Time |
S |
Nick |
Message |
01:01 |
UsakoChan joined ##javaee |
02:09 |
kobain joined ##javaee |
03:16 |
UsakoChan left ##javaee |
10:32 |
SLovenberg joined ##javaee |
11:47 |
balo |
"22:04 < scripty> Remove OP from this newbie" +1 |
14:45 |
AlexCzar joined ##javaee |
14:55 |
MegaMatt joined ##javaee |
15:24 |
kobain joined ##javaee |
16:57 |
AlexCzar|2 joined ##javaee |
17:00 |
kobain joined ##javaee |
17:35 |
Quest joined ##javaee |
17:37 |
SoniEx2 |
who's the owner? |
17:42 |
pdurbin |
SoniEx2: try /msg ChanServ access ##javaee list |
17:42 |
SoniEx2 |
yeah that doesn't help much... |
17:43 |
SoniEx2 |
I would say neuro_sys but idk |
17:44 |
pdurbin |
he's the founder |
17:45 |
SoniEx2 |
well I wanna bring a bot in here and I need permission first... |
17:45 |
SoniEx2 |
so yeah who can give me that permission? |
17:51 |
pdurbin |
SoniEx2: why would you need permission? is the bot annoying? :) |
17:51 |
SoniEx2 |
I don't know... |
17:51 |
SoniEx2 |
it has ¬topic, dynamic prefixes, and some other fun stuff |
17:51 |
pdurbin |
SoniEx2: send in the bot and let's find out :) |
17:51 |
SoniEx2 |
eh I can't invite |
17:52 |
SoniEx2 |
I'll just use the join command |
17:52 |
pdurbin |
huh. I sent javaeebot and philbot in without needing any kind of invitation... |
17:53 |
SExJ joined ##javaee |
17:54 |
SoniEx2 |
it's connected to 2 networks atm |
17:54 |
SoniEx2 |
and it has dynamic prefixes |
17:55 |
SoniEx2 |
because typing "¬" is a pain, what prefix should I use here? |
17:55 |
SoniEx2 |
(ps I only use that prefix to avoid conflicts on bot channels) |
17:57 |
SoniEx2 |
¬topic |
17:57 |
SExJ |
Core Java (Java SE) AND Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE) discussion | ##javaee-offtopic for all kinds of non-tech chat| logs at http://irclog.greptilian.com/javaee/today |
17:57 |
SExJ |
Topic set by Quest!~syncsys on 9 Sep 2013 19:51:21 GMT |
17:59 |
SoniEx2 |
¬source |
17:59 |
SExJ |
https://github.com/SoniEx2/SoniJava |
17:59 |
SoniEx2 |
I'm probably doing everything wrong btw :P |
18:41 |
pdurbin |
¬help |
18:41 |
pdurbin |
¬say foo |
18:41 |
SExJ |
foo |
19:07 |
cem_ joined ##javaee |
19:07 |
cem_ |
yosan |
19:13 |
zoot |
tjosan |
19:13 |
SoniEx2 |
¬cprefix channel add ##javaee -- |
19:14 |
SoniEx2 |
--say pdurbin: this is probably easier to type |
19:14 |
SExJ |
pdurbin: this is probably easier to type |
19:15 |
pdurbin |
--say much easier |
19:15 |
SExJ |
much easier |
19:18 |
zoot |
--help |
19:19 |
zoot |
--say hey |
19:19 |
SExJ |
hey |
19:27 |
pdurbin |
it's a start :) |
19:58 |
zoot |
--say --say loop? |
19:58 |
SExJ |
--say loop? |
20:00 |
pdurbin |
heh |
20:04 |
sfisque |
—say —say —say —say —say blah blah blah |
20:05 |
sfisque |
bah adium changes my double hyphen into a long hyphen |
20:05 |
pdurbin |
sfisque: you're too fancy for us |
20:10 |
pdurbin |
sfisque: I appreciated the cookie at http://echelog.com/logs/browse/netbeans/1383260400 :) |
20:11 |
sfisque |
:-) |
20:40 |
SoniEx2 |
¬cprefix channel add ##javaee — |
20:40 |
SoniEx2 |
sfisque: fixed |
20:43 |
SoniEx2 |
also my bot died :/ kinda |
20:44 |
* pdurbin |
weeps |
21:07 |
SoniEx2 |
lets hope this works |
21:07 |
SExJ joined ##javaee |
21:08 |
sfisque |
—say —say —say blah |
21:08 |
SExJ |
—say —say blah |
21:08 |
sfisque |
oh, nifty |
21:08 |
SoniEx2 |
--say test |
21:08 |
SExJ |
test |
21:08 |
sfisque |
now if you could have it recursively detect "sub says", then we could have some fun :P |
21:08 |
SoniEx2 |
¬_¬ |
21:08 |
