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IRC log for #sourcefu, 2018-07-15

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Time S Nick Message
12:26 pdurbin Or actually tomorrow. :)
12:27 pdurbin It's hard to imagine non-geeks even thinking to look for file systems that some how spread out the wear across solid state drives.
12:28 pdurbin I'm not sure how free software leaves your data untouched but proprietary software touches it.
12:28 pdurbin The bit about helping (network effect) should be moved to the end, after the reader has been convinced of the argument.
12:30 pdurbin The surveillance argument is probably the most compelling. The section assumes the reader followd the Snowden story and it's aftermath fairly closely though.
12:31 pdurbin EOMA68 should be explained better. I'd never heard of it.
12:32 pdurbin Any why are proprietary software suppliers unwilling to provide binary blobs for it? It that true?
12:34 pdurbin The ".doc a binary blog" argument has been weakened (years ago) buy the introduction of .docx, which is a zip with XML in it.
12:37 pdurbin I find the definition of "ease-of-use" strange. Doing tasks for the user vs automating them? To me ease-of-use has to do with user experience (UX) and the formal definition of usability. ISO 9241: "The effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction with which specified users achieve specified goals in particular environments."
12:38 pdurbin It's cool that the author is thinking about running Friendica or similar.
12:41 pdurbin I find the statement "I believe that art should not be free" oddly placed because in the previous paragraph movies, which I consider to be art, are suggested to be better for consumers to not have DRM.
12:42 pdurbin "artists deserve the right to control distribution of their work" but not movie makers?
12:42 pdurbin The shark analogy is fine
12:42 pdurbin keep moving or you die
12:43 pdurbin but coral is actually dying the world over, from what I understand
12:43 pdurbin iTunes doesn't lock up your files. I don't think. You can find your MP3s in there
12:44 pdurbin Phew, I think that's it.
12:44 pdurbin Again, over all, an interesting essay.
12:45 pdurbin I'm realizing I don't have a great way to comment on longish articles like this.
12:45 pdurbin I mean, I could copy and paste the whole thing into a Google doc and leave comments on specific lines.
12:45 pdurbin That's probably what I'd do at work.
12:46 pdurbin But in the spirit of free software I figured I'd just start typing here and see where it takes me. At least the words I'm typing are being preserved in a plain text format by philbot, the IRC logger.
12:47 pdurbin One more link to the article before I go find some breakfast:
13:14 aditsu oh, you actually read the whole article and want to critique it? it's kinda tl, dr for me
13:15 aditsu I don't know what is Black Mirror
13:17 aditsu hadn't heard of Friendica, wikipedia says it's written in php, that's instant fail 👎
13:19 aditsu Crapple is the worst, I don't understand why anybody is willing to use their "products"
13:20 aditsu anyway, I'm all for OpenDocument, still working on a library for it
13:20 pdurbin Black Mirror is one of those "Netflix original" shows. I think I've watched three episodes total. Can watch in any order since they're stand-alone, which is nice.
13:22 aditsu I haven't given in to Netflix :p it would probably ruin my life as I couldn't stop watching
13:22 aditsu youtube is already eating way too much of my time
13:23 pdurbin What do you use OpenDocument for? I pretty much only use Markdown.
13:24 aditsu for everything that other people use ms office for
13:24 aditsu well, almost everything
13:24 aditsu markdown is something else
13:24 aditsu don't see the relation
13:26 pdurbin I mean that I always write stuff in plain text. Does OpenDocument save in a binary format?
13:26 aditsu it saves a zip archive with xml files and images inside
13:26 aditsu pdurbin: do you ever use spreadsheets?
13:27 pdurbin Ok, so similar to docx. I use spreadsheets all the time but I use Google Spreadsheets.
13:28 aditsu yes, it's similar in some ways to docx/xlsx/all those other ms formats
13:28 aditsu I don't want to keep all my stuff on the web
13:29 pdurbin Sure. How do you edit your spreadsheets? With OpenOffice?
13:29 aditsu LibreOffice
13:29 pdurbin right, the new name
13:29 aditsu it's a fork
13:30 pdurbin I have it installed on my Ubuntu laptop. But not on this iMac at home or my Macbook at work.
13:30 aditsu about that article, I suggest that you write your comments at the bottom of that page
13:31 pdurbin Yeah, but then I don't "own the content".
13:31 pdurbin "own" the content
13:31 aditsu ??
13:31 pdurbin Probably what I'd do is leave the comment in my wiki and then copy and paste it as a comment.
13:31 pdurbin ...on the article.
13:34 pdurbin Generally, I don't believe in putting content into systems where I can't get it back out
13:34 aditsu you already wrote it in here
13:35 pdurbin yeah
13:35 pdurbin this is my blog, sort of
13:35 pdurbin has a date in the url
13:36 aditsu so you don't want you words to appear anywhere on any system that you don't control?
13:36 aditsu your*
13:36 pdurbin Here's an example. I have this thing that I wrote in git in plain text in case this site ever goes away:
13:36 pdurbin Does that make sense?
13:37 pdurbin Lots of websites go dark, taking their (often user-contributed) content with them:
13:37 aditsu no, I don't get it
13:38 pdurbin Why would I pour my heart into writing up content that might go dark and lost forever? Wouldn't that be a waste of my time?
13:39 aditsu well, it makes sense to have a copy of it, which you already have here afaict
13:40 pdurbin Yeah, this copy is probably good enough. If I invest time in writing up a thoughful comment, I might save that copy also.
13:40 aditsu sure, if you care enough about it
13:41 pdurbin Generally, if I put effort and thought into something I write, I care about it.
