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IRC log for #javaee, 2013-07-20

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Time S Nick Message
00:00 Naros_ if you mean frameworks, just Toplink and Hibernate.
00:00 Naros_ before those days, it was all pure JDBC :)
00:00 Quest oh
00:01 Naros_ ORM packages do save lots of hours compared to those many days of writing JDBC prepared statements :P
00:01 Quest wo.. JDBC .  scary / dry
00:01 sfisque1 nothign wrong with jdbc.  under the hood, all JPA/ORM's are doing is JDBC.
00:01 Quest Naros_,  how do you find Toplink vs Hibernate
00:01 Quest sfisque1,  underneeth JDBC is used by all
00:02 Naros_ sfique1: agreed, it is just a cleaner api
00:02 Quest sfisque1,  but, its not a fast and beautiful coding with JDBC
00:02 sfisque1 i wouldnt say that.  different ways to approach the problem.  there are things that jpa does "badly" and things that jdbc does "badly".  and they each have their strengths
00:02 Naros_ well it can be Quest, but at that point you've started your own mini ORM product if so :P
00:03 Quest yes. when you have made some methods / architecture to make jdbc cool. agreed
00:04 Naros_ but sfique1 is right, there are times i use straight jdbc because trying to wire in an orm product just doesn't make logical sense for the small complexity of the tool
00:04 sfisque1 depends on what kind of queries and stuff you're doing.  crud in jdbc can be painful, but you can also do the equivalent of a <tuple> query in about 1/4 the code in jdbc
00:04 Naros_ e.g.: app that queries a remote web service for exchange rates and inserts them into a daily rates table
00:05 Quest sfisque1,  speaking of overall value.  jdbc is anciate way of coding now.      just like  C. you can do better in c++ and more in Java
00:05 sfisque disagree
00:05 sfisque C is very much alive
00:05 Quest it is.
00:05 sfisque and so is jdbc
00:05 Quest but dont you think java is smarter ?
00:05 Quest but dont you think hibernate is easier?
00:06 Quest :)
00:06 sfisque easier != better
00:06 Naros_ C is still highly used in various projects.  Not everything needs to be OO :P
00:06 sfisque easier == easier
00:06 sfisque better== better
00:06 sfisque device drivers
00:06 Quest sfisque,  less coding time == better
00:06 sfisque depends
00:06 sfisque you can code crap in less time than good code
00:06 Quest less headache in query writing ?
00:06 sfisque does that make it better?
00:06 Quest sfisque,  well now that it has came to personal preference of yours. I cant comment much...
00:07 Quest sfisque,  to me. yes
00:07 sfisque of course.  taste :-)
00:07 Quest to you. dont know.
00:07 Quest ya.
00:07 Naros_ There is taste but there is the obvious to use the right tool for the job.
00:07 Quest I found out today that Naros_  and my tasts match mostly. side note
00:07 sfisque i'm a slow coder.  i spend my 80% on forensics and write as little code as possible
00:07 sfisque but that's just how i roll
00:07 Quest hm
00:08 Naros_ sfisque: im with you there, less maintenance downstream in many cases.
00:08 sfisque one of the subtle things i've learned is EVERY line of code is a maintainance footprint.
00:08 Naros_ and compounds the risk factor too
00:09 noord sfisque: bad habits come from desire to few keystrokes
00:09 Quest got to leave! miss you guys.
00:09 sfisque it's not about minimalism, it's about not writing unnecessarily
00:09 Naros_ Ok, well I've got to get back to my Hibernate Search problem with SQL Server.
00:09 sfisque i've found people start out on a project and write too much code
00:09 sfisque /wave
00:09 Naros_ you guys/gals have a great weekend.
00:10 sfisque then you spend a ton of time refactoring it all out
00:10 sfisque down the road
00:11 sfisque u 2 naros
00:11 sfisque code strong!
00:11 noord sfisque: just write what it needs
00:13 sfisque agreed.   but "needs" depends on many things.  case in point on this proj i'm on,  they wrote a TON of code replacing standard API's and doing stuff that "the platform" (ejb 3.1) gives you for free.  i've spent over a year just refactoring and streamlining, trimming down queries, all sorts of kruft.  it makes the baby java cry
00:15 sfisque much of it came from them rushing into the project and not really "learning the platform".  slowly they're coming to understand that just blasting out code is not the solution that will be sustainable or maintainable
00:18 kippesoep joined ##javaee
00:19 Quest back
00:19 Quest sfisque,  so you prefer Java ee over spring mvc ?
