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IRC log for #sourcefu, 2015-08-16

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:08 pdurbin aditsu bear codex dotplus hydrajump prologic semiosis sivoais tumdedum westmaas: so I'm thinking about renaming this channel. Any objections? Do you love the name "sourcefu"? I kind of don't. I have another name in mind but I'm also open to suggestions!
00:16 prologic what do you have in mind?
00:17 prologic I don't mind sourcefu really
00:17 prologic Are we trying to combine crimsonfu, opensourcedesign and sourcefu?
00:17 prologic We *should* :P
00:17 sivoais me neither
00:17 prologic I'm on too many channels as it is :)
00:19 pdurbin I kind of want to keep #crimsonfu and #opensourcedesign as they are. They're quite different communities. And I had nothing to do with starting #opensourcedesign, though I think it's great.
00:22 pdurbin sivoais prologic: I'm glad to hear you don't mind the name "sourcefu". I've gotten feedback that some people don't like martial arts references. I blame the jargon file: ;)
00:24 sivoais the original Chinese term is actually something that can be applied to any area
00:24 pdurbin sivoais: oh! that's good to know
00:25 sivoais see <>
00:25 pdurbin "In Chinese, the term kung fu (功夫) refers to any skill that is acquired through learning or practice. It is a compound word composed of the words 功 (gōng) meaning "work", "achievement", or "merit", and 夫 (fū) which is a particle or nominal suffix with diverse meanings."
00:27 pdurbin sivoais: if I stick with #sourcefu I'll put something about that at :)
00:27 prologic yeah
00:27 prologic so keep #sourcefu
00:27 prologic it's good
00:27 prologic it has all of the right conotations really
00:28 pdurbin and it's nice and short :)
00:31 pdurbin prologic: you're not wrong that there is significant overlap between #crimsonfu and #sourcefu. (semiosis has pointed this out.) I think aditsu and more recently fhackdroid are the only people who keep showing up here but not in #crimsonfu. But the communities are different in my mind.
00:31 pdurbin I *want* to attract coders like aditsu here. I don't mind at all that he's not a regular in #crimsonfu which is more for sysadmins.
00:32 prologic perhaps with #openknot we can just combine all the communities into one
00:32 prologic and synchronoize them to FreeNode
00:32 prologic i.e: a separate IRC server/network :)
00:33 prologic "One Knot to rule them all!"
00:33 prologic :P
00:33 pdurbin heh. see, I think it's great that #openknot has spun off into its own thing
00:34 pdurbin anyway
00:34 prologic I do too :)
00:34 prologic but my vision is that we can bring it all together in a nice way
00:35 pdurbin yep
00:35 prologic various related channels, communities and various communications mediums
00:35 pdurbin hope so
00:35 pdurbin and actually, I think of codecraft ( ) as the companion mailing list for #sourcefu
00:36 pdurbin they could promote each other
00:37 pdurbin in fact, I just emailed the cofounder of codecraft something I wrote about potentially renaming #sourcefu and also promoting codecraft
00:37 prologic hmm
00:37 prologic just wait :)
00:38 prologic I've gotta finish building the openknot prototype
00:38 prologic been so busy with the move/etc lately
00:38 pdurbin I can wait. Still thinking things through. But I appreciate the feedback.
00:39 pdurbin I was thinking about renameing #sourcefu to #justcode. Here's what I sent to the codecraft guy:
00:39 prologic hmm
00:39 pdurbin what do people think about "justcode" as a name?
00:39 prologic I prefer sourcefu over justcode :P
00:40 pdurbin fair enough :)
00:41 pdurbin renaming things is something I'd like to sleep on anyway
00:41 pdurbin aditsu: but I do still agree we should rename addressbookmvc: :)
01:22 fhackdroid joined #sourcefu
04:08 fhackdroid joined #sourcefu
06:06 codex pdurbin: I actually like justcode, but sourcefu sounds cool too
06:07 codex that appart, I am all for creating ONE everyone said, in too many channels. I stay on top of 2 right now
06:07 codex (i am in 20+)
07:03 searchbot` joined #sourcefu
07:05 hydrajum1 joined #sourcefu
07:27 aditsu pdurbin: I like sourcefu
07:55 aditsu compromise: codefu :)
08:31 sivoais I'm not telling how many channels I'm in... >_>
10:26 aditsu I'm in 3 right now, but sometimes up to 6
11:32 pdurbin heh. "code-fu" with a dash is in the jargon file:
11:33 pdurbin sivoais: more than 30? :)
11:33 pdurbin codex: I'm glad you like "justcode". :)
11:35 pdurbin crimsonfu has a nice tagline: "sysadmins who code". this channel should have a tagline too (but people would not identify primarily as sysadmins).
11:50 pdurbin "no language off topic"
12:07 pdurbin "every contribution enriches all of us"
12:10 pdurbin "explain your bug to the bear" -
12:12 pdurbin "rubber duck debugging for everyone"
12:15 pdurbin "questions not automatically closed as off topic or not constructive" -
12:17 pdurbin "passionate about software development"
14:29 pdurbin ok, hopefully this helps: explain the term "sourcefu" better · sourcefu/ -
14:29 pdurbin sivoais: thanks again for explaining what "kung fu" meant originally
14:58 fhackdroid joined #sourcefu
15:40 pdurbin makes me less itchy to change the name :)
17:47 fhackdroid joined #sourcefu
18:47 fhackdroid joined #sourcefu
19:48 sivoais haha, no problem! :-) And the number is many times that ;-)
19:49 sivoais I liked "When in doubt, make it public" from <>
21:49 pdurbin wow, many times that
21:50 pdurbin sivoais: yeah, that's been there the whole time but I've been messing with the sourcefu website today

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