13:41 pdurbin But yeah, it totally depends on how much effort I put in.
13:41 pdurbin Stuff I write in this channel is much more throwaway.
13:42 pdurbin But I like logging it so I can reflect on it in case someone says something interesting.
13:43 pdurbin The backup of the whole IRC log database is still under 4 MB:
13:44 aditsu it just seems that you're against posting anything on any site you don't control; if you keep your own copy of it, then I don't see the problem
13:45 pdurbin I guess I could just copy and paste what I wrote above but I don't think that would make the best comment.
13:48 pdurbin aditsu: as a vi user, LibreOffice strikes me as somewhat heavyweight for editing spreadsheets. If it's just data I'm editing, I often use vi and a tsv file (and ). Are there any console-based apps for editing LibreOffice spreadsheets?
13:49 aditsu I don't think there are, but if there were, I would run away from them as far as possible
13:50 aditsu but there are many other GUI programs that can edit OpenDocument files
13:50 pdurbin Ok. How many different applications can be used to edit these spreadsheets? Just LibreOffice?
13:51 aditsu pdurbin: check out
13:52 aditsu there are also programs like odt2txt
13:53 pdurbin huh, TextEdit
13:54 pdurbin yeah, TextEdit lets you save in odt format. But again, I always save in plain text if I can. Plain text is better for preservation.
13:57 aditsu if you just have text content with no formatting, sure
14:08 pdurbin Well, I keep my resume in Markdown format, for example. It has some light formatting such as bullets and headers. In practice I just turn it into HTML and copy and paste it into something like Google Docs to make a PDF to send around.
14:11 pdurbin I've been thinking of putting that Markdown file for my resume in my wiki because something changed with LinkedIn during the last year or two where you can't see my profile unless you're logged in. Concretely, I would change "You can read more of my work history on LinkedIn" at to something like "You can check out my resume (link)" and have it in my wiki.
14:26 aditsu I guess we're both weird in our own ways
14:30 pdurbin heh
14:31 pdurbin "Keep Knowledge in Plain Text" comes from "The Pragmatic Programmer: From Journeyman to Master" by the way:
14:39 aditsu I do have a folder of plain text files that can be described as "knowledge"; I refer to them whenever I need to do something on the computer and can't remember how
14:40 aditsu if it's not in there, I find out and write it down
14:41 pdurbin Yeah, I have a folder like that and I'm very slowly moving those files to my wiki. For example: and
14:43 aditsu the only awk command I have is: find . -type f -exec stat -c %s {} \; | awk '{sum+=$1} END{print sum}'
14:44 aditsu (someone else wrote it for me)
14:46 aditsu I really need to add a "one-liner" mode to CJam, and implement regexes..
14:55 pdurbin Why "cherry jam"? Tastes good?
14:57 aditsu yes; also it's not "code jam" :p
15:06 pdurbin ah
15:06 pdurbin "Your comment is awaiting moderation." ... I basically linked to these IRC logs: "Nice essay! I left some comments at and and I apologize for not taking the time to write them up as a thoughtful post here."
15:06 pdurbin done!
15:07 aditsu haha, classic pdurbin, linking to irc logs ^_^
15:07 pdurbin I was just looking at and offers a way to export your site but not a way to export comments made using your account, as far as I can tell. I also looked at
15:10 pdurbin I used to run a website and IRC channel dedicated to the topic of data liberation:
15:11 pdurbin So yes, we're both weird in our own ways. :)
15:11 aditsu used to? what happened?
15:16 pdurbin I'm looking to see if I ever did a proper write up of why I shut it all down.
15:17 pdurbin I even had a log and everything:
15:18 aditsu you mean logo
15:18 pdurbin logo, yes
15:19 aditsu did the project fall into a wormhole? :p
15:19 pdurbin heh
15:20 pdurbin yet another site death
15:20 pdurbin I made a todo to write it up.
15:21 pdurbin I'm a fairly frugal person so I paying for the domain year after year was probably part of it. And I'm sure eventually the IRC channel was just me talking to myself.
15:23 pdurbin I bet at the time I was really into (where I met bear) and I thought my little effort was redundant. I stopped hanging out in their IRC channel though because I wasn't in love with the vibe. No offense to everyone but it smacked of group think to me.
15:24 pdurbin Probably what I should do is see if there's any other community out there of like minded individuals who also care about data liberation, about owning your own data.
15:25 aditsu I might be more into owning my data than you in some ways, as I keep my spreadsheets on my computer rather than on google's servers :p
15:26 pdurbin No kidding. But for example is all about maintaining a spreadsheet (if a TSV file counts) on own computer(s).
15:28 aditsu that's a very specific application, and the tsv thing seems to be just an option
15:29 aditsu btw, what do you do for backups?
15:29 pdurbin the readme is out of date. feedcritic requires a tsv now
15:29 pdurbin timemachine for backups
15:30 pdurbin anything I care about is backed up to the family imac which has family photos and videos. backed up with timemachine
15:30 aditsu that's a crapple thing, right? but do use an external disk? or what?
15:30 pdurbin external disk. yes, crapple
15:31 pdurbin in practice, for my geeky stuff, I usually just to do a `git pull` now and then to make sure I have the lasted stuff on that imac
15:35 pdurbin latest*
19:15 pdurbin This is why I sometimes hate Stack Exchange. is a screenshot of how they deleted my perfectly good question:
20:05 pdurbin The body of the question was this: "The system Python on Mac is still 2.x. When will the system Python on Mac be Python 3?"

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