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IRC log for #sourcefu, 2014-06-11

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
01:10 pdurbin so my JavaOne 2014 talk was accepted. some details about it: Submission Video for JavaOne 2014 BOF5619 - Lean Beans (are made of this): Command pattern vs. MVC -
03:26 sivoais joined #sourcefu
04:51 aditsu joined #sourcefu
05:20 aditsu joined #sourcefu
06:11 aditsu joined #sourcefu
13:17 aditsu joined #sourcefu
14:02 aditsu joined #sourcefu
14:41 aditsu joined #sourcefu
15:56 semiosis pdurbin++
15:58 pdurbin :)
15:59 pdurbin aditsu: probably I'll be asked if it's overkill :)
15:59 semiosis Lean Bean(tm)
15:59 semiosis nice
16:44 pdurbin sparkle!
17:31 semiosis
17:34 pdurbin "TreeSet with lower & upper bounds"
20:39 codex joined #sourcefu
22:01 pdurbin "Java 8 now has pluggable type systems. Not even Haskell has that" -- Ron Pressler at 14:00
22:03 pdurbin "One of the potentially most powerful (and probably least discussed) new features in Java 8, is type annotations and pluggable type systems... These optional type systems, that can be turned on and off, can add powerful type-based static verification to Java code."
22:03 pdurbin (same guy, I assume)
22:04 pdurbin "Are you tired of null pointer exceptions, unintended side effects, SQL injections, concurrency errors, mistaken equality tests, and other run-time errors that appear during testing or in the field?"
22:06 pdurbin "The Checker Framework is not an official part of Java. The Checker Framework relies on type annotations, which are part of Java 8."
22:30 semiosis intellij idea does a fair job of warning me for unchecked null refs
22:30 semiosis was surprised by that the other day, never seen an ide do it before
22:31 semiosis more tools in this space are always appreciated
22:45 pdurbin semiosis: see also

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