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IRC log for #sourcefu, 2017-02-28

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
15:16 dotplus Dear ipython, I <3 `%history -g`! much love, dotplus
15:17 pdurbin :)
15:17 pdurbin don't you mean juypter?
15:18 dotplus um, no. never used jupyter.
15:20 dotplus not sure I really know what it is. I sometimes treat ipython as a repl/shell for fooling around with python-fu. %history -g helped me recover something I *thought* I wouldn't need about how to interact with $web_api.
15:21 pdurbin oh, ok, fair enough :)
15:24 dotplus what's the use case for jupyter? I mean, is there something beyond "Dear $other_person, load this file and you can see *my* "ipython/repl" history nicely formatted/presented so you can learn about what I did"?
15:26 dotplus I spose I should just go look it up but hivemind['IRC'] is often better than DDG:)
15:27 pdurbin DDG? It's so people can reproduce your results. It's science.
15:28 dotplus DuckDuckGo
15:29 dotplus hm. so it's a combination of a virtualenv with pinned versions of requirements, "your" code, *and* your data so the results are completely reproducible?
15:30 dotplus oO("immutable experiments" or "experiments as code")
15:30 pdurbin yeah, the same figures should be reproduced or whatever
15:31 dotplus sounds like something I'd be well into if I were in an academic research environment/scicomp.
15:31 dotplus TIL, thanks!
15:33 pdurbin oh sure, and here's the next step:
15:35 dotplus #mind_blown
15:36 dotplus I need more hours and more brain.
15:36 pdurbin heh, we got a demo the other day
22:38 gk-1wm-su joined #sourcefu
22:46 gk-1wm-su joined #sourcefu

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