00:19 sfisque depends.
00:19 Quest on?
00:19 sfisque what is the target platform and what problems are you solving
00:20 Quest kippesoep,  pasted me this link
00:20 Quest mediam to large scale app.  tomcat, web app
00:20 kippesoep lazy as i am
00:20 Quest sfisque,  ^
00:21 Quest sfisque,  i feel frameworks give you several prebuild things. e.g aop.  that is not in javaee plain
00:21 Quest so it kinda always wins
00:21 sfisque still depends.  are you wiring into a ESB?  do you need solid cluster/failover?  do you need messaging? do you need to handle XA Txs?  do you need to support services other than web pages?
00:22 Quest hm
00:22 Quest dont know most you wrote
00:22 Quest spring will do them or jee
00:23 sfisque if you're just serving pages, Tomcat + libs is fine.  if you're building into an existing enterprise fabric, an EE container solves A LOT of problems you will spend time solving (stack compatibility, services, etc.)
00:23 Quest sfisque,  EE container like?
00:24 kippesoep jboss7 works good imo
00:24 sfisque JBoss, glassfish, weblogic, websphere, etc.  take you're pick
00:24 sfisque i've used them all and each one does fine
00:24 Quest tomcate is a servlet container and not a ee containe
00:24 Quest r
00:24 sfisque ATG is the only one i've not touched
00:24 kippesoep i particularly like jboss7 because of the speed, though i'm unsure about the speed of the newer releases of the other ones mentioned
00:24 sfisque right, but you can "fake it" with libs (spring, hibernate, etc.)
00:25 Quest hm
00:25 sfisque i like jboss for it's extensive "add ons".  i like glassfish because it's got better remote managment.
00:25 sfisque managing websphere requires a Phd.   it's for sadists
00:25 sfisque or masochists
00:25 sfisque depending
00:26 sfisque weblogic is somewhere between glassfish and Wsphere
00:26 kippesoep well, i really disconnect with websphere a long long time ago, when it somehow would just give me "unexpected exception" as the complete trace
00:26 Quest this is in hibernate and plain JEE?
00:26 sfisque kipp : lolz
00:28 Quest websphere is a beast
00:28 Quest i have little experience though
00:29 kippesoep when it comes down to it, i wouldnt recommend anything by oracle, really, even though weblogic seems to be allright.. but that might be me, just being frustrated with oracle AS and their older service bus (incorporating their own xml-libs, which containted an error in the xslt processing, but we were unable to swap for something else .. WTHH)
00:29 kippesoep s/containted/contained
00:32 kippesoep on a different note .. i havent looked into jee7 .. have you?
00:38 Quest
00:40 sfisque weblogic is fine.  it was bought by oracle :-P
00:40 sfisque but if you're just looking to "learn" glassfish is probably the best "first spin around the block"
00:42 kippesoep that's true, as was java (duh :P)
00:42 kippesoep though i would argue that java is getting outdated fast
00:43 sfisque eh, it's maturing.  that's like saying C++ is outdated.  remember, java started out as a "toy language".  then it was supposed to be a desktop app language (awt/swing/xbeans/etc.)  i feel it's finally found it's target market, enterprise fabric enabler platform
00:44 kippesoep c++ is updating faster than the snail pace of javaq
00:44 kippesoep -q
00:44 kippesoep come on, no closures??? still ??
00:45 sfisque closures a niche that is going to be badly abused.  just like generics.  90% of apps do not need closures
00:45 kippesoep then we are in severe disagreement
00:46 kippesoep i also dislike the entire notion of null, but there are very few languages that dont have that alas
00:46 sfisque what's wrong with null?
00:46 * kippesoep likes the option pattern as it's in scala
00:47 sfisque describe.. i do not k now scala
00:47 sfisque will peek back, have to bounce for dinner
00:47 sfisque code strong!
00:47 kippesoep well, if you'd replace it by Option, as in scala, you'd communicate to the user of a method that it could either allow or return an Option instead of the need for checking for null at arbitrary places, which causes so many NPE's
00:48 kippesoep so basically, you'd get a compiletime error instead of a runtime exception, as well as communicating better with your api ..
