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IRC log for #sourcefu, 2015-09-02

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
08:54 aditsu joined #sourcefu
10:09 aditsu joined #sourcefu
12:41 codex joined #sourcefu
13:02 pdurbin aditsu but you wouldn't need to use Jacoco
13:03 pdurbin prologic: looks like Python is supported:
13:06 prologic already use it for circuits :)
13:07 pdurbin prologic: oh! do you use it for ?
13:16 aditsu pdurbin: um.. well, true, I don't particularly need to use it
13:16 aditsu I haven't even written unit tests
13:17 pdurbin I don't bother enabling Jacoco in my builds until I've written unit tests. :)
14:03 pdurbin is interesting
16:03 aditsu joined #sourcefu
16:34 pdurbin huh. somehow I didn't realize there is a free option for Datomic:
16:48 aditsu joined #sourcefu
19:02 pdurbin_m joined #sourcefu
20:19 pdurbin it's not often you see a middle finger in a bug report:
21:44 westmaas lol

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