pdurbin |
SoniEx2: make it turing complete |
21:08 |
sfisque |
>.< |
21:08 |
SoniEx2 |
no bot loops please |
21:09 |
* sfisque |
starts to code a bot that will talk to SExJ and respond to what SExJ responds with.... |
21:10 |
sfisque |
like putting 2 furbies on the same table and starting one up |
21:10 |
pdurbin |
anybody doing any android development? |
21:10 |
sfisque |
yes |
21:10 |
* sfisque |
raises his hand |
21:10 |
sfisque |
well, did. i finished porting my j2me app to android |
21:11 |
* SoniEx2 |
tells tt to kline sfisque for thinking about doing bot loops and spam |
21:11 |
SoniEx2 |
I mean |
21:11 |
SoniEx2 |
I can do that at any time... |
21:11 |
pdurbin |
sfisque: I'm thinking of studying http://sourceforge.net/projects/learnmusicnotes/ to get my head around Android development. Maybe add an option for bass clef (only treble clef is supported) |
21:11 |
SoniEx2 |
--cprefix get ##GenderQueer |
21:11 |
SExJ |
No command prefixes for channel ##GenderQueer |
21:11 |
SoniEx2 |
huh... |
21:11 |
SoniEx2 |
oh wait |
21:11 |
SoniEx2 |
--cprefix add ##GenderQueer + |
21:12 |
SoniEx2 |
shit I'm doing that wrong |
21:12 |
sfisque |
since you're fluent in java pdurbin, any android tutorial will do fine. |
21:12 |
SoniEx2 |
--cprefix remove ##GenderQueer + |
21:12 |
SoniEx2 |
--cprefix channel add ##GenderQueer + |
21:12 |
SoniEx2 |
--cprefix channel remove ##GenderQueer + |
21:12 |
sfisque |
in fact i found my j2me knowledge kind of "getting in the way" because android does things "differently" |
21:12 |
SoniEx2 |
--cprefix get ##GenderQueer |
21:12 |
SExJ |
No command prefixes for channel ##GenderQueer |
21:12 |
SoniEx2 |
huh... |
21:13 |
cem_ |
why there is double # ? |
21:14 |
pdurbin |
sfisque: you don't like the idea of improving an existing app? I and others would benefit from a bass clef: http://sourceforge.net/p/learnmusicnotes/feature-requests/7/ |
21:14 |
pdurbin |
(comes up a lot on Play Store reviews too) |
21:16 |
pdurbin |
huh, I'm surprised this is still only "early access preview": http://developer.android.com/sdk/installing/studio.html |
21:16 |
sfisque |
not at all. i'm just saying since you're already fluent in java, any android tutorial would do fine, so your desire to use an open source projecta s a tutorial will probably be quite fine |
21:16 |
SExJ joined ##javaee |
21:16 |
SoniEx2 |
--cprefix get ##GenderQueer |
21:16 |
SExJ |
No command prefixes for channel ##genderqueer |
21:17 |
SoniEx2 |
--cprefix channel add ##GenderQueer + |
21:17 |
SoniEx2 |
--cprefix channel remove ##GenderQueer + |
21:17 |
SoniEx2 |
--cprefix get ##GenderQueer |
21:17 |
SExJ |
No prefixes for channel irc.freenode.org/##genderqueer |
21:18 |
pdurbin |
sfisque: the app as a tutorial. right |
21:19 |
SExJ joined ##javaee |
21:38 |
SExJ joined ##javaee |
21:40 |
SoniEx2 |
sfisque: so I guess you like my dynamic prefix system? |
21:40 |
sfisque |
soniex2 i have no clue what you are referring to |
21:41 |
SoniEx2 |
the whole --cprefix thing |
21:42 |
SExJ joined ##javaee |
21:43 |
SoniEx2 |
--source /tree/master/src/com/github/soniex2/sonijava/cmd/PrefixCommand.java |
21:43 |
SExJ |
https://github.com/SoniEx2/SoniJava/tree/master/src/com/github/soniex2/sonijava/cmd/PrefixCommand.java |
21:43 |
SoniEx2 |
sfisque: ^ |
21:48 |
cem_ |
i want to make FPS game :) |
21:49 |
sfisque |
so what am i looking at soniex2? |
21:49 |
SoniEx2 |
my prefix manager |
21:49 |
sfisque |
for? |
21:51 |
SoniEx2 |
for the bot? |
21:52 |
