59 * cem_ greets sfisque
17:00 * sfisque waves heartily to cem_
17:20 jieryn joined ##javaee
17:27 dangertools joined ##javaee
17:27 dangertools joined ##javaee
17:40 MiteMitreski joined ##javaee
18:09 sajjadg joined ##javaee
18:16 lv2eof joined ##javaee
19:00 cem_ hi Quest san
19:03 neuro_sys cem are you turkish?
19:03 neuro_sys your name is
19:04 neuro_sys piqued my interest
19:38 neuro_sys what tool do you use, if any, to create db tables from java beans?
19:42 sess i prefer the other way around
19:42 sess jpa can do it otherwise
19:48 neuro_sys for other way around I use hibernate reverse engineering in eclipse, you?
19:48 sajjadg JPA is not a perfect solution. I had lots of problem with it. I always design the table and then have to change it to be compatible with JPA. haven't tried designing Entities and let the JPA provider create the db...maybe in this case I encounter less bugs
19:48 sajjadg I used hibernate and eclipselink to create entity from db but not the reverse
19:49 neuro_sys (I'm just starting a new project, excuse the random questions)
19:50 sajjadg I had problem with DB enum, default value and some data types before...I just try to ignore them when I'm creating the tables
19:50 neuro_sys do you all use maven by default? for instance in my company, I couldn't get my team members to use it, for they think it's overkill for our self contained relatively small projects.
19:50 sess maven is the best for small projects
19:50 sajjadg maven is great.
19:50 sess i even use it for projects < 10 classes
19:51 sess only situation I wouldnt use it would be if the project had 0 dependencies
19:51 neuro_sys did you ever have to convert an existing project into maven, rather than starting it with maven in the beginning?
19:51 sajjadg neuro_sys, they don't have to deal with it most of the time. you just set it up and they can enjoy it
19:52 sess neuro_sys: not yet, but im planning to convert an ant project as soon as the custom wants to pay for it
19:52 sajjadg neuro_sys, yeah. I did. not that hard.
19:52 sess the closer to standard the ant targets are, the easier it is
19:53 sess the hardest parts lies in finding out the exact versions of all libraries (good thing to do anyways), and if you have any jars that are not available in repositories thats a bitch too
19:53 neuro_sys I did one too, maven compile outputs all the missing classes anyway, and looked each of them up in the maven central, and copy pasted pom dependency snippets
19:53 sess if the ant tasks are straight forward and you know the dependencies, ant to maven conversion should be doable in a few hours tops
19:53 sajjadg sess, I once tried ant/ivy instead of maven and I regretted it and changed to maven.
19:53 cem_ maven example please
19:53 cem_ simple one
19:53 sess google
19:53 neuro_sys but we have some peculiar jars, so I had to install them to my local maven repository.
19:54 sajjadg I don't know about gradle yet but maven is the best thing around in that field
19:54 neuro_sys so to get them to use maven, I'd have to set up a remote maven repository
19:54 cem_ javaeebot: lucky maven
19:54 sess neuro_sys:  yeah that sucks
19:54 javaeebot cem_:
19:54 sess
19:54 sess this one is better
19:54 sess for a minimal example
19:55 sess you basicly set the project name and define the dependencies, and youre ready to go
19:55 neuro_sys do you guys ever have to use web sockets? seems java ee 7 has a spec for it, although doesn't seem to be in widespread use currently.
19:55 sess neuro_sys: you dont _need_ a remote repository though
19:55 sess ive been pondering using the ant plugin to install a checked in jar if it does not exist in local repository
19:55 neuro_sys sess: but for those jars, all the other team members would have to install the jars into their local maven repo
19:55 sess scriptable
19:56 neuro_sys oh well yes
19:56 sess check in jars into vc
19:56 neuro_sys unfortunately they don't like to use command line much as much as I do
19:56 sess though having a repository would be awesome if you use a lot of jars that change often
19:56 sajjadg neuro_sys, I had a job offer for that...I didn't accepted it.
19:56 sess thats why you check in scripts so they dont have to :)
19:56 neuro_sys sajjadg: for what, websockets?
19:56 sajjadg yeah
19:56 sess neuro_sys: it's interesting, but usage is pretty limited
19:57 sess chat applications is the default example
19:57 sess it seems blazing fast though
19:57 neuro_sys I just used one, initially with the standard JSR-356, although it's only available in tomcat 8, for which eclipse doesn't have an adapter plugin
19:57 sajjadg archtypes are cool :)
19:57 neuro_sys so I converted to
19:57 sajjadg man...eclipse is not doing good lately
19:58 sajjadg I remember the time when everyone said eclipse is best...but now that I use it I don't see it!
19:58 neuro_sys I needed to use websockets for using some currency exchange services out there
19:58 sess never liked eclipse, such cluttery ui
19:58 sess IDEA is a favorite
19:59 neuro_sys I should better switch to IDEA
19:59 sajjadg IDEA is not free for JEE and I can't buy it.
19:59 whartung I'm a netbeans guy, never cared for eclipse
20:00 sajjadg I installed IDEA for android dev (android studio) and I didn't like it! maybe I need to force myself to work with it for sometime
20:00 neuro_sys at work we all have to use RAD
20:00 cem_ i'm a emacs dude
20:00 neuro_sys I'm a Vim dude!
20:00 neuro_sys although not much for java dev
20:00 sajjadg whartung, really? great :)
20:00 cem_ yea
20:00 neuro_sys except for a few fun times with eclim
20:00 sfisque netbeans, jedit and vi are a great combo of tools :-)
20:01 neuro_sys using netbeans for a desktop Swing app
20:01 whartung emacs just isn't keeping up with the Java IDEs
20:01 sajjadg emacs and vim are good for those who need to change technologies and IDEs a lot.