00:49 kippesoep k, cya later
00:49 * Quest waves
03:20 Mujave joined ##javaee
04:25 kobain joined ##javaee
05:32 xll11 is there a way, to make a new line after each panel added?
05:35 xll11 Hey, is there a Border layout type that can help me? I'm adding multiple panels and I'm looking for a new line between each of the panels
09:05 kippesoep joined ##javaee
09:05 sfisque joined ##javaee
09:05 clevasseur_ joined ##javaee
09:05 neuro_sys joined ##javaee
09:05 mbc joined ##javaee
09:05 pdurbin joined ##javaee
09:05 crimsonfubot joined ##javaee
09:05 tystr joined ##javaee
09:05 javanewb joined ##javaee
09:05 dreamreal joined ##javaee
09:05 Sircle joined ##javaee
09:05 zoot joined ##javaee
09:05 l1ght joined ##javaee
09:05 ChanServ joined ##javaee
09:23 philbot joined ##javaee
09:23 Topic for ##javaee is now Java (general & all kinds of) and Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE) discussion. | logs at We are a bit more friendly, you may keep silence as a response  but you have no right to insult/abuse a person in any case.
11:27 pdurbin ah, panels like these:
11:49 pdurbin seems like swing stuff to me, not java ee
11:56 Mugave joined ##javaee
12:15 pdurbin joined ##javaee
13:13 pdurbin I just listened to this and enjoyed it:
13:17 pdurbin he talks about serializing to or XML and a bit about NoSQL
14:12 kobain joined ##javaee
15:10 palomer joined ##javaee
15:11 pdurbin I'm sad I get "500 internal server error" now when I try to download JavaOne 2012 videos such as :( ... this worked fine for months and months
16:20 palomer joined ##javaee
16:21 kippesoep left ##javaee
17:16 Quest joined ##javaee
17:21 noord joined ##javaee
17:44 Mugave joined ##javaee
17:46 Quest any one used hibernate / jpa in depth?
17:46 Quest hm. saturdays are quite.
17:47 pdurbin yup. quiet
17:49 Quest pdurbin,  If i recall correct, you were getting into jpa/hibernate stuff. correct?
17:50 pdurbin Quest: yeah, JPA. I already linked to this:
17:50 Quest pdurbin,  I am thinking IRC chat has made an ancient image.
17:51 Quest pdurbin,  what do you think. there should be a modern way of communicatting?  something more efficient?
18:03 pdurbin Quest: the Jave EE "community" on Google+ is decent:
18:05 Quest hm
18:07 Quest pdurbin,  woulld you prefer a web based chat or IRC chat ?
18:07 Quest web based with more features
18:08 palomer joined ##javaee
18:10 pdurbin I'm quite happy with IRC:
18:11 Quest pdurbin,  have you been to
18:12 Quest pdurbin,  what if i told you that a merger of IRC and stackoverflow based forums would be? live chat forums I mean? would you prefer it?
18:18 Zongwei joined ##javaee
18:18 Zongwei hi
18:18 Zongwei i need a little help
18:38 buharin joined ##javaee
18:39 buharin hey :)
18:40 buharin I am trying to do smth like Menu with specyfing priveleges is it good to write it like id and key for translation
18:40 buharin plus OneToMany with privileges entity
18:40 Quest hi
18:41 Quest buharin,  what are the relation ship of entities, one to many / many to many ? do you have a diagram?
18:42 buharin nop
18:42 buharin I am hardcore programmer
18:42 zoot use jaas?
18:42 Quest a diagram for db would solve many of your problems before they arise though
18:43 Quest authentication service would be complicated for a new bie?.. i gues.
18:44 buharin Quest, I already write my own
18:44 buharin right now I making menu :D
18:44 Quest buharin,  did you got for   like      isReadable isWritable boolens ?
18:44 buharin for?
18:44 Quest privilages
18:45 Quest what kind of menus?
18:45 buharin Quest, no it is just for menu and roles wich can see this menu
18:45 Quest oh
18:45 Quest its a oneToMany or manytomany?
18:45 Quest ontomany i think
18:45 buharin Quest, I think it should be one to many
18:47 Quest ok. just map them . one as @OneToMany and other as @ManyTOOne      the do  Mapped by on one of them.    this way you can trace either ways.