SoniEx2 |
it's just a command that lets you manage the prefixes and stuff, both global and channel |
21:53 |
sfisque |
sure. keep in mind that i'm a chanbot newb so i vaguely get what you're talking about |
22:02 |
SExJ joined ##javaee |
22:02 |
pdurbin |
sfisque: you objected to the prefix of my last bot, which was @ |
22:02 |
SoniEx2 |
--cprefix get irc.esper.net/#soni |
22:02 |
SExJ |
'!' |
22:02 |
SoniEx2 |
yay it works :D |
22:03 |
sfisque |
i did? |
22:03 |
pdurbin |
:) |
22:03 |
SoniEx2 |
--cprefix get stuffy stuff |
22:03 |
SExJ |
'@SExJ ', '@SoniJava ', '¬' |
22:03 |
pdurbin |
javaeebot doesn't have a prefix |
22:03 |
javaeebot |
pdurbin: Error: "doesn't" is not a valid command. |
22:03 |
pdurbin |
whoops :) |
22:03 |
sfisque |
oh, i actually did not. i was just pointing out that my client did bad things with "--" |
22:03 |
SoniEx2 |
yes it does |
22:03 |
sfisque |
which interfiered with me mucking with your bot |
22:04 |
sfisque |
javaeebot is the prefix |
22:04 |
javaeebot |
sfisque: Error: "is" is not a valid command. |
22:04 |
sfisque |
see |
22:04 |
SoniEx2 |
sfisque: you know that's why I added the long hyphen to the prefixes |
22:04 |
sfisque |
javaeebot say javaeebot is my prefex |
22:04 |
javaeebot |
sfisque: Error: "say" is not a valid command. |
22:04 |
SoniEx2 |
--cprefix get ##javaee |
22:04 |
SExJ |
'--', '—' |
22:04 |
sfisque |
i figured :-) |
22:05 |
pdurbin |
well, trying to get Android Studio to run on Fedora 19 has been an exercise in frustation |
22:05 |
sfisque |
i was just clarifying that i did not have any judgement, pos or neg to your prefix :-) |
22:05 |
sfisque |
pdurbin just use nbandroid plugin |
22:05 |
SoniEx2 |
@ is an awful prefix |
22:06 |
pdurbin |
sfisque: is it any good? |
22:06 |
SoniEx2 |
because some ppl like to write stuff like |
22:06 |
sfisque |
it is "good enough" |
22:06 |
SoniEx2 |
@sfisque <message> |
22:06 |
sfisque |
not densely featured, but it integrates android building and debugging into nb which is all i needed |
22:06 |
SoniEx2 |
and if @ is your factoid prefix... yeah that could get messy... |
22:11 |
* pdurbin |
looks at http://nbandroid.org/wiki/index.php/Installation |
22:13 |
pdurbin |
sfisque: this seems fine but I'd probably just as soon set up all the eclipse stuff, which I did before on a different machine a while back |
22:14 |
sfisque |
gotcha |
22:14 |
pdurbin |
especially because the way to migrate an app from eclipse is to export it first |
22:14 |
sfisque |
??? |
22:15 |
pdurbin |
from eclipse to android studio, I mean, the new intellij thing |
22:15 |
sfisque |
oh |
22:15 |
pdurbin |
http://developer.android.com/sdk/installing/migrate.html |
22:15 |
sfisque |
from inside nb, i can build, debug, and export final release version. no need for any externals other than the AVD for running/debugging |
22:15 |
pdurbin |
"to generate gradle build files" |
22:16 |
pdurbin |
sfisque: cool. always happy to hear about options |
22:17 |
pdurbin |
when my dad plays Hearts we call him "Option Man" ... you never know if he's running or not :) |
22:17 |
cem_ |
should i make it in swing or applet ? |
22:17 |
sfisque |
lolz |
22:18 |
sfisque |
cem_ make "what" into swing or applet (and btw, the two are not mutually exclusive) |
22:19 |
pdurbin |
sfisque: cem_ said he's making a FPS |
22:19 |
sfisque |
OH |
22:19 |
pdurbin |
cem_: SoniEx2 is a game maker |
22:19 |
sfisque |
i would say go native swing if you're going java. browser plugin is only going to slow down the game play and give you UX headaches |