20:02 sajjadg I'm enjoying vim but it doesn't support RTL!
20:02 neuro_sys what's RTL?
20:02 sajjadg I am disappointed
20:02 sajjadg Right to Left
20:02 neuro_sys I'm sorry
20:02 neuro_sys oh
20:02 neuro_sys haha yeah
20:02 sajjadg it supports Unicode but not RTL
20:03 sfisque does ncurses even support rtl
20:03 sfisque ?
20:03 neuro_sys is that because your native language is RTL?
20:03 sajjadg yeah.
20:03 * cem_ looking ($ $) just seeing which is easy ant or maven
20:03 neuro_sys switch to a more sensible language
20:03 whartung emacs can't RTL?
20:03 sajjadg I don't use it that much. but when I want to write something in my lang. oh man...
20:03 sajjadg emacs supoort RTL
20:03 sajjadg support*
20:04 sajjadg s
20:04 sajjadg neuro_sys, :)
20:04 neuro_sys uh, it feels such a chore to set up hibernate for the project now
20:05 sajjadg cem_, maven is better. lot better. ant is not comparable to maven. maybe you need to compare maven to ant/ivy
20:05 sajjadg I prefer eclipselink to hibernate
20:05 sajjadg it's faster for pg and oracle
20:06 neuro_sys I'm using postgresql for this one, maybe should try eclipselink to add it into my repertoire of tools
20:06 cem_ using postgres
20:06 sajjadg I love vim jklh moving keys. very nice
20:06 neuro_sys any a bajillion of others
20:06 neuro_sys s/any/and/
20:06 cem_ postgres lover and hater /me giggles
20:07 sajjadg :)
20:07 neuro_sys j,J,o,O,a,A
20:07 sfisque yeah comparing maven and ant isnt really a comparison.  ant exposes deep subtle control of a build, maven automates external dependencies in ways ant cannot do easily
20:07 neuro_sys and gotta love visual mode
20:07 neuro_sys ant is so much like writing a custom shell script
20:07 neuro_sys :p
20:07 sfisque ant is basicallly make
20:07 neuro_sys copy things around, run commands
20:08 sfisque maven is more like apt or similar "management system"
20:08 cem_ sfisque: i want know how to use ant  first , guess maven more like framework
20:08 neuro_sys ant is not a prerequisite for learning maven though
20:08 neuro_sys the latter of which is easier anyways
20:08 sfisque both are frameworks.  ant is closer to a scripting system.  maven is more of a build harness
20:11 sess sfisque: "deep subtle control" that is usually not needed and more harmful than gain
20:12 sess plus maven has the ant plugin for when you _really_ need that custom behaviour
20:15 sajjadg what about gradle guys? I see spring and google are moving from maven to gradle! I don't see any advantages in gradle (despite from non-xml config)
20:15 sajjadg ?
20:15 sajjadg neuro_sys, use RESTful application + SPA (with angularjs)
20:18 cem_ #ppl will go mad :P
20:18 sfisque depends sess.  if you're integrating systems that aren't all java, ant will handle that transparently.  ant doesnt care if you're building 100% java or boot strapping several different languages in a build.  i am unsure if maven has that flexibility off the shelf.  and yes, you can plug ant into maven, but then if you need that, it introduces the thought of why they aren't using ant/ivy
20:19 neuro_sys sajjadg: by RESTful application, do you mean decoupling all the service layer to rest services?
20:19 sfisque ultimately it comes down to using the tools that fit the need
20:19 neuro_sys as in db interaction and business/domain logic?
20:21 sajjadg neuro_sys, yes. REST separates server-side programming from client-side and angularjs is a very good framework for creating SPA and works good with REST architecture. JAX-RS+angular
20:21 sess sfisque: well I can't answer for those situations, i've never combined java with anything else
20:21 sess it sounds fairly uncommon
20:23 sfisque uncommon, yes.  but they do exist (from experience)
20:24 neuro_sys sajjadg: ah, so the frontend would have all the app logic (as opposed to using a serverside MVC, like JSF)?
20:24 sajjadg neuro_sys, yeah
20:24 neuro_sys and the frontend MVC (angularjs) would talk directly to the RESTful server?
20:24 neuro_sys now umm, I wonder about the session
20:25 sfisque rest == no session
20:25 sajjadg is a good example of an angularjs site.
20:27 sfisque you can "fake" a session with things like a header cookie, but that's counter to the whole rest concept of "resources stored at addresses"
20:27 neuro_sys so, how do you get the user have a session, like say a login session and for instance a shopping cart? (by keeping all the user session in DB?)
20:27 sfisque you don't.  that's what servlets are for
20:29 sfisque rest is "supposed" to model the concept that a URI corresponds to a resource that you act upon (GET, PUT, DELETE, POST, etc.)
20:29 sfisque the action is supposed to be "atomic" and not a "workflow"
20:30 sfisque if you need a workflow you should be using a traditional web framework
20:30 sfisque otherwise you're embedding alot of session/security/etc. into the remote client
20:30 neuro_sys yeah, I see the simplicity in that. states are evil.
20:31 sfisque since the whole "semantic web" thing hasnt really happened, rest has been "morphed" into a sort of data conduit system with session/state embedded using cookies or tokens or similar
20:37 neuro_sys I've barely no frontend JS framework knowledge, I'll be looking into angularJS as a starter
21:02 weyer joined ##javaee
21:12 cem_ neuro_sys: i was like you on 2011 on frontend :P
22:04 Guest20878 joined ##javaee
23:22 sfisque joined ##javaee

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