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IRC log for #javaee, 2013-10-19

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:14 [[thufir]] joined ##javaee
00:53 sfisque joined ##javaee
01:17 SoniEx2 so I'm still trying to make a proper YM2612 simulator
01:17 SoniEx2
01:17 SoniEx2 I need help with that
01:25 SoniEx2 anyone?
01:26 sfisque1 joined ##javaee
01:52 SoniEx2 :/
01:53 SoniEx2 ... eh just make a pull request or something
01:53 SoniEx2 good night
05:16 greasy joined ##javaee
08:58 neuro_sys SoniEx2: whoa!
08:58 neuro_sys great
10:11 SlashZero joined ##javaee
13:32 SoniEx2 could someone help me:
14:04 MegaMatt joined ##javaee
14:31 pdurbin javaeebot: lucky YM2612 simulator
14:31 javaeebot pdurbin:
15:37 SoniEx2 I can only find emulators
15:41 sfisque why would you want a simulator vs an emulator?
16:36 scripty joined ##javaee
16:36 scripty left ##javaee
16:46 * pdurbin tries to field a question about editing xml files in war files:
16:53 Quest joined ##javaee
17:21 SoniEx2 sfisque: well I actually want a mixed simulator/emulator thingy
17:21 SoniEx2 simulated DAC, emulated everything else
17:31 pdurbin DAC?
17:36 SoniEx2
17:36 SoniEx2
17:37 pdurbin ah. thanks
18:18 WileTheCoyot joined ##javaee
18:19 WileTheCoyot hello everyone
18:20 WileTheCoyot how can i get values passed in a url? like http://host?id=1
18:21 WileTheCoyot if i use request.getParameter("id"); in jsp i got null
18:42 MegaMatt joined ##javaee
19:02 pdurbin hmm. param maybe:
20:35 kotten joined ##javaee
21:13 SoniEx2 I know I'm doing this wrong but I don't know how to do it right:
21:24 kotten SoniEx2: what is the error you get?
21:26 SoniEx2 noise
21:28 SoniEx2 that class is supposed to be an YM2612 output simulator thingy
21:28 pdurbin SoniEx2: what's the input?
21:29 SoniEx2 an audio file
21:29 pdurbin same error no matter what audio file?
21:31 SoniEx2 there's no error, the audio plays, but there's also noise
21:32 SoniEx2 this is the test class:
21:33 SoniEx2 oh wait...
21:33 SoniEx2 I think I mixed signed and unsigned...
21:34 * SoniEx2 replaces all the != by ==
21:34 SoniEx2 (on the test class that is)
21:35 SoniEx2 I'm a derp :/
21:35 pdurbin SoniEx2: no more noise?
21:36 SoniEx2 eh nope that didn't change anything :/
21:37 SoniEx2 let me try something else...
21:42 SoniEx2 well the panning works at least...
21:45 pdurbin SoniEx2: how do you build your game? I don't see a pom.xml in your repo
21:45 SoniEx2 I don't like automated builds
21:46 pdurbin SoniEx2: you run javac by hand?
21:46 SoniEx2 I use eclipse
21:47 SoniEx2 and really the game is nowhere near done
21:47 SoniEx2 it's not even alpha!
21:47 SoniEx2 or indev...
21:47 SoniEx2 well indev maybe...
21:47 SoniEx2 idk...
21:47 pdurbin huh. netbeans uses ant by default. but you can have it use maven. eclipse can have no build file at all?
21:48 SoniEx2 you can just click the "run" button and it'll run
21:48 pdurbin hmm. ok
21:49 pdurbin I mean, I'm sure you could probably set up netbeans like this too... just seems a bit odd
21:50 SoniEx2 hmm...
21:51 SoniEx2 wait I think I got it...
21:53 SoniEx2 maybe not...
22:01 SoniEx2 eh I'll bbl
22:04 SoniEx2 oh great now it outputs PWM... ¬_¬
22:04 kotten SoniEx2: I am sorry it is beyond me =\
22:05 SoniEx2 maybe I have to send more updates or something...
22:05 SoniEx2 no that wouldn't work
22:05 SoniEx2 idk :/
22:06 SoniEx2 yeah bbl
22:20 scripty joined ##javaee
22:23 SoniEx2 oh wait...
22:23 SoniEx2 derp :3
22:25 scripty Such a stupid Article Err... Might be i am stupid LOL
22:26 SoniEx2 THERE WE GO!
22:26 SoniEx2 I'm stupid
22:26 SoniEx2 :3
22:26 SoniEx2 I was multiplying by 2^16-1 not 2^15-1
22:37 SoniEx2 and now it's not working with negative values... I think I forgot to flip the value somewhere...
22:38 SoniEx2 :3
22:41 SoniEx2 eh for some reason negative values don't work properly :/
22:43 scripty SoniEx2 what are you doing ?
22:44 SoniEx2 scripty: DAC simulator thingy
22:44 scripty Working on Embedded ?
22:46 SoniEx2 no I'm trying to make a YM2612 emulator/simulator (mix of both) thingy for my game...
22:56 MegaMatt joined ##javaee
23:02 SoniEx2 I kinda got it to work properly...
23:04 scripty what type of game are you doing?
23:06 SoniEx2 well it's more of a game engine...
23:09 SoniEx2 right now I'm trying to do this:
23:10 SoniEx2 I kinda got it to work but...
23:11 SoniEx2 it's a bit hard...
23:11 SoniEx2 todo tweak values until I get it to work
23:11 SoniEx2 :3
23:40 SoniEx2 so I think my YM2612 DAC works now
23:41 pdurbin \o/
23:41 SoniEx2 kinda
23:42 SoniEx2 I'm close at least
23:45 kotten nice =)
23:50 SoniEx2 todo: outL/outR are capacitors, input is fixed at 1.0F, find out how to make variable resistors based on the input
23:52 SoniEx2 I mean
23:54 SoniEx2 outL/outR are capacitors, find out how to make variable resistors based on the input, update capacitors with that and 1.0F
23:54 SoniEx2 or something

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