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IRC log for #virtualJUG, 2016-10-13

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
01:21 mpasteven How important would you say JMS is?
01:22 pdurbin I guess it depends on if you use it or not. :)
01:23 mpasteven I do not know, since I do not touch Java EE at all
01:23 pdurbin Well, you might use part of Java EE, such as Servlet.
01:23 mpasteven I am eventually likely going to need some kind of integration to communicate with Java EE services
01:24 mpasteven I work on the complete opposite end, with Java ME
01:25 mpasteven Really, I know next to nothing about Java EE
01:26 pdurbin ah, Java ME
01:27 mpasteven Java ME has the usual outbound HTTP, HTTPS, TCP, and UDP
01:27 pdurbin ok
01:29 mpasteven You could just send JSON over HTTP
01:30 pdurbin yeah, that's what I'd do
01:33 mpasteven Kind of mixed if I should provide libraries to do such things, or just let the users take care of it
01:34 pdurbin Who are the users? Java ME developers?
01:35 mpasteven Users of my VM in the future
01:35 mpasteven So it could be developers of applications or actual users
01:36 mpasteven well, end users
01:36 pdurbin VirtualBox VM? JVM? What kind of VM?
01:36 mpasteven A Java ME 8 VM
01:36 mpasteven Essentially Java 7
01:37 mpasteven Very stripped down, made for very weak systems
01:37 mpasteven No invokedynamic, method handles, reflection, serialization, or finalization
01:38 pdurbin I assume you're looking forward to Jigsaw.
01:38 mpasteven May seem strange, but actually I am not
01:38 pdurbin oh
01:39 mpasteven Java ME's main class library (java.lang, etc.) only has about 400? classes
01:39 mpasteven 400 seems a bit high actually
01:40 mpasteven 214 is the correct amount
01:41 mpasteven Java ME inherits from J2ME
01:41 mpasteven But by the time Java ME 8 came out, Android was already everywhere
01:43 mpasteven Jigsaw's exporting would be useful though
01:43 mpasteven and hidding internal public classes
01:44 mpasteven The name is a kind of misnomer, since it has no Java 8's library additions, basically Java 8 was in development when Java ME 8 was being worked on
01:44 mpasteven none of*
01:45 mpasteven What is interesting to note is that Java 6's StackMapTable attribute is essentially a more compact version of J2ME's StackMap
01:46 mpasteven Having Java SE's old verifier with an infinite number of verification states would not work on such limited devices
01:47 mpasteven So J2ME enforced that for every byte code instruction, there is ever only a single state for local variables
01:49 mpasteven Java SE 6 then took that feature and made it optional, Java 7 made it required (breaking a bunch of hand written/instrumented byte code)
01:53 mpasteven I aim for J2ME compatibility also however, since there are a very large number of J2ME programs noone can reliably run
01:56 pdurbin I'm not even sure where Java ME runs anymore. It feels like Android and iPhone have taken over.
01:57 mpasteven It runs on 3 devices: Raspberry Pi, FRDM-K64F, and Intel Gallileo V2
01:58 mpasteven At least ones you can download binaries for anyway
01:58 mpasteven I would estimate the number of Java ME licensees to be at most 8
01:59 pdurbin ah, ok
02:00 mpasteven That is, newest version licensees, not those using ancient versions and hanging onto them
02:05 mpasteven pdurbin: Which Java related stuff do you work on?
02:08 pdurbin I work on a Java EE app called "Dataverse":
02:12 mpasteven Interesting
02:12 mpasteven I assume it uses a database of sorts (of the SQL kind) to store data?
02:14 pdurbin yeah, PostgreSQL:
02:18 mpasteven Which Java version do you support at a minimum?
02:19 pdurbin Java 8
02:37 mpasteven Looking at some random classes
02:39 mpasteven Not to poke, but in ControlledVocabularyValue's hashCode(), hash is initialized to zero; then the hash code of id is added to it in a ternary; then hash is returned
02:40 mpasteven Then seeing the Objects.equals() below, hashCode() could become return Objects.hashCode(;
02:53 pdurbin mpasteven: sorry, I'm not following and it's past my bedtime. Plus, I don't think I even wrote that code. :) Anyway, good night.
02:53 mpasteven cya
02:53 mpasteven sleep well
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