18:47 Quest then do*
18:47 Quest I got to run now.
18:49 buharin Quest, what about if I want to add new Menu row for an existing role
18:49 buharin should I first get and object or what?
18:50 Quest then make many to many relation
18:50 Quest one role can have many menus   ,    one menu can have many roles
18:50 buharin nop
18:50 buharin missunderstood
18:50 Quest oh. then?
18:50 Quest oh . ya. i missread
18:50 Quest hm
18:51 buharin Quest, I added user with role admin, and later I want to add menu for role admin wich is already exist
18:51 Quest buharin,  can you show my the entity classes?
18:52 buharin
18:53 buharin I needn't add role with menus so ManyToOne not needent
18:55 buharin Quest, I mean userDao.getRoles().add(already_exsting_role);
18:59 Quest 1. the name should not be RoleDao. these are entities. not DAOs.  2. creat a user class , role class,  menu class .            user and its privileges--  OneToMany- menu      if user have correct prvilige from a menu , he can view. else not.
19:00 Quest sorry. ignore the role class. above
19:00 Quest user class also would have role/privilege
19:00 Quest but thats just my strategy
19:01 Quest you can get the role of a user easily. the business logic in service class can handle the rest
19:02 Quest and if you want to complicate things.      user - groups - group privililges for menu - menu
19:02 buharin no no
19:03 buharin I just want to add single roles
19:03 buharin and than add a menu for an existing role
19:03 buharin how to do it
19:04 Quest buharin,
19:04 Quest buharin,  oh. wait
19:05 buharin I just write to it more annotation like NotFound if you want to get user but roles for user not found
19:05 buharin but how about adding
19:06 Quest role class, which has list of users and menus.
19:06 Quest one  user can have one role only . right?
19:06 Quest but one role can have many menus?
19:06 buharin no
19:07 buharin omg
19:07 buharin no
19:07 buharin user -> many roles
19:07 Quest clearly first define the relaions of role, user and menu
19:07 buharin menu -> many roles
19:07 Quest hm
19:07 buharin Quest, man but what are you thinking about
19:07 buharin listen
19:07 Quest user   -> role <- menu then
19:07 pixelou joined ##javaee
19:08 buharin I don't asking about connections
19:08 Quest isnt it simple?
19:08 Quest what connection>
19:08 buharin I am asking about code side
19:08 Quest hm what exactly?
19:09 Quest I added user with role admin, and later I want to add menu for role admin wich is already exist?
19:10 buharin Quest,
19:10 buharin Quest, now I want to add a new user with the same roles
19:11 Quest just like you did before
19:12 pixelou Hi, I'm a java newbie, I wrote this : . The code is working, but do you think it is a good idea for a configuration?
19:13 Quest pixelou,  looks fine
19:14 Quest what type of configureationy you have in mind?
19:14 buharin pixelou, I think JSF got automatic bundle listeners
19:14 buharin or something like that
19:15 pixelou I don't know about jsf as for now ;-)
19:16 buharin pixelou, good for you D:
19:17 pixelou well this is interesting :-)
19:17 pixelou what sort of monster is this?
19:18 buharin jee framework
19:19 pixelou From what I understood from the wikipedia article, I don't need facelets for now, so I think I will keep my configuration management.
19:20 pixelou thanks for your help.
19:21 Quest buharin,  userDao.setLogin("daniel"); userDao.setRole("role here")   and if you want to get "role previously saved"  . you have two options. some how get the role by some id. only hibernate required. (this wont happen ) ,   or    use HQL , JPQL  (I wont recoment critiera at this stage but is an option) to do similar SQL queries based on Entiy classes)
19:22 buharin Quest, oh ok so first I need
19:22 buharin mmm
19:22 buharin Quest, can you write sample please?
19:23 Quest but you cant get the id of the row which you have "some role in" . i mean theres not way to find without a query which might be like .  select role from table where role = some role..   i mean thats insane
19:23 Quest buharin,  appologies. i was just leaving
19:23 Quest buharin,  but the key point its. you can do in hibernate .       get some object (classname.class, id)
19:24 buharin but when I get object just add it to list and it is working ye?
