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IRC log for #friendlyjava, 2014-08-29

##friendlyjava on freenode

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
01:11 mr_lou joined ##friendlyjava
04:05 firebird1 joined ##friendlyjava
04:57 neversleepz joined ##friendlyjava
05:00 aditsu joined ##friendlyjava
07:13 neversleepz joined ##friendlyjava
08:21 mr_lou joined ##friendlyjava
09:13 firebird1 joined ##friendlyjava
09:27 neversleepz joined ##friendlyjava
10:10 cky joined ##friendlyjava
10:11 mr_lou joined ##friendlyjava
10:27 aditsu_ joined ##friendlyjava
11:58 root66 joined ##friendlyjava
12:07 root66 firebird1: no, I just decided to idle here out of solidarity
12:07 root66 I want this channel to be a thing
12:07 root66 fuck ##java
12:08 firebird1 i like ##java
12:08 firebird1 the only problem is
12:08 root66 the ops?
12:08 firebird1 i need login everytime
12:09 root66 My issue is that even if no one talks for 2 days, if you ask something that is not 100% on topic they act like an animal that hasn't been fed in days.
12:10 root66 Also, because of my nickname it was immediately assumed that I was up to no good
12:10 root66 The phrase "people like you", etc
12:10 root66 Forget the fact that this has been my nickname since 1997 and I am an efnet oper
12:11 root66 I singlehandedly changed the way IRC timesync works, but I am dismissed as a 12 year old wannabe hacker *immediately*
12:12 firebird1 i don't mind who ur
12:13 firebird1 most ppl r good
12:14 root66 well I didn't come here to rant, I'm just idling and if someone asks something I can help with I'll answer ;)
12:14 firebird1 that's good
12:16 firebird1 i thought ur bot crafted by mr_lou
12:16 root66 no, but he did invite me
12:17 root66 there should be a friendly version of every coding channel
12:17 root66 #android-dev is surprisingly helpful for even non android related java
12:20 firebird1 i think need to invite my gf to this channel :/ <i keep forgeting>
12:20 * firebird1 forgets alot
12:22 firebird1 treetable built by sucks in 1 way but i love in another end :/
12:35 mr_lou Ohoy
12:35 mr_lou Hey root66
12:35 mr_lou Channel #java on efnet is nicer than #java on freenode, although not 100% "clean". :->
12:36 mr_lou Still some arrogant comments from certain individuals.
12:36 mr_lou But easier to ignore in there.
12:41 firebird1 i joined efnet for my vba on/off prj
12:41 firebird1 :/
12:42 firebird1 google like efnet vs freenode
12:43 firebird1 ?
12:48 mr_lou root66, I'm with you. It would be great to see ##friendlyjava grow. But in order to do that, we probably have to be in the other #java channel, and guide people in here when they are given the traditional #java treatment.
12:48 mr_lou (I believe that's what I did with you actually)
12:49 mr_lou Requires some time and effort. But doable. :-)
12:49 firebird1 thnx mr_lou
12:51 firebird1 oh u dont speak right
13:02 mr_lou firebird1, What do you mean?
13:04 firebird1 nothing... In past week i have ping'd sayin hi
13:04 firebird1 u never replied
13:05 mr_lou Been busy.
13:06 mr_lou Working on my blu-ray disc project.
13:06 firebird1 oh
13:11 mr_lou firebird1, You keep claiming you're from Russia, even though your IP is in India.
13:11 mr_lou And then you talk rude in PM.
13:11 mr_lou I'm ignoring you now.
13:11 firebird1 shut up u moron
13:12 firebird1 stop looking into other ass
13:17 firebird1 dont pm sayin something stupid
13:17 firebird1 ill totally kick ur ss
13:22 firebird1 i doubt these newcomers pdurbin
14:51 firebird1 no doubt #java channel ppl r mean to u
17:27 aditsu_ firebird1: hey, if you're rude, you're not welcome here
17:28 aditsu firebird1: please stop bothering people
17:28 firebird1 i'm not rude ppl ...too friendly unless they're
17:29 aditsu "shut up u moron" -> not rude, huh?
17:29 firebird1 they pissed me
17:30 aditsu it looks like the opposite
17:31 firebird1 oh!
17:33 firebird1 mr_lou, is female
17:34 firebird1 ill be not rude
17:35 firebird1 she is a hacker
17:35 aditsu gender is not relevant, be nice to everybody or leave
17:36 firebird1 aditsu, oops without proper evidence u just cant say these words :/
17:37 aditsu I already gave the evidence
17:37 firebird1 by seeing the result ur accusing me as :/
19:08 aditsu joined ##friendlyjava
21:52 neversle_ joined ##friendlyjava
22:11 neversleepz joined ##friendlyjava

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##friendlyjava on freenode