22:19 |
sfisque |
you can release via JWS |
22:19 |
SoniEx2 |
I'm not a game maker |
22:20 |
sfisque |
to keep people's installs upgraded |
22:20 |
SoniEx2 |
but use #lwjgl |
22:20 |
cem_ |
lately i got distracted so i decided to make a game .. I choosed FPS |
22:20 |
SoniEx2 |
cem_: ^ |
22:20 |
sfisque |
i would use whatever jmonkey was using before the project lost steam |
22:20 |
pdurbin |
sfisque: swing over javafx? |
22:20 |
sfisque |
they were pretty much at the leading edge of MMO java dev |
22:21 |
sfisque |
he asked swing or applet |
22:21 |
sfisque |
wouldnt javafx still instantiate swing anyway. i thought javafx was just a "meta" tech |
22:22 |
pdurbin |
buh. i thought javafx was the new swing |
22:22 |
sfisque |
javaeebot lucky javafx description mechanics |
22:22 |
javaeebot |
sfisque: https://blogs.oracle.com/java/entry/the_enterprise_side_of_javafx1 |
22:23 |
sfisque |
that's what i thought. javafx -> java is like flex -> actionscript |
22:23 |
sfisque |
it's a "describe the UX" mechanism that you then bind code too |
22:23 |
sfisque |
**ti |
22:23 |
sfisque |
**to |
22:24 |
sfisque |
but i would guess the actual widgets are just swing components, once the meta layer gets "executed" |
22:26 |
sfisque |
it looks like javafx is the "recommended mech" for non-webapp deployments |
22:26 |
sfisque |
so, yeah, if you're not constrained, cem_ to applet, go javafx |
22:27 |
SoniEx2 |
use lwjgl for 3D java games |
22:27 |
sfisque |
it looks like javafx has standard bindings for D3D and opengl directly |
22:28 |
SoniEx2 |
like... with no abstraction? |
22:28 |
sfisque |
via something called Quantum Toolkit |
22:28 |
sfisque |
opengl is already an anbstraction layer |
22:28 |
sfisque |
and so is D3D |
22:28 |
SoniEx2 |
well yeah |
22:28 |
sfisque |
they hide talking to the native graphics drivers |
22:28 |
SoniEx2 |
but you get what I mean |
22:28 |
sfisque |
i do, but i'm not a fan of abtracting alreayd abstraction layers |
22:28 |
sfisque |
creates unnecessary obfuscation |
22:29 |
SoniEx2 |
unless you want obfuscation |
22:30 |
sfisque |
well yes, but that then sends the message that you're siloing, which carries all sorts of connotation with it |
22:31 |
SoniEx2 |
"siloing"? |
22:32 |
pdurbin |
ok, android studio seems to work. it's a 32 bit app so I had to install a bunch of 32 bit libraries on my 64 bit fedora box |
22:33 |
SoniEx2 |
pdurbin: :/ |
22:37 |
pdurbin |
sfisque: so I'll probably stick with this. seems to be the future |
22:44 |
sfisque |
gotcha |
22:44 |
pdurbin |
I mean, who knows if I have time for this, but it's fun right now :) |
22:45 |
pdurbin |
plus it gets me into intellij a bit |
22:45 |
sfisque |
that's how i approached my j2me -> android port |
22:45 |
pdurbin |
sfisque: the fun of it? |
22:45 |
sfisque |
intellij is nice (at least for a pay IDE) not sure how mature the freebie version is these days |
22:45 |
sfisque |
yah |
22:46 |
pdurbin |
this might get me into gradle too |
22:46 |
sfisque |
my app is freeware, so if i get 1 user who benefits, cool, but i'm not losing any sleep over it |
22:46 |
pdurbin |
sfisque: you don't have angry paying customers banging down your door :) |
22:46 |
sfisque |
yub |
23:15 |
cem_ |
how long it will take to learn frameworks ? |
23:15 |
sfisque |
which one? |
23:15 |
cem_ |
hibernate |
23:16 |
sfisque |
passingly, a few weeks. intimately, a year |
23:39 |
sess joined ##javaee |