19:24 Quest thats it.      or match objects.       if user has a relation with role . you can get the role id, name, sting, etc      by    the user class....         if they have a relation.
19:24 buharin cuz it is serializable?
19:25 Quest you can add list. but there got to be a relation. thats how you will approach one item by an other item reference
19:25 Quest I recomend you to see koushiks you tube hibernate tutorials      good luck!
19:27 buharin Quest, and one more think how to make hibernate to drop tables then recreate
19:27 buharin create-drop?
19:27 Quest create  and update are the keyworkds
19:27 Quest update do not drop the db schema
19:27 Quest create does
19:28 Quest do that in the hibernate.cfg.xml
19:28 Quest buharin,  watch those tutorials. good for yo
19:28 buharin Quest, ye thnks :)
19:28 Quest welcome!
19:50 buharin Quest, DAO is for bisness logic for getting and setting values into table?
19:52 Quest buharin,  yes, see hibernateeventDao.
19:53 Quest 5.
19:54 buharin Quest, DTO?
19:54 Quest what?
19:54 buharin DTO and DAO
19:54 buharin
19:55 Quest I would say it repository .
19:55 Quest DTOs are often used in conjunction with data access objects to retrieve data from a database
19:56 Quest DTOs are often used in conjunction with data access objects (DAOs) to retrieve data from a database
19:56 buharin so I got Entity then retrieve via DAO object and write it to DTO wich use in applications
19:56 buharin fuck Java is so complicated :D
19:56 Quest :)
19:56 Quest see the examples and tutorials. you will get it
19:56 * Quest waves
19:57 buharin Quest, yeah but on Monday I am going to work :D
19:57 Quest       without spring
19:57 Quest
19:57 Quest
19:57 Quest
19:57 Quest all are fantastic ^
19:58 buharin I have no spring there
19:58 Quest read all of them. then return here.
19:58 buharin EJB instead
19:58 Quest ignore the spring part then
19:58 Quest Quest>       without spring
19:59 buharin Quest, like that
19:59 buharin ok going to connect what I wrote with EJB
20:13 pdurbin buharin: are you deploying your EJBs to glassfish? jboss? something else?
20:13 buharin tomcat
20:15 * Quest recommends jboss
20:15 Quest jboss == EE container, tomcat == servlet container.     IRRC
20:15 Quest IIRC
20:15 pdurbin buharin: huh, I thought one would need TomEE for EJBs
20:16 buharin pdurbin, ou really? I need to change server for EJB?
20:16 pdurbin buharin: I guess you'll find out. :) I use glassfish
20:16 buharin what about weblogic?
20:17 Quest beast
20:17 Quest buharin,  glass fish will do too
20:17 Quest for your ejbs
20:18 buharin Quest, ye but they said me that I will use WebLogic
20:18 buharin however idk if it is not too fat for my old notebook
20:18 Quest they?
20:20 buharin what they?
20:20 buharin ahh I mean guys from work
20:20 buharin :D
20:21 pdurbin seems to be proprietary...
20:22 buharin yep
20:22 buharin : |
20:26 buharin JBoss? should be fine?
20:27 Quest yes
20:31 buharin omg there is not more JBoss
20:32 buharin now it names WildFly :D
20:43 Quest hm
21:00 sfisque neat
21:01 Quest .
21:02 sfisque i'm beginning to lose patience with jboss.  4->5 was a nice migration, 6 was a disappointment (no EE, just web profile), 7 seems to be a complete refactor (breaks alot of legacy stuff) and now they're renaming the product/project... le sigh
21:05 Quest hm.
21:05 Quest whats your best opensource ee container ?
21:05 sfisque for "my needs"?  right now JB 5.1.  IMO, last good release of jboss before things got "screwy"
21:06 Quest hm
21:06 sfisque but i'm really close to going back to glassfish
21:06 sfisque i just dislike glassfish's lack of JAAS infrastructure
21:06 Quest I wonder why I feel glassfish is not that largescale thing
21:06 Quest authentication ?
21:06 Quest h
21:06 sfisque jb comes with alot of off the shelf jaas modules
21:06 sfisque yes
21:07 sfisque gf comes with zilch.  annoying
21:07 Quest )
21:07 * pdurbin looks at
21:07 Quest :) gfs  also come with many annoying things now days (girl frients gf)
21:08 Quest glassfish is not opensource i gues
21:08 pdurbin Quest: sure it is
21:10 Quest oh
21:10 Quest sfisque,  do you find real big problems in the latest stable of jb?
21:14 Quest no ee in 6  and 7 ?
21:14 Quest really?
21:16 Quest ProductVendorEditionRelease dateJava EE compatibility [1]Servlet specJSP specLicense
21:16 Quest JBoss ASRed Hat7.1.1.Final2012-03-0963.02.2LGPL
21:20 Naros joined ##javaee
21:21 * Quest saluts
21:22 Quest at Naros
21:55 buharin I get a problem in Eclipse bad password glassfish server
21:55 Quest just dont touch the password or manager. keep it default
21:56 buharin ohh ok
21:56 oO0Oo joined ##javaee
21:56 Quest if it gets messed up. its hard to normalze. at least it was for me. i had to reinstall all things
21:57 buharin I ussually use Intellij but
21:57 Quest oO0Oo,  nice nick
21:57 buharin this time I need to use eclipse
21:57 * Quest prefers intellij
21:58 buharin Intellij is nearly ideal
21:58 buharin =D
22:00 buharin however it costs much for company
22:01 Quest community edition?
22:03 buharin Quest, communisty is lack of jee staff
22:03 Quest like ?
22:04 buharin like whole ;D
22:04 buharin servers
22:04 buharin persistance
22:04 Quest really?
22:04 buharin ejb
22:04 buharin etc
22:04 buharin yep
22:04 Quest so you cant to jee in community version?
22:04 buharin yep
22:05 Quest we can have seperate servers runing though
22:05 buharin Community it is only for basic app
22:05 zoot well, intellij lacks a fracking compile button
22:05 buharin and intellij is amazing good for jee and frameworks
22:06 Quest     ya
22:07 Quest one month trial for full version would do
22:08 Quest after that you either crack (joking) or buy
22:08 buharin Quest, I got cracked version
22:08 buharin :P
22:08 Quest really
22:08 buharin Quest, wanna crack?
22:08 buharin for linux?
22:08 Quest you should have pm me and gave a link :)
22:08 Quest lol
22:08 zoot stfu
22:08 Quest just kidding
22:08 Quest stfu ?
22:09 buharin Quest, but I read if you got opensource project
22:09 buharin you can get it for free
22:09 Quest yes.
22:09 Quest with terms
22:11 kobain joined ##javaee
22:12 kobain joined ##javaee
22:12 kobain joined ##javaee
22:12 kobain joined ##javaee
22:13 kobain joined ##javaee
22:22 Quest joined ##javaee
22:22 buharin Quest, what?
22:23 Quest I was disconnected from irc
22:25 buharin Quest, working?
22:28 Quest yup
22:28 buharin :)
22:28 buharin Quest, but as you got a bit money try to buy it ;D
22:29 buharin I will do the same :P
22:29 Quest ofcourse
22:31 Quest org.springframework.beans.factory.x​ml.XmlBeanDefinitionStoreException: Line 125 in XML document from ServletContext resource [/WEB-INF/springDispatcher-servlet.xml] is invalid; nested exception is org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; lineNumber: 125; columnNumber: 93; cvc-complex-type.2.4.a: Invalid content was found starting with element 'bean'. One of '{"":meta, "":construct
22:31 Quest or-arg, "":property, "":qualifier, "":lookup-method, "":replaced-method, WC[##other:""]}' is expected.
22:31 Quest oops. sory
22:42 Quest any one understands spring exception ?
22:43 buharin thats why I won't learn spring :D
22:43 Quest :)
22:44 Quest what alternative do you see to spring? plain Jee?
22:45 buharin when I tried to write smth in spring it was very hard for me and my notebook hurt cause xml
22:45 sfisque Quest , in ref to before, 7.1 is the first version of Jboss since 5.1 to pass the full EE tck spec
22:45 buharin then I used JSF
22:45 buharin :D
22:45 sfisque 6.x through 7.0.x are just web profile
22:46 Quest sfisque,  hm.
22:47 Quest nevermind about the pastebin above^
23:03 buharin going to sleep
23:03 buharin bye bye :)
23:04 xll11 joined ##javaee
23:04 xll11 joined ##javaee
23:43 Mugave joined ##javaee

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