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IRC log for #sourcefu, 2015-08-17

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
01:07 fhackdroid joined #sourcefu
06:13 hydrajump joined #sourcefu
06:14 hydrajump joined #sourcefu
11:12 pdurbin_m joined #sourcefu
11:12 pdurbin_m checkstyle ? Google's Style:
12:38 pdurbin FontCDN: A search tool for Google web fonts -
12:41 pdurbin
13:33 dotplus pdurbin: I think sourcefu is a fine name, source-fu would probably be better, I'd definitely include the allusion to both the jargon file and the wikipedia link in any explanatory material
13:33 dotplus actually, I think it's a better name than crimson, since that backronym is a bit awkward
13:34 pdurbin dotplus: I dropped the hypen to keep it shorter: "Use lower case and keep it short." -- Tenets of the UNIX Philosophy - :)
13:38 dotplus just my Humble Opinion, I think it would be better with. I would take all mention of the 'kung' part out of both descriptions as well. but that's me.
13:39 pdurbin hmm, well, hopefully mentioning gōngfu is ok
13:39 pdurbin not that I know Chinese at all
21:57 fhackdroid joined #sourcefu

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