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IRC log for #sourcefu, 2015-03-31

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:49 sivoais re: names of programming languages (can't find a proper source on this quote...):
00:50 sivoais "The most important thing in the programming language is the name. A language will not succeed without a good name. I have recently invented a very good name and now I am looking for a suitable language." -- Donald Knuth
01:08 pdurbin :)
03:39 * aditsu made a language called CJam :p
13:35 prologic pdurbin: I’m halg way done :)
13:36 pdurbin prologic++++
14:31 codex pdurbin:
14:32 codex
14:43 pdurbin codex-- ;)
14:43 pdurbin I'm looking for pull requests. :)
14:48 codex yea, i don't subscribe to that whole thing
14:48 codex :)
14:49 codex to me a pull request has only one use case - when someone can better your software by at least 10% or more, and is willing to take ownership of that part of the code for some period of time
14:52 pdurbin ok
14:52 pdurbin thanks for the links at least :)
14:52 pdurbin codex++
14:53 pdurbin hopefully we'll find someone to contribute sinatra and dancer examples
16:14 semiosis pdurbin: jetbrains all the way.  webstorm for html/js, or intelij idea for everything.
16:15 semiosis i'm sure you can get a free (beer) license either for DVN as an open source project or through Harvard
16:16 semiosis they gave me an open source license for the glusterfs java filesystem project :-D
16:18 semiosis pdurbin: also, lombok!
17:55 sivoais all of these look really cool <>
17:58 sivoais Generic specialisation and better C API calls are what are the most interesting out of those for me
20:24 semiosis sivoais: i use hawtjni for the glusterfs c library binding.  you might find that interesting
20:25 semiosis
20:26 semiosis this page,, says "You just specify what library to load, what function you want to access, and its parameters and return value and the API should do the rest."
20:26 semiosis that's pretty much how you use hawtjni
20:27 semiosis it gets a little more complicated when you want to pass structs around, but it's still all java code
21:21 pdurbin semiosis: you use lombok? and like it?
21:21 semiosis cant imaging going back to java without it
21:21 semiosis imagine
21:22 semiosis our code has practically no boilerplate
21:22 semiosis getters, setters, equals, hashcode, tostring, constructors, all taken care of by lombok, except where there's business logic
21:23 semiosis oh and logging too :)
21:24 semiosis
21:47 sivoais semiosis: that's cool! Just C though... C++ is a weird beast *shudders*
21:47 sivoais I think Project Panama will be using an FFI (like Java Native Access)
21:48 semiosis yep, i probably would have used jna instead of jni if i were on my own, but I made friends with the developer of hawtjni and he helped me get it all set up
21:48 semiosis however i think hawtjni has the edge in performance
21:51 sivoais yeah... it would be neat to have a DSL to generate both
21:58 pdurbin semiosis: and you're using it in your glusterfs java client thing?
22:00 semiosis i use it in every java project i work on, yes
22:00 semiosis pdurbin: i use lombok in every java project i work on.  i only use hawtjni in (which uses lombok as well)
22:01 semiosis just to clarify
22:04 * pdurbin will have to check out lombok
22:05 semiosis lombok really shines in our apps at work.  we have db entities with almost no code, just annotations.
22:05 semiosis value objects with literally no methods (they're all generated at compile time)
22:07 pdurbin semiosis: you'll have to link me to a class on github you think benefits well from lombok, please
22:08 semiosis pdurbin: it's proprietary code.  maybe we could do a google hangout or something, but it's not on a public repo
22:10 semiosis pdurbin: that link to the @Data annotation page really demonstrates it as well as any of our code though
22:14 pdurbin fair enough
22:14 sivoais Lombok looks like it does for Java what Moo/Moose do for Perl.
22:15 pdurbin do you need getters and setters in Perl?!
22:16 pdurbin but yeah, reduced boilerplate in general
22:16 sivoais you don't but if you do
22:16 sivoais package Point; use Moo; has [ qw(x y) ] => ( is => 'rw', default => sub { 0 } );
22:16 sivoais you can do
22:17 sivoais my $p = Point->new( x => 10 ); $p->y( $p->y + 1 );
22:17 sivoais there are ways to make $p->y++ work, but that's just getting fancy ;-)
22:18 pdurbin :)
22:18 sivoais Perl6 cuts that down a great deal more. And it runs on the JVM too. :-)
22:19 pdurbin I know! I should try it.
22:19 pdurbin maybe lombok first though :)
22:19 sivoais :-)
22:20 semiosis there's so many better languages on the jvm
22:21 pdurbin If I were to sneak some non-Java onto a JVM at work I'm not sure it would be Perl 6. :)
22:21 semiosis jruby :)
22:21 sivoais you should also take a look at the Java repos from <>
22:22 sivoais heh, yeah or Scala. Scala has some really interesting compiler theory
22:22 sivoais this <>
22:22 sivoais It's an approach for code generation
22:26 pdurbin we have an app at work in Scala:
22:27 semiosis iirc twitter uses a lot of scala
22:28 sivoais though I don't like functional languages emphasis on writing parsers with parser combinators... it's just recursive descent.
22:28 pdurbin sivoais: are you more into scala or clojure?
22:29 sivoais pdurbin: neither yet. I just look at them for ideas. ;-) Haven't written anything in them yet.
22:29 pdurbin heh. "Abstraction Without Regret"
22:30 pdurbin sivoais: you could write an addressbookmvc app in one of them?
22:30 pdurbin semiosis: you too
22:30 semiosis i'm not really a fan of scala. tried it a few years ago and was thoroughly unimpressed.  i'm sure it's come a long way since then, but then again, so has java
22:31 pdurbin Java 8 has a lot of nice stuff.
22:31 semiosis i've wanted to play with clojure since i learned common lisp in college but haven't gotten around to it
22:31 pdurbin I haven't even looked at the Java 9 link sivoais dropped in here earlier.
22:31 sivoais it looks like Scala is becoming a larger force in data science with things like Spark
22:31 sivoais <>
22:33 pdurbin people at work are looking at Spark
22:33 semiosis i learned jruby contributing to logstash and liked that a lot.  it would be my go-to scripting language on the jvm if i needed one
22:33 pdurbin semiosis: when you get around to it, give me a shout
22:33 semiosis pdurbin++
22:34 pdurbin semiosis: should we write our installer in jruby? Right now it's in bash and perl.
22:34 semiosis installer?
22:35 pdurbin
22:38 semiosis idk
22:40 semiosis tell me more about your requirements for this installer :)
22:40 semiosis generally speaking though i'm offended by a java app that depends on perl
22:41 sivoais I feel like that could be done with configuration management
22:42 sivoais haha, what about a Perl script that depends on Java! I've done that before with Inline::Java :-) I used HtmlUnit that way.
22:44 sivoais pdurbin: wait, there's an Rserve involved too!
22:56 pdurbin it is a many splendored app
23:02 sivoais that's the best way... one langauge is not enough! :-)
23:03 sivoais have you evaluated <>? It's R on the JVM. I'm wondering if I should support it in Statistics::NiceR
23:03 pdurbin "1.7% other"
23:03 pdurbin huh. nope. haven't seen that

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