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IRC log for #javaee, 2013-10-09

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:55 jieryn joined ##javaee
01:15 kobain joined ##javaee
01:15 Guest5983 joined ##javaee
01:17 cem_ hello
01:32 pdurbin cem_: hey
01:33 cem_ pdurbin: Is this right place to start learning java /Q&A?
01:39 pdurbin cem_: well, we try to focus on Java EE specifically, but go ahead
01:51 cem_ okay , i dont know how long it will take me to come to Java EE . I'll try to get there soon . Which database is suited for java (supported)?
01:53 tjsnell most all of them
02:36 pdurbin except sqlite
02:52 sfisque joined ##javaee
02:53 sfisque1 joined ##javaee
03:13 javaeebot` joined ##javaee
03:13 sfisque joined ##javaee
04:33 Quest joined ##javaee
04:34 dangertools joined ##javaee
04:34 dangertools joined ##javaee
04:35 Quest pdurbin sqlite is not supported by java?
04:36 Quest strange
05:43 dangertools was kicked by Quest: its 24000 . not 20000
05:47 dangertools joined ##javaee
06:06 sfisque since when?
06:21 javaeebot joined ##javaee
06:59 Quest sfisque pdurbin said that. not me
07:02 Quest If I am using rest like url patterns like . wont it create problems if the user (requester) skips 1 out of stated 4 params. e.g aparm2 ? (this wont be an issue if the traditional way is used like so on)/ even if one param is skipped. the others are not effected.
08:23 mbc joined ##javaee
08:44 Quest joined ##javaee
09:18 Guest1975 joined ##javaee
10:01 pdurbin Quest: have you tried or ?
10:10 pdurbin sfisque: I tried using sqlite from Java but it doesn't seem well supported:
10:22 Quest pdurbin i have no problem in writing urls. iam using spring and rest like pattern
10:25 Quest_ joined ##javaee
11:07 MegaMatt joined ##javaee
12:02 dangertools joined ##javaee
12:04 tangatools joined ##javaee
12:08 tangatools joined ##javaee
12:08 tangatools joined ##javaee
12:24 jieryn joined ##javaee
12:24 jieryn joined ##javaee
12:30 kobain joined ##javaee
12:47 tommmied joined ##javaee
12:48 tommmied joined ##javaee
13:22 Naros joined ##javaee
14:23 jbwiv joined ##javaee
16:45 sess joined ##javaee
16:58 vivekramaswamy joined ##javaee
18:22 kobain joined ##javaee
19:39 sfisque joined ##javaee
19:39 kobain_ joined ##javaee
20:56 [[thufir]] joined ##javaee
21:29 phalaris joined ##javaee
21:29 phalaris hi
21:29 tommmied left ##javaee
21:29 phalaris i'm not sure if i'm right here with my question, but i'll just try it =)
21:30 whartung bring it
21:30 phalaris is there a possibility to test if an ArrayList has a defined value at the entry i?
21:30 Faux i < size()
21:30 phalaris i know that i can test whether the list is empty or not, but i couldn't find that
21:30 whartung what do you mean "defined value"
21:30 whartung but, yea, what Faux said
21:30 phalaris i just want to test, if there is a value or not
21:31 phalaris because as far as i know it's possible to add an entry without giving it a value?
21:31 whartung boolean exists = (i < list.size() && list.get(i) != null)
21:31 phalaris just with test.add(3);
21:32 phalaris what does null mean here?
21:32 phalaris no value?
21:33 whartung If you do ArrayList list = new ArrayList(5), you will end up with a list with 5 elements, all of which are null
21:33 phalaris okey, that's perfect
21:34 whartung if you want the existence of the cell at all, then compare against the size. If you want to know if there's something actually IN the cell, check against null as well
21:34 phalaris hmm, wait, could i show you the code?
21:34 whartung you can paste it somewhere
21:35 phalaris sure
21:36 phalaris
21:36 phalaris so what the method will get in the constructor is an array with "ones" and "zeros" in it
21:37 phalaris the aim of the method is to print out all the lenghtes of the sequences of "ones" in the array
21:37 phalaris the solution i have right now works fine, but there's a little detail
21:38 whartung so 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 prints 3 and 4?
21:38 phalaris if the array ends with a 0, i'll get a 0 in the last element of long_sequence
21:38 phalaris exactly
21:39 phalaris this is due to the "else if (long_sequence.get(s) !=0)
21:39 phalaris so i'd like to rewrite this else if condition
21:41 whartung untested
21:41 whartung
21:43 phalaris you don't change last  anywhere?
21:43 whartung I set it at the bottom of the loop
21:43 phalaris oups, sry didn't see that
21:44 phalaris hmm, but how do you get all the values?
21:44 whartung I count them
21:44 phalaris the lengthes of the sequence
21:44 phalaris sequences*
21:45 whartung run it through by hand with a test array, you'll see how it works
21:45 whartung try it with 0 1 1 0 1
21:45 whartung see what happens
21:45 phalaris aah the problem is, that i need the values to be safed in an arraylist
21:46 phalaris i don't just want to print them out
21:46 whartung then change the prints to list.add(cut)
21:48 phalaris hmm and why do you compare last with 1?
21:48 phalaris shouldn't it be last > 1?
21:49 whartung to see if the last number we saw was a 1, and not a 0
21:49 phalaris i mean, you're changing last upwards?
21:49 whartung run it by hand
21:49 phalaris last always hast the number of i?
21:49 whartung where is last ever assigned the value of i?
21:50 phalaris ah sry, i'm so stupid...
21:50 phalaris and if i'd like to use my method?^^
21:51 phalaris would there be a way to check if the element s of long_sequence does not have a value?
21:51 whartung well, here's a working method - it's an exercise for the reader to convert it your method :)
21:51 whartung I don't see how that's even germane to the problem
21:52 Faux left ##javaee
21:52 phalaris in the else if i could use long_sequence.add(s)
21:53 phalaris and then check in the else if, if long_sequence(s) does have a value or not
21:53 whartung why would you do that?
21:54 phalaris ehm, because it would work^^
21:57 phalaris whartung: i still get the 0
21:57 phalaris that's strange..
21:59 phalaris anyway, i have to go to bed, thx for the help
21:59 phalaris i'll look over it tomorrow
21:59 phalaris good night
23:33 kotza joined ##javaee

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