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IRC log for #sourcefu, 2015-03-25

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
03:29 hydrajump joined #sourcefu
03:32 aditsu joined #sourcefu
04:14 aditsu joined #sourcefu
07:29 sivoais joined #sourcefu
08:27 tumdedum joined #sourcefu
13:11 hydrajump joined #sourcefu
15:56 aditsu joined #sourcefu
22:17 sivoais I came across this today: <> "Beautiful Open: Beautiful sites for Open Source projects."
22:19 pdurbin sivoais: neat! shared!
22:20 pdurbin sivoais: we're indexing 303,826 documents into Solr:
22:20 * sivoais joins YAIC (IRC channel)
22:20 pdurbin heh
22:22 sivoais ooh, nice! I shall have to play with that to compare it with ElasticSearch
22:23 sivoais a friend of mine worked on improving a Grails Solr plugin <>
22:24 pdurbin cool
22:24 pdurbin now I'm trying to break that job up. lots of Solr docs. takes a while
22:25 pdurbin the idea is to spread the work across multiple servers
22:26 pdurbin partition the work into 3 parts or 4 parts and give each app/web server some of the work of talking to Solr, of indexing into solr
22:27 pdurbin I'm not sure what the standard terms are for this though.
22:27 pdurbin partitions?
22:27 pdurbin slices of work?
22:29 pdurbin westmaas: what would you call it?
22:30 pdurbin prologic: ^^
22:30 sivoais I'd use partition, shard, or node
22:31 pdurbin ok so 3 paritions
22:31 pdurbin 3 partitions*
22:31 pdurbin and what do you call each one? I need to give them IDs
22:32 pdurbin partitionId=1?
22:32 sivoais that seems reasonable
22:33 pdurbin good, 'cause that's what I'm going with
22:33 sivoais I'd read through posts on <> to see what the common terms are :-P
22:33 pdurbin hmm. ok
22:34 pdurbin curl 'http://localhost:8080/api/admin/index?numPartitions=3&partitionIdToProcess=2' {"status":"OK","data":{"dvObjectIds to process":[2,5,8],"numPartitions":3,"selectedPa​rtitionId":2,"availablePartitionIds":[0,1,2]}}
22:34 pdurbin that's my interface for now. hope it makes sense to people
22:34 pdurbin hope it makes sense to me months from now :)
22:35 sivoais hahah, yeah, that's what documentation is for! :-)
22:36 * pdurbin writes moar docs
22:36 sivoais I'm so glad when I have to read the docs for my own code. I'd be so lost without them. :-P
22:36 sivoais "I wrote this, but I don't know how to use it now..."
22:37 pdurbin I've been writing more unit tests.
22:37 pdurbin they're almost better than docs sometimes
22:37 pdurbin which can get out of date
22:39 sivoais Depends on who the target audience is. If I was writing something like "ls" or printf(), looking at tests won't help me. They'd be too fine-grained.
22:40 pdurbin oh sure
22:43 prologic generally if I want to reimplement something
22:43 prologic I observe it's behavior and interactions with other systems
22:44 prologic a spec can help though :)
22:44 pdurbin prologic: hi! so! partitions? did you see what I was saying about splitting work across nodes?
22:45 prologic lol
22:45 prologic was that your blog article?
22:45 prologic wait
22:45 prologic waht
22:45 prologic oh
22:45 prologic hang on lemme read
22:46 prologic yeah it's called partitioning up the data or work into slices/partitions :)
22:46 prologic I wouldn't use node here
22:46 pdurbin ok, I was thinking maybe slices as well
22:46 prologic that's more in the context of a node that does part of the work :)
22:46 pdurbin but I think I'm going to stick with parititions and partitionIds
22:47 prologic *nods*
22:47 pdurbin cool
22:47 pdurbin I'm doing a little modular math. It's fun!
22:47 prologic partitions/slices are synonyms anyway :)
22:48 prologic oh man I wish I could read Java better :)
22:48 prologic haha
22:48 prologic Atlassian just contacted me -- but the conversation ended quickly when I said I hadn't done Java since uni :)
22:49 prologic like what are you mean to do really
22:49 prologic stack hacking on Java projects in your free time just because? :)
22:50 sivoais hehe...Java has changed quite a lot in recent years
22:50 prologic it certainly looks that way
22:50 prologic it seems to have borrowed the decorator syntax from Python
22:50 prologic which is not surprising it's a very powerful construct and nice way of expressing it
22:50 prologic but honestly I just can't bring myself to really go back to things like Java or C#
22:50 prologic C is tolerable :)
22:51 prologic *just*
22:51 prologic :)
22:51 prologic no offense pdurbin :) Java is a fine language, paltform and ecosystem
22:51 prologic *cough*
22:51 prologic if you're used to it of course :)
22:52 prologic I wish I could find that article on the web that talked about the no. of things a programmer had to know about a language
22:52 prologic it compared many popular languages including Io
22:52 pdurbin I just work here.
22:52 pdurbin :)
22:52 prologic Io of course was on the bottom of the no. of things you had to know at ~6 I think
22:52 prologic Python is about ~23 IIRC
22:52 prologic haha
22:52 prologic if anyone finds that article linkk it here
22:52 prologic it's very enlightening
22:53 sivoais actually, Python borrowed Java's syntax (Java calls them annotations) <>
22:56 sivoais It would be pretty cool to have a map of where different syntax constructs originated
23:04 sivoais prologic: Io is hard to search for. :-P
23:04 prologic o'really?
23:04 prologic haha
23:04 prologic There is some history in Java using @ initially as a marker in Javadoc comments [23] and later in Java 1.5 for annotations [10]
23:04 prologic I did not realize this :)
23:04 prologic haha
23:04 prologic sivoais: Io is nigh impossible to searhc for
23:04 prologic I agree :)
23:05 sivoais you would think that designers of new programming languages would try to choose more searchable names...
23:06 sivoais but we now have things like C, R, D, Dart...
23:07 * sivoais names the next big programming language "Computer".
23:10 prologic lol
23:11 prologic I have mio-lang :)
23:11 prologic but it's still a toy haha
23:13 sivoais traits++
23:15 prologic heh
23:56 aditsu_ joined #sourcefu

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