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IRC log for #sourcefu, 2015-06-16

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:34 pdurbin prologic: frustrated by Docker questions?
00:35 prologic haha
00:35 prologic there was one ont he docker-user mailing list
00:35 prologic it started out as a post with several points
00:35 prologic all negative
00:35 prologic and ending with
00:35 prologic "what's up with that?"
00:35 prologic I was brave enough to "try" to answer it
00:35 prologic admittedly not very well haha
00:36 prologic Here's a link to the thread:!topic/docker-user/TgCGntvTAjs
00:36 prologic The thing is though (aside from IPV6 isues)
00:36 prologic a lot of these complaints and kind of silly
00:36 prologic and IHMO outside of the bound/goals of Docker in the first place
00:36 prologic Why should I care about what IP Address my conatiner happens to have?
00:37 prologic and bi-directional linking of containers just to solve "configuration issues" of antiquated software or software that has poor discoverability/configurability
00:37 prologic so oh well :)
00:38 prologic I guess Apache Mesos is designed to be distributed/p2p somehow?
00:38 prologic but needing upfront ip addressing to configure master/slave relationships? wtf?
00:39 prologic broadcast discovery ftw?
00:39 prologic client connects to server
00:39 prologic server determines ip of client and connects back
00:39 prologic there are lots of ways of solving bidirecitonal communications between N or more processes
00:39 prologic </rant>
00:40 pdurbin yeah, not very well. :)
00:40 prologic haha
00:40 pdurbin but good that you aren't having these problems
00:40 prologic oh well
00:40 prologic I just get a bit tired of negativity sometimes
00:40 pdurbin you've embraced the zen of docker or something
00:41 prologic there are a lot of folk that demend so much of open source software/hardware
00:41 prologic and expect the hard slogging developers to bend to their every will
00:41 prologic and as you and I both know
00:41 prologic it's one of those things
00:41 prologic a new tech comes along
00:41 prologic and we all (even I'm guilty) abuse it for all it's worth
00:42 prologic bending it into things it was never meant for
00:42 prologic I'm seeing far too  often now folk trying to use Docker as a lightweight hypervisor-style full paravirtualed vm
00:42 prologic and it's just not that
00:42 pdurbin for a long time people have cared what ip addresses their boxes have :)
00:43 prologic isn't it time we moved on from that?
00:43 prologic what differences does it make whether my service has or
00:43 prologic as long as it's service get exposed to the outside world
00:43 prologic obviously you have to have an incoming/outgoing point in your infrastructure
00:43 prologic but that's normally at the host level
00:43 prologic not at the container level
00:43 prologic you *don't* expose a container to the outside world directly
00:43 prologic you're not meant to
00:43 pdurbin I hear you. I'm just saying... old habits die hard.
00:44 prologic yes
00:44 prologic they do :)
00:45 prologic anyway
00:45 prologic what's new? :)
00:45 prologic see my little fibonacci webapp?
00:45 prologic kinda neat idea
00:45 pdurbin I clicked it from my phone but couldn't read it so well.
00:46 prologic ahh
00:46 prologic yeah phones kinda suck a bit like that
00:46 prologic heh
00:46 prologic or maybe isn't so Mobile friendly
00:47 pdurbin oh, I see, the question was altered but used to be about fib:
00:49 prologic oh how silly
00:49 prologic wonder why the content was removed
00:49 pdurbin people are weird
00:50 pdurbin anyway, we had our first conference, which was fun:
00:50 pdurbin our users are very nice
00:50 pdurbin it might help that a lot of them are librarians :)
00:51 prologic ahh
00:51 prologic very nice :)
00:56 prologic so re addressbookmvc
00:57 prologic what next should we build as a demo
00:57 prologic or should we expand on this
00:57 prologic add in support for some kind of non-file-based db?
01:05 pdurbin prologic: it's been such a whirlwind lately I haven't even tried to get your implementation running!
01:07 prologic ahh
01:07 prologic well it's pretty easy to get it running :)
01:07 prologic build the image and run :)
01:11 * pdurbin forgets how to build an image
01:12 pdurbin Unable to find image 'prologic/addressbookmvc:latest' locally
01:15 prologic docker build -t prologic/addressbookmvc .
01:16 prologic docker run -i -t -p 3000:3000 --rm prologic/addressbookmvc
01:18 pdurbin it's downloading something! thanks. meanwhile I spun it up the old fashioned way. nice validation. search doesn't seem to be working
01:20 pdurbin prologic: when I click "edit" next to a contact I added the previously existing contact is edited
01:24 prologic no search works
01:24 prologic but it's not very good :)
01:24 prologic few bugs eh?
01:24 prologic :)
01:24 prologic I'll fix them tonight I guess
01:33 pdurbin the docker commands worked fine. thanks
01:38 * pdurbin merges :)
01:38 prologic hehe nps :)
01:38 prologic I kind of like Github's builtin editor
01:38 prologic for quick 'n dirty changes
01:40 pdurbin I like it but I have two email addresses registered with GitHub and I'd like to be able to pick and choose which one I made the online edit from.
01:45 prologic ahh
01:45 prologic you have multiple GH identities?
01:46 pdurbin no, just the one. multiple email addresses associated with it. work email vs personal email
01:46 prologic ahh right
01:47 prologic at least you can route notifications to different email addresses per organization
01:47 prologic which is nice
01:47 pdurbin yeah, I'm thinking more of the commit history
01:49 pdurbin oh, nice! custom routing at
01:49 pdurbin described at
01:54 prologic yeap :)
01:54 pdurbin not quite what I was talking about but useful nonetheless :)
01:58 prologic yeah I figured
01:59 prologic somewhat related :)
02:06 pdurbin prologic: for non-file-based DB aditsu is using postgres and I'd like to use postgres as well (right now I'm using derby)
03:34 prologic hmm
03:34 prologic I'm not really sure whether that's such a great idea ihmo
03:34 prologic because it's a pretty large and complex dependency un and of itself
03:34 prologic but if you guys are going down that path
03:34 prologic I'll follow suit
03:35 prologic Are either of you planning on using an ORM asw well
03:35 prologic or straight DB API over SQL?
07:03 aditsu complex? haha, just install postgres, create a db and run a script
07:03 aditsu I'm using a database library that I wrote, it's not really an ORM but much more convenient than straight DB API
08:12 prologic lol
08:12 prologic no it's complex :)
08:12 prologic okay maybe complex isn't the right word
08:12 prologic hard(er)
08:12 prologic anyway guess I'll fix up a few bugs with mine otnight
08:12 prologic and think about a database
08:12 prologic I'll pick postgres too
08:12 prologic but ofc I'm going to do all this via Docker :)
08:12 prologic (even though you *could* also do it byhand but uggh)
10:25 pdurbin prologic: I'm using JPA as an ORM
12:35 prologic so you’re all using ORM(s)
12:35 prologic okay
12:44 pdurbin I mean, we could define the spec a bit more:
12:44 pdurbin it's not like an ORM is required
12:44 pdurbin some sort of persistence is required, I'd say
12:44 pdurbin prologic: your use of a file for persistence may not scale very well :)
13:24 prologic how will it not scale pdurbin ? :)
13:29 pdurbin prologic: sorry. will it?
19:41 pdurbin
20:40 aditsu me: "it's not really an ORM", prologic: "so you’re all using ORM(s)" :)
21:02 prologic pdurbin, just curious as to why you think files on a file system don't/can't scale? :)
21:03 prologic AFIK and IHMO it's more to do with concurrency and how many read/write operations you can support
21:03 prologic right?
21:03 prologic e.g: SQLite doesn't scale very well with writes; it blocks quite badly; but is quite fast for many reads
21:19 pdurbin prologic: I assumed you were storing all the contacts in a single file. Should be fine if you're using multiple files.
21:21 aditsu you'd still need indexes
21:22 pdurbin yeah
21:26 prologic yes you're quite right
21:27 prologic as it grows in size searching won't scale without some kind of indicies
21:27 prologic but not that hard to implement using files either and a library or two :)
21:27 prologic